blob: 7327e285cb815aeb1f4d892f004bbe14589f29ff [file] [log] [blame]
package org.freemarker.docgen;
import static org.freemarker.docgen.DocBook5Constants.*;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.text.Collator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import freemarker.cache.ClassTemplateLoader;
import freemarker.cache.FileTemplateLoader;
import freemarker.cache.MultiTemplateLoader;
import freemarker.cache.TemplateLoader;
import freemarker.ext.dom.NodeModel;
import freemarker.log.Logger;
import freemarker.template.Configuration;
import freemarker.template.SimpleHash;
import freemarker.template.SimpleScalar;
import freemarker.template.Template;
import freemarker.template.TemplateException;
import freemarker.template.TemplateMethodModelEx;
import freemarker.template.TemplateModel;
import freemarker.template.TemplateModelException;
import freemarker.template.TemplateScalarModel;
import freemarker.template.utility.ClassUtil;
import freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil;
* Generates complete HTML-format documentation from a DocBook 5 (XML) book.
* <p>Usage: First set the JavaBean properties, then call {@link #execute()};
* These must be set:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #setSourceDirectory(File)}
* <li>{@link #setDestinationDirectory(File)}
* <li>{@link #setOffline(Boolean)}, unless the configuration file specifies this
* </ul>
* <p>All files and directories in the source directory will be copied into the
* destination directory as is (recursively), except these, which will be
* ignored:
* <ul>
* <li>file or directory whose name starts with <tt>"docgen-"</tt> or
* <tt>"docgen."</tt>, or whose name is <tt>"docgen"</tt>.
* <li>file directly in the source directory (not in a sub-directory)
* with <tt>xml</tt> file extension
* <li>file or directory whose name looks like it's just backup, temporary,
* SVN-related or CVS-related entry.
* </ul>
* <p>The following files/directories are treated specially:
* <ul>
* <li><p><tt>book.xml</tt> or <tt>article.xml</tt> (<b>required</b>): the
* DocBook XML that we want to transform. It may contains XInclude-s so
* it doesn't have to store the whole book or article.
* <li><p><tt>docgen.cjson</tt> file (optional):
* contains Docgen settings. It uses an extended JSON syntax; see more
* <a href="#cjsonLanguage">later</a>. The supported settings are
* (all optional):
* <ul>
* <li>
* <p><tt>tabs</tt> (map): Defines the tabs on the top of the page.
* It associates labels with URL-s to which the tab will lead to.
* The URL of one of the tabs should be <tt>""</tt>, which means that
* it's the tab that belongs to the documentation generated by this
* configuration. The order of the map entries specifies the order in
* which the tabs will appear.
* <li><p><tt>searchKey</tt> (string): A Google custom search key. If not
* present, the search box will not show.
* <li><p><tt>footerSiteMap</tt> (map): Defines the list of links to
* display in the footer as columns
* <li><p><tt>internalBookmarks</tt> (map): Specifies the first part
* of the book-mark link list that appears in the navigation bar.
* Associates labels with element ID-s (<tt>xml:id</tt> attribute
* values). The order of the map entries specifies the order in
* which the book-marks will appear.
* <li><p><tt>externalBookmarks</tt> (map): Specifies the second part
* of the book-mark link list. Associates labels with arbitrary
* URL-s or paths. Again, order matters. External bookmarks should
* be used to link to resources outside the documentation generated
* by this configuration. If the target resource is controlled by
* you, and you can use the same set of tabs there are here,
* consider using <tt>tabs</tt> instead.
* <li><p><tt>offline</tt> (boolean):
* Specifies if the documentation will be generated for offline use.
* If it was already specified via {@link #setOffline(Boolean)}, then
* that has priority. If it wasn't specified via {@link #setOffline(Boolean)},
* then it's mandatory to set.
* <li><p><tt>olinks</tt> (map):
* Maps <tt>olink</tt> <tt>targetdoc</tt> attribute values to
* actual URL-s.
* <li><p><tt>validation</tt> (map):
* This is where you can configure the optional Docgen-specific
* DocBook validation restrictions. Accepted map entries are:
* <ul>
* <li><tt>programlistingsRequireRole</tt> (boolean):
* defaults to {@code false}.
* <li><tt>programlistingsRequireLanguage</tt> (boolean):
* defaults to {@code false}.
* <li><tt>outputFilesCanUseAutoID</tt> (boolean):
* defaults to {@code false}.
* <li><tt>maximumProgramlistingWidth</tt> (int): defaults to
* {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}. The maximum number of characters
* per line in <tt>programlisting</tt>-s.
* </ul>
* <li><p><tt>contentDirectory</tt> (string): By default the Docgen
* configuration files and the files that store the actual book
* content (DocBook XML-s, images, etc.) are in the same directory,
* the so called source directory. By setting this setting, the last
* can be separated from the directory of the configuration files.
* If it's not an absolute path then it will be interpreted
* relatively to the source directory.
* <li><p><a name="setting_lowestFileElementRank"></a>
* <tt>lowestFileElementRank</tt> (string): The lowest document
* structure element "rank" for which an own output file will be
* created. Note that possibly not all such elements are shown in a
* given TOF (Table of Files) due to the <tt>maxTOFDisplayDepth</tt>
* or <tt>maxMainTOFDisplayDepth</tt> setting.
* <p>"rank" symbolizes how big structural unit the element stands
* for. The valid ranks are, from the lowest to the highest:
* {@code simplesect}, {@code section3}, {@code section2},
* {@code section1}, {@code chapter}, {@code part},
* {@code book}.
* If the name of an element is the same as one of the rank names
* then that will be its rank. For <tt>section</tt>-s, the number in
* the rank name tells how deeply the <tt>section</tt> is nested into
* other <tt>section</tt>-s (1 means a <tt>section</tt> that is not
* nested into any other <tt>section</tt>-s). For the other document
* structure elements (e.g. <tt>appendix</tt>, <tt>preface</tt>,
* etc.) the rank will be decided based on its surroundings. For
* example, <tt>book/appendix</tt>, if it has <tt>part</tt> siblings,
* will receive <tt>part</tt> rank, but if it has <tt>chapter</tt>
* siblings, then it will only receive <tt>chapter</tt> rank. Again
* the same kind of element, <tt>appendix</tt>, inside a
* <tt>chapter</tt> will only receive <tt>section1</tt> rank.
* It's good to know that nothing will receive <tt>chapter</tt> rank
* unless it's directly under a <tt>part</tt> element (not just a
* {@code part}-ranked element!) or <tt>book</tt> element. However,
* if the root element of the document is <tt>article</tt>, that
* will receive <tt>chapter</tt> rank.
* <p>Note that the content of some elements, like of
* <tt>preface</tt>-s, is kept in a single file regardless of this
* setting.
* <p>The default value is <tt>section1</tt>.
* <li><p><tt>lowestPageTOCElementRank</tt> (string):
* The lowest document structure element "rank" for which a
* "Page Contents" ToC entry will be created.
* <p>About "ranks" see <a href="#setting_lowestFileElementRank">the
* <tt>lowestFileElementRank</tt> setting</a>.
* <p>The default value is <tt>section3</tt>.
* <li><p><tt>maxTOFDisplayDepth</tt> (int): In a given TOF
* (Table of Files) (because there can be multiple TOF-s, like there
* can be a book-level TOF, and then there can be chapter-level
* TOF-s), this is the nesting level until TOF entries are actually
* displayed.
* Depth level 0 is considered to by the level where the
* file-element of the HTML page which contains the TOF is.
* Defaults to {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}. Must be at least {@code 1}.
* <li><p><tt>maxMainTOFDisplayDepth</tt> (int): Same as
* <tt>maxTOFDisplayDepth</tt>, but only applies to the TOF on the
* first (index) page. Defaults to the value of
* <tt>maxTOFDisplayDepth</tt>.
* <li><p><tt>numberedSections</tt> (boolean): Specifies if
* <tt>section</tt> element titles should be shown with numbering.
* This will result in titles like "2 something" "2.1 Something" or
* "2.1.3 Something", even "B.1 Something" (last is a
* <tt>section</tt> under Appendix B).
* <p>Note that within some elements, like inside <tt>preface</tt>-s,
* nothing has prefixes (labels) so this setting is ignored there.
* <li><p><tt>generateEclipseTOC</tt> (boolean): Sets whether an Eclipse
* ToC XML is generated for the generated HTML-s. Defaults to
* <tt>false</tt>.
* <li><p><tt>eclipse</tt> (map):
* Stores the settings of the Eclipse-ToC-generation.
* (Note that you still must turn that on with
* <tt>generateEclipseTOC</tt>; the mere presence
* of this setting will not do that.).
* Accepted map entries are:
* <ul>
* <li><tt>link_to</tt> (string): The value of
* <tt>toc.@link_to</tt> in the generated ToC file. If not
* specified, there will not be any <tt>link_to</tt> attribute.
