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<h1>Upgrading to Apache Forrest 0.6</h1>
<div id="motd-area">
This is documentation for past version v0.6
(<a href="">More</a>)</div>
<div id="minitoc-area">
<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#introduction">Introduction</a>
<a href="#new">New Features</a>
<a href="#clean">Run a clean target after upgrade</a>
<a href="#sync">General upgrade tips</a>
<a href="#home">New location of $FORREST_HOME</a>
<a href="#copyless">Copyless</a>
<a href="#sitemap">Project sitemaps take precedence.</a>
<a href="#skin-config-1">Private skins might need changes to document2html.xsl</a>
<a href="#skin-config-2">Various additions to skin configuration and new external DTD</a>
<a href="#antproxy">forrest.antproxy.xml is obsolete in favor of Ant's &lt;import&gt; task</a>
<a href="#ehtml">Deprecation of .ehtml and .ihtml</a>
<a href="#jspwiki">Deprecation of .cwiki filename extension to become .jspwiki</a>
<a href="#forrestbot">New forrestbot</a>
<a href="#dtd">New DTDs</a>
<a href="#catalog">SystemIdentifiers for DTDs changed to</a>
<a href="#local-catalog">Projects can use a local</a>
<a href="#skin-names">Skins renamed and deleted</a>
<a href="#wholesite">Wholesite.html/pdf</a>
<a href="#To+be+continued...">To be continued...</a>
<a name="N1000D"></a><a name="introduction"></a>
<h2 class="underlined_10">Introduction</h2>
<div class="section">
This page describes changes to Apache Forrest that affect people who are
upgrading to the 0.6 version.
If you have other issues, then please discuss on either the
<a href="../mail-lists.html#forrest-dev">dev</a> or
<a href="../mail-lists.html#forrest-user">user</a>
mailing lists.
As more experience is gained, this document will be updated.
<a name="N1001F"></a><a name="new"></a>
<h2 class="underlined_10">New Features</h2>
<div class="section">
The following list shows some of the key new features for Forrest 0.6
<li>Copyless, so now used in place.</li>
<li>Project sitemaps take precedence.</li>
<li>Now using Subversion (SVN) for source control.</li>
<li>New skinconf capabilities and new external skinconf DTD.</li>
<li>New skins use CSS instead of tables. Old skins deprecated.</li>
<a name="N1003E"></a><a name="clean"></a>
<h2 class="underlined_10">Run a clean target after upgrade</h2>
<div class="section">
<p>To avoid any issue with old classes being loaded, run a
'<span class="codefrag">forrest clean</span>' in your project directory, after you
upgraded to this version.
<a name="N1004B"></a><a name="sync"></a>
<h2 class="underlined_10">General upgrade tips</h2>
<div class="section">
Synchronise your project's skinconf.xml and files.
Take advantage of the separation of concerns. In a new workspace,
create a fresh
'<span class="codefrag">forrest seed</span>' site, then tweak its
and skinconf.xml until it reflects your old site.
When it is ready, replace your project's skinconf.xml and files.
Any remaining issues would concern other aspects of your configuration,
such as site.xml and your actual content.
<a name="N1005B"></a><a name="home"></a>
<h2 class="underlined_10">New location of $FORREST_HOME</h2>
<div class="section">
To use the new Forrest, run '' or 'build.bat' as normal,
then change the FORREST_HOME environment variable to point to
forrest/src/core instead of the old forrest-0.5 location
(.../build/dist/shbat). Also make sure PATH gets updated to use the new
<a name="N10065"></a><a name="copyless"></a>
<h2 class="underlined_10">Copyless</h2>
<div class="section">
In essence, Forrest does not create a dist anymore, and uses
itself in place. No more useless copying to a separate build space,
no more backcopying of your changes, all is used live.
It improves the build process a lot. Development turnaround time is
excellent. You can even tweak the main forrest core stylesheets and
see changes immediately.
<a name="N10072"></a><a name="sitemap"></a>
<h2 class="underlined_10">Project sitemaps take precedence.</h2>
<div class="section">
<p>With Forrest 0.6 it is now possible for projects to "plugin"
to our sitemaps, without needing to copy the main sitemaps and keep
them synchonised. This will enable hassle-free update to
future Forrest versions.</p>
If your old project did not use any customised <span class="codefrag">*.xmap</span>
files, then your upgrade process will be easy (you can safely skip this
<p>If your project did use custom <span class="codefrag">*.xmaps</span>, with matchers for
special circumstances (for example special doctypes that you
were handling) then you will need to be prepared to make some changes.
