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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
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<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.3//EN" "">
<title>SourceTypeAction (content aware pipelines)</title>
SourceTypeAction assigns a "type" (a string) to an XML file. This is
done based on information occuring in the header of the XML file, up to
the document (root) element. This type is then returned to the sitemap
as a variable with the name 'sourcetype'. If no matching sourcetype
could be be found, null is returned and thus the contents of the action
element will not be executed.
SourceTypeAction works by pull-parsing the document and collecting
information such as the Public Id, the processing instructions, the
document element local name and namespace, and the xsi:schemaLocation
and xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attributes. This information is then
compared with the rules described in the configuration of the
The action should be declared and configured in the map:actions section
of your sitemap. Example:
<![CDATA[<map:sitemap xmlns:map="">
<map:action name="sourcetype"
<sourcetype name="download-v1.0">
public-id="-//Acme//DTD Download Documentation V1.0//EN" />
There are other examples in <code>main/webapp/forrest.xmap</code>
Each sourcetype-tag declares a source type. Inside the sourcetype-tag a
number of rules can be defined, described below. The sourcetypes will be
checked in the same order as they are defined in the configuration, the
first sourcetype of which all rules match will be used.
These are the available rules:
<dd>This rule checks the public ID. It takes one attribute
<dd>This rule checks the local name and/or namespace of the document
element. These are specified with the attributes <code>local-name</code> and
<code>namespace</code>. At least one of these two is required.</dd>
<dd>This rule checks a processing instruction. It can take two
attributes: <code>target</code> and <code>data</code>. The target attribute is
always required, the data attribute is optional.</dd>
<dd>This rule checks the value of the xsi:schemaLocation and
xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attributes on the document element. These are
specified with the attributes <code>schema-location</code> and
Perhaps you need other methods. Please enhance the source at
The source of which the sourcetype must be defined must be specified
using the 'src' attribute on the map:act element.
<![CDATA[<map:act type="sourcetype" src="{1}">
See a real-life example in the advanced section of the
<link href="your-project.html#adding_new_content_type_2">Using
Forrest</link> document.