* </ul>
* <li><p><tt>locale</tt> (string): The "nationality" used for
* lexical shorting, number formatting and such things.
* Defaults to <tt>"en_US"</tt>.
* <li><p><tt>timeZone</tt> (string): The time zone used for the
* date/time shown. Defaults to <tt>"GMT"</tt>.
* <li><p><tt>disableJavaScript</tt> (boolean): Disallow JavaScript in
* the generated pages. Defaults to <tt>false</tt> (i.e., JavaScript
* is allowed). The pages are more functional with JavaScript, but
* MSIE 6 and 7 (didn't tried 8) will show a security alert and block
* JavaScript if the page is opened from the local file-system (i.e.,
* as <tt>file://...</tt> or <tt>C:\...</tt>, etc). So if the
* generated content is often read locally and the target audience is
* not IT-people (who know this thing very well, since even Javadoc
* output does this), you better set this to <tt>true</tt>. Note that
* even with JavaScript blocked by MSIE, the page will remain as
* functional as if you were generating it with
* <tt>disableJavaScript</tt> set to <tt>true</tt>, only the security
* warning is annoying.
* <li><p><tt>onlineTrackerHTML</tt> (string): The path of a HTML file
* whose content will be inserted before the <tt>body</tt> tag, unless
* <tt>offline</tt> was set to <tt>true</tt>. This is typically used to
* insert the Google Analytics <tt>script</tt> element. If this path is
* relative, it's relative to the source directory.
* <li><p><tt>showXXELogo</tt> (boolean): Specifies if an
* "Edited with XXE" logo should be shown on the generated pages.
* Defaults to <tt>false</tt>.
* </ul>
* <li><p><tt>docgen-templates</tt> directory:
* The templates here will have priority over the ones in the
* {@code org.freemarker.docgen.templates} package.
* This is mostly used for overriding <tt>customizations.ftl</tt>;
* that FTL is <tt>#import</tt>-ed at the beginning of all
* template files, and searched first for the
* <tt>#visit</tt>/<tt>#recurse</tt> calls.
* </ul>
* <p><b><font size="+1"><a name="cjsonLanguage"></a>
* The CJSON language
* </font></b></p>
* <p>It's JSON extended with some features that make it more convenient for
* configuration files:
* <ul>
* <li>String literals whose value only contains letters (UNICODE), digits
* (UNICODE) and characters {@code '.'}, {@code '_'}, {@code '$'},
* {@code '@'}, and {@code '-'}, but don't start with
* characters 0-9 or is {@code true} or {@code false}, need not be
* quoted. Thus instead of
* <tt>{"name": "Big Joe", "color": "red"}</tt> you can just
* write <tt>{name: "Big Joe", color: red}</tt>. (There are no
* variable references in CJSON.)
* <li>In key-value pairs the value defaults to {@code true}. Like, instead
* of <tt>{showLogo: true}</tt> you can just write <tt>{showLogo}</tt>.
* <li>You can omit the commas that otherwise would be at the end of the line.
* <li>JavaScript comments are supported (<tt>/* ... *<!-- -->/</tt> and
* <tt>// ...</tt>)
* <li>If a file is expected to contain a map, like most configuration
* files are, putting the whole thing between <tt>{</tt> and <tt>}</tt> is
* optional.
* <li>Maps remember the order in which the entries were specified in the
* expression. The consumer of the configuration file will not utilize
* this for most settings anyway, but for certain kind of settings it's
* just more intuitive than getting the entries in a some random order.
* <li>A comma may be used after the last item of a list or map.
* <li>Supports FTL raw string literals (e.g. {@code r"C:\Windows\System32"}).
* <li>Supports function calls (e.g. {@code f(1, 2)}), although it's up to the
* consumer to resolve them; the CJSON language itself doesn't define any
* functions.
* </ul>
* <p>When CJSON is stored in a file, the file extension should be
* <tt>cjson</tt> and UTF-8 charset should be is used. However, the charset can
* be overridden with a initial
* <tt>//&nbsp;charset:&nbsp;<i>charsetName</i></tt> comment [*].
* Initial BOM is silently ignored.
* <blockquote>
* <p>* The comment is considered to be a charset override only if when it's
* decoded with ISO-8859-1 it stands that:
* <ul>
* <li>Apart from white-space (and an initial BOM) it's the first thing in
* the file.
* <li>It's a <tt>//</tt> comment, not a <tt>/* ... *<!-- -->/</tt> comment.
* <li>Ignoring white-space, the first word inside the comment is
* <tt>charset</tt> or <tt>encoding</tt> (they are equivalent). That's
* followed by optional whitespace, then a colon, then optional
* whitespace again. Then a non-whitespace character (the first letter of
* the charset name). At this point the comment already counts as a
* charset override. Starting from there, until the end of the line or
* of the file (whichever comes first) all kind of characters can occur,
* and they will all belong to the charset name (which will be
* interpreted after trimming surrounding whitespace).
* </ul>
* </blockquote>
public final class Transform {
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constants:
static final String FILE_BOOK = "book.xml";
static final String FILE_ARTICLE = "article.xml";
static final String FILE_SETTINGS = "docgen.cjson";
static final String FILE_DETAILED_TOC_HTML = "detailed-toc.html";
static final String FILE_INDEX_HTML = "index.html";
static final String FILE_TOC_JSON_TEMPLATE = "toc-json.ftl";
static final String FILE_TOC_JSON_OUTPUT = "toc.js";
static final String FILE_ECLIPSE_TOC_TEMPLATE = "eclipse-toc.ftl";
static final String FILE_ECLIPSE_TOC_OUTPUT = "eclipse-toc.xml";
static final String DIR_TEMPLATES = "docgen-templates";
static final String SETTING_VALIDATION = "validation";
static final String SETTING_OFFLINE = "offline";
static final String SETTING_ONLINE_TRACKER_HTML = "onlineTrackerHTML";
static final String SETTING_INTERNAL_BOOKMARKS = "internalBookmarks";
static final String SETTING_EXTERNAL_BOOKMARKS = "externalBookmarks";
static final String SETTING_LOGO = "logo";
static final String SETTING_LOGO_SRC = "src";
static final String SETTING_LOGO_ALT = "alt";
static final String SETTING_LOGO_HREF = "href";
static final String SETTING_TABS = "tabs";
static final String SETTING_FOOTER_SITEMAP = "footerSiteMap";
static final String SETTING_OLINKS = "olinks";
static final String SETTING_ECLIPSE = "eclipse";
static final String SETTING_SHOW_EDITORAL_NOTES = "showEditoralNotes";
static final String SETTING_GENERATE_ECLIPSE_TOC = "generateEclipseTOC";
static final String SETTING_SHOW_XXE_LOGO = "showXXELogo";
static final String SETTING_SEARCH_KEY = "searchKey";
static final String SETTING_DISABLE_JAVASCRIPT = "disableJavaScript";
static final String SETTING_TIME_ZONE = "timeZone";
static final String SETTING_LOCALE = "locale";
static final String SETTING_CONTENT_DIRECTORY = "contentDirectory";
= "lowestPageTOCElementRank";
= "lowestFileElementRank";
static final String SETTING_MAX_TOF_DISPLAY_DEPTH = "maxTOFDisplayDepth";
= "maxMainTOFDisplayDepth";
static final String SETTING_NUMBERED_SECTIONS = "numberedSections";
= "programlistingsRequireRole";
= "programlistingsRequireLanguage";
= "outputFilesCanUseAutoID";
= "maximumProgramlistingWidth";
static final String SETTING_ECLIPSE_LINK_TO = "link_to";
private static final String VAR_OFFLINE
private static final String VAR_ONLINE_TRACKER_HTML
private static final String VAR_SHOW_EDITORAL_NOTES
= "showEditoralNotes";
private static final String VAR_TRANSFORM_START_TIME
= "transformStartTime";
private static final String VAR_SHOW_XXE_LOGO
private static final String VAR_SEARCH_KEY
private static final String VAR_DISABLE_JAVASCRIPT
private static final String VAR_ECLIPSE_LINK_TO = SETTING_ECLIPSE_LINK_TO;
private static final String VAR_INTERNAL_BOOKMARDS
private static final String VAR_EXTERNAL_BOOKMARDS
private static final String VAR_LOGO = SETTING_LOGO;
private static final String VAR_TABS = SETTING_TABS;
private static final String VAR_OLINKS
private static final String VAR_TOC_DISPLAY_DEPTH
private static final String VAR_NUMBERED_SECTIONS
private static final String VAR_INDEX_ENTRIES
= "indexEntries";
private static final String VAR_STARTS_WITH_TOP_LEVEL_CONTENT
= "startsWithTopLevelContent";
private static final String VAR_PAGE_TYPE = "pageType";
private static final String VAR_ALTERNATIVE_TOC_LINK
= "alternativeTOCLink";
private static final String VAR_ALTERNATIVE_TOC_LABEL
= "alternativeTOCLabel";
private static final String VAR_PARENT_FILE_ELEMENT = "parentFileElement";
private static final String VAR_NEXT_FILE_ELEMENT = "nextFileElement";
private static final String VAR_PREVIOUS_FILE_ELEMENT
= "previousFileElement";
private static final String VAR_ROOT_ELEMENT = "rootElement";
private static final String VAR_SHOW_NAVIGATION_BAR = "showNavigationBar";
private static final String VAR_SHOW_BREADCRUMB = "showBreadCrumb";
private static final String VAR_JSON_TOC_ROOT = "tocRoot";
private static final String PAGE_TYPE_DETAILED_TOC = "docgen:detailed_toc";
private static final Charset UTF_8 = Charset.forName("UTF-8");
// Docgen-specific XML attributes (added during DOM-tree postediting):
* Marks an element for which a separate file is created; attached to
* document structure elements, value is always {@code "true"}.
