blob: b3cad694851043e869e28f036a2a3ecc7f2ca0e5 [file] [log] [blame]
<#ftl output_format="plainText">
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
1) FreeMarker Special Variables
FreeMarker version : ${.version}
Template name : ${.current_template_name}
Language : ${.lang}
Locale : ${.locale}
Timestamp : ${.now}
Output encoding : ${.output_encoding!"not set"}
Output format : ${.output_format}
2) Invoke a constructor of a Java class
<#assign date = FreeMarkerTool.objectConstructor("java.util.Date", 1000 * 3600 * 24)>
new java.utilDate(1000 * 3600 * 24): ${date?datetime}
3) Invoke a static method of an non-constructor class
Random UUID : ${FreeMarkerTool.statics["java.util.UUID"].randomUUID()}
System.currentTimeMillis : ${FreeMarkerTool.statics["java.lang.System"].currentTimeMillis()}
4) Access an Enumeration
java.math.RoundingMode#UP: ${FreeMarkerTool.enums["java.math.RoundingMode"].UP}
5) Loop Over The Values Of An Enumeration
<#list FreeMarkerTool.enums["java.math.RoundingMode"]?values as roundingMode>
- java.math.RoundingMode.${roundingMode}<#lt>
6) Display list of input files
List all files:
<#list Documents.list as document>
- Document: name=${} location=${document.location} length=${document.length} encoding=${document.encoding!""}
7) SystemTool
Host name : ${SystemTool.getHostName()}
Command line : ${SystemTool.getCommandLineArgs()?join(", ")}
System property : ${SystemTool.getSystemProperty("", "N.A.")}
Timestamp : ${SystemTool.currentTimeMillis?c}
Environment var : ${SystemTool.envs["USER"]!"N.A."}
8) Access System Properties
app.dir : ${SystemTool.systemProperties["app.dir"]!""}
app.home : ${SystemTool.systemProperties["app.home"]!""} : ${SystemTool.systemProperties[""]!""}
basedir : ${SystemTool.systemProperties["basedir"]!""}
java.version : ${SystemTool.systemProperties["java.version"]!""} : ${SystemTool.systemProperties[""]!""}
user.dir : ${SystemTool.systemProperties["user.dir"]!""}
user.home : ${SystemTool.systemProperties["user.home"]!""}
9) List Environment Variables
<#list SystemTool.envs as name,value>
- ${name} ==> ${value}<#lt>
10) List System Properties
<#list SystemTool.systemProperties as name,value>
- ${name} ==> ${value}<#lt>
11) Access Documents
Get the number of documents:
- ${Documents.size()}
<#if !Documents.isEmpty()>
Get the first document
- ${Documents.get(0)!"NA"}
List all files containing "README" in the name
<#list Documents.find("*README*") as document>
- ${}
List all files having "md" extension
<#list Documents.find("*.md") as document>
- ${}
Get all documents
<#list Documents.list as document>
- ${} => ${document.location}
12) FreeMarker CLI Tools
<#list .data_model?keys?sort as key>
<#if key?ends_with("Tool")>
- ${key?right_pad(20)} : ${.data_model[key]}
13) Document Data Model
<#list .data_model?keys?sort as key>
- ${key}<#lt>
14) Create a UUID
UUIDTool Random UUID : ${UUIDTool.randomUUID()}
UUIDTool Named UUID : ${UUIDTool.namedUUID("value and salt")}
15) Printing Special Characters
German Special Characters: äöüßÄÖÜ
16) Locale-specific output
<#setting number_format=",##0.00">
<#assign smallNumber = 1.234>
<#assign largeNumber = 12345678.9>
Small Number : ${smallNumber}
Large Number : ${largeNumber}
Date : ${.now?date}
Time : ${.now?time}
17) Execute a program
> date