| #! /usr/bin/env bash |
| |
| # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more |
| # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with |
| # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. |
| # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 |
| # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with |
| # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| |
| cd "$(dirname "$0")/.." || exit 1 |
| scriptname=$(basename "$0") |
| |
| projectGroup="fluo" |
| sourceArtifact="build-resources" |
| sourceArtifactName="Fluo Build Resources" |
| binArtifact="" # blank for none |
| |
| # check for gpg2 |
| hash gpg2 2>/dev/null && gpgCommand=gpg2 || gpgCommand=gpg |
| |
| # check if running in a color terminal |
| terminalSupportsColor() { |
| local c; c=$(tput colors 2>/dev/null) || c=-1 |
| [[ -t 1 ]] && [[ $c -ge 8 ]] |
| } |
| terminalSupportsColor && doColor=1 || doColor=0 |
| |
| color() { local c; c=$1; shift; [[ $doColor -eq 1 ]] && echo -e "\\e[0;${c}m${*}\\e[0m" || echo "$@"; } |
| red() { color 31 "$@"; } |
| green() { color 32 "$@"; } |
| yellow() { color 33 "$@"; } |
| |
| fail() { echo -e ' ' "$@"; exit 1; } |
| runLog() { local o; o=$1 && shift && echo "$(green Running) $(yellow "$@" '>>' "$o")" && echo Running "$@" >> "$o" && eval "$@" >> "$o"; } |
| run() { echo "$(green Running) $(yellow "$@")" && eval "$@"; } |
| runOrFail() { run "$@" || fail "$(yellow "$@")" "$(red failed)"; } |
| |
| currentBranch() { local b; b=$(git symbolic-ref -q HEAD) && echo "${b##refs/heads/}"; } |
| |
| cacheGPG() { |
| # make sure gpg agent has key cached |
| # first clear cache, to reset timeouts (best attempt) |
| { hash gpg-connect-agent && gpg-connect-agent reloadagent /bye; } &>/dev/null |
| # TODO prompt for key instead of using default? |
| local TESTFILE; TESTFILE=$(mktemp --tmpdir "${USER}-gpgTestFile-XXXXXXXX.txt") |
| [[ -r $TESTFILE ]] && "$gpgCommand" --sign "${TESTFILE}" && rm -f "${TESTFILE}" "${TESTFILE}.gpg" |
| } |
| |
| prompter() { |
| # $1 description; $2 pattern to validate against |
| local x |
| read -r -p "Enter the $1: " x |
| until eval "[[ \$x =~ ^$2\$ ]]"; do |
| echo " $(red "$x") is not a proper $1" 1>&2 |
| read -r -p "Enter the $1: " x |
| done |
| echo "$x" |
| } |
| |
| pretty() { local f; f=$1; shift; git log "--pretty=tformat:$f" "$@"; } |
| gitCommits() { pretty %H "$@"; } |
| gitCommit() { gitCommits -n1 "$@"; } |
| gitSubject() { pretty %s "$@"; } |
| |
| createEmail() { |
| # $1 version (optional); $2 rc seqence num (optional); $3 staging repo num (optional) |
| local ver; [[ -n $1 ]] && ver=$1 || ver=$(prompter 'version to be released (eg. x.y.z)' '[0-9]+[.][0-9]+[.][0-9]+') |
| local rc; [[ -n $2 ]] && rc=$2 || rc=$(prompter 'release candidate sequence number (eg. 1, 2, etc.)' '[0-9]+') |
| local stagingrepo; [[ -n $3 ]] && stagingrepo=$3 || stagingrepo=$(prompter 'staging repository number from https://repository.apache.org/#stagingRepositories' '[0-9]+') |
| |
| local branch; branch=$sourceArtifact-$ver-rc$rc |
| local commit; commit=$(gitCommit "$branch") || exit 1 |
| local tag; tag=rel/$sourceArtifact-$ver |
| echo |
| echo |
| echo " Don't forget to push a branch named $(green "$branch") with" |
| echo " its head at $(green "${commit:0:7}") so others can review using:" |
| echo " $(green "git push origin ${commit:0:7}:refs/heads/$branch")" |
| echo |
| echo " Remember, $(red DO NOT PUSH) the $(red "$tag") tag until after the vote" |
| echo " passes and the tag is re-made with a gpg signature using:" |
| echo " $(red "git tag -f -m 'Apache $sourceArtifactName $ver' -s $tag ${commit:0:7}")" |
| echo |
| echo |
| read -r -s -p 'Press Enter to generate the [VOTE] email...' |
| echo 1>&2 |
| |
| # compute the date with a buffer of 30 minutes |
| local votedate; votedate=$(date -d "+3 days 30 minutes" "+%s") |
| # round back to the previous half-hour |
| local halfhour; halfhour=$((votedate - (votedate % 1800))) |
| votedate=$(date -u -d"1970-01-01 $halfhour seconds UTC") |
| export TZ="America/New_York" |
| local edtvotedate; edtvotedate=$(date -d"1970-01-01 $halfhour seconds UTC") |
| export TZ="America/Los_Angeles" |
| local pdtvotedate; pdtvotedate=$(date -d"1970-01-01 $halfhour seconds UTC") |