private static final String A_DOCGEN_FILE_ELEMENT = "docgen_file_element";
* Marks an element for which a page ToC ("Page Contents") line is shown;
* attached to document structure elements, it's value is always
* {@code "true"}.
private static final String A_DOCGEN_PAGE_TOC_ELEMENT
= "docgen_page_toc_element";
* Marks and element that is shown in the <em>detailed</em> main ToC;
* attached to document structure elements, it's value is always
* {@code "true"}.
private static final String A_DOCGEN_DETAILED_TOC_ELEMENT
= "docgen_detailed_toc_element";
* The top-level document-structure element is marked with this;
* it's value is always {@code "true"}.
private static final String A_DOCGEN_ROOT_ELEMENT = "docgen_root_element";
* The numbering or letter or whatever that is shown before the tile, such
* as "2.4" or "IV"; attached to document structure elements that use a
* title prefix.
private static final String A_DOCGEN_TITLE_PREFIX = "docgen_title_prefix";
* The integer ordinal of the document structure element within its own ToC
* level, counting all kind of preceding document structure siblings;
* attached to the document structure element.
private static final String A_DOCGEN_UNITED_NUMBERING
= "docgen_united_numbering";
* Describes how "big" a title should be; attached to the document structure
* element (no to the title element). For the possible values see the
* {@code AV_DOCGEN_TITLE_RANK_...} constants. For even more information see
* {@link #preprocessDOM_addRanks(Document)}.
private static final String A_DOCGEN_RANK = "docgen_rank";
* This is how automatically added id attribute values start.
static final String AUTO_ID_PREFIX = "autoid_";
static final String DOCGEN_ID_PREFIX = "docgen_";
/** Elements for which an id attribute automatically added if missing */
private static final Set<String> GUARANTEED_ID_ELEMENTS;
static {
Set<String> idAttElems = new HashSet<String>();
GUARANTEED_ID_ELEMENTS = Collections.unmodifiableSet(idAttElems);
* Elements whose children will go into a single output file regardless
* of the element ranks, and whose children never use title prefixes
* (labels).
private static final Set<String> PREFACE_LIKE_ELEMENTS;
static {
Set<String> sinlgeFileElems = new HashSet<String>();
PREFACE_LIKE_ELEMENTS = Collections.unmodifiableSet(sinlgeFileElems);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Settings:
private File destDir;
private File srcDir;
private File contentDir;
private Boolean offline;
private String onlineTrackerHTML;
/** Element types for which a new output file is created */
private DocumentStructureRank lowestFileElemenRank
= DocumentStructureRank.SECTION1;
private DocumentStructureRank lowestPageTOCElemenRank
= DocumentStructureRank.SECTION3;
private int maxTOFDisplayDepth = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
private int maxMainTOFDisplayDepth; // 0 indicates "not set";
private boolean numberedSectons;
private boolean generateEclipseTOC;
private boolean showEditoralNotes;
private boolean showXXELogo;
private String searchKey;
private Object footerSiteMap = new Object();
private boolean disableJavaScript;
private boolean validate = true;
private Locale locale = Locale.US;
private TimeZone timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT");
private boolean printProgress;
private LinkedHashMap<String, String> internalBookmarks = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
private LinkedHashMap<String, String> externalBookmarks = new LinkedHashMap<>();
private LinkedHashMap<String, String> tabs = new LinkedHashMap<>();
private HashMap<String, String> logo;
private DocgenValidationOptions validationOps
= new DocgenValidationOptions();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Global transformation state:
private boolean executed;
private Map<String, String> olinks = new HashMap<String, String>();
private Map<String, List<NodeModel>> primaryIndexTermLookup;
private Map<String, SortedMap<String, List<NodeModel>>>
private Map<String, Element> elementsById;
private List<TOCNode> tocNodes;
private List<String> indexEntries;
private Configuration fmConfig;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Output-file-specific state:
private TOCNode currentFileTOCNode;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Misc. fields:
private DocgenLogger logger = new DocgenLogger() {
public void info(String message) {
if (printProgress) {
public void warning(String message) {
if (printProgress) {
System.out.println("Warning:" + message);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods:
* Loads the source XML and generates the output in the destination
* directory. Don't forget to set JavaBean properties first.
* @throws DocgenException If a docgen-specific error occurs
* @throws IOException If a file or other resource is missing or otherwise
* can't be read/written.
* @throws SAXException If the XML is not well-formed and valid, or the
* SAX XML parsing has other problems.
public void execute()
throws DocgenException, IOException, SAXException {
if (executed) {
throw new DocgenException(
"This transformation was alrady executed; "
+ "use a new " + Transform.class.getName() + ".");
executed = true;
// Check Java Bean properties:
if (srcDir == null) {
throw new DocgenException(
"The source directory (the DocBook XML) wasn't specified.");
if (!srcDir.isDirectory()) {
throw new IOException(
"Source directory doesn't exist: "
+ srcDir.getAbsolutePath());
if (destDir == null) {
throw new DocgenException(
"The destination directory wasn't specified.");
// Note: This directory will be created automatically if missing.
// Load configuration file:
File templatesDir = null;
String eclipseLinkTo = null;
File cfgFile = new File(srcDir, FILE_SETTINGS);
if (cfgFile.exists()) {
Map<String, Object> cfg;
try {
cfg = CJSONInterpreter.evalAsMap(cfgFile);
} catch (CJSONInterpreter.EvaluationException e) {
throw new DocgenException(e.getMessage(),
for (Entry<String, Object> cfgEnt : cfg.entrySet()) {
final String settingName = cfgEnt.getKey();
final Object settingValue = cfgEnt.getValue();
if (settingName.equals(SETTING_OLINKS)) {
Map<String, Object> m = itIsAMapSetting(
cfgFile, settingName, settingValue);
for (Entry<String, Object> ent : m.entrySet()) {
String name = ent.getKey();
String target = itIsAStringValueInAMapSetting(
cfgFile, settingName, ent.getValue());
olinks.put(name, target);
} else if (settingName.equals(SETTING_INTERNAL_BOOKMARKS)) {
Map<String, Object> m = itIsAMapSetting(
cfgFile, settingName, settingValue);
for (Entry<String, Object> ent : m.entrySet()) {
String name = ent.getKey();
String target = itIsAStringValueInAMapSetting(
cfgFile, settingName, ent.getValue());
internalBookmarks.put(name, target);
// Book-mark targets will be checked later, when the XML
// document is already loaded.
} else if (settingName.equals(SETTING_EXTERNAL_BOOKMARKS)) {
Map<String, Object> m = itIsAMapSetting(
cfgFile, settingName, settingValue);
for (Entry<String, Object> ent : m.entrySet()) {
String name = ent.getKey();
String target = itIsAStringValueInAMapSetting(
cfgFile, settingName, ent.getValue());
externalBookmarks.put(name, target);
} else if (settingName.equals(SETTING_LOGO)) {
Map<String, Object> m = itIsAMapSetting(
cfgFile, settingName, settingValue);
logo = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<String, Object> ent : m.entrySet()) {
String k = ent.getKey();
String v = itIsAStringValueInAMapSetting(cfgFile, settingName, ent.getValue());
if (!(k.equals(SETTING_LOGO_SRC) || k.equals(SETTING_LOGO_ALT)
|| k.equals(SETTING_LOGO_HREF))) {
throw newCfgFileException(cfgFile, SETTING_LOGO, "Unknown logo option: " + k);
logo.put(k, v);
if (!logo.containsKey(SETTING_LOGO_SRC)) {
throw newCfgFileException(cfgFile, SETTING_LOGO, "Missing logo option: " + SETTING_LOGO_SRC);
if (!logo.containsKey(SETTING_LOGO_ALT)) {
throw newCfgFileException(cfgFile, SETTING_LOGO, "Missing logo option: " + SETTING_LOGO_ALT);
if (!logo.containsKey(SETTING_LOGO_HREF)) {
throw newCfgFileException(cfgFile, SETTING_LOGO, "Missing logo option: " + SETTING_LOGO_HREF);
} else if (settingName.equals(SETTING_TABS)) {
Map<String, Object> m = itIsAMapSetting(
cfgFile, settingName, settingValue);
for (Entry<String, Object> ent : m.entrySet()) {
String name = ent.getKey();
String target = itIsAStringValueInAMapSetting(
cfgFile, settingName, ent.getValue());
tabs.put(name, target);
} else if (settingName.equals(SETTING_FOOTER_SITEMAP)) {
// @todo How can I check this?
