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<h1>Apache Forrest: Events</h1>
<div id="minitoc-area">
<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#upcoming">Upcoming events</a>
<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#forrest-friday">ForrestFriday monthly get-together</a>
<a href="#past">Past events</a>
<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#apachecon-us-2006">ApacheCon US 2006 (9-13 October 2006)</a>
<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#WE21-austin-2006">ApacheCon Session: WE21: Single Source Publishing with Apache Forrest</a>
<a href="#apachecon-eu-2006">ApacheCon EU 2006 (26-30 June)</a>
<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#FR19-dublin-2006">ApacheCon Session: FR19: Single Source Publishing with Apache Forrest</a>
<a href="#apachecon-us-2005">ApacheCon US 2005 (10-14 December)</a>
<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#fs-ac-us-2005">ApacheCon Session: Single Source Publishing with Apache Forrest</a>
<a href="#apachecon-eu-2005">ApacheCon Europe 2005 (18-22 July)</a>
<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#ht-stuttgart-2005">Apache committers hackathon</a>
<a href="#ws-stuttgart-2005">Apache Forrest workshop on Views</a>
<a href="#ua-stuttgart-2005">Usability professionals meeting</a>
<a href="#rf-stuttgart-2005">ApacheCon Session: Single Source Publishing with Apache Forrest</a>
<a href="#gt-stuttgart-2005">Apache Forrest get-together</a>
<a name="N1000D"></a><a name="upcoming"></a>
<h2 class="underlined_10">Upcoming events</h2>
<div class="section">
<a name="N10013"></a><a name="forrest-friday"></a>
<h3 class="underlined_5">ForrestFriday monthly get-together</h3>
On the second Friday of each month we have a 24-hour get-together
using IRC and other collaborative tools, to work on Forrest
development and get to know each other. See how to
<a href="forrest-friday.html">participate</a>.
<a name="N10022"></a><a name="past"></a>
<h2 class="underlined_10">Past events</h2>
<div class="section">
<a name="N10028"></a><a name="apachecon-us-2006"></a>
<h3 class="underlined_5">ApacheCon US 2006 (9-13 October 2006)</h3>
<a href="">ApacheCon US 2006</a> - Please
make plans to join us for the conference in Austin, Texas, USA on 9-13
October 2006.
Apart from all of the general ApacheCon events, there are a number of
Forrest-specific events. In chronological order ...
<a name="N10038"></a><a name="WE21-austin-2006"></a>
<h4>ApacheCon Session: WE21: Single Source Publishing with Apache Forrest</h4>
Wednesday 11 October - Official ApacheCon session conducted by
Ferdinand Soethe.
<a href="">Read
<a name="N10047"></a><a name="apachecon-eu-2006"></a>
<h3 class="underlined_5">ApacheCon EU 2006 (26-30 June)</h3>
<a href="">ApacheCon EU 2006</a> - Please
make plans to join us for the conference in Dublin, Ireland on 26-30
June 2006.
Apart from all of the general ApacheCon events, there are a number of
Forrest-specific events. In chronological order ...
<a name="N10057"></a><a name="FR19-dublin-2006"></a>
<h4>ApacheCon Session: FR19: Single Source Publishing with Apache Forrest</h4>
Friday 30 June - Official ApacheCon session conducted by Ferdinand
<a href=",id,488,track,3,nodeid,,_language,uk.html#session-fr19">Read
more ...</a>
<div class="note">
<div class="label">Note</div>
<div class="content">
This session was re-scheduled for Friday 30 June 14:30-15:30.
<a name="N10069"></a><a name="apachecon-us-2005"></a>
<h3 class="underlined_5">ApacheCon US 2005 (10-14 December)</h3>
<a href="">ApacheCon US 2005</a> took
place in San Diego, California, USA on 10-14 December 2005.
Apart from all of the general ApacheCon events, there is one
Forrest-specific event.
<a name="N10079"></a><a name="fs-ac-us-2005"></a>
<h4>ApacheCon Session: Single Source Publishing with Apache Forrest</h4>
Tuesday 13 December at 09:00 to 10:00 - Official ApacheCon session
conducted by Ferdinand Soethe. See the
<a href="">ApacheCon
Schedule</a> Session TU01. The event is only open to ApacheCon
<a name="N10088"></a><a name="apachecon-eu-2005"></a>
<h3 class="underlined_5">ApacheCon Europe 2005 (18-22 July)</h3>
<a href="">ApacheCon Europe 2005</a> in
Stuttgart, Germany on 18-22 July 2005. For the first time there is a
session related to Apache Forrest.
Apart from all of the general ApacheCon events, there are a number of
Forrest-specific events. In chronological order ...
<a name="N10098"></a><a name="ht-stuttgart-2005"></a>
<h4>Apache committers hackathon</h4>
Monday 18 July and Tuesday 19 July all day - Open to any Apache
committer. Among the many topics, some of us will informally chat
about Apache Forrest and maybe fix some bugs. We will probably
collaborate with the Apache Lenya committers too.
<a name="N100A2"></a><a name="ws-stuttgart-2005"></a>
<h4>Apache Forrest workshop on Views</h4>
Monday 18 July commencing at 18:30 - We will go out to dinner and
then meet for a developers workshop specifically about the new Views
plugin development. Topics will include Views, XHTML2 internal
format, and general project planning. Discussions will be technical
and will assume knowledge of Forrest. We will certainly answer
questions to ensure that people understand the background. However
the main aim is an intensive project design session. The event is
open to anybody, you don't need to be attending ApacheCon. Venue and
Directions: Gather at the foyer of the ApacheCon.
<a name="N100AC"></a><a name="ua-stuttgart-2005"></a>
<h4>Usability professionals meeting</h4>
Tuesday 19 July commencing at 18:30 - Johannes Schaefer will present
Apache Forrest to an informal meeting of usability professionals.
The event is open to other German-speaking people. See
<a href="">further
<a name="N100BA"></a><a name="rf-stuttgart-2005"></a>
<h4>ApacheCon Session: Single Source Publishing with Apache Forrest</h4>
Wednesday 20 July at 14:30 to 15:30 - Official ApacheCon session
conducted by Ross Gardler and Ferdinand Soethe. See the
<a href="">ApacheCon
Schedule</a> Session WE16. The event is only open to ApacheCon
<a name="N100C8"></a><a name="gt-stuttgart-2005"></a>
<h4>Apache Forrest get-together</h4>
Wednesday 20 July commencing at 20:00 - Informal get together to
discuss any topic related to Apache Forrest. Follows on from the
session earlier in the day. Please come and meet other Forrest
developers and users. Describe your own use cases. The event is open
to anybody, you don't need to be attending ApacheCon. Venue and
Directions: Gather at the foyer of the ApacheCon at 20:00. The event
will be held at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences Many thanks
to HfT. See
(<a href="">HfT
map</a>) which is just a few steps north-west of the ApacheCon-site:
<img alt="map of sites" src="apacheconsites.jpg">
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