Hopefully with the new functionality of Forrest, you can do away with
your customisations altogether and just use the Forrest default
sitemaps. Try that first. If not, then read on...</p>
<p>Prior to 0.6 it was possible to replace *any* of the xmaps by placing
your own versions in your project directory, these were then copied over
to replace
the Forrest ones at build time. However, with the move to
<a href="#copyless">copyless</a> this no longer happens, instead
there is now an extension mechanism for the sitemap (as opposed to
a replacement mechanism).</p>
<p>When upgrading to Forrest 0.6 you need to copy customised matchers
in any of your projects <span class="codefrag">*.xmap</span> files into your projects
<span class="codefrag">sitemap.xmap</span> file. Any matchers in your project
<span class="codefrag">*.xmap</span> files that duplicate ones in Forrests own
<span class="codefrag">*.xmaps</span> can now be removed. This will ensure that future
enhancements to these matchers in Forrest will automatically be included
in your project.</p>
<p>Move your old sitemap out of the way, copy a default one from a fresh
'forrest seed', and add the specific matches that you require.</p>
<p>The good news is that this process makes upgrading to future versions
of Forrest much simpler, because your project <span class="codefrag">*.xmap</span> files will
contain only your customisations. As a result there will no longer be a
need to merge your custom xmaps with the updated ones in upcoming versions of
<p>See <a href="../docs_0_60/project-sitemap.html">Using project
sitemaps</a> for more details.</p>
<a name="N100AE"></a><a name="skin-config-1"></a>
<h2 class="underlined_10">Private skins might need changes to document2html.xsl</h2>
<div class="section">
Moved all references to //skinconfig out of the document2html.xsl
into the site2xhtml.xsl file. If you have your own skins that were
referencing "$config" or "//skinconfig" in the document2html.xsl
then you need to make similar changes.
For further information, see Issue
<a href="">FOR-146</a>.
<a name="N100BC"></a><a name="skin-config-2"></a>
<h2 class="underlined_10">Various additions to skin configuration and new external DTD</h2>
<div class="section">
Various capabilities have been added to the skinconfig.
See the new descriptions in the
'<span class="codefrag">forrest seed</span>' site
<span class="codefrag">src/documentation/skinconf.xml</span> and synchronise yours.
<p>For example, to use different colors (e.g. the light blue of the old
krysalis skin), CSS colors can be specified in skinconf.xml
There is now an external DTD which makes it much easier to keep your
skinconf.xml synchronised.
<a name="N100D2"></a><a name="antproxy"></a>
<h2 class="underlined_10">forrest.antproxy.xml is obsolete in favor of Ant's &lt;import&gt; task</h2>
<div class="section">
Projects that use <span class="codefrag">forrest.antproxy.xml</span> via an Ant build
task to invoke Forrest, will receive
an error message directing them to this document.
Please see the <a href="../docs_0_60/your-project.html#invoking_from_ant">Invoking
Forrest from Ant</a> documentation for instructions on how to use
the &lt;import&gt; task to integrate Forrest with your build system.
<a name="N100E3"></a><a name="ehtml"></a>
<h2 class="underlined_10">Deprecation of .ehtml and .ihtml</h2>
<div class="section">
The .ehtml input file format has been deprecated and will likely be
removed in the next release.
Please convert all .ehtml files to .html files.
If you do '<span class="codefrag">forrest seed</span>' there is a sample html source file.
<a name="N100F0"></a><a name="jspwiki"></a>
<h2 class="underlined_10">Deprecation of .cwiki filename extension to become .jspwiki</h2>
<div class="section">
Use the .jspwiki filename extension rather than old .cwiki extension.
Clarifies that the purpose is the JSPWiki source format.
<a name="N100FA"></a><a name="forrestbot"></a>
<h2 class="underlined_10">New forrestbot</h2>
<div class="section">
The forrestbot and the forrestbot web interface have been completely
rewritten. There is no
direct way to convert old configurations to new configurations.
Please see the <a href="../tools/forrestbot.html">forrestbot
documentation</a> for instructions to create buildfiles that work
with the new forrestbot.
<a name="N10108"></a><a name="dtd"></a>
<h2 class="underlined_10">New DTDs</h2>
<div class="section">
Updated all v1.2 DTDs to become v1.3 DTDs (forward compatibility:
v1.2 docs will work fine as V1.3). The main change is the addition
of a @class attribute to every element, which enables the "extra-css"
section in the skinconf to be put to good use.
Updated the v2.0a DTDs to become v2.0 DTDs (forward incompatibility:
v1.2/1.3 docs are not forward-compatible as V2.0).