footerSiteMap = settingValue;
}else if (settingName.equals(SETTING_VALIDATION)) {
Map<String, Object> m = itIsAMapSetting(
cfgFile, SETTING_VALIDATION, settingValue);
for (Entry<String, Object> ent : m.entrySet()) {
String name = ent.getKey();
if (name.equals(
settingName + "." + name,
} else if (name.equals(
settingName + "." + name,
} else if (name.equals(
) {
settingName + "." + name,
} else if (name.equals(
) {
settingName + "." + name,
} else {
throw newCfgFileException(
"Unknown validation option: " + name);
} else if (settingName.equals(SETTING_OFFLINE)) {
if (offline == null) { // Ignore if the caller has already set this
offline = itIsABooleanSetting(cfgFile, settingName, settingValue);
} else if (settingName.equals(SETTING_ONLINE_TRACKER_HTML)) {
String onlineTrackerHtmlPath = itIsAStringSetting(cfgFile, settingName, settingValue);
File f = new File(getSourceDirectory(), onlineTrackerHtmlPath);
if (!f.exists()) {
throw newCfgFileException(
"File not found: " + f.toPath());
onlineTrackerHTML = FileUtil.loadString(f, UTF_8);
} else if (settingName.equals(SETTING_ECLIPSE)) {
Map<String, Object> m = itIsAMapSetting(
cfgFile, SETTING_ECLIPSE, settingValue);
for (Entry<String, Object> ent : m.entrySet()) {
String name = ent.getKey();
if (name.equals(SETTING_ECLIPSE_LINK_TO)) {
String value = itIsAStringSetting(
settingName + "." + name,
eclipseLinkTo = value;
} else {
throw newCfgFileException(
cfgFile, settingName,
"Unknown Eclipse option: " + name);
} else if (settingName.equals(SETTING_LOCALE)) {
String s = itIsAStringSetting(
cfgFile, settingName, settingValue);
locale = StringUtil.deduceLocale(s);
} else if (settingName.equals(SETTING_TIME_ZONE)) {
String s = itIsAStringSetting(
cfgFile, settingName, settingValue);
timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(s);
} else if (settingName.equals(SETTING_GENERATE_ECLIPSE_TOC)) {
generateEclipseTOC = itIsABooleanSetting(
cfgFile, settingName, settingValue);
} else if (settingName.equals(SETTING_SHOW_EDITORAL_NOTES)) {
showEditoralNotes = itIsABooleanSetting(
cfgFile, settingName, settingValue);
} else if (settingName.equals(SETTING_SHOW_XXE_LOGO)) {
showXXELogo = itIsABooleanSetting(
cfgFile, settingName, settingValue);
} else if (settingName.equals(SETTING_SEARCH_KEY)) {
searchKey = itIsAStringSetting(
cfgFile, settingName, settingValue);
}else if (settingName.equals(SETTING_DISABLE_JAVASCRIPT)) {
disableJavaScript = itIsABooleanSetting(
cfgFile, settingName, settingValue);
} else if (settingName.equals(SETTING_CONTENT_DIRECTORY)) {
String s = itIsAStringSetting(
cfgFile, settingName, settingValue);
contentDir = new File(srcDir, s);
if (!contentDir.isDirectory()) {
throw newCfgFileException(cfgFile, settingName,
"It's not an existing directory: "
+ contentDir.getAbsolutePath());
} else if (settingName.equals(SETTING_LOWEST_FILE_ELEMENT_RANK)
|| settingName.equals(
DocumentStructureRank rank;
String strRank = itIsAStringSetting(
cfgFile, settingName, settingValue);
try {
rank = DocumentStructureRank.valueOf(
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
String msg;
if (strRank.equalsIgnoreCase("article")) {
msg = "\"article\" is not a rank, since articles "
+ "can have various ranks depending on their "
+ "context. (Hint: if the article is the "
+ "top-level element then it has \"chapter\" "
+ "rank.)";
} else {
msg = "Unknown rank: " + strRank;
throw newCfgFileException(cfgFile, settingName,
if (settingName.equals(
lowestFileElemenRank = rank;
} else if (settingName.equals(
lowestPageTOCElemenRank = rank;
} else {
throw new BugException("Unexpected setting name.");
} else if (settingName.equals(SETTING_MAX_TOF_DISPLAY_DEPTH)) {
maxTOFDisplayDepth = itIsAnIntSetting(
cfgFile, settingName, settingValue);
if (maxTOFDisplayDepth < 1) {
throw newCfgFileException(cfgFile, settingName,
"Value must be at least 1.");
} else if (settingName.equals(
maxMainTOFDisplayDepth = itIsAnIntSetting(
cfgFile, settingName, settingValue);
if (maxTOFDisplayDepth < 1) {
throw newCfgFileException(cfgFile, settingName,
"Value must be at least 1.");
} else if (settingName.equals(SETTING_NUMBERED_SECTIONS)) {
numberedSectons = itIsABooleanSetting(
cfgFile, settingName, settingValue);
} else {
throw newCfgFileException(cfgFile, "Unknown setting: \""
+ settingName
+ "\". (Hint: See the list of available "
+ "settings in the Java API documentation of "
+ Transform.class.getName() + ". Also, note that "
+ "setting names are case-sensitive.)");
} // for each cfg settings
if (offline == null) {
throw new DocgenException(
"The \"offline\" setting wasn't specified; it must be set to true or false");
// Ensure proper rank relations:
if (lowestPageTOCElemenRank.compareTo(lowestFileElemenRank) > 0) {
lowestPageTOCElemenRank = lowestFileElemenRank;
// Ensure {@link #maxMainTOFDisplayDepth} is set:
if (maxMainTOFDisplayDepth == 0) {
maxMainTOFDisplayDepth = maxTOFDisplayDepth;
templatesDir = new File(srcDir, DIR_TEMPLATES);
if (!templatesDir.exists()) {
templatesDir = null;
if (contentDir == null) {
contentDir = srcDir;
// Initialize state fields
primaryIndexTermLookup = new HashMap<String, List<NodeModel>>();
= new HashMap<String, SortedMap<String, List<NodeModel>>>();
elementsById = new HashMap<String, Element>();
tocNodes = new ArrayList<TOCNode>();
indexEntries = new ArrayList<String>();
// Setup FreeMarker:
try {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new BugException(e);
fmConfig = new Configuration(Configuration.VERSION_2_3_21);
TemplateLoader templateLoader = new ClassTemplateLoader(
Transform.class, "templates");
if (templatesDir != null) {
templateLoader = new MultiTemplateLoader(
new TemplateLoader[] { new FileTemplateLoader(templatesDir), templateLoader });
// Do the actual job:
// - Load and validate the book XML
final File docFile;
final File docFile1 = new File(contentDir, FILE_BOOK);
if (docFile1.isFile()) {
docFile = docFile1;
} else {
final File docFile2 = new File(contentDir, FILE_ARTICLE);
if (docFile2.isFile()) {
docFile = docFile2;
} else {
throw new DocgenException("The book file is missing: "
+ docFile1.getAbsolutePath() + " or " + docFile2.getAbsolutePath());
Document doc = XMLUtil.loadDocBook5XML(
docFile, validate, validationOps, logger);
// - Post-edit and examine the DOM:
// - Create destination directory:
if (!destDir.isDirectory() && !destDir.mkdirs()) {
throw new IOException("Failed to create destination directory: "
+ destDir.getAbsolutePath());
// - Check internal book-marks:
for (Entry<String, String> ent : internalBookmarks.entrySet()) {
String id = ent.getValue();
if (!elementsById.containsKey(id)) {
throw newCfgFileException(cfgFile,
"No element with id \"" + id
+ "\" exists in the book.");
// - Setup common data-model variables:
try {
// Settings:
VAR_OFFLINE, offline);
VAR_SHOW_EDITORAL_NOTES, showEditoralNotes);
VAR_SEARCH_KEY, searchKey);
VAR_OLINKS, olinks);
VAR_NUMBERED_SECTIONS, numberedSectons);
VAR_LOGO, logo);
VAR_TABS, tabs);
VAR_EXTERNAL_BOOKMARDS, externalBookmarks);
VAR_INTERNAL_BOOKMARDS, internalBookmarks);
VAR_ROOT_ELEMENT, doc.getDocumentElement());
// Calculated data:
VAR_INDEX_ENTRIES, indexEntries);
int tofCntLv1 = countTOFEntries(tocNodes.get(0), 1);
int tofCntLv2 = countTOFEntries(tocNodes.get(0), 2);
tofCntLv1 != 0
|| internalBookmarks.size() != 0
|| externalBookmarks.size() != 0);
VAR_SHOW_BREADCRUMB, tofCntLv1 != tofCntLv2);
// Helper methods and directives:
"NodeFromID", nodeFromID);
"CreateLinkFromID", createLinkFromID);
"primaryIndexTermLookup", primaryIndexTermLookup);
"secondaryIndexTermLookup", secondaryIndexTermLookup);
"CreateLinkFromNode", createLinkFromNode);
} catch (TemplateModelException e) {
throw new BugException(e);
// - Generate ToC JSON-s:
{"Generating ToC JSON...");
Template template = fmConfig.getTemplate(FILE_TOC_JSON_TEMPLATE);
try (Writer wr = new BufferedWriter(
new OutputStreamWriter(
new FileOutputStream(
new File(destDir, FILE_TOC_JSON_OUTPUT)),
UTF_8))) {
try {
SimpleHash dataModel = new SimpleHash(fmConfig.getObjectWrapper());
dataModel.put(VAR_JSON_TOC_ROOT, tocNodes.get(0));
template.process(dataModel, wr, null, NodeModel.wrap(doc));
} catch (TemplateException e) {
throw new BugException("Failed to generate ToC JSON "
+ "(see cause exception).", e);
// - Generate the HTML-s:"Generating HTML files...");
int htmlFileCounter = 0;
for (TOCNode tocNode : tocNodes) {
if (tocNode.isFileElement()) {
try {
currentFileTOCNode = tocNode;
try {
// All output-file-specific processing comes here.
