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<h1>How to be a Forrest developer</h1>
<div class="abstract">
This How-To provides some tips and procedures for being a Forrest
<div id="minitoc-area">
<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#Intended Audience">Intended Audience</a>
<a href="#Purpose">Purpose</a>
<a href="#Prerequisites">Prerequisites</a>
<a href="#Development techniques and scenarios">Development techniques and scenarios</a>
<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#dev-environment">Development environment</a>
<a href="#svn">Using Subversion</a>
<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#multiple">Multiple working copies</a>
<a href="#svn-email">Watch email notifications for svn differences</a>
<a href="#svn-find-break">Updating svn backwards to find where something broke</a>
<a href="#svn-merge">Reverting Changes using SVN Merge</a>
<a href="#svn-patch">Creating patches</a>
<a href="#tips-svn">Tips</a>
<a href="#edit">Editing content</a>
<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#code-style">Code style guidelines</a>
<a href="#whitespace">Whitespace</a>
<a href="#line-length">Line length</a>
<a href="#review">Use 'forrest run' for immediate gratification</a>
<a href="#tips-edit">Tips</a>
<a href="#sitemap">Understanding the Cocoon sitemap</a>
<a href="#debug">Debugging and profiling techniques</a>
<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#debug-logfiles">View logfiles</a>
<a href="#debug-modes">Cocoon Running Modes</a>
<a href="#debug-intermediate">View intermediate processing</a>
<a href="#debug-cocoon-profiler">Using Cocoon sitemap profiler</a>
<a href="#debug-sitemap-exec">Using Cocoon sitemap execution logger</a>
<a href="#debug-logtransformer">Using Cocoon LogTransformer</a>
<a href="#debug-validation">Using Cocoon Validation Transformers</a>
<a href="#debug-java">Java code</a>
<a href="#debug-links">Finding broken internal links</a>
<a href="#tips-debug">Tips</a>
<a href="#profile-yourkit">Profiling Forrest with YourKit</a>
<a href="#profile-netbeans">Profiling Forrest with Netbeans</a>
<a href="#find">Finding the relevant sources</a>
<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#find-scenario-1">Scenario: How does i18n work</a>
<a href="#tips-find">Tips</a>
<a href="#Frequently Asked Questions">Frequently Asked Questions</a>
<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#1+General+issues">1 General issues</a>
<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#1.1+FAQ+1">1.1 FAQ 1</a>
<a href="#2+Other+issues">2 Other issues</a>
<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#2.1+FAQ+2.1">2.1 FAQ 2.1</a>
<a href="#Tips">Tips</a>
<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#tip-howto">Explanations about howto topics on the mailing lists</a>
<a href="#References">References</a>
<a name="N10010"></a><a name="Intended Audience"></a>
<h2 class="underlined_10">Intended Audience</h2>
<div class="section">
<div class="warning">
<div class="label">Warning</div>
<div class="content">
This document is under initial development.
People who are ready to go beyond the basics of using Forrest. This might
be to utilise Forrest for your advanced needs, debugging, creating a new
plugin, enhancing an existing plugin, enhancing the core capabilities,
contributing such enhancements back to the Apache Forrest project, etc. In
all cases, this is what we mean by "developer".
Actually, users will also find that some parts of this document are
useful. For example, the section about debugging and the section about
editing content.
<a name="N1001E"></a><a name="Purpose"></a>
<h2 class="underlined_10">Purpose</h2>
<div class="section">
This How-To provides some tips and procedures for being an Apache Forrest
developer. Ideally a developer would also contribute back to the project,
so these notes assume that. Various key development tasks are used as
worked examples.
This document is intended to be an introduction to developing in Forrest,
specifically, for those developers without a strong Cocoon background.
Some key concepts in Forrest like sitemaps, pipelines, and locationmaps
can be challenging enough to understand without also struggling with the
fundamental development chores of debugging, extension methods, etc. The
goal of this document is to reduce the steep learning curve by providing
answers to some really practical Forrest development questions.
<a name="N10029"></a><a name="Prerequisites"></a>
<h2 class="underlined_10">Prerequisites</h2>
<div class="section">
You have achieved the basic level of using Forrest. You have Forrest
installed and can create a new site with 'forrest seed'.
