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<h1>Searching Forrest-built documentation</h1>
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This is documentation for development version v0.8
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<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#Google+SiteSearch">Google SiteSearch</a>
<a href="#Lucene+search">Lucene search</a>
<a href="#Disabling+full-text+search">Disabling full-text search</a>
Forrest provides you with two distinct options for making your
documentation available through full-text search:
<li>Google SiteSearch,</li>
<li>Built-in search using Apache Lucene.</li>
Both options have their advantages and disadvantages. The purpose of this
document is to outline them, and to help you make a choice. This document
also tells you how to disable full-text search completely, if you so
<a name="N1001C"></a><a name="Google+SiteSearch"></a>
<h2 class="underlined_10">Google SiteSearch</h2>
<div class="section">
Forrest provides a simple interface to the Google search engine. It
invokes Google Advanced Search and limits the search scope to the domain
of your choice. Since the actual search functionality is implemented on
Google's end, you do not need any additional capability on your Forrest
server (which may well be a simple static web server serving content
generated with <span class="codefrag">forrest site</span>).
To use Google SiteSearch in your Forrest application, open your
<span class="codefrag">skinconf.xml</span> file. By default this file is in the
<span class="codefrag">src/documentation</span> subdirectory of your Forrest repository
root. Find the <span class="codefrag">&lt;search&gt;</span> element; it should be near
the top of the file. If the element does not exist, create it below the
<span class="codefrag">&lt;skinconfig&gt;</span> opening tag. If there is any attribute
named <span class="codefrag">provider</span>, remove it. The element should look similar
to this:
<pre class="code">
&lt;search name="MyProject"
Then, build your Forrest documentation and open it using your favorite
web browser. You are now invited to peruse the search box (most skins
render this in the top-right corner). Google's search results will be
displayed in a new browser window.
Needless to say, for this to work your content must be accessible to
Google's indexing robot. It can't be stored on a server which is only
locally accessible, or which requires authentication. In addition, the
content index is created and updated at a time of Google's choosing.
However, the search is fast and search precision is usually excellent.
So if your Forrest content is placed on a busy, popular public web
server, Google search is probably the best choice.
<a name="N10045"></a><a name="Lucene+search"></a>
<h2 class="underlined_10">Lucene search</h2>
<div class="section">
Lucene is a high-performance, full-text search engine built entirely in
Java. To use Lucene-based search with your Forrest documentation, you
will need to run Forrest in a Java servlet environment (such as Tomcat
or Jetty). Lucene-based searching will not work in a static site
generated with the '<span class="codefrag">forrest site</span>' command.
In order to enable Lucene-based full-text search in your Forrest
application, you must first edit your <span class="codefrag">skinconf.xml</span> file.
Locate the <span class="codefrag">&lt;search&gt;</span> element. If the element does not
exist, insert it right underneath the <span class="codefrag">&lt;skinconfig&gt;</span>
opening tag. Add an attribute named <span class="codefrag">provider</span> with a value
of <span class="codefrag">lucene</span>, so that the element looks similar to this:
<pre class="code">
&lt;search name="MyProject" domain=""
Next, create and run your Forrest webapp. This may mean simply invoking
<span class="codefrag">forrest run</span>, or building and bundling a servlet webapp
(with <span class="codefrag">forrest webapp</span>), and then deploying it to your
servlet container.
You can now build a Lucene search index by pointing your web browser at
<span class="codefrag">http://localhost:8888/lucene-update.html</span>. This generates
the search index and provides some information about the index
generation process.
<div class="note">
<div class="label">Note</div>
<div class="content">
You may have to substitute a different hostname, port, or path,
depending on your configuration. The path mentioned here reflects
Forrest's default settings when invoked as <span class="codefrag">forrest run</span>.
Now you can utilize the full-text search box, located in the top-right
corner of the rendered Forrest pages. Search results will be displayed
in the same browser window and will look remarkably similar to the rest
of your Forrest documents.
Unlike with Google SiteSearch, the indexing information retrieved by
Lucene is stored on your own server, access to which you may limit to
users in your own organization. Likewise, you may update or recreate the
Lucene index at any time and at your own discretion. So if you aren't
making your Forrest-built documentation publicly available, and you're
able to run Forrest on a Java-enabled web server, Lucene search is
probably right for you.
<a name="N10083"></a><a name="Disabling+full-text+search"></a>
<h2 class="underlined_10">Disabling full-text search</h2>
<div class="section">
If you are convinced your users don't need any full-text search
capability whatsoever, you may disallow displaying the search box
entirely. You may also wish to do so if you're keeping Forrest-built
content on a restricted server (meaning you can't use Google), while at
the same time not having any usable servlet-capable web server at your
disposal (meaning you can't use Lucene, either).
To disable full-text search completely, open the
<span class="codefrag">skinconf.xml</span> file and remove (or comment out) the entire
<span class="codefrag">&lt;search&gt;</span> element.
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