| |
| local fingerprint; fingerprint=$("$gpgCommand" --list-secret-keys --with-colons --with-fingerprint 2>/dev/null | awk -F: '$1 == "fpr" {print $10}') |
| [[ -z $fingerprint ]] && fingerprint="UNSPECIFIED" |
| |
| local binArtifactPath; [[ -n $binArtifact ]] && binArtifactPath="Binary: $(green "https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapache$projectGroup-$stagingrepo/org/apache/$projectGroup/$binArtifact/$ver/$binArtifact-${ver}-bin.tar.gz")" |
| cat <<EOF |
| $(yellow '============================================================') |
| Subject: $(green [VOTE] "$sourceArtifactName" "$branch") |
| $(yellow '============================================================') |
| $(tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' <<< ${projectGroup:0:1})${projectGroup:1} Developers, |
| |
| Please consider the following candidate for $sourceArtifactName $(green "$ver"). |
| |
| Git Commit: |
| $(green "$commit") |
| Branch: |
| $(green "$branch") |
| |
| If this vote passes, a gpg-signed tag will be created using: |
| $(green "git tag -f -m 'Apache $sourceArtifactName $ver' -s $tag") \\ |
| $(green "$commit") |
| |
| Staging repo: $(green "https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapache$projectGroup-$stagingrepo") |
| Source (official release artifact): $(green "https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapache$projectGroup-$stagingrepo/org/apache/$projectGroup/$sourceArtifact/$ver/$sourceArtifact-${ver}-source-release.tar.gz") |
| ${binArtifactPath} |
| (Append ".sha1", ".md5", or ".asc" to download the signature/hash for a given artifact.) |
| |
| All artifacts were built and staged with: |
| mvn release:prepare && mvn release:perform |
| |
| Signing keys are available at https://www.apache.org/dist/$projectGroup/KEYS |
| (Expected fingerprint: $(green "$fingerprint")) |
| |
| Release notes (in progress) can be found at: $(green "https://$projectGroup.apache.org/.../$ver") |
| |
| Please vote one of: |
| [ ] +1 - I have verified and accept... |
| [ ] +0 - I have reservations, but not strong enough to vote against... |
| [ ] -1 - Because..., I do not accept... |
| ... these artifacts as the $(green "$ver") release of Apache $sourceArtifactName. |
| |
| This vote will remain open until at least $(green "$votedate") ($(green "$edtvotedate") / $(green "$pdtvotedate")). |
| Voting can continue after this deadline until the release manager sends an email ending the vote. |
| |
| Thanks! |
| |
| P.S. Hint: download the whole staging repo with |
| wget -erobots=off -r -l inf -np -nH \\ |
| $(green "https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapache$projectGroup-$stagingrepo/") |
| # note the trailing slash is needed |
| $(yellow '============================================================') |
| EOF |
| } |
| |
| cleanUpAndFail() { |
| # $1 command; $2 log; $3 original branch; $4 next branch |
| echo " Failure in $(red "$1")!" |
| echo " Check output in $(yellow "$2")" |
| echo " Initiating clean up steps..." |
| |
| run git checkout "$3" |
| |
| # pre-populate branches with expected next branch; de-duplicate later |
| local branches; branches=("$4") |
| local tags; tags=() |
| local x; local y |
| for x in $(gitCommits "${cBranch}..${nBranch}"); do |
| for y in $(git branch --contains "$x" | cut -c3-); do |
| branches=("${branches[@]}" "$y") |
| done |
| for y in $(git tag --contains "$x"); do |
| tags=("${tags[@]}" "$y") |
| done |
| done |
| |
| # de-duplicate branches |
| local a |
| branches=($(printf "%s\n" "${branches[@]}" | sort -u)) |
| for x in "${branches[@]}"; do |
| echo "Do you wish to clean up (delete) the branch $(yellow "$x")?" |
| a=$(prompter "letter 'y' or 'n'" '[yn]') |
| [[ $a == 'y' ]] && git branch -D "$x" |
| done |
| for x in "${tags[@]}"; do |
| echo "Do you wish to clean up (delete) the tag $(yellow "$x")?" |
| a=$(prompter "letter 'y' or 'n'" '[yn]') |
| [[ $a == 'y' ]] && git tag -d "$x" |
| done |
| exit 1 |
| } |
| |
| createReleaseCandidate() { |
| echo |
| echo " This will modify your local git repository by creating" |
| echo " branches and tags. Afterwards, you may need to perform" |
| echo " some manual steps to complete the release or to rollback" |