You have followed at least the first parts of the
<a href="docs_0_80/your-project.html">Using Forrest</a>
You will enventually see that understanding of the Cocoon
<a href="docs_0_80/sitemap-ref.html">sitemap</a>
is important. For the initial examples below, you can do without that.
However please explore the sitemap soon.
<a name="N1003F"></a><a name="Development techniques and scenarios"></a>
<h2 class="underlined_10">Development techniques and scenarios</h2>
<div class="section">
Various scenarios are utilised to describe aspects of development. Bear in
mind that there are many ways to do things. Each developer has different
tools and habits, and different operating systems are used. So you will
need to glean the principles and apply them to your own situation.
This document assumes that you intend to contribute some parts of your
work back to the project. Techniques for network-based collaborative
development are encouraged.
<a name="N1004A"></a><a name="dev-environment"></a>
<h3 class="underlined_5">Development environment</h3>
There is no *proper* dev environment. It really depends on your personal
preferences. In an opensource project there is huge variety of
environments. This makes it quite a challenge to keep sources consistent
(see discussion below).
Some people use vi or emacs, others use graphical editors, others use
integrated development environments such as Eclipse or IDEA.
Ensure to <a href="docs_0_80/catalog.html">configure</a> your xml editor to take
advantage of the local sets of DTDs provided by Forrest. This also
explains how to use xml validators such as 'xmllint'. If your editor of
choice doesn't validate XML, then most XML validation issues can be
discovered using <span class="codefrag">forrest validate-xdocs</span>
There really isn't much Java code in Forrest, but a Java Development
Environment such as Eclipse or any text editor of your choice will work
just fine. If you point Eclipse at the Forrest build file it will make
life easy for you.
<a name="N10064"></a><a name="svn"></a>
<h3 class="underlined_5">Using Subversion</h3>
The Subversion source control system is used for all ASF projects. You
can leverage this to ease your own development.
The "trunk" is where all new development and bugfixing happens. We aim
to keep the trunk usable at all times.
Each version release is a "branch", such as "forrest_07_branch". Crucial
bugfixes are also applied to the relevant release branch.
Branches are also used for developing complex new code which would
otherwise disrupt the trunk. When the new work is suitable, then that
branch is merged back to the trunk as soon as possible.
To get started, see the <a href="docs_0_80/howto/../build.html">instructions</a> for
obtaining the Apache Forrest sources via SVN.
Whether you use the svn command-line client or a fancy client, then you
still need to make sure you know how to operate SVN properly.
<a href=""></a>
is a must.
<a name="N10084"></a><a name="multiple"></a>
<h4>Multiple working copies</h4>
Most developers would have a number of separate SVN working copies.
Hopefully you are brave enough to use the trunk for all your sites.
Sometimes that is not possible, for example when you are
co-operativley managing a site with other people who are not so brave,
so you need to use a specific release. However consider using the SVN
release branch, rather than the release archive (tar or zip). This
enables you to easily keep up with bugfixes. You can also easily see
what local changes that you have made by using 'svn status; svn diff'.
Here is one layout ...
<pre class="code">
[localhost]$ ls /svn/asf
<a name="N10095"></a><a name="svn-email"></a>
<h4>Watch email notifications for svn differences</h4>
Either subscribe to the project's
<a href="mail-lists.html#forrest-svn">svn mailing list</a> or monitor
it via one of the mail archives. This enables you to be immediately
up-to-date with changes to the repositories. The svn differences
(diffs) are automatically sent whenever a committer makes some
<a name="N100A3"></a><a name="svn-find-break"></a>
<h4>Updating svn backwards to find where something broke</h4>
Sometimes the addition of new features will break something. Often it
is difficult to find where the break occurred and what caused it.
Updating your svn backwards will enable this.
Look at the svn@ mail list to guess which change might be the culprit,
e.g. svn revision 406862.
<pre class="code">
Update backwards to just before the upgrade:
svn update -r 406861
... do 'build clean; build' and test.
Go back further if it still doesn't work.
After success, start upgrading forward.
