blob: c53d905f2ffa9a7fae20eaff851e86cbde470258 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.freemarker.docgen.core;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil;
final class SettingUtils {
private SettingUtils() {
throw new AssertionError();
static DocgenException newCfgFileException(SettingName settingName, String desc) {
return newCfgFileException(settingName, desc, null);
static DocgenException newCfgFileException(SettingName settingName, String desc, Throwable cause) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("Wrong configuration");
if (settingName != null) {
sb.append(" setting \"").append(settingName).append("\"");
settingName.getContainingFile().ifPresent(containingFile -> sb.append(" in file \"").append(containingFile.getAbsolutePath()).append("\""));
return new DocgenException(sb.toString(), cause);
static <K, V> Map<K, V> castSettingToMap(
SettingName settingName, Object settingValue,
Class<K> keyClass, Class<V> valueClass) {
return castSettingToMap(settingName, settingValue, keyClass, valueClass, false);
static <K, V> Map<K, V> castSettingToMap(
SettingName settingName, Object settingValue,
Class<K> keyClass, Class<V> valueClass, boolean allowNullValueInMap) {
return (Map<K, V>) castSetting(
settingName, settingValue,
new MapEntryType(keyClass, valueClass, allowNullValueInMap));
static <T> List<T> castSettingToList(
SettingName settingName,
Object settingValue, Class<T> elementClass) {
return castSetting(
settingName, settingValue,
List.class, new ListItemType(elementClass)
static <T> T castSetting(SettingName settingName, Object settingValue, Class<T> valueType) {
return castSetting(settingName, settingValue, false, valueType);
* Same as {@link #castSetting(List, Object, boolean, Class, List)} with {@code optional} {@code false}.
static <T> T castSetting(
SettingName settingName, Object settingValue, Class<T> valueType,
ContainedValueType... containedValueTypes) {
return castSetting(settingName, settingValue, false, valueType, containedValueTypes);
* @param valueType
* The expected type of the value (on the top-level, if it's a container)
* @param containedValueTypes
* The expected type of the contained values, and of the values contained inside them, and so on. (This is
* separate from {@code valueType} because Java can't match s generic return type with the type of the first
static <T> T castSetting(
SettingName settingName, Object settingValue,
boolean optional,
Class<T> valueType, ContainedValueType... containedValueTypes) {
if (settingValue == null) {
if (optional) {
return null;
throw newNullSettingValueException(settingName);
if (!valueType.isInstance(settingValue)) {
System.out.println("BAD VALUE: " + settingValue); //!!T
throw newBadSettingValueTypeException(settingName, valueType, settingValue);
checkContainedValueTypes(settingName, settingValue, containedValueTypes);
return (T) settingValue;
static void checkContainedValueTypes(
SettingName settingName, Object settingValue,
ContainedValueType... containedValueTypes) {
if (containedValueTypes.length == 0) {
checkContainedValueTypes(settingName, settingValue, new ArrayList<>(containedValueTypes.length),
private static void checkContainedValueTypes(
SettingName settingName, Object containerValue,
List<Object> checkedContainedSettingNameTail, ContainedValueType... containedValueTypes) {
if (checkedContainedSettingNameTail.size() == containedValueTypes.length || containerValue == null) {
Class<? extends Object> containerClass = containerValue.getClass();
ContainedValueType containedValueType = containedValueTypes[checkedContainedSettingNameTail.size()];
checkContainerClassIsValidContainedValueType(containerClass, containedValueType);
if (containedValueType instanceof ListItemType) {
int listElementIndex = 0;
for (Object listElement : ((List<?>) containerValue)) {
if (listElement == null) {
if (!containedValueType.allowNullValue) {
throw newNullSettingValueException(
} else if (!containedValueType.valueType.isInstance(listElement)) {
throw newBadSettingValueTypeException(
containedValueType.valueType, listElement);
try {
settingName, listElement, checkedContainedSettingNameTail,
} finally {
checkedContainedSettingNameTail.remove(checkedContainedSettingNameTail.size() - 1);
} else if (containedValueType instanceof MapEntryType) {
MapEntryType mapEntryType = (MapEntryType) containedValueType;
for (Map.Entry<?, ?> mapEntry : ((Map<?, ?>) containerValue).entrySet()) {
Object entryKey = mapEntry.getKey();
if (entryKey == null) {
throw newCfgFileException(
settingName, "Null keys aren't allowed in this setting value.");
Class<?> keyType = mapEntryType.keyType;
if (!keyType.isInstance(entryKey)) {
throw newCfgFileException(
settingName.subKey(checkedContainedSettingNameTail), // Don't add the key.
