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<h1>Apache Forrest issue tracker</h1>
<div id="minitoc-area">
<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#intro">Introduction</a>
<a href="#guide">Guidelines and hints for reporting issues</a>
<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#priority">Special fields: Priority (a.k.a. Severity)</a>
<a href="#urgency">Special fields: Urgency</a>
<a href="#permissions">Permissions</a>
<a href="#filters">Some search filters</a>
<a name="N1000D"></a><a name="intro"></a>
<h2 class="underlined_10">Introduction</h2>
<div class="section">
The Apache Forrest uses an issue tracker call Jira. All of the project
contributions should go there (not to the mailing list). This enables us
to keep track of contributions and to classify and manage the issues.
<a href=""></a>
is the main entry point which provides access to enter, view, search,
and add additional comments to issues. There are some additional search
<a href="#filters">filters</a> provided below.
You need to set up an account there before you can create new issues or
add comments to existing issues. Anyone can register as a user and
report issues. See <a href="#guide">guidelines</a> below.
Note that the issue tracker is not a discussion or user help forum.
Please discuss issues about using Forrest on the user or dev mailing
<a name="N1002C"></a><a name="guide"></a>
<h2 class="underlined_10">Guidelines and hints for reporting issues</h2>
<div class="section">
<li>Ensure that an issue does not already exist.</li>
<li>Use Jira's powerful "Find Issues" ability. Set the Project and
Status fields. See the Help about boolean queries in the Query field.
<li>Follow the prompts below each entry field.</li>
<li>If you don't know the answer to a particular question, then
leave the field blank.</li>
<li>Add a concise initial Description, then add more Comments later to
further describe the issue.</li>
<li>Other people will follow up and enhance your description and
<li>If details about your computing environment are relevant
(e.g. Java version or operating system) then add them to a Comment.</li>
<li>If you are going to also add a patch, then select "Patch available".
(Reporters of issues can add this later via "Edit issue".)
Follow the instructions about "Grant license" and ensure that you are
able to do so.</li>
<a name="N1004D"></a><a name="priority"></a>
<h3 class="underlined_5">Special fields: Priority (a.k.a. Severity)</h3>
The Priority is the severity according to the issue reporter. This
will be a guideline to the development team to identify the most
urgent issues. It is not a guarantee that a Critical issue will be
resolved before a Major issue.
Follow the Jira help icon to see the definition of the options.
<a name="N1005A"></a><a name="urgency"></a>
<h3 class="underlined_5">Special fields: Urgency</h3>
The project team will classify this according to their urgency. The
aim is to be able to see at a glance which issues should be attended
to, so that developers can operate efficiently and so that the product
can be released as soon as possible. Some issues hinder the project,
so need to be identified.
<div class="fixme">
<div class="label">Fixme (open)</div>
<div class="content">
Not sure about the project's use of the "Urgency" field. See issue
<a href="">FOR-853</a>
We use the following definition of the options.
None: The default. Not yet classified.
Blocker: Prevents other developers from working; or critical issue with functionality;
or holds up the implementation of other functionality.
Cannot release until it is fixed. Will be fixed ASAP.
Urgent: Is a key new feature; or affects many users. Will be fixed before the next
Normal: If this issue scratches the itch of any particular developer, then
they should help to solve it and provide a patch.
Low: If this issue bothers you, then fix it because it is not a high priority
for the project.
<a name="N10081"></a><a name="permissions"></a>
<h3 class="underlined_5">Permissions</h3>
Anyone: Browse, Find, View.
jira-users: People who have registered as a user of the ASF Jira.
Create, Edit, Comment, Attach, Vote, Watch.
The reporter can also Close.
forrest-developers: People who are Forrest committers.
Resolve, Close, Delete issues, Delete coments, Link, Assign, Schedule Fix Version, Administer Project.
Some committers are global adminstrators: Edit user details, Add users to groups, Configure.
<a name="N10098"></a><a name="filters"></a>
<h2 class="underlined_10">Some search filters</h2>
<div class="section">
Various general searches are available from the
<a href="">front page</a>, e.g.
"open issues classified by component", or "Added recently". The
following are some special filters.
<a href="">FOR-open-with-patch</a>
- Committers need to visit this regularly and deal with the patches.
<a href="">FOR-roadmap-dev</a>
- Open issues that are scheduled to be investigated.
<a href="">FOR-unresolved-with-attachment</a>
- Issues that have demonstrations of problems, but no solution or patch.
Of course it will include FOR-open-with-patch.
(Note that this filter searches for the string "attach" so will not find all.)
<a href="">FOR-unscheduled</a>
- Issues that have not yet been scheduled to be fixed for a certain version.
<div class="fixme">
<div class="label">Fixme (open)</div>
<div class="content">
Not sure about the project's use of the "Urgency" field.
<a href="">FOR-urgency-blocker</a>
- Issues that the project considers to be Blockers.
<a href="">FOR-urgency-urgent</a>
- Issues that the project considers to be Urgent.
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