Described more string Rat policy on release. This is supposed to protect us from someone naively adding images and such with unclear licensing terms.
diff --git a/src/main/docgen/book.xml b/src/main/docgen/book.xml
index ad740b0..63b9130 100644
--- a/src/main/docgen/book.xml
+++ b/src/main/docgen/book.xml
@@ -1632,7 +1632,18 @@
-            <para><literal>ant rat</literal>, check output</para>
+            <para><literal>ant rat</literal>, check output. There can't be any
+            binaries, archives, and especially not unknown or unapproved
+            licenses. If there is some, then first you have to describe them
+            in the related <literal>LICENSE</literal> files (there are several
+            of them, depending on if it's for the source, the binary
+            distrobution, the Maven jar artifact, or the Maven javadoc
+            artifact), and then you have to add them to related
+            <literal>rat-excludes</literal> file (there's one in the project
+            root for the source release, and another in
+            <literal>src/dist/bin</literal> for the binary release) so that
+            the files won't be reported next time. Finally restart the process
+            from rebuilding the distribution.</para>