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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
package freemarker.core;
import freemarker.template.Configuration;
import freemarker.template.TemplateModelException;
* Superclass of {@link OutputFormat}-s that represent a "markup" format, which is any format where certain character
* sequences have special meaning and thus may need escaping. (Escaping is important for FreeMarker, as typically it has
* to insert non-markup text from the data-model into the output markup. See also:
* {@link Configuration#setOutputFormat(OutputFormat)}.)
* <p>
* A {@link MarkupOutputFormat} subclass always has a corresponding {@link TemplateMarkupOutputModel} subclass pair
* (like {@link HTMLOutputFormat} has {@link TemplateHTMLOutputModel}). The {@link OutputFormat} implements the
* operations related to {@link TemplateMarkupOutputModel} objects of that kind, while the
* {@link TemplateMarkupOutputModel} only encapsulates the data (the actual markup or text).
* <p>
* To implement a custom output format, you may want to extend {@link CommonMarkupOutputFormat}.
* @param <MO>
* The {@link TemplateMarkupOutputModel} class this output format can deal with.
* @since 2.3.24
public abstract class MarkupOutputFormat<MO extends TemplateMarkupOutputModel> extends OutputFormat {
protected MarkupOutputFormat() {
// Only to decrease visibility
* Converts a {@link String} that's assumed to be plain text to {@link TemplateMarkupOutputModel}, by escaping any
* special characters in the plain text. This corresponds to {@code ?esc}, or, to outputting with auto-escaping if
* that wasn't using {@link #output(String, Writer)} as an optimization.
* @see #escapePlainText(String)
* @see #getSourcePlainText(TemplateMarkupOutputModel)
public abstract MO fromPlainTextByEscaping(String textToEsc) throws TemplateModelException;
* Wraps a {@link String} that's already markup to {@link TemplateMarkupOutputModel} interface, to indicate its
* format. This corresponds to {@code ?noEsc}. (This methods is allowed to throw {@link TemplateModelException} if
* the parameter markup text is malformed, but it's unlikely that an implementation chooses to parse the parameter
* until, and if ever, that becomes necessary.)
* @see #getMarkupString(TemplateMarkupOutputModel)
public abstract MO fromMarkup(String markupText) throws TemplateModelException;
* Prints the parameter model to the output.
public abstract void output(MO mo, Writer out) throws IOException, TemplateModelException;
* Equivalent to calling {@link #fromPlainTextByEscaping(String)} and then
* {@link #output(TemplateMarkupOutputModel, Writer)}, but the implementation may uses a more efficient solution.
public abstract void output(String textToEsc, Writer out) throws IOException, TemplateModelException;
* If this {@link TemplateMarkupOutputModel} was created with {@link #fromPlainTextByEscaping(String)}, it returns
* the original plain text, otherwise it returns {@code null}. Useful for converting between different types
* of markups, as if the source format can be converted to plain text without loss, then that just has to be
* re-escaped with the target format to do the conversion.
public abstract String getSourcePlainText(MO mo) throws TemplateModelException;
* Returns the content as markup text; never {@code null}. If this {@link TemplateMarkupOutputModel} was created
* with {@link #fromMarkup(String)}, it might returns the original markup text literally, but this is not required
* as far as the returned markup means the same. If this {@link TemplateMarkupOutputModel} wasn't created
* with {@link #fromMarkup(String)} and it doesn't yet have the markup, it has to generate the markup now.
public abstract String getMarkupString(MO mo) throws TemplateModelException;
* Returns a {@link TemplateMarkupOutputModel} that contains the content of both {@link TemplateMarkupOutputModel}
* objects concatenated.
public abstract MO concat(MO mo1, MO mo2) throws TemplateModelException;
* Should give the same result as {@link #fromPlainTextByEscaping(String)} and then
* {@link #getMarkupString(TemplateMarkupOutputModel)}, but the implementation may uses a more efficient solution.
public abstract String escapePlainText(String plainTextContent) throws TemplateModelException;
* Returns if the markup is empty (0 length). This is used by at least {@code ?hasContent}.
public abstract boolean isEmpty(MO mo) throws TemplateModelException;
* Tells if a string built-in that can't handle a {@link TemplateMarkupOutputModel} left hand operand can bypass
* this object as is. A typical such case would be when a {@link TemplateHTMLOutputModel} of "HTML" format bypasses
* {@code ?html}.
public abstract boolean isLegacyBuiltInBypassed(String builtInName) throws TemplateModelException;
* Tells if by default auto-escaping should be on for this format. It should be {@code true} if you need to escape
* on most of the places where you insert values.
* @see Configuration#setAutoEscapingPolicy(int)
public abstract boolean isAutoEscapedByDefault();