blob: b6e1bf5f7916a2dfcbfea8dc8fd76f474f64c97b [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<project default="prepare-context" basedir="." name="context">
<!-- ===============================================================
Makes the Cocoon context dir to work in and fills it completely.
That is by depending on:
bare-context // for forrest predefines.
project-context // for project's actual content
(now: copy stuff from extra param defining the content dir
with siteplan: based on that)
control-context // for derivatives from siteplan
(now: no need, waiting on siteplan future)
with siteplan: e.g. sitemap and catalog)
param: name of the skin to use ${} (now)
param: location to find the content ${content-dir}(now)
param: location to make temporary context-dir ${project.webapp}
=============================================================== -->
<target name="prepare-context" depends="init, bare-context, project-context" />
<!-- ===============================================================
Fills the Cocoon context dir for local execution
with the forrest-predefines.
param: name of the skin to use ${} (now)
param: location to make temporary context-dir ${project.webapp}
=============================================================== -->
<target name="bare-context" depends="init" >
<echo level="info">____________________________________</echo>
<echo level="info">Using skin "${}"</echo>
<echo level="info">____________________________________</echo>
<mkdir dir="${project.webapp}"/>
<sync todir="${project.webapp}">
<fileset dir="${forrest.core.webapp}" >
<include name="**" />
<!--Hack to stop the classpath definition breaking. If the project has any
custom jars or classes, they will be added to these dirs -->
<mkdir dir="${project.webapp}/WEB-INF/lib"/>
<mkdir dir="${project.webapp}/WEB-INF/classes"/>
<!-- ===============================================================
Fills the Cocoon context dir to work in
with the project-content-parts
(now: copy stuff from param ${content-dir}
with siteplan: based on that plan; should allow more different parts)
param: location to find the content ${content-dir}(now)
param: location to find project descriptors == ${project.home}
param: location to make temporary context-dir ${project.webapp}
=============================================================== -->
<target name="project-context" depends="examine-proj, ensure-content,
validate, init, bare-context, copy-sitemap, copy-conf, copy-status"/>
<target name="copy-conf" if="conf.present">
<copy toDir="${project.webapp}/WEB-INF" filtering="false"
overwrite="true" failonerror="false">
<fileset dir="${conf-dir}">
<exclude name="*-${forrest.version}.xconf"/>
<copy toDir="${project.webapp}/WEB-INF" filtering="false" overwrite="true"
<fileset dir="${conf-dir}">
<include name="*-${forrest.version}.*"/>
<mapper type="glob" from="*-${forrest.version}.xconf" to="*.xconf"/>
<target name="copy-sitemap" if="sitemap.present">
<!--FIXME: Now that we don't copy anymore, this target should be renamed -->
<copy toDir="${project.webapp}" filtering="false" overwrite="true" failonerror="false">
<fileset dir="${sitemap-dir}">
<include name=""/>
<target name="copy-status" if="status.present">
<copy file="${status}" todir="${project.webapp}" />
<!-- ===============================================================
Checks if the current project contains Forrest docs, and sets
the 'project.empty' property if no docs are found.
=============================================================== -->
<target name="check-contentdir" depends="init-props">
<available property="project.content.present" file="${content-dir}"
<target name="ensure-nocontent" depends="check-contentdir"
if="project.content.present" unless="skip.contentcheck">
This project already has content in ${content-dir}.
Run with '-Dskip.contentcheck=yes' to ignore existing content.
<target name="ensure-content" depends="check-contentdir"
This project has no content in ${content-dir}.
Use the 'seed' target to create a template project structure.
<!-- ===============================================================
Prepares the Lucene context indexing the site.
=============================================================== -->
<target name="lucene-index" depends="init-skinprops" if="use-lucene-indexer">
<java classname="org.apache.cocoon.Main"
<jvmarg line="${forrest.jvmargs}"/>
<jvmarg value="-Djava.endorsed.dirs=${forrest.endorsed.lib-dir}${path.separator}${java.endorsed.dirs}"/>
<arg value="--logLevel=${project.debuglevel}"/>
<arg value="--Logger=${project.logger}"/>
<arg value="--logKitconfig=${project.logkitfile}"/>
<arg value="--destDir=${}"/>
<arg value="--xconf=${project.configfile}"/>
<arg value="--followLinks=false"/>
<arg value="lucene-update.html"/>
<path refid="forrest.cp"/>
<propertyref prefix="forrest."/>
<propertyref prefix="project."/>
<propertyref name="user.home"/>
<propertyref name="global.home"/>