htmlFileCounter += generateHTMLFile();
} finally {
currentFileTOCNode = null;
} catch (freemarker.core.StopException e) {
throw new DocgenException(e.getMessage());
} catch (TemplateException e) {
throw new BugException(e);
// - Copy the standard statics:"Copying common static files...");
for (int i = 1; i < 15; i++) {
copyCommonStatic("img/callouts/" + i + ".gif");
if (showXXELogo) {
if (!disableJavaScript) {
// - Copy the custom statics:"Copying custom static files...");
int bookSpecStaticFileCounter = FileUtil.copyDir(
contentDir, destDir, true);
// - Eclipse ToC:
if (generateEclipseTOC) {"Generating Eclipse ToC...");
Template template = fmConfig.getTemplate(FILE_ECLIPSE_TOC_TEMPLATE);
try (Writer wr = new BufferedWriter(
new OutputStreamWriter(
new FileOutputStream(
new File(destDir, FILE_ECLIPSE_TOC_OUTPUT)),
UTF_8))) {
try {
SimpleHash dataModel = new SimpleHash(fmConfig.getObjectWrapper());
if (eclipseLinkTo != null) {
dataModel.put(VAR_ECLIPSE_LINK_TO, eclipseLinkTo);
template.process(dataModel, wr, null, NodeModel.wrap(doc));
} catch (TemplateException e) {
throw new BugException("Failed to generate Eclipse ToC "
+ "(see cause exception).", e);
// - Report summary:
"Done: "
+ htmlFileCounter + " HTML-s + "
+ bookSpecStaticFileCounter + " custom statics + commons"
+ (generateEclipseTOC ? " + Eclipse ToC" : ""));
private DocgenException newCfgFileException(
File cfgFile, String settingName, String desc) {
settingName = settingName.replace(".", "\" per \"");
return newCfgFileException(cfgFile, "Wrong value for setting \""
+ settingName + "\": " + desc);
private DocgenException newCfgFileException(File cfgFile, String desc) {
return newCfgFileException(cfgFile, desc, (Throwable) null);
private DocgenException newCfgFileException(File cfgFile, String desc,
Throwable cause) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("Wrong configuration");
if (cfgFile != null) {
sb.append(" file \"");
sb.append(": ");
return new DocgenException(sb.toString(), cause);
private Map<String, Object> itIsAMapSetting(
File cfgFile, String settingName, Object settingValue)
throws DocgenException {
if (!(settingValue instanceof Map)) {
throw newCfgFileException(
cfgFile, settingName,
"Should be a map (like {key1: value1, key2: value2}), but "
+ "it's a " + CJSONInterpreter.cjsonTypeOf(settingValue)
+ ".");
return (Map<String, Object>) settingValue;
private String itIsAStringSetting(File cfgFile,
String settingName, Object settingValue) throws DocgenException {
if (!(settingValue instanceof String)) {
throw newCfgFileException(
cfgFile, settingName,
"Should be a string, but it's a "
+ CJSONInterpreter.cjsonTypeOf(settingValue) + ".");
return (String) settingValue;
private boolean itIsABooleanSetting(File cfgFile,
String settingName, Object settingValue) throws DocgenException {
if (!(settingValue instanceof Boolean)) {
throw newCfgFileException(
cfgFile, settingName,
"Should be a boolean (i.e., true or false), but it's a "
+ CJSONInterpreter.cjsonTypeOf(settingValue) + ".");
return (Boolean) settingValue;
private int itIsAnIntSetting(File cfgFile,
String settingName, Object settingValue)
throws DocgenException {
if (!(settingValue instanceof Number)) {
throw newCfgFileException(
cfgFile, settingName,
"Should be an number, but it's a "
+ CJSONInterpreter.cjsonTypeOf(settingValue) + ".");
if (!(settingValue instanceof Integer)) {
throw newCfgFileException(
cfgFile, settingName,
"Should be an integer number (32 bits max), but it's: "
+ settingValue);
return ((Integer) settingValue).intValue();
/* Unused at the moment
private List<String> itIsAListOfStringsSetting(File cfgFile,
String settingName, Object settingValue) throws DocgenException {
if (!(settingValue instanceof List)) {
throw newCfgFileException(
cfgFile, settingName,
"Should be a list, but it's a "
+ CJSONInterpreter.cjsonTypeOf(settingValue) + ".");
List ls = (List) settingValue;
for (Object i : ls) {
if (!(i instanceof String)) {
throw newCfgFileException(
cfgFile, settingName,
"Should be a list of strings, but one if the list items "
+ "is a " + CJSONInterpreter.cjsonTypeOf(i) + ".");
return ls;
private String itIsAStringValueInAMapSetting(File cfgFile,
String settingName, Object mapEntryValue) throws DocgenException {
if (!(mapEntryValue instanceof String)) {
throw newCfgFileException(cfgFile, settingName,
"The values in the key-value pairs of this map must be "
+ "strings, but some of them is a "
+ CJSONInterpreter.cjsonTypeOf(mapEntryValue) + ".");
return (String) mapEntryValue;
private void copyCommonStatic(String path) throws IOException {
Transform.class, "statics", path,
new File(destDir, "docgen-resources"));
* Adds attribute <tt>id</tt> to elements that are in
* <code>idAttrElements</code>, but has no id attribute yet.
* Adding id-s is useful to create more precise HTML cross-links later.
