blob: 3be163b29a87691dc6f50ff17766e3eb76688723 [file] [log] [blame]
<#ftl nsPrefixes={"D":""}>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
<#import "util.ftl" as u>
<#-- Constants: -->
<#assign forProgrammersCss = "programmers-note">
<#-- State variables: -->
inHtmlP = false, compactPara = false,
disableAnchors = false, postponedAnchor = [],
<#assign footnotes = []>
<#macro @text>
<@printTextWithDocgenSubstitutions text=.node /><#t>
<#macro @element>
<#stop "This DocBook element is not supported by the Docgen transformer, "
+ "or wasn't expected where it occurred: "
+ .node?nodeName>
<#-- Attention: Must not produce any white-space! -->
<#macro Anchor node=.node>
<#if !disableAnchors>
<#if postponedAnchor?hasContent>
<#local pa = postponedAnchor>
<#assign postponedAnchor=[]>
<@Anchor pa /><#t>
<#if node.@id[0]??>
<a name="${node.@id}"></a><#t>
<#macro anchor>
<#macro answer>
<dd class="answer">
<#macro emphasis>
<#local role=.node.@role[0]!"none">
<#if role = "term" || role = "bold" || .node?ancestors("programlisting")?hasContent>
<#macro glossentry><#recurse></#macro>
<#macro glossdef>
<#local seealsos=.node.glossseealso>
<#if seealsos?hasContent>
<p>See Also
<#list seealsos as also>
<#local otherTermID=also.@otherterm>
<#local otherNode=NodeFromID(otherTermID)>
<#local term=otherNode.glossterm>
<a href="${CreateLinkFromID(also.@otherterm)}">${term}</a><#sep>,</#sep>
<#macro glosssee>
<#local otherTermID=.node.@otherterm>
<#local otherNode=NodeFromID(otherTermID)>
<#local term=otherNode.glossterm>
<a href="${CreateLinkFromID(otherTermID)}">${term}</a>
<#macro glossseealso>
<#-- This is dealt with in the glossdef routine -->
<#macro glossterm>
<dt><@Anchor .node?parent/><#recurse></dt>
<#macro indexterm>
<#macro itemizedlist>
<#local packed=.node.@spacing[0]! = "compact">
<#local prevCompactPara=compactPara>
<#if packed>
<#assign compactPara = true>
<#local mark=.node.@mark[0]!>
<#if mark = "bullet">
<ul type="disc"><#t>
<#elseIf mark = "box">
<ul type="square"><#t>
<#elseIf mark = "ring">
<ul type="circle"><#t>
<#elseIf mark = "">
<ul type="${mark}"><#t>
<#assign compactPara = prevCompactPara>
<#macro link>
<#if .node.@linkend?hasContent>
<a href="${CreateLinkFromID(.node.@linkend)}"><#recurse></a><#t>
<#local url = .node["@xlink:href"]>
<a href="${url}"><#if .node?children?size != 0><#recurse><#else>${url}</#if></a><#t>
<#macro listitem>
<#local mark=.node?parent.@mark[0]!>
<#if mark != "">
<li style="list-style-type: ${mark}"><#t>
<#if .node.para?hasContent>
<#-- Because with <li><a ...></a><p>...</p></li> we had a visual empty line before the p. -->
<#assign postponedAnchor = .node>
<#macro _inlineMonospaced>
<#local moreStyle="" color="#A03D10">
<#if .node?ancestors("link")?hasContent>
<#-- If we are within a link, we don't change color, just use the regular link color -->
<#if fontBgColor! != "">
<#local moreStyle = "; background-color:${fontBgColor}">
<#-- @todo: convert 'moreStyle' to class names -->
<code class="inline-code"<#if moreStyle?hasContent> style="${moreStyle}"</#if>><#t>
<#local saved_inlineMonospacedColorisation = inlineMonospacedColorisation>
<#assign inlineMonospacedColorisation = true>
<#assign inlineMonospacedColorisation = saved_inlineMonospacedColorisation>
<#assign classname = _inlineMonospaced>
<#assign code = _inlineMonospaced>
<#assign command=_inlineMonospaced>
<#assign constant = _inlineMonospaced>
