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<h1>Who we are</h1>
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<a href="#community">The Forrest Community</a>
<a href="#committers">List of committers</a>
<a href="#notes">Notes</a>
<a name="N1000D"></a><a name="community"></a>
<h2 class="underlined_10">The Forrest Community</h2>
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The Forrest Project operates as a meritocracy: the more you do, the more
responsibility you will obtain. This page lists all of the people who
have gone the extra mile and are Committers. If you would like to get
involved, the first step is to join the mailing lists.
Of course the committers are not the only people involved in the
community. Thanks to the many people for their contributions of patches,
assistance, ideas, and email discussion. Some are mentioned at the
<a href="docs_0_80/changes.html">changes</a> page. See how we
<a href="guidelines.html#contribution">acknowledge</a> contributions.
Please do not send emails directly to individual developers asking for
free support - see the Important Notices at the
<a href="mail-lists.html">mailing lists</a> page.
<a name="N10029"></a><a name="committers"></a>
<h2 class="underlined_10">List of committers</h2>
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List of all people who have ever been committers at Apache Forrest,
sorted alphabetically.
<em>[NKB] - Nicola Ken Barozzi (</em>
<strong>[DB] - Dave Brondsema (</strong>
<strong>[DC] - David Crossley (</strong> - PMC Chair</li>
<strong>[CD] - Cyriaque Dupoirieux (</strong>
<strong>[AG] - Antonio Gallardo (</strong>
<strong>[RG] - Ross Gardler (</strong>
<strong>[DG] - Diwaker Gupta (</strong>
<li>[SM] - Stefano Mazzocchi (</li>
<strong>[GM] - Gavin McDonald (</strong>
<strong>[SNM] - Sjur Moshagen (</strong>
<li>[JM] - John Morrison (</li>
<li>[SN] - Steven Noels (</li>
<strong>[JJP] - Juan Jose Pablos (</strong>
<li>[KP] - Konstantin Piroumian (</li>
<li>[MP] - Marc Portier (</li>
<li>[SR] - Sam Ruby (</li>
<strong>[JS] - Johannes Schaefer (</strong>
<strong>[TS] - Thorsten Scherler (</strong>
<strong>[FSO] - Ferdinand Soethe (</strong>
<strong>[RFT] - Rick F. Tessner (</strong>
<li>[JT] - Jeff Turner (</li>
<strong>[TW] - Tim Williams (</strong>
<a name="N10088"></a><a name="notes"></a>
<h2 class="underlined_10">Notes</h2>
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Strong type denotes "Project Management Committee
(<a href="guidelines.html#pmc">PMC</a>) member". Emphasis type denotes
"emeritus PMC member". See the <a href="guidelines.html#roles">ASF role
definitions</a> for detailed role information. The actual list of PMC
members is in the SVN "committers" repository at
Some people were committers prior to Forrest becoming a top-level
project and so gaining a PMC. They were not around since then, so have
never been on the PMC. All new committers are
<a href="guidelines.html#pmc-committers">encouraged</a> to be PMC
Committers can be as active as they choose and there is no performance
pressure from the project. For those who are interested in the work that
each paticular committer has done, see the
<a href="guidelines.html#contribution">acknowledgements</a> section.
All <a href="">Apache
Cocoon committers</a> and
<a href="">Apache
Lenya committers</a> also have rights to commit to Forrest.
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