| echo " in the case of failure." |
| echo |
| echo |
| |
| local extraReleaseArgs; extraReleaseArgs=("$@") |
| if [[ ${#extraReleaseArgs[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then |
| red "CAUTION!! Extra release args may create a non-standard release!!" |
| red "You added '${extraReleaseArgs[*]}'" |
| fi |
| [[ ${#extraReleaseArgs[@]} -eq 0 ]] && [[ $gpgCommand != 'gpg' ]] && extraReleaseArgs=("-Dgpg.executable=$gpgCommand") |
| extraReleaseArgs="-DextraReleaseArguments='${extraReleaseArgs[*]}'" |
| |
| local ver |
| ver=$(xmllint --shell pom.xml <<<'xpath /*[local-name()="project"]/*[local-name()="version"]/text()' | grep content= | cut -f2 -d=) |
| ver=${ver%%-SNAPSHOT} |
| echo "Building release candidate for version: $(green "$ver")" |
| local tag; tag=rel/$sourceArtifact-$ver |
| |
| local cBranch; cBranch=$(currentBranch) || fail "$(red Failure)" to get current branch from git |
| local rc; rc=$(prompter 'release candidate sequence number (eg. 1, 2, etc.)' '[0-9]+') |
| local nextVer; nextVer=$(prompter 'next snapshot version to be released (eg. x.y.z)' '[0-9]+[.][0-9]+[.][0-9]+') |
| local rcBranch; rcBranch=$sourceArtifact-$ver-rc$rc |
| local nBranch; nBranch=$rcBranch-next |
| |
| cacheGPG || fail "Unable to cache GPG credentials into gpg-agent" |
| |
| # create working branch |
| { |
| run git branch "$nBranch" "$cBranch" && run git checkout "$nBranch" |
| } || fail "Unable to create working branch $(red "$nBranch") from $(red "$cBranch")!" |
| |
| # create a release candidate from a branch |
| local oFile; oFile=$(mktemp --tmpdir "$projectGroup-build-$rcBranch-XXXXXXXX.log") |
| { |
| [[ -w $oFile ]] && runLog "$oFile" mvn clean release:clean |
| } || cleanUpAndFail 'mvn clean release:clean' "$oFile" "$cBranch" "$nBranch" |
| runLog "$oFile" mvn -B release:prepare -DdevelopmentVersion="${nextVer}-SNAPSHOT" "${extraReleaseArgs}" || \ |
| cleanUpAndFail "mvn -B release:prepare -DdevelopmentVersion=${nextVer}-SNAPSHOT ${extraReleaseArgs}" "$oFile" "$cBranch" "$nBranch" |
| runLog "$oFile" mvn release:perform "${extraReleaseArgs}" || \ |
| cleanUpAndFail "mvn release:perform ${extraReleaseArgs}" "$oFile" "$cBranch" "$nBranch" |
| |
| # switch back to original branch |
| run git checkout "${cBranch}" |
| |
| # verify the next branch contains both expected log messages and no more |
| { |
| [[ $(gitCommits "${cBranch}..${nBranch}" | wc -l) -eq 2 ]] && \ |
| [[ $(gitCommit "${nBranch}~2") == $(gitCommit "${cBranch}") ]] && \ |
| [[ $(gitSubject "${nBranch}") =~ ^\[maven-release-plugin\]\ prepare\ for\ next ]] && \ |
| [[ $(gitSubject "${nBranch}~1") =~ ^\[maven-release-plugin\]\ prepare\ release\ rel[/] ]] |
| } || cleanUpAndFail "verifying that $nBranch contains only logs from release plugin" |
| |
| # verify the tag is one behind $nBranch and one ahead of $cBranch |
| [[ $(gitCommit "${nBranch}~1") == $(gitCommit "refs/tags/$tag") ]] || \ |
| cleanUpAndFail "verifying that ${nBranch}~1 == refs/tags/$tag" |
| |
| # remove tag which was created |
| run git tag -d "$tag" || \ |
| cleanUpAndFail "removing unused git tag $tag" |
| |
| # create release candidate branch to vote on |
| run git branch "$rcBranch" "${nBranch}~1" || \ |
| cleanUpAndFail "creating branch $rcBranch" |
| |
| # push branches (ask first) |
| local origin; origin=$(git remote -v | grep ^origin | grep push | awk '{print $2}') |
| echo "Do you wish to push the following branches to origin ($(green "$origin"))?" |
| echo " $(yellow "$rcBranch") (for others to examine for the vote)" |
| echo " $(yellow "$nBranch") (for merging into $cBranch if vote passes)" |
| local a; a=$(prompter "letter 'y' or 'n'" '[yn]') |
| { |
| [[ $a == 'y' ]] && \ |
| run git push -u origin "refs/heads/$nBranch" "refs/heads/$rcBranch" |
| } || red "Did not push branches; you'll need to perform this step manually." |
| |
| # continue to creating email notification |
| echo "$(red Running)" "$(yellow "$scriptname" --create-email "$ver" "$rc")" |
| createEmail "$ver" "$rc" |
| } |
| |
| if [[ $1 == '--create' ]]; then |
| shift |
| createReleaseCandidate "$@" |
| elif [[ $1 == '--email' ]]; then |
| shift |
| createEmail "$@" |
| else |
| fail "Missing one of: $(red --create), $(red --email)" |
| fi |
| |