Looking at the svn@ mailing list shows that
could jump forward past minor changes such as doc edits.
e.g. just after the upgrade:
svn update -r 406863
... do 'build clean; build' and test.
If it still works, move a bit further on:
svn update -r 407260
... do 'build clean; build' and test.
After finding the break, move back to head of trunk
svn update -r HEAD.
<a name="N100B4"></a><a name="svn-merge"></a>
<h4>Reverting Changes using SVN Merge</h4>
Two examples of using SVN Merge.
<pre class="code">
$ svn merge -r 400:300 /site-author/content/xdocs/index.xml /site-author/content/xdocs/index.xml
$ svn merge -r 303:302
... then commit as usual.
More information can be found at
<a href="">Common
use-cases for merging</a> section of the Red Bean SVN Book.
<a name="N100C9"></a><a name="svn-patch"></a>
<h4>Creating patches</h4>
See <a href="contrib.html#patch">instructions</a> for creating and
contributing patches. Make sure to do three things before creating the
<li>Do 'svn update' to be in sync with the repository in case someone else changed your files in SVN.</li>
<li>Do 'svn status' to ensure that you are not including unnecessary changes.</li>
<li>Do 'svn diff' to ensure that changes are what you expect.</li>
After creating the patch, open it with a text editor and review it.
<a name="N100E6"></a><a name="tips-svn"></a>
Keep a copy of this book, or the online version, close at hand:
<a href="">Version Control with Subversion</a>
- the opensource SVN book.
See all available branches and other repositories:
<a href=""></a>
Use online repository browsers to quickly see past activity for
the files that you are working on:
<a href=""></a>
Use 'svn log foo.xsl' for a summary of recent activity and to
see dates and revision numbers for changes.
<a name="N10107"></a><a name="edit"></a>
<h3 class="underlined_5">Editing content</h3>
See the <a href="docs_0_80/faq.html#edit-content">FAQ</a>. Basically any editor
can be used, because Forrest treats the editing of content as a separate
concern. Be sure to configure the editor to find local copies of DTDs.
<a name="N10114"></a><a name="code-style"></a>
<h4>Code style guidelines</h4>
Consistent code makes everyone's life easier. See the
<a href="">Apache
Cocoon tips</a>. We don't get too hung up on style, but those few
basic things are important. However we know that coding style is
mixed, so just follow the same style as that which exists in the file
you are editing. We can occasionally clean up later.
Don't change anything that is not necessary. Remember that people need
to be able to read the differences on the svn@forrest mailing list.
<a name="N10125"></a><a name="whitespace"></a>
For new files, use spaces instead of tabs (java files have four-space
indentation, xml files and other text files have two-space
Don't let your editor automatically change the whitespace for existing
We know that many files in SVN do not have consistent whitespace. This
issue is continually being addressed. Please don't attempt to rectify
whitespace mixed up with other changes. This makes the important
changes difficult to see. Occasionally committers will rectify
whitespace for a set of files, when they know that no-one else is
working on that set.
<div class="fixme">
<div class="label">Fixme (open)</div>
<div class="content">
The issues of whitespace and line endings needs to be very clearly
described. See some
<a href="">mail
discussion</a> references.
<a name="N1013D"></a><a name="line-length"></a>
<h4>Line length</h4>
If each paragraph of an xml source document is one enourmous long
line, then it is extremely difficult to know the changes with the SVN
diffs. Developers and especially committers, need to be able to
efficiently review the changes. Fold long lines to a sensible
line-length (normally 80-characters wide but not more than 120
<a name="N10147"></a><a name="review"></a>
<h4>Use 'forrest run' for immediate gratification</h4>
Edit documentation content and immediately view it in the browser.
When you are satisifed, then do 'forrest site' to ensure that the
whole documentation set hangs together and there are no broken
In the dynamic 'forrest run' mode, you will get some feedback about
some xml validation errors. However, it is better to treat validation
as a separate concern. Use an xml editor or command-line tools such as
"xmllint". As a last resort, you can use 'forrest validate-xdocs'.
