blob: 6ff94376c26cbe05b785dbc4c9f688f24a88cf18 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
* copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
* copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package org.apache.fluo.core.impl;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloException;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloSecurityException;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.ConditionalWriter;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.ConditionalWriter.Status;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.IteratorSetting;
import org.apache.fluo.accumulo.iterators.PrewriteIterator;
import org.apache.fluo.accumulo.util.ColumnConstants;
import org.apache.fluo.accumulo.values.DelLockValue;
import org.apache.fluo.accumulo.values.LockValue;
import org.apache.fluo.core.util.ByteUtil;
import org.apache.fluo.core.util.ColumnUtil;
import org.apache.fluo.core.util.ConditionalFlutation;
import org.apache.fluo.core.util.FluoCondition;
import org.apache.fluo.core.util.SpanUtil;
import static;
* This is utility code for either rolling forward or back failed transactions. A transaction is
* deemed to have failed if the reading transaction waited too long or the transactor id does not
* exist in zookeeper.
public class LockResolver {
private static Map<PrimaryRowColumn, List<Entry<Key, Value>>> groupLocksByPrimary(
List<Entry<Key, Value>> locks) {
Map<PrimaryRowColumn, List<Entry<Key, Value>>> groupedLocks = new HashMap<>();
Map<PrimaryRowColumn, Long> transactorIds = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<Key, Value> lock : locks) {
LockValue lockVal = new LockValue(lock.getValue().get());
PrimaryRowColumn prc =
new PrimaryRowColumn(lockVal.getPrimaryRow(), lockVal.getPrimaryColumn(), lock.getKey()
.getTimestamp() & ColumnConstants.TIMESTAMP_MASK);
List<Entry<Key, Value>> lockList = groupedLocks.get(prc);
if (lockList == null) {
lockList = new ArrayList<>();
groupedLocks.put(prc, lockList);
Long trid = transactorIds.get(prc);
if (trid == null) {
transactorIds.put(prc, lockVal.getTransactor());
} else if (!trid.equals(lockVal.getTransactor())) {
// sanity check.. its assumed that all locks w/ the same PrimaryRowColumn should have the
// same transactor id as well
throw new IllegalStateException("transactor ids not equals " + prc + " " + lock.getKey()
+ " " + trid + " " + lockVal.getTransactor());
return groupedLocks;
* Attempts to roll forward or roll back a set of locks encountered by a transaction reading data.
* @param env environment
* @param startTs The logical start time from the oracle of the transaction that encountered the
* lock
* @param stats Stats object for the transaction that encountered the lock
* @param locks List of locks
* @param startTime The wall time that the transaction that encountered the lock first saw the
* lock
* @return true if all locks passed in were resolved (rolled forward or back)
static boolean resolveLocks(Environment env, long startTs, TxStats stats,
List<Entry<Key, Value>> locks, long startTime) {
// check if transactor is still alive
int numResolved = 0;
Map<ByteSequence, Mutation> mutations = new HashMap<>();
boolean timedOut = false;
TransactorCache transactorCache = env.getSharedResources().getTransactorCache();
List<Entry<Key, Value>> locksToRecover;
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime > env.getConfiguration()
.getTransactionRollbackTime()) {
locksToRecover = locks;
timedOut = true;
} else {
locksToRecover = new ArrayList<>(locks.size());
for (Entry<Key, Value> entry : locks) {
Long transactorId = new LockValue(entry.getValue().get()).getTransactor();
long lockTs = entry.getKey().getTimestamp() & ColumnConstants.TIMESTAMP_MASK;
if (transactorCache.checkTimedout(transactorId, lockTs)) {
} else if (!transactorCache.checkExists(transactorId)) {
Map<PrimaryRowColumn, List<Entry<Key, Value>>> groupedLocks =
if (timedOut) {
Set<Entry<PrimaryRowColumn, List<Entry<Key, Value>>>> es = groupedLocks.entrySet();