"Expected key type " + CJSONInterpreter.cjsonTypeNameForClass(keyType)
+ ", but key was of type " + CJSONInterpreter.cjsonTypeNameOfValue(entryKey));
Object entryValue = mapEntry.getValue();
if (entryValue == null) {
if (!containedValueType.allowNullValue) {
throw newNullSettingValueException(
} else if (!containedValueType.valueType.isInstance(entryValue)) {
throw newBadSettingValueTypeException(
containedValueType.valueType, entryValue);
try {
settingName, entryValue, checkedContainedSettingNameTail,
} finally {
checkedContainedSettingNameTail.remove(checkedContainedSettingNameTail.size() - 1);
if (mapEntryType.validateKeys) {
checkMapKeys(settingName, (Map) containerValue, mapEntryType.requiredKeys, mapEntryType.optionalKeys);
} else {
throw new AssertionError();
private static void checkContainerClassIsValidContainedValueType(
Class<?> containerClass, ContainedValueType containedValueType) {
if (!containedValueType.isValidContainerClass(containerClass)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
+ " is not fitting for provided container value class, "
+ containerClass.getSimpleName() + ".");
private static DocgenException newBadSettingValueTypeException(SettingName settingName, Class<?> expectedValueType,
Object settingValue) throws
DocgenException {
return newCfgFileException(
"Setting value should be a(n) " + CJSONInterpreter.cjsonTypeNameForClass(expectedValueType) + ", "
+ "but was a(n) " + CJSONInterpreter.cjsonTypeNameOfValue(settingValue) + ".");
private static DocgenException newNullSettingValueException(SettingName settingName) {
return newCfgFileException(
"Setting is required but wasn't set (or was set to null).");
private static <T> void checkMapKeys(
SettingName settingName, Map<T, ?> value,
Set<T> requiredKeys, Set<T> optionalKeys) {
Set<T> mapKeySet = value.keySet();
for (T key : mapKeySet) {
if (!requiredKeys.contains(key) && !optionalKeys.contains(key)) {
throw newCfgFileException(settingName,
"Unsupported key in the map value: " + StringUtil.jQuote(key) + ". Valid keys are: "
+ Sets.union(requiredKeys, optionalKeys).stream()
.map(it -> StringUtil.jQuote(it))
.collect(Collectors.joining(", ")));
for (T requiredKey : requiredKeys) {
if (!mapKeySet.contains(requiredKey)) {
throw newCfgFileException(settingName, "Required key is missing from the map value: " + requiredKey);
abstract static class ContainedValueType {
private final Class<?> valueType;
private final boolean allowNullValue;
private ContainedValueType(Class<?> valueType, boolean allowNullValue) {
this.valueType = Objects.requireNonNull(valueType);
this.allowNullValue = allowNullValue;
public abstract boolean isValidContainerClass(Class<?> containerClass);
final static class ListItemType extends ContainedValueType {
public ListItemType(Class<?> valueType) {
this(valueType, false);
public ListItemType(Class<?> valueType, boolean allowNullValue) {
super(valueType, allowNullValue);
public boolean isValidContainerClass(Class<?> containerClass) {
return List.class.isAssignableFrom(containerClass);
final static class MapEntryType<T> extends ContainedValueType {
private final Class<T> keyType;
private final boolean validateKeys;
private final Set<T> requiredKeys;
private final Set<T> optionalKeys;
public MapEntryType(Class<T> keyType, Class<?> valueType) {
this(keyType, valueType, false);
public MapEntryType(Class<T> keyType, Class<?> valueType, boolean allowNullValue) {
this(keyType, false, Collections.emptySet(), Collections.emptySet(), valueType, allowNullValue);
public MapEntryType(
Class<T> keyType, Set<T> requiredKeys,
Class<?> valueType) {
this(keyType, true, requiredKeys, Collections.emptySet(), valueType, false);
public MapEntryType(
Class<T> keyType, Set<T> requiredKeys,
Class<?> valueType, boolean allowNullValue) {
this(keyType, true, requiredKeys, Collections.emptySet(), valueType, allowNullValue);
public MapEntryType(
Class<T> keyType, Set<T> requiredKeys, Set<T> optionalKeys,
Class<?> valueType) {
this(keyType, true, requiredKeys, optionalKeys, valueType, false);
public MapEntryType(
Class<T> keyType, Set<T> requiredKeys, Set<T> optionalKeys,
Class<?> valueType, boolean allowNullValue) {
this(keyType, true, requiredKeys, optionalKeys, valueType, allowNullValue);
private MapEntryType(
Class<T> keyType, boolean validateKeys, Set<T> requiredKeys, Set<T> optionalKeys,
Class<?> valueType, boolean allowNullValue) {
super(valueType, allowNullValue);
this.keyType = Objects.requireNonNull(keyType);
this.validateKeys = validateKeys;
this.requiredKeys = Objects.requireNonNull(requiredKeys);
this.optionalKeys = Objects.requireNonNull(optionalKeys);
public boolean isValidContainerClass(Class<?> containerClass) {
return Map.class.isAssignableFrom(containerClass);