<a name="N10154"></a><a name="tips-edit"></a>
<a name="N10162"></a><a name="sitemap"></a>
<h3 class="underlined_5">Understanding the Cocoon sitemap</h3>
The Cocoon sitemap is essential for Forrest developers. See some
introductions ....
<a href="docs_0_80/sitemap-ref.html">Forrest sitemap reference</a>.</li>
<li>Introduction to Pipelines in this
<a href="docs_0_80/howto/howto-custom-html-source.html">How-to</a>.</li>
<a href="docs_0_80/project-sitemap.html">Forrest project sitemaps</a>.</li>
<a href="">Cocoon concepts</a>.</li>
<a href="">Cocoon sitemap</a>.</li>
<a href="">Cocoon protocols</a>, i.e. cocoon:/ and
cocoon:// and context:// and resource:// etc. and the
<a href="">file://</a>
<a name="N10198"></a><a name="debug"></a>
<h3 class="underlined_5">Debugging and profiling techniques</h3>
<a name="N1019E"></a><a name="debug-logfiles"></a>
<h4>View logfiles</h4>
The log files in WEB-INF/logs are indispensible when it comes to
debugging sitemaps. While ERRORs will generally always print in the
log files, while you're debugging something you may find it useful to
also customize log output in the "logkit.xconf" in webapp/WEB-INF and
raise the level of some loggers to WARN.
This <a href="docs_0_80/faq.html#logs">FAQ</a> describes the location of the
Cocoon logfiles and their configuration.
<a name="N101AF"></a><a name="debug-modes"></a>
<h4>Cocoon Running Modes</h4>
Cocoon startup reads additional properties from various files. This
enables some different properties to be used for production or
development. By default, Forrest uses Cocoon in running mode "dev". So
it first reads from
<span class="codefrag">main/webapp/WEB-INF/properties/</span> then from
<span class="codefrag">main/webapp/WEB-INF/properties/dev/</span>
To use a different mode, say "prod" for production, add to the
forrest.jvmargs in your file:
<span class="codefrag">-Dorg.apache.cocoon.mode=prod</span> and provide the relevant
properties in a matching "prod" sub-directory of
<span class="codefrag">main/webapp/WEB-INF/properties</span>
<a name="N101C8"></a><a name="debug-intermediate"></a>
<h4>View intermediate processing</h4>
Perhaps the easiest way to "debug" Forrest is to be aware of all the
processing steps between taking in the source and outputting the end
result. When you know these you can do 'forrest run' and request the
intermediate documents, such as "http://localhost:8888/body-index.xml"
which will return the intermediate processing of the body of the
The techniques described below help you to be aware of the
intermediate processing steps.
<a name="N101D5"></a><a name="debug-cocoon-profiler"></a>
<h4>Using Cocoon sitemap profiler</h4>
Cocoon provides a simple profiler to analyse itself. This enables us
to list the various sitemap pipelines and components that are being
used, how much time was used by each, whether each component uses the
Cocoon cache, and show the actual xml data.
Note that the profiler is not used by default. To switch it on, edit
<span class="codefrag">main/webapp/sitemap.xmap</span> and search for "profiler".
Follow the instructions there to replace the standard "map:pipe"
components with the profiling pipes.
Now start your application as normal using 'forrest run' and request
localhost:8888/index.html three or four times to populate the profiler
with data.
Now request the special uri localhost:8888/cprofile.html to see the
results. Start at the "index.html" request, then follow the
processing. (If the table is empty, then you either forgot to do some
requests before looking for results, or forgot to switch on the
profiler in sitemap.)
NOTE: Do not forget to turn off the profiler in
<span class="codefrag">main/webapp/sitemap.xmap</span> when finished.
<a name="N101F1"></a><a name="debug-sitemap-exec"></a>
<h4>Using Cocoon sitemap execution logger</h4>
In main/webapp/WEB-INF/xconf/forrest-core.xconf search for "sitemap
execution" and uncomment the component. For each sitemap component
that is executed, a message will go to WEB-INF/logs/debug.log
<a name="N101FB"></a><a name="debug-logtransformer"></a>
<h4>Using Cocoon LogTransformer</h4>
LogTransformers can be inserted in the sitemaps. This will write the
sax events at that point into a named log file. Here is an example
(the logfile will be written relative to this particular sitemap) ...
