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title: Apache Fluo - Large-scale Incremental Processing
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<h3>Apache Fluo&trade; lets users make incremental updates to large data sets stored in Apache Accumulo</h3>
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<h3 style="padding-top: 0px">Overview</h3>
<p>Apache Fluo is an open source implementation of <a href="" target="_blank">Percolator</a>
(which populates Google's search index) for <a href="" target="_blank">Apache Accumulo</a>. With Fluo, users can continuously join new data into large existing data sets without reprocessing all data. Unlike batch and streaming frameworks, Fluo offers much lower latency and can operate on extremely large data sets. If interested in trying Fluo, take the <a href="{{ site.baseurl }}/tour/">Fluo tour</a>. For any questions you may have, <a href="{{ site.baseurl }}/contactus/">contact us</a>.</p>
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<h3 id="news-header">Latest News</h3>
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<h3 style="padding-top:0px;">Major Features</h3>
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<h4>Reduced Latency</h4>
<p>When combining new data with existing data, Fluo offers reduced latency when compared to batch processing frameworks (e.g Spark, MapReduce).</p>
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<p>Incremental updates are implemented using transactions which allow thousands of updates to happen concurrently without corrupting data.</p>
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<h4>Core API</h4>
<p>The core <a href="{{ site.baseurl }}/docs/fluo/{{ site.latest_fluo_release }}/">Fluo API</a> supports simple, cross-node transactional updates using get/set methods.</p>
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<h4>Avoid Reprocessing Data</h4>
<p>Combine new data with existing data without having to reprocess the entire dataset.</p>
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<h4>General Purpose</h4>
<p>Fluo applications consist of a series of observers that execute user code when observed data is updated.</p>
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<h4>Recipes API</h4>
<p>The <a href="{{ site.baseurl }}/docs/fluo-recipes/{{ site.latest_recipes_release }}/">Fluo Recipes API</a> builds on the core API to offer complex transactional updates.</p>