<#assign envar = _inlineMonospaced>
<#assign errorcode = _inlineMonospaced>
<#assign errorname = _inlineMonospaced>
<#assign errortext = _inlineMonospaced>
<#assign errortype = _inlineMonospaced>
<#assign exceptionname = _inlineMonospaced>
<#assign filename = _inlineMonospaced>
<#assign function = _inlineMonospaced>
<#assign interfacename = _inlineMonospaced>
<#assign literal = _inlineMonospaced>
<#assign markup = _inlineMonospaced>
<#assign methodname = _inlineMonospaced>
<#assign package = _inlineMonospaced>
<#assign parameter = _inlineMonospaced>
<#assign prompt = _inlineMonospaced>
<#assign property = _inlineMonospaced>
<#assign returnvalue = _inlineMonospaced>
<#assign sgmltag = _inlineMonospaced>
<#assign structfield = _inlineMonospaced>
<#assign structname = _inlineMonospaced>
<#assign symbol = _inlineMonospaced>
<#assign token = _inlineMonospaced>
<#assign type = _inlineMonospaced>
<#assign uri = _inlineMonospaced>
<#assign varname = _inlineMonospaced>
<#macro note>
<div class="callout note">
<strong class="callout-label">Note:</strong>
<#macro warning>
<div class="callout warning">
<strong class="callout-label">Warning!</strong>
<#macro olink>
<#if !(olinks[.node.@targetdoc]??)>
<#stop "The olink element refers to an unknown targetdoc: \""
+ .node.@targetdoc?jsString
+ "\". Ensure this target is defined in the docgen.cfg file.">
<#local url = olinks[.node.@targetdoc]>
<a href="${url}"><#if .node?children?size != 0><#recurse><#else>${url?removeBeginning('mailto:')}</#if></a><#t>
<#macro orderedlist>
<#local packed=(.node.@spacing[0]! = "compact")>
<#local prevCompactPara=compactPara>
<#if packed>
<#assign compactPara = true>
<div class="orderedlist"><@Anchor/><ol type="1"><#recurse></ol></div><#t>
<#assign compactPara = prevCompactPara>
<#macro para>
<#if .node.@role[0]! = "forProgrammers">
<#local cssClass = forProgrammersCss>
<#local cssClass = "">
<#if compactPara!>
<#if cssClass?hasContent>
<span<#if cssClass?hasContent> class="${cssClass}"</#if>><#t>
<@Anchor /><#t>
<#if cssClass?hasContent>
<#assign inHtmlP = true>
<p<#if cssClass?hasContent> class="${cssClass}"</#if>><#t>
<#local content><@Anchor /><#recurse></#local><#t>
<#-- Avoid empty p element when closing para directly after orderedlist or itemizedlist. -->
<#if !content?markupString?matches(r".*<p>\s*$", "s")>
${content?markupString[0 ..< content?lastIndexOf("<p>")]?noEsc}<#t>
<#assign inHtmlP = false>
<#macro CantBeNestedIntoP>
<#if inHtmlP>
<#assign inHtmlP = false>
<#assign inHtmlP = true>
<#function convertRoleClass role>
<#switch role>
<#case "markedComment">
<#return "marked-comment">
<#case "markedTemplate">
<#return "marked-template">
<#case "markedDataModel">
<#return "marked-data-model">
<#case "markedOutput">
<#return "marked-output">
<#case "markedText">
<#return "marked-text">
<#case "markedInterpolation">
<#return "marked-interpolation">
<#case "markedFTLTag">
<#return "marked-ftl-tag">
<#case "markedInvisibleText">
<#return "marked-invisible-text">
<#case "forProgrammers">
<#return "marked-for-programmers">
<#macro phrase>
<#local lastFontBgColor = fontBgColor!>
<#local moreStyle = "">
<#local role = .node.@role[0]!>
<#local bgcolors = {
"markedComment": "#6af666",
"markedTemplate": "#D8D8D8",
"markedDataModel": "#99CCFF",
"markedOutput" : "#CCFFCC",
"markedText" : "#8acbfa",
"markedInterpolation" : "#ffb85d",
"markedFTLTag" : "#dbfe5e"