<pre class="code">
&lt;map:match pattern="*.html"&gt;
&lt;map:generate src="sources/{1}.xml"/&gt;<strong>
&lt;map:transform type="log"&gt;
&lt;map:parameter name="logfile" value="my-1.log"/&gt;
&lt;map:parameter name="append" value="no"/&gt;
&lt;map:transform src="stylesheets/source-to-table.xsl"/&gt;
&lt;map:transform src="stylesheets/table-to-page.xsl"/&gt;<strong>
&lt;map:transform type="log"&gt;
&lt;map:parameter name="logfile" value="my-2.log"/&gt;
&lt;map:parameter name="append" value="no"/&gt;
&lt;map:transform src="stylesheets/page-to-html.xsl"/&gt;
&lt;map:serialize type="html"/&gt;
Another use for this technique is when you are not sure which path is
being taken through the sitemap. Add various LogTransformers with
different filenames and see which one gets triggered.
<a name="N10212"></a><a name="debug-validation"></a>
<h4>Using Cocoon Validation Transformers</h4>
Validating Transformers can be inserted in the sitemaps to validate
the xml stream at that stage. Enables RELAX NG validation and W3C XML
Schema validation using Jing and Xerces.
The Validation Block is already added to Forrest and configured. To
use it simply add entries to your sitemap like this:
<pre class="code">
&lt;map:transform type="validation-report"
See <a href="">Pier's
note to cocoon-dev</a> and Cocoon documentation:
<a href="">ValidatingTransformer</a>
<a href="">ValidationReportTransformer</a>.
<a name="N10232"></a><a name="debug-java"></a>
<h4>Java code</h4>
There are two ways to debug your java code. The first is through
embedded logging, the second is by tracing the codes execution.
You may find <span class="codefrag">getLogger().debug()</span> useful for understanding
the processing that goes on. You can then open the page that will use
the selected code and use the log files mentioned above to look for
the information message.
To step through the java code you need to run forrest with Java
debugging turned on. The <span class="codefrag">forrest.jvmargs</span>code&gt; property in
the <span class="codefrag"></span> file can be used to start forrest
in debug mode on a specific port. For example:
<pre class="code">forrest.jvmargs=-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n</pre>
<a name="N1024F"></a><a name="debug-links"></a>
<h4>Finding broken internal links</h4>
Do 'forrest site' to produce the whole documentation set. Cocoon will
report its progress and reveal any problems. This
<a href="docs_0_80/faq.html#build_msg_a">FAQ</a> explains the messages that
Cocoon sends to standard output. Broken links are also reported to a
special file, which also shows the source file containing the break.
The location of this file is reported when Cocoon starts.
Broken links are also reported in 'forrest run' mode. Use your mouse
to point to each link. The browser status bar will show "error:..."
instead of the actual URL.
The most common cause is that the entry is missing in the site.xml
configuration file or the link in your source document is not using
the correct name for the "site:..." value.
<a name="N10263"></a><a name="tips-debug"></a>
Doing 'forrest -v' will provide verbose build messages to the
standard output.
<div class="note">
<div class="label">Note</div>
<div class="content">
The next two sections describe the configuration of profiling tools but
they are not integrated with the IDE. If you can figure out how to
properly configure them for integrated operation with the IDE, please
provide a documentation patch.
<a name="N10273"></a><a name="profile-yourkit"></a>
<h4>Profiling Forrest with YourKit</h4>
Assuming you have the YourKit software installed you simply need to do
two things to profile a particular Forrest Project. First, you need to
add *YourKit Home*\bin\win32 to your PATH environment variable - where
*YourKit Home* is the installation directory of that software. Next
you need to add the following to your file for the
<pre class="code">forrest.jvmargs=-agentlib:yjpagent</pre>
You are now all set, simply type 'forrest run', then open up YourKit
and select "Connect to locally running profiled application...". If
you don't see the types of objects that you expected, check the
current filters - YourKit seems to filter out org.apache.* namespaces
by default.
