blob: 2faf7fece70ac78d560817a63344946da2bc3993 [file] [log] [blame]
Because plugin versions are managed by Forrest automatically it is possible
to deploy and/or release individual plugins independantly of Forrest and
other plugins. Before we discuss this process lets first look at the difference
between releasing a plugin and deploying a plugin.
Deploy or Release?
Plugins are automatically downloaded and installed whenever they are needed by a
Forrest project. In order for this to happen it is necessary to deploy the
plugin to a download server. Plugins may be deployed at any time during their
development cycle, that is a developer may choose to deploy a plugin that has not
yet been fully tested. This enables the plugin to be tested "in the field", by
its users.
Since users are able to opt to use a specfic version of a plugin those working in
production environments can ensure that these interim test deployments do not
affect their work.
Releasing a plugin is the act of deploying a fully tested plugin available for use.
This process will generally be more than just making the plugin available via a
download site, it will usually involve making public announcements, tagging the
source tree, incrementing version numbers and other such maintenance tasks.
Deploying a Plugin
By convention a plugin that has not been fully tested will have '-dev' appended
to the version number in the plugins build.xml file.
To deploy on the Apache Forrest download server you will need to be a committer.
Simply change directory to the plugin home directory and deploy the plugin
by doing 'tools/ant/bin/ant deploy' [1]. The build system will take care of
everything else for you.
[1] See the note about using our own version of Ant:
Releasing a Plugin
The only difference between deploying and releasing a plugin from the point of
view of making the download available is that the plugin version number will
have the '-dev' postfix removed in build.xml before the "ant deploy" target is
Once the deployment is complete the version number should be increased and the
'-dev' postfix will be appended.
TODO: announcement emails
TODO: tagging source tree