<#if role != "">
<#if role = "homepage"><#t>
<#elseIf role = "markedInvisibleText">
<#if fontBgColor! != "">
<#local moreStyle = "; background-color:${fontBgColor}">
<em><span class="${convertRoleClass(role)}"><#recurse></span></em><#t>
<span class="${convertRoleClass(role)}"><#recurse></span><#t>
<#macro programlisting>
<#local role=.node.@role[0]!?string>
<#local dotidx=role?indexOf(".")>
<#if dotidx != -1>
<#local role = role[0..dotidx-1]>
<#switch role>
<#case "output">
<#local roleCssClass = "role-output">
<#local roleLabel = "Output">
<#case "dataModel">
<#local roleCssClass = "role-data-model">
<#local roleLabel = "Data Model">
<#case "template">
<#local roleCssClass = "role-template">
<#local roleLabel = "Template">
<#case "unspecified">
<#local roleCssClass = "role-unspecified">
<#local roleLabel = "">
<#case "metaTemplate">
<pre class="metaTemplate"><#t>
<#local roleCssClass = "role-default">
<#local roleLabel = "">
<div class="code-block ${roleCssClass}">
<#if roleLabel != ''><div class="code-block-label">${roleLabel}</div></#if><#t>
<pre class="code-block-body"><@Anchor/><#t>
<#-- XXE and usual FO-stylesheet-compatible interpretation of inital line-breaks -->
<#local content><#recurse></#local>
<#macro qandaset>
<div class="qandaset">
<#local prevCompactPara=compactPara!>
<#assign compactPara = true>
<#assign qaIndex = 1>
<#-- @todo: remove table, fix spacing -->
<#list .node.qandaentry as qandaentry>
<#local prevdisableAnchors=disableAnchors!>
<#assign disableAnchors = true>
<a href="#${qandaentry.@id[0]!("faq_question_" + qaIndex)}">
<#recurse qandaentry.question>
<#assign disableAnchors = prevdisableAnchors>
<#assign qaIndex++>
<#assign compactPara = prevCompactPara>
<#assign qaIndex = 1>
<#macro question>
<#local prevCompactPara=compactPara!>
<#assign compactPara = true>
<#local nodeParent = .node?parent>
<#if nodeParent.@id[0]??>
<#local questionId = nodeParent.@id />
<dt class="question" id="${questionId!''}">
${qaIndex}.&nbsp; <#recurse>
<#assign qaIndex++>
<#assign compactPara = prevCompactPara>
<#macro qandaentry><#recurse></#macro>
<#macro remark>
<#if showEditoralNotes>
<p style="background-color:#FFFF00">[<#recurse>]</p><#t>
<#macro replaceable>
<#local moreStyle="">
<#if inlineMonospacedColorisation>
<#if fontBgColor! != "">
<#local moreStyle = "; background-color:${fontBgColor}">
<#-- @todo: check if class name is necessary. probably able to cascade under .inline-code -->
<em class="code-color"<#if moreStyle?hasContent> style="${moreStyle}"</#if>><#recurse></em><#t>
<#macro subtitle>
<#-- We do nothing here because this is dealt with in the title macro -->
<#macro sectionLikeElement>
<#assign article = sectionLikeElement>
<#assign part = sectionLikeElement>
<#assign chapter = sectionLikeElement>
<#assign appendix = sectionLikeElement>
<#assign preface = sectionLikeElement>
<#assign section = sectionLikeElement>
<#assign simplesect = sectionLikeElement>
<#macro index>
<#-- ABC links -->
<#local lastLetter = "">
<#list indexEntries as key>
<#local letter = key[0]?upperCase>
<#if lastLetter != letter>
<#if lastLetter != "">&nbsp;| </#if><a href="#${index_safeID(letter)}">${letter}</a><#t>
<#local lastLetter = letter>
<#-- Index list -->
<#local lastLetter = "">
<#list indexEntries as key>
<#local letter = key[0]?upperCase>
<#if letter != lastLetter>
<#if lastLetter != "">
<div class="indexdiv"><#lt>