<a name="N10284"></a><a name="profile-netbeans"></a>
<h4>Profiling Forrest with Netbeans</h4>
Assuming you have the Netbeans IDE installed, you simply need to do a
couple things to profile a particular Forrest Project. First, you need
to add *Netbeans Home*\profiler1\lib\deployed\jdk142\windows to your
path. Obviously, this needs to be slightly modified for a Unix
machine. Now, you need to add the following line to your file for the project (replacing *NetbeansHome* with
the path to your install).
<pre class="code">forrest.jvmargs=-agentpath:C:\*NetbeansHome*\\profiler1\\lib\\deployed\\jdk15\\windows\\
You are now all set, simply type 'forrest run', then open up the
Netbeans IDE with your Forrest project. Click Profile-&gt;Attach Profiler
and make selections appropriate to what you are trying to achieve.
<a name="N10296"></a><a name="find"></a>
<h3 class="underlined_5">Finding the relevant sources</h3>
You will need to be able to find which sources, sitemaps, stylesheets
are responsible for certain processing.
<a name="N1029F"></a><a name="find-scenario-1"></a>
<h4>Scenario: How does i18n work</h4>
We will do a search for "i18n" to start with, then refine that after
exploring some of the sources.
The UNIX tools find, grep, and sed are very powerful. We need a helper
script, otherwise 'find' is going to report matches for the hidden
.svn files and also files in /build/ directories.
<pre class="code">
echo "sed '/\.svn/d;/\/build\//d;/\/work\//d'" &gt; ~/bin/exclude-find-svn
chmod +x ~/bin/exclude-find-svn</pre>
Now we will run find, use grep to search for the pattern in each file
and list the filenames. However, there is a stack of files from the plugins, and there is i18n:text
being used in the viewHelper plugin, and some DTDs. So weed them out
<pre class="code">
cd /svn/asf/forrest-trunk
find . -type f | xargs grep -l "i18n" | ~/bin/exclude-find-svn \
| grep -v "" | grep -v viewHelper | grep -v "\/schema\/"</pre>
The list of files shows that there is an FAQ about i18n, there are
various sitemaps in main/webapp/, some stylesheets in
main/webapp/skins/common/ and pelt, some other stylesheets in
main/webapp/resources/stylesheets/ ... we will look at the sitemaps
first. Use grep to list the actual matches and the filenames.
<pre class="code">
cd main/webapp
grep i18n *.*</pre>
Shows that five sitemaps are involved in some way. Always start with
sitemap.xamp and forrest.xmap as they do initial processing and then
delegate to other sitemaps. Open each file in your editor, and search
within for each "i18n" match. See that the xslt transformer is
declared to use i18n, then further down the page the "skinit" pipeline
uses the i18n transformer only if i18n is switched on.
<a name="N102C1"></a><a name="tips-find"></a>
<a name="N102D1"></a><a name="Frequently Asked Questions"></a>
<h2 class="underlined_10">Frequently Asked Questions</h2>
<div class="section">
<a name="N102D5"></a><a name="1+General+issues"></a>
<h3 class="underlined_5">1 General issues</h3>
<a name="N102D9"></a><a name="1.1+FAQ+1"></a>
<h4>1.1 FAQ 1</h4>
<a name="N102E1"></a><a name="2+Other+issues"></a>
<h3 class="underlined_5">2 Other issues</h3>
<a name="N102E5"></a><a name="2.1+FAQ+2.1"></a>
<h4>2.1 FAQ 2.1</h4>
<a name="N102ED"></a><a name="Tips"></a>
<h2 class="underlined_10">Tips</h2>
<div class="section">
This is a collection of general tips that do not fit in the sections
<a name="N102F5"></a><a name="tip-howto"></a>
<h3 class="underlined_5">Explanations about howto topics on the mailing lists</h3>
Often there are useful discussions on the mailing lists which explain
how to do certain tasks. If you don't have time to summarise that and
add to this howto document, then please consider just adding a tip which
links to the email discussion. Later someone else can summarise.
<a name="N102FF"></a><a name="References"></a>
<h2 class="underlined_10">References</h2>
<div class="section">
These are some other documents that are useful for developers.
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