blob: 7d860986c1af16b9646792c5bc6e35cb25a10754 [file] [log] [blame]
Forrest Release Process
$Id: RELEASE_PROCESS.txt,v 1.1 2003/02/13 05:25:57 jefft Exp $
This file documents the steps a release manager should follow when making a new
Forrest release.
- Edit module.xml and replace the '-dev' text with '':
<project name="xml-forrest">
<version fix="0" major="0" minor="4" tag="-dev"/>
- Edit status.xml, remove the -dev from the current <release> tag, and set the
date. Also add a new <release> for development on the next version e.g.
<release version="0.4-dev" date="unreleased">
<release version="0.5-dev" date="unreleased">
<release version="0.4" date="2002-02-13">
- Edit src/resources/forrest-shbat/, and update the version
tag embedded in the Ant script:
| Forrest Site Builder |
| 0.4-dev |
- Create a new file, etc/RELEASE-NOTES-x.y.txt, where x.y is the version
currently being released. It is best to copy an earlier RELEASE-NOTES file,
to keep a common layout.
In this file, provide a summary of changes, and check for general accuracy.
- Run 'build release-dist' to generate the distributions.
- Test the distribution.
- If everything looks okay, tag CVS with 'cvs tag FORREST_xy', where 'xy' is a
compact form of the version (eg 04, 041, 05). Run 'cvs log build.xml' to
see existing tags.
- For 0.x releases, create a maintenance branch in CVS with 'cvs tag -b
Note: if you realise you tagged too soon, tags can be updated with
'cvs tag -F <tag>'. See 'cvs --help tag' for more info.
Upload and announcement
- Upload the binaries **and the RELEASE-NOTES** to daedalus. This is done by
bugging Steven. Alternatively for people with daedalus access, I believe
the process is documented at
- Wait for the various mirrors to pick up the new file (see This has been known to
take up to 10 hours.
- Send an announcement email. Typically this is sent to and, with
forrest-dev Cc'ed. As for the announcement format, see previous releases:
- Ask Jeff to do the freshmeat ( announcement, or
add you as an admin.
- Edit xml-site/src/documentation/content/xdocs/news.xml and record the
announcement, and then commit the new HTML to xml-site/targets/forrest (this
can be done automatically from
- Edit module.xml, increment the version and add a -dev tag:
<project name="xml-forrest">
<version fix="0" major="0" minor="5" tag="-dev"/>
- Edit src/resources/forrest-shbat/ and update the version:
| Forrest Site Builder |
| 0.5 |
All done!
Or perhaps not.. if you think of anything, please add it here.