<a name="${index_safeID(letter)}"></a><#lt>
<h2 class="indexLabel">${letter}</h2><#lt>
<#local lastLetter = letter>
<#local entryNodes = primaryIndexTermLookup[key]>
${key}<#if entryNodes?hasContent>,&nbsp;&nbsp;</#if><#rt>
<#list entryNodes as entryNode>
<a href="${CreateLinkFromNode(entryNode)}"><#t><@index_entryText entryNode/></a><#t>
<#if secondaryIndexTermLookup[key]?hasContent>
<#local secondaryTerms = secondaryIndexTermLookup[key]>
<#list secondaryTerms?keys?sort as secondary>
${secondary}, <#t>
<#list secondaryTerms[secondary] as secondaryNode>
<a href="${CreateLinkFromNode(secondaryNode)}"><#t>
<@index_entryText secondaryNode/><#t>
</a><#sep>, </#sep><#t>
<#if key?isLast>
<#macro index_entryText node>
<#list 1..100 as i>
<#if node?nodeType != "element">
<#if node.title?hasContent>
<#local title=node.title>
<#if !node.@id[0]!?startsWith("autoid_")>
<#local node = node?parent>
No title<#t>
<#function index_safeID id>
<#return "idx_" + id?url('UTF-8')?replace('%', "x")?replace('+', "_")>
<#macro glossary>
<#local ges = .node.glossentry?sortBy("glossterm")>
<#-- Print alphabetical index links: -->
<#local lgtl = "">
<#list ges as ge>
<#local fullgt = ge.glossterm>
<#if fullgt?size != 0>
<#local gtl = fullgt.@@text[0]?upperCase>
<#if gtl != lgtl>
<#if lgtl != "">&nbsp;| </#if><a href="#${ge.@id}">${gtl}</a><#t>
<#local lgtl = gtl>
<#-- Print glossentry-es: -->
<#list ges as ge>
<#visit ge using nodeHandlers>
<#assign partintro = simplesect>
<#macro title>
<#local hierarElem = .node?parent>
<#if hierarElem?nodeName == "info">
<#local hierarElem = hierarElem?parent>
<#local type = hierarElem?nodeName>
<#local titleInitial = u.getTitlePrefix(hierarElem, false, true)>
<#-- Calculate htmlHLevel: ToC-deeph compared to the enclosing file-element -->
<#local htmlHLevel = 1>
<#local cur = hierarElem>
<#list 1..100000 as _>
<#if cur.@docgen_file_element?size != 0>
<#if cur.@docgen_rank?size != 0>
<#local htmlHLevel++>
<#local cur = cur?parent>
<#-- HTML only defines h-s up to h6 -->
<#if htmlHLevel <= 6>
<#local htmlHElem = "h${htmlHLevel}">
<#local htmlHElem = "p">
<#local classAtt = "">
<${htmlHElem} class="content-header header-${hierarElem.@docgen_rank}" <#if !disableAnchors && hierarElem.@id[0]??>id="${hierarElem.@id[0]}"</#if><#t>
<#if htmlHLevel == 1> itemprop="headline"</#if>><#t>
<#local subtitleElem = u.getOptionalSubtitleElement(hierarElem)>
<#if subtitleElem?hasContent>
<span class="subtitle"><#recurse subtitleElem></span>
<#local prodNameElem = .node?parent.productname>
<#if prodNameElem?hasContent>
<span class="subtitle productname">For <#recurse prodNameElem></span>
<#macro subtitle>
<#-- Handled by "title" macro -->
<#macro ulink>
<a href="${.node.@url}"><#recurse></a><#t>
<#macro xref>
<#local xrefID=.node.@linkend>
<#local targetNode = NodeFromID(xrefID)>
<#local targetLink = CreateLinkFromID(xrefID)>
<#local label = targetNode.@xreflabel[0]!>
<#if label?hasContent>
<a href="${targetLink}">${label}</a><#t>
<#local labelHTMLs = buildTitleHTMLChain(targetNode)>
<#if labelHTMLs?size == 0>
<#stop "\"xref\" target element with xml:id \"" + targetNode.@id
+ "\" has no \"title\" element in it nor \"xreflabel\" attribute.">
<#local ctxLabelHTMLs = buildTitleHTMLChain(.node, true)>
<a href="${targetLink}"><#t>
<#local started = false>
<#list labelHTMLs as labelHTML>
<#if started || !(
&& ctxLabelHTMLs[labelHTML?index]??
