blob: b8eaca2c265d4a21605aa0e7056915af3237adfa [file] [log] [blame]
This file is just some random notes I'm taking along the way.
- Ross' thoughts on forrest
- Assertions
- Todo
Ross' Mail:
<from email above>
What Forrest Does
Input -> Input Processing -> Internal Format -> Output Processing ->
Output Format
To do this we need to:
- locate the source document
- determine the format of the input document
- decide which input plugin to use
- generate the internal format using the input plugin
- decide what output plugin we need
- generate the output format using the output plugin
</from email above>
Assertions/Driving Factors:
o) Static content should be served statically. That is, there's really no reason to run 'webapp'
mode where the content is re-generated every time.
o) The "pipeline" is really static (see above), even if each actor might be pluggable/dynamic.
o) All design decisions should be run through the filter of simplicity and ease of use first.
- o) Advanced features shouldn't be allowed to compromise the ease of use of the basic features.
o) Most users use forrest as a site generation tool - optimize for that even if we allow more
sophisticated scenarios.
o) Software should be testable so we can be confident in changes:)
o) We should try to follow known idioms: MIME Types, URI's identify resource, Representations/Media Types, etc.
o) Separate Jetty stuff from the task itself. It should run as an actor that accepts "start"/"stop"
messages. We also need an actor that, when state=running, monitors the source dirs and
periodically rebuilds.