for (Entry<PrimaryRowColumn, List<Entry<Key, Value>>> entry : es) {
long lockTs = entry.getKey().startTs;
Long transactorId = new LockValue(entry.getValue().get(0).getValue().get()).getTransactor();
transactorCache.addTimedoutTransactor(transactorId, lockTs, startTime);
TxInfoCache txiCache = env.getSharedResources().getTxInfoCache();
Set<Entry<PrimaryRowColumn, List<Entry<Key, Value>>>> es = groupedLocks.entrySet();
for (Entry<PrimaryRowColumn, List<Entry<Key, Value>>> group : es) {
TxInfo txInfo = txiCache.getTransactionInfo(group.getKey());
switch (txInfo.status) {
commitColumns(env, group.getKey(), group.getValue(), txInfo.commitTs, mutations);
numResolved += group.getValue().size();
case LOCKED:
if (rollbackPrimary(env, startTs, group.getKey(), txInfo.lockValue)) {
rollback(env, startTs, group.getKey(), group.getValue(), mutations);
numResolved += group.getValue().size();
// TODO ensure this if ok if there concurrent rollback
rollback(env, startTs, group.getKey(), group.getValue(), mutations);
numResolved += group.getValue().size();
throw new IllegalStateException("can not abort : " + group.getKey() + " ("
+ txInfo.status + ")");
if (mutations.size() > 0) {
env.getSharedResources().getBatchWriter().writeMutations(new ArrayList<>(mutations.values()));
return numResolved == locks.size();
private static void rollback(Environment env, long startTs, PrimaryRowColumn prc,
List<Entry<Key, Value>> value, Map<ByteSequence, Mutation> mutations) {
for (Entry<Key, Value> entry : value) {
if (isPrimary(prc, entry.getKey())) {
long lockTs = entry.getKey().getTimestamp() & ColumnConstants.TIMESTAMP_MASK;
Mutation mut = getMutation(entry.getKey().getRowData(), mutations);
Key k = entry.getKey();
mut.put(k.getColumnFamilyData().toArray(), k.getColumnQualifierData().toArray(),
k.getColumnVisibilityParsed(), ColumnConstants.DEL_LOCK_PREFIX | lockTs,
DelLockValue.encodeRollback(false, true));
private static boolean rollbackPrimary(Environment env, long startTs, PrimaryRowColumn prc,
byte[] lockValue) {
// TODO review use of PrewriteIter here
IteratorSetting iterConf = new IteratorSetting(10, PrewriteIterator.class);
PrewriteIterator.setSnaptime(iterConf, startTs);
ConditionalFlutation delLockMutation =
new ConditionalFlutation(env, prc.prow, new FluoCondition(env, prc.pcol).setIterators(
delLockMutation.put(prc.pcol, ColumnConstants.DEL_LOCK_PREFIX | prc.startTs,
DelLockValue.encodeRollback(true, true));
ConditionalWriter cw = null;
cw = env.getSharedResources().getConditionalWriter();
// TODO handle other conditional writer cases
try {
return cw.write(delLockMutation).getStatus() == Status.ACCEPTED;
} catch (AccumuloException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (AccumuloSecurityException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private static void commitColumns(Environment env, PrimaryRowColumn prc,
List<Entry<Key, Value>> value, long commitTs, Map<ByteSequence, Mutation> mutations) {
for (Entry<Key, Value> entry : value) {
if (isPrimary(prc, entry.getKey())) {
long lockTs = entry.getKey().getTimestamp() & ColumnConstants.TIMESTAMP_MASK;
// TODO may be that a stronger sanity check that could be done here
if (commitTs < lockTs) {
throw new IllegalStateException("bad commitTs : " + entry.getKey() + " (" + commitTs + "<"
+ lockTs + ")");
Mutation mut = getMutation(entry.getKey().getRowData(), mutations);
Column col = SpanUtil.toRowColumn(entry.getKey()).getColumn();
LockValue lv = new LockValue(entry.getValue().get());
ColumnUtil.commitColumn(env, lv.isTrigger(), false, col, lv.isWrite(), lv.isDelete(), lockTs,
commitTs, env.getConfiguredObservers().getObservedColumns(STRONG), mut);
private static Mutation getMutation(ByteSequence row, Map<ByteSequence, Mutation> mutations) {
Mutation mut = mutations.get(row);
if (mut == null) {
mut = new Mutation(row.toArray());
mutations.put(row, mut);
return mut;
private static boolean isPrimary(PrimaryRowColumn prc, Key k) {
return prc.prow.equals(ByteUtil.toBytes(k.getRowData()))
&& prc.pcol.equals(SpanUtil.toRowColumn(k).getColumn());