private void preprocessDOM(Document doc)
throws SAXException, DocgenException {
private static final class PreprocessDOMMisc_GlobalState {
private int lastId;
/** Style silencer: notAUtiltiyClass() never used */
private PreprocessDOMMisc_GlobalState() {
/** CheckStyle silencer */
void notAUtiltiyClass() {
// Nop
private static final class PreprocessDOMMisc_ParentSectState {
private int upperRomanNumber = 1;
private int lowerRomanNumber = 1;
private int arabicNumber = 1;
private int upperLatinNumber = 1;
private int unitedNumber = 1;
/** Style silencer: notAUtiltiyClass() never used */
private PreprocessDOMMisc_ParentSectState() {
/** CheckStyle silencer */
void notAUtiltiyClass() {
// Nop
private void preprocessDOM_misc(Document doc)
throws SAXException, DocgenException {
new PreprocessDOMMisc_GlobalState(),
new PreprocessDOMMisc_ParentSectState());
indexEntries = new ArrayList<String>(primaryIndexTermLookup.keySet());
Collections.sort(indexEntries, Collator.getInstance(locale));
private void preprocessDOM_misc_inner(
Node node,
PreprocessDOMMisc_GlobalState globalState,
PreprocessDOMMisc_ParentSectState parentSectState)
throws SAXException, DocgenException {
if (node instanceof Element) {
Element elem = (Element) node;
// xml:id -> id:
String id = XMLUtil.getAttribute(elem, "xml:id");
if (id != null) {
if (id.startsWith(AUTO_ID_PREFIX)) {
throw new DocgenException(
XMLUtil.theSomethingElement(elem, true)
+ " uses a reserved xml:id, "
+ TextUtil.jQuote(id) + ". All ID-s starting with "
+ "\"" + AUTO_ID_PREFIX + "\" are reserved for "
+ "Docgen.");
if (id.startsWith(DOCGEN_ID_PREFIX)) {
throw new DocgenException(
XMLUtil.theSomethingElement(elem, true)
+ " uses a reserved xml:id, "
+ TextUtil.jQuote(id) + ". All ID-s starting with "
+ "\"" + DOCGEN_ID_PREFIX + "\" are reserved for "
+ "Docgen.");
elem.setAttribute("id", id);
final String elemName = node.getNodeName();
// Add auto id-s:
if (id == null && GUARANTEED_ID_ELEMENTS.contains(elemName)) {
id = AUTO_ID_PREFIX + globalState.lastId;
elem.setAttribute("id", id);
if (id != null) {
elementsById.put(id, elem);
// Add default titles:
if (elemName.equals(E_PREFACE)
|| elemName.equals(E_GLOSSARY)
|| elemName.equals(E_INDEX)
|| elemName.equals(E_SEARCH)) {
+ elemName.substring(1));
// Simplify tables:
} else if (
|| elemName.equals(E_TABLE))
&& elem.getNamespaceURI().equals(XMLNS_DOCBOOK5)) {
// Collect index terms:
} else if (elemName.equals(E_INDEXTERM)) {
} else if (elemName.equals(E_IMAGEDATA)) {
String ref = XMLUtil.getAttribute(elem, A_FILEREF);
String loRef = ref.toLowerCase();
if (!loRef.startsWith("http://")
&& !loRef.startsWith("https://")
&& !ref.startsWith("/")) {
if (!new File(contentDir,
ref.replace('/', File.separatorChar))
.isFile()) {
throw new DocgenException(
XMLUtil.theSomethingElement(elem) + " contains "
+ "a broken file reference: \""
+ ref.replace("\"", "&quot;") + "\"");
// Adding title prefixes to document structure elements:
if (DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE_ELEMENTS.contains(elemName)) {
final String prefix;
if (elem.getParentNode() instanceof Document) {
// The document element is never prefixed
prefix = null;
} else if (hasPrefaceLikeParent(elem)) {
prefix = null;
} else if (numberedSectons
&& elemName.equals(E_SECTION)) {
prefix = String.valueOf(
} else if (elemName.equals(E_CHAPTER)) {
prefix = String.valueOf(
} else if (elemName.equals(E_PART)) {
prefix = TextUtil.toUpperRomanNumber(
} else if (elemName.equals(E_APPENDIX)) {
prefix = TextUtil.toUpperLatinNumber(
} else if (elemName.equals(E_ARTICLE)) {
prefix = TextUtil.toLowerRomanNumber(
} else {
prefix = null;
if (prefix != null) {
final String fullPrefix;
final Node parent = elem.getParentNode();
if (parent instanceof Element
// Don't inherit prefix from "part" rank:
&& !parent.getLocalName().equals(E_PART)
// Don't inherit prefix from "article":
&& !parent.getLocalName().equals(E_ARTICLE)) {
String inhPrefix = XMLUtil.getAttribute(
(Element) parent, A_DOCGEN_TITLE_PREFIX);
if (inhPrefix != null) {
if (inhPrefix.endsWith(".")) {
fullPrefix = inhPrefix + prefix;
} else {
fullPrefix = inhPrefix + "." + prefix;
} else {
fullPrefix = prefix;
} else {
fullPrefix = prefix;
elem.setAttribute(A_DOCGEN_TITLE_PREFIX, fullPrefix);
} // if prefix != null
// We will be the parent document structure element of the soon
// processed children:
parentSectState = new PreprocessDOMMisc_ParentSectState();
} // if document structure element
} // if element
NodeList children = node.getChildNodes();
int ln = children.getLength();
for (int i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
globalState, parentSectState);
* Annotates the document structure nodes with so called ranks.
* About ranks see: {@link #setting_lowestFileElementRank}.
private void preprocessDOM_addRanks(Document doc)
throws DocgenException {
Element root = doc.getDocumentElement();
String rootName = root.getLocalName();
if (rootName.equals(E_BOOK)) {
A_DOCGEN_RANK, DocumentStructureRank.BOOK.toString());
} else if (rootName.equals(E_ARTICLE)) {
A_DOCGEN_RANK, DocumentStructureRank.CHAPTER.toString());
preprocessDOM_addRanks_underChapterRankOrDeeper(root, 0);
} else {
throw new DocgenException("The \"" + rootName + "\" element is "
+ "unsupported as root element.");
private void preprocessDOM_addRanks_underBookRank(
Element root) throws DocgenException {
// Find the common rank:
DocumentStructureRank commonRank = null;
for (Element child : XMLUtil.childrenElementsOf(root)) {
String name = child.getLocalName();
if (name.equals(E_PART)) {
if (commonRank != null
&& !commonRank.equals(DocumentStructureRank.PART)) {
throw new DocgenException("Bad document structure: "
+ XMLUtil.theSomethingElement(child) + " is on the "
+ "same ToC level with a \"" + E_CHAPTER
+ "\" element.");
commonRank = DocumentStructureRank.PART;
} else if (name.equals(E_CHAPTER)) {
if (commonRank != null
&& !commonRank.equals(DocumentStructureRank.CHAPTER)) {
throw new DocgenException("Bad document structure: "
+ XMLUtil.theSomethingElement(child) + " is on the "
+ "same ToC level with a \"" + E_PART
+ "\" element.");
commonRank = DocumentStructureRank.CHAPTER;
if (commonRank == null) {
commonRank = DocumentStructureRank.CHAPTER;
// Apply the common rank plus go deeper:
for (Element child : XMLUtil.childrenElementsOf(root)) {
if (DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE_ELEMENTS.contains(child.getLocalName())) {
A_DOCGEN_RANK, commonRank.toString());
// Even if this node received part rank, its children will not
// "feel like" being the children of a true part, unless its
// indeed a part:
if (child.getLocalName().equals(E_PART)) {
} else {
child, 0);
private void preprocessDOM_addRanks_underTruePart(
Node parent) throws DocgenException {
for (Element child : XMLUtil.childrenElementsOf(parent)) {
if (DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE_ELEMENTS.contains(child.getLocalName())) {
preprocessDOM_addRanks_underChapterRankOrDeeper(child, 0);
private void preprocessDOM_addRanks_underChapterRankOrDeeper(
Element parent, int underSectionRank) throws DocgenException {
for (Element child : XMLUtil.childrenElementsOf(parent)) {
if (DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE_ELEMENTS.contains(child.getLocalName())) {
if (child.getLocalName().equals(E_SIMPLESECT)) {
// Note: simplesection-s are leafs in the ToC hierarchy.
} else {
if (underSectionRank + 1 > DocgenRestrictionsValidator
throw new DocgenException("Too deep ToC nesting for "
+ XMLUtil.theSomethingElement(child)
+ ": rank bellow "
+ DocumentStructureRank.sectionToString(
underSectionRank + 1));
child, underSectionRank + 1);
private void preprocessDOM_buildTOC(Document doc) throws DocgenException {
preprocessDOM_buildTOC_inner(doc, 0, null);
if (tocNodes.size() > 0) {
if (!tocNodes.get(0).isFileElement()) {
throw new BugException(
"The root ToC node must be a file-element.");
private static final String COMMON_TOC_TOPOLOGY_ERROR_HINT
+ "\" setting. Maybe it's incompatible with the structure of "
+ "this document.)";
private void preprocessDOM_buildTOC_checkTOCTopology(TOCNode tocNode)
throws DocgenException {
// Check parent-child relation:
TOCNode parent = tocNode.getParent();
if (parent != null && !parent.getElement().isSameNode(
tocNode.getElement().getParentNode())) {
throw new DocgenException(
"Bad ToC-element topology: In the ToC "
+ parent.theSomethingElement()
+ " is the parent of "
+ tocNode.theSomethingElement()
+ ", yet they are not in parent-child relation in the XML "
+ "document (but maybe in grandparent-nephew relation or "
+ "like)."
// Check following-sibling relation:
TOCNode next = tocNode.getNext();
Element relevantSibling = preprocessDOM_buildTOC_getSectionLikeSibling(
tocNode.getElement(), true);
if (next != null) {
if (relevantSibling == null) {
throw new DocgenException(
"Bad ToC-element topology: In the ToC "
+ next.theSomethingElement()
+ " is the following sibling of "
+ tocNode.theSomethingElement()
+ ", yet they are not siblings in the XML document."
if (!relevantSibling.isSameNode(next.getElement())) {
throw new DocgenException(
"Bad ToC-element topology: In the ToC "
+ next.theSomethingElement()
+ " is the immediate following sibling of "
+ tocNode.theSomethingElement()
+ ", but in the XML document there is a \""
+ relevantSibling.getLocalName()
+ "\" element between them, or they aren't siblings "
+ "at all."
} else {
// next == null
if (relevantSibling != null) {
throw new DocgenException(
"Bad ToC-element topology: In the ToC hierarchy "
+ tocNode.theSomethingElement()
+ "\" is a last-child, but in the XML document it has "
+ "a \"" + relevantSibling.getLocalName() + "\" "
+ "element as its following sibling."