<pre class="code">
Changes from V1.2 to V1.3
document - Addition of class attribute all elements
faq - Addition of class attribute all elements
changes - Addition of class attribute all elements
howto - Addition of class attribute all elements
todo - Addition of class attribute all elements
Changes from V2.0a to V2.0
document - Addition of class attribute, all elements
- Addition of label attribute to note and
warning elements (consistent with v1.2/1.3)
faq - Class attribute, all elements
changes - New DTD
howto - New DTD
todo - New DTD
Changes from V1.3 to V2.0
document - Renamed &lt;link&gt; to &lt;a&gt;
- Removed &lt;fork&gt; and &lt;jump&gt;.
faq - Renamed &lt;part&gt; to &lt;faqsection&gt;
- @title attribute on &lt;faqs&gt; is now a nested
&lt;title&gt; element
- Same changes as in document between 1.3 and 2.0
changes - Same changes as in document between 1.3 and 2.0
howto - Same changes as in document between 1.3 and 2.0
todo - Same changes as in document between 1.3 and 2.0
<a name="N10119"></a><a name="catalog"></a>
<h2 class="underlined_10">SystemIdentifiers for DTDs changed to</h2>
<div class="section">
Everyone should still continue to use the
<a href="../docs_0_60/catalog.html">Catalog Entity Resolver</a>
and that certainly still operates at the core of Forrest using the
well-defined PublicIdentifiers.
However, some impoverished XML tools do not, so they need to be able
to get the DTDs from the website. Some other tools rely on the System
Identifier rather than the Public Identifer. See Forrest Issue
<a href="">FOR-107</a>.
In previous versions of Forrest, and maybe in your application if
you copied the fresh-site xdocs, there were inconsistent
SystemIdentifiers. Some used local filenames, others used URIs. In v0.6 we changed to use
System Identifiers at as resource URLs.
You do not need to change them because you are using the entity
resolver, but to remain consistent, it probably is best.
Beware if you have a catalog where the mapping is not declared properly.
The Catalog Entity Resolver will miss the local mapping and happily
go to the network to get the DTDs. That would cause Forrest to appear
to be slow for you, yet it will still operate properly. While we are
on that topic, if you use the XSLT document() function - there is a
<a href="">Xalan bug 28341</a>
for DTD resolution via document() - please help to fix it.
Also see the
<a href="">Cocoon FAQ</a>.
<a name="N10139"></a><a name="local-catalog"></a>
<h2 class="underlined_10">Projects can use a local</h2>
<div class="section">
You can add a local to your
project.classes-dir (usually src/documentation/classes/)
to define your additional catalogs for DTDs and other entities.
Copy a default file from a fresh 'forrest seed site'.
If you do not add such a configuration file, then there will be a
harmless message on startup " not found".
<a name="N10146"></a><a name="skin-names"></a>
<h2 class="underlined_10">Skins renamed and deleted</h2>
<div class="section">
<p>Skins now have a naming convention. The default skins are
<a href="skins.html">described</a>.</p>
<p>The old skin names are automatically mapped to the new names. You
should change your to use the new names.</p>
<p>The following skins were renamed (the old names still work, but may not in future releases).</p>
<table class="ForrestTable" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4">
<th colspan="1" rowspan="1">0.5 Name</th><th colspan="1" rowspan="1">0.6 Name</th>
<td colspan="1" rowspan="1">krysalis-site</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1">crust</td>
<td colspan="1" rowspan="1">tigris-style</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1">tigris</td>
<p>The following skins were deleted (the old names still work, but may not in future releases).</p>
<table class="ForrestTable" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4">
<th colspan="1" rowspan="1">0.5 Name</th><th colspan="1" rowspan="1">0.6 Alias</th>
<td colspan="1" rowspan="1">forrest-css</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1">crust</td>
<td colspan="1" rowspan="1">avalon-tigris</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1">tigris</td>
<p>The old "forrest-site" skin is retained for a little while longer,
but is deprecated, so please move to one of the other skins.</p>
<a name="N101A2"></a><a name="wholesite"></a>
<h2 class="underlined_10">Wholesite.html/pdf</h2>
<div class="section">
<p>Instead of using names "site.html/pdf" to create an aggregate page
of your entire site, use "wholesite.html/pdf". The old names are still
supported for backwards compatibility but they may not be in the
<a name="N101AC"></a><a name="To+be+continued..."></a>
<h2 class="underlined_10">To be continued...</h2>
<div class="section">
<p> more issues are discovered/remembered :) Please send feedback
to the
<a href="../mail-lists.html#forrest-dev">mailing list</a>.</p>
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