&& labelHTML?markupString == ctxLabelHTMLs[labelHTML?index]?markupString
<#local started = true>
<#function buildTitleHTMLChain targetNode allowFallback=false>
<#local result = []>
<#list 1..1000000 as _>
<#if targetNode.@docgen_root_element?size != 0><#break></#if>
<#local title = u.getOptionalTitleElement(targetNode)>
<#if title?hasContent>
<#local titleHTML><#recurse title></#local>
<#local result = [titleHTML] + result>
<#local allowFallback = true>
<#elseIf !allowFallback>
<#local targetNode = targetNode?parent>
<#return result>
<#macro quote>"<#recurse>"</#macro>
<#macro footnote>
${' '}[<a href="#autoid_footnote_${footnotes?size + 1}">${footnotes?size + 1}</a>]${' '}<#t>
<#local capturedContent><#recurse></#local><#t>
<#assign footnotes += [capturedContent]>
<#macro informaltable>
<div class="table-responsive">
<table class="table">
<#-- Re-prints the original tag as is, but restricts the allowed attributes -->
<#macro _HTMLTableElement supportedAtts empty=false>
<#if !supportedAtts??><#stop 'XXX ' + .node?nodeName></#if>
<#list .node.@@ as att>
<#if supportedAtts[att?nodeName]??>
${' '}${att?nodeName}="${att}"<#t>
<#stop 'Unimplemented attribute for "${.node?nodeName}": ' + att?nodeName>
<#if !empty>
<#assign htmlAlignAtts = {"align":true, "valign":true}>
<#macro tr><@_HTMLTableElement htmlAlignAtts /></#macro>
<#macro td><@_HTMLTableElement htmlAlignAtts + {"colspan":true, "rowspan":true} /></#macro>
<#assign th = td>
<#macro thead><@_HTMLTableElement htmlAlignAtts /></#macro>
<#assign tbody = thead>
<#assign tfoot = thead>
<#macro colgroup>
<#-- This element should be resolved and deleted from the DOM before we get here -->
<#stop 'This element is only supported directly inside tables.'>
<#macro col>
<#-- This element should be resolved and deleted from the DOM before we get here -->
<#stop 'This element is only supported directly inside a "colgroup".'>
<#macro mediaobject>
<#list .node.* as imageobject>
<#if imageobject?nodeName == "imageobject">
<#list imageobject.* as imagedata>
<#if imagedata?nodeName == "imagedata">
<p class="center-img"><@Anchor /><#t>
<#local src = imagedata.@fileref>
<img src="${src}" alt="Figure"<#rt>
<#if src?endsWith(".svg")> onerror="this.src=&quot;${src?keepBeforeLast('.') + '.png'}&quot;; this.onerror=null;"</#if><#t>
<#stop "Unexpected element when \"imagedata\" was expected: "
+ imagedata?nodeName>
<#stop "Unexpected element when \"imageobject\" was expected: "
+ imageobject?nodeName>
<#macro anyNonVisual><#recurse></#macro>
<#assign info=anyNonVisual titleabbrev=anyNonVisual productname=anyNonVisual productnumber=anyNonVisual>