// Check preceding-sibling relation:
TOCNode prev = tocNode.getPrevious();
relevantSibling = preprocessDOM_buildTOC_getSectionLikeSibling(
tocNode.getElement(), false);
if (prev == null && relevantSibling != null) {
throw new DocgenException(
"Bad ToC-element topology: In the ToC hierarchy "
+ tocNode.theSomethingElement() + " is a first-child, "
+ "but in the XML document it has a "
+ "\"" + relevantSibling.getLocalName() + "\" "
+ "element as its preceding sibling."
TOCNode child = tocNode.getFirstChild();
while (child != null) {
child = child.getNext();
private Element preprocessDOM_buildTOC_getSectionLikeSibling(
Element elem, boolean next) {
Node relevantSibling = elem;
do {
if (next) {
relevantSibling = relevantSibling.getNextSibling();
} else {
relevantSibling = relevantSibling.getPreviousSibling();
} while (relevantSibling != null
&& !(relevantSibling instanceof Element
return (Element) relevantSibling;
private static final String COMMON_FILE_TOPOLOGY_ERROR_HINT
= " (Hint: Review the \"" + SETTING_LOWEST_FILE_ELEMENT_RANK
+ "\" setting. Maybe it's incompatible with the structure of "
+ "this document.)";
private void preprocessDOM_buildTOC_checkFileTopology(TOCNode tocNode)
throws DocgenException {
TOCNode firstChild = tocNode.getFirstChild();
if (firstChild != null) {
boolean firstIsFileElement = firstChild.isFileElement();
TOCNode child = firstChild;
do {
if (child.isFileElement() != firstIsFileElement) {
throw new DocgenException("Bad file-element topology: "
+ "The first child element of "
+ tocNode.theSomethingElement()
+ ", " + firstChild.theSomethingElement()
+ ", is " + (firstIsFileElement ? "a" : "not a")
+ " file-element, while another child, "
+ child.theSomethingElement()
+ (firstIsFileElement ? " isn't" : " is")
+ ". Either all relevant children elements must be "
+ "file-elements or neither can be."
child = child.getNext();
} while (child != null);
if (firstIsFileElement && !tocNode.isFileElement()) {
throw new DocgenException("Bad file-element topology: "
+ tocNode.theSomethingElement() + " is not a "
+ "file-element, yet it has file-element children, "
+ firstChild.theSomethingElement() + ". Only "
+ "file-elements can have children that are "
+ "file-elements.");
private TOCNode preprocessDOM_buildTOC_inner(Node node,
final int sectionLevel, TOCNode parentTOCNode)
throws DocgenException {
TOCNode curTOCNode = null;
int newSectionLevel = sectionLevel;
if (node instanceof Element) {
final Element elem = (Element) node;
final String nodeName = node.getNodeName();
if (DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE_ELEMENTS.contains(nodeName)) {
DocumentStructureRank rank = DocumentStructureRank.valueOf(
XMLUtil.getAttribute(elem, A_DOCGEN_RANK)
final boolean isTheDocumentElement
= elem.getParentNode() instanceof Document;
if (isTheDocumentElement
|| rank.compareTo(lowestPageTOCElemenRank) >= 0) {
curTOCNode = new TOCNode(elem, tocNodes.size());
if ((isTheDocumentElement
|| rank.compareTo(lowestFileElemenRank) >= 0)
&& !hasPrefaceLikeParent(elem)) {
elem.setAttribute(A_DOCGEN_FILE_ELEMENT, "true");
if (isTheDocumentElement) {
elem.setAttribute(A_DOCGEN_ROOT_ELEMENT, "true");
} else {
String id = XMLUtil.getAttribute(elem, "id");
if (id == null) {
throw new BugException("Missing id attribute");
if (!validationOps.getOutputFilesCanUseAutoID()
&& id.startsWith(AUTO_ID_PREFIX)) {
throw new DocgenException(
XMLUtil.theSomethingElement(elem, true)
+ " has automatically generated ID "
+ "that is not allowed as the ID "
+ "is used for generating a file "
+ "name. (Related setting: \""
+ SETTING_VALIDATION + "\" per \""
+ "\")");
String fileName = id + ".html";
if (fileName.equals(FILE_DETAILED_TOC_HTML)
|| fileName.equals(FILE_INDEX_HTML)) {
throw new DocgenException(
XMLUtil.theSomethingElement(elem, true)
+ " has an xml:id that is deduced to "
+ "a reserved output file name, \""
+ fileName + "\". (Hint: Change the "
+ "xml:id.)");
} else { // of: if file element
elem.setAttribute(A_DOCGEN_PAGE_TOC_ELEMENT, "true");
elem.setAttribute(A_DOCGEN_DETAILED_TOC_ELEMENT, "true");
} // if ToC element
} // if document structure element
} // if Element
if (curTOCNode != null) {
parentTOCNode = curTOCNode;
NodeList children = node.getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
TOCNode child = preprocessDOM_buildTOC_inner(
if (child != null && parentTOCNode != null) {
TOCNode lastChild = parentTOCNode.getLastChild();
if (lastChild != null) {
if (parentTOCNode.getFirstChild() == null) {
return curTOCNode;
private boolean hasPrefaceLikeParent(Element elem) {
while (true) {
Node parent = elem.getParentNode();
if (parent != null && parent instanceof Element) {
elem = (Element) parent;
if (elem.getNamespaceURI().equals(XMLNS_DOCBOOK5)
elem.getLocalName())) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
private Element getTitle(Element elem) {
NodeList children = elem.getChildNodes();
int ln = children.getLength();
for (int i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
Node child = children.item(i);
if (child instanceof Element
&& child.getLocalName().equals("title")) {
return (Element) child; // !! found it
return null;
private void ensureTitleExists(Element elem, String defaultTitle) {
if (getTitle(elem) != null) {
// Retrieve a document node:
Node node = elem;
do {
node = node.getParentNode();
if (node == null) {
throw new BugException("Can't find Document node.");
} while (node.getNodeType() != Node.DOCUMENT_NODE);
Document doc = (Document) node;
// Create the title node:
Element title = doc.createElementNS(XMLNS_DOCBOOK5, E_TITLE);
// Insert it into the tree:
elem.insertBefore(title, elem.getFirstChild());
* Returns the {@link TOCNode} that corresponds to the element, or
* {@link null} if it's not a file element. Can be called only
* after {@link #createLookupTables(Node, LookupCreatingState)}.
private TOCNode getFileTOCNodeFor(Element elem) {
for (TOCNode tocNode : tocNodes) {
if (tocNode.isFileElement()
&& tocNode.getElement().isSameNode(elem)) {
return tocNode;
return null;
private void addIndexTerm(Node node) {
Node primary = null;
Node secondary = null;
NodeList children = node.getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
Node child = node.getChildNodes().item(i);
if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
if (child.getNodeName().equals(E_PRIMARY)) {
primary = child;
} else if (child.getNodeName().equals(E_SECONDARY)) {
secondary = child;
String primaryText = primary.getFirstChild().getNodeValue().trim();
if (!primaryIndexTermLookup.containsKey(primaryText)) {
primaryIndexTermLookup.put(primaryText, new ArrayList<NodeModel>());
if (secondary != null) {
if (!secondaryIndexTermLookup.containsKey(primaryText)) {
primaryText, new TreeMap<String, List<NodeModel>>());
Map<String, List<NodeModel>> m = secondaryIndexTermLookup.get(
String secondaryText = secondary.getFirstChild().getNodeValue()
List<NodeModel> nodes = m.get(secondaryText);
if (nodes == null) {
nodes = new ArrayList<NodeModel>();
m.put(secondaryText, nodes);
} else {
* Generates a HTML file for the {@link #currentFileTOCNode}, maybe with
* some accompanying HTML-s.
private int generateHTMLFile()
throws IOException, TemplateException {
SimpleHash dataModel = new SimpleHash(fmConfig.getObjectWrapper());
TOCNode otherTOCNode;
otherTOCNode = currentFileTOCNode;
do {
otherTOCNode = otherTOCNode.getPreviousInTraversarOrder();
} while (!(otherTOCNode == null || otherTOCNode.isFileElement()));
otherTOCNode != null ? otherTOCNode.getElement() : null);
otherTOCNode = currentFileTOCNode;
do {
otherTOCNode = otherTOCNode.getNextInTraversarOrder();
} while (!(otherTOCNode == null || otherTOCNode.isFileElement()));
otherTOCNode != null ? otherTOCNode.getElement() : null);
otherTOCNode = currentFileTOCNode.getParent();
otherTOCNode != null ? otherTOCNode.getElement() : null);
Element curElem = currentFileTOCNode.getElement();
final boolean isTheDocumentElement
= curElem.getParentNode() instanceof Document;
? maxTOFDisplayDepth : maxMainTOFDisplayDepth);
boolean generateDetailedTOC = false;
if (isTheDocumentElement) {
// Find out if an detailed ToC will be useful:
int mainTOFEntryCount = countTOFEntries(
currentFileTOCNode, maxMainTOFDisplayDepth);
if (mainTOFEntryCount != 0 // mean, not a single-page output
&& mainTOFEntryCount < tocNodes.size() * 0.75) {
generateDetailedTOC = true;
"show detailed");
generateHTMLFile_inner(dataModel, currentFileTOCNode.getFileName());
if (generateDetailedTOC) {
"show simplified");
generateHTMLFile_inner(dataModel, FILE_DETAILED_TOC_HTML);
return 2;
} else {
return 1;
private int countTOFEntries(TOCNode parent,
int displayDepth) {
int sum = 0;
TOCNode child = parent.getFirstChild();
while (child != null) {
if (child.isFileElement()) {
if (displayDepth > 1) {
sum += countTOFEntries(child, displayDepth - 1);
child = child.getNext();
return sum;
private void generateHTMLFile_inner(SimpleHash dataModel, String fileName)
throws TemplateException, IOException {
Template template = fmConfig.getTemplate("page.ftl");
File outputFile = new File(destDir, fileName);
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(outputFile);
OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(fos, UTF_8);
Writer writer = new BufferedWriter(osw, 2048);
try {
writer, null,
} finally {
* Checks if a document-structure-element starts with top-level content.
* Top-level contain is visible content that is outside the nested
* document-structure-element-s that have enough rank to get into the
* Page Contents table.
private boolean startsWithTopLevelContent(Element element) {
for (Element elem : XMLUtil.childrenElementsOf(element)) {
if (elem.getNamespaceURI().equals(XMLNS_DOCBOOK5)) {
if (elem.hasAttribute(A_DOCGEN_FILE_ELEMENT)
|| elem.hasAttribute(A_DOCGEN_PAGE_TOC_ELEMENT)) {
return false;
String name = elem.getLocalName();
if (!name.equals(E_TITLE) && !name.equals(E_SUBTITLE)
&& !name.equals(E_INFO)
&& !name.equals(E_FOOTNOTE)) {
if (VISIBLE_TOPLEVEL_ELEMENTS.contains(name)) {
return true;
return false;
private String createElementLinkURL(final Element elem)
throws DocgenException {
// Find the closest id:
String id = null;
Node node = elem;
while (node != null) {
if (node instanceof Element) {
id = XMLUtil.getAttribute((Element) node, "id");
if (id != null) {
node = node.getParentNode();
if (id == null) {
throw new DocgenException(
"Can't create link for the \"" + elem.getLocalName()
+ "\" element: Nor this element nor its ascendants have an "
+ "id.");
final Element idElem = (Element) node;
String fileName = null;
Element curElem = idElem;
do {
TOCNode fileTOCNode = getFileTOCNodeFor(curElem);
if (fileTOCNode == null) {
curElem = (Element) curElem.getParentNode();
} else {
fileName = fileTOCNode.getFileName();
} while (fileName == null);
String link;
if (currentFileTOCNode != null
&& fileName.equals(currentFileTOCNode.getFileName())) {
link = "";
} else {
link = fileName;
if (getFileTOCNodeFor(idElem) == null) {
link = link + "#" + id;
// IE6 doesn't like empty href-s:
if (link.length() == 0) {
link = fileName;
return link;
private String getArgString(List<?> args, int argIdx) throws TemplateModelException {
Object value = args.get(argIdx);
if (value instanceof TemplateScalarModel) {
return ((TemplateScalarModel) value).getAsString();
if (value instanceof TemplateModel) {
throw new TemplateModelException("Argument #" + (argIdx + 1) + " should be a string, but it was: "
+ ClassUtil.getFTLTypeDescription((TemplateModel) value));
throw new IllegalArgumentException("\"value\" must be " + TemplateModel.class.getName());
private TemplateMethodModelEx createLinkFromID = new TemplateMethodModelEx() {
public Object exec(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") final List args)
throws TemplateModelException {
if (args.size() != 1) {
throw new TemplateModelException(
"Method CreateLinkFromID should have exactly one "
+ "parameter.");
String id = getArgString(args, 0);
Element elem = elementsById.get(id);
if (elem == null) {
throw new TemplateModelException(
"No element exists with this id: \"" + id + "\"");
try {
return new SimpleScalar(createElementLinkURL(elem));
} catch (DocgenException e) {
throw new TemplateModelException(
"CreateLinkFromID failed to create link.", e);
private TemplateMethodModelEx createLinkFromNode
= new TemplateMethodModelEx() {
public Object exec(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") final List args)
throws TemplateModelException {
if (args.size() != 1) {
throw new TemplateModelException(
"Method CreateLinkFromNode should have exactly one "
+ "parameter.");
Object arg1 = args.get(0);
if (!(arg1 instanceof NodeModel)) {
throw new TemplateModelException(
"The first parameter to CreateLinkFromNode must be a "
+ "node, but it wasn't. (Class: "
+ arg1.getClass().getName() + ")");
Node node = ((NodeModel) arg1).getNode();
if (!(node instanceof Element)) {
throw new TemplateModelException(
"The first parameter to CreateLinkFromNode must be an "
+ "element node, but it wasn't. (Class: "
+ arg1.getClass().getName() + ")");
try {
return new SimpleScalar(createElementLinkURL((Element) node));
} catch (DocgenException e) {
throw new TemplateModelException(
"CreateLinkFromNode falied to create link.", e);
private TemplateMethodModelEx nodeFromID = new TemplateMethodModelEx() {
public Object exec(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") List args)
throws TemplateModelException {
Node node = elementsById.get(getArgString(args, 0));
return NodeModel.wrap(node);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
public File getDestinationDirectory() {
return destDir;
* Sets the directory where all the output files will go.
public void setDestinationDirectory(File destDir) {
this.destDir = destDir;
public File getSourceDirectory() {
return srcDir;
public void setSourceDirectory(File srcDir) {
this.srcDir = srcDir;
public Boolean getOffline() {
return offline;
public void setOffline(Boolean offline) {
this.offline = offline;
public boolean getShowEditoralNotes() {
return showEditoralNotes;
public void setShowEditoralNotes(boolean showEditoralNotes) {
this.showEditoralNotes = showEditoralNotes;
public boolean getValidate() {
return validate;
* Specifies if the DocBook XML should be validated against the DocBook 5
* RELAX NG Schema; defaults to {@code true}. Setting this to {@code false}
* can have whatever random effects later if the DocBook isn't valid,
* since the transformation written with the assumption that source is
* valid XML.
public void setValidate(boolean validate) {
this.validate = validate;
public TimeZone getTimeZone() {
return timeZone;
public void setTimeZone(TimeZone timeZone) {
this.timeZone = timeZone;
public boolean getPrintProgress() {
return printProgress;
* Sets if {@link #execute()} should print feedback to the stdout.
* Note that errors (exceptions) will never be printed, just thrown.
public void setPrintProgress(boolean printProgress) {
this.printProgress = printProgress;
public boolean getGenerateEclipseToC() {
return generateEclipseTOC;
public void setGenerateEclipseToC(boolean eclipseToC) {
this.generateEclipseTOC = eclipseToC;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* A node in the XML document for which a ToC entry should be shown.
* These nodes form a tree that exists in parallel with the the tree of DOM
* nodes.
public class TOCNode {
private final Element element;
private final int traversalIndex;
private TOCNode parent;
private TOCNode next;
private TOCNode previous;
private TOCNode firstChild;
private TOCNode lastChild;
private String fileName;
public TOCNode(Element element, int traversalIndex) {
this.element = element;
this.traversalIndex = traversalIndex;
public TOCNode getFirstChild() {
return firstChild;
public void setFirstChild(TOCNode firstChild) {
this.firstChild = firstChild;
public TOCNode getLastChild() {
return lastChild;
public void setLastChild(TOCNode lastChild) {
this.lastChild = lastChild;
public void setParent(TOCNode parent) {
this.parent = parent;
public TOCNode getNext() {
return next;
public void setNext(TOCNode next) { = next;
public TOCNode getPrevious() {
return previous;
public void setPrevious(TOCNode previous) {
this.previous = previous;
public TOCNode getParent() {
return parent;
public void setFileName(String fileName) {
this.fileName = fileName;
public String getFileName() {
return fileName;
public Element getElement() {
return element;
public boolean isFileElement() {
return fileName != null;
public String theSomethingElement() {
return XMLUtil.theSomethingElement(element);
public TOCNode getNextInTraversarOrder() {
return traversalIndex + 1 < tocNodes.size()
? tocNodes.get(traversalIndex + 1) : null;
public TOCNode getPreviousInTraversarOrder() {
return traversalIndex > 0
? tocNodes.get(traversalIndex - 1) : null;
enum DocumentStructureRank {
public String toString() {
return name().toLowerCase();
static String sectionToString(int level) {
return DocumentStructureRank.SECTION1.toString().substring(
DocumentStructureRank.SECTION1.toString().length() - 1)
+ level;