blob: 202544bcdbc7306d5a8f2c7e65d5c1b11a0d627a [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Utility methods
import os
import sys
from os.path import isfile, join
from optparse import OptionParser
class EC2Type:
def __init__(self, arch, ephemeral=1, has_nvme=False):
self.arch = arch
self.ephemeral = ephemeral
self.has_nvme = has_nvme
AMI_HELP_MSG = """PLEASE NOTE - If you have accepted the software terms for CentOS 7 and still get an error,
this could be due to CentOS releasing new images of CentOS 7. When this occurs, the old images
are no longer available to new users. If you think this is the case, go to the CentOS 7 product
page on AWS Marketplace at the URL below to find the latest AMI:
On the product page, find the latest AMI ID for your EC2 region. This should be used to set the 'aws_ami'
property in your muchos.props. After setting the 'aws_ami' property, run the launch command again.
instance_types = {
"c1.medium": EC2Type("pvm"),
"c1.xlarge": EC2Type("pvm", 4),
"c3.2xlarge": EC2Type("pvm", 2),
"c3.4xlarge": EC2Type("pvm", 2),
"c3.8xlarge": EC2Type("pvm", 2),
"c3.large": EC2Type("pvm", 2),
"c3.xlarge": EC2Type("pvm", 2),
"cc2.8xlarge": EC2Type("hvm", 4),
"cg1.4xlarge": EC2Type("hvm", 2),
"cr1.8xlarge": EC2Type("hvm", 2),
"hi1.4xlarge": EC2Type("pvm", 2),
"hs1.8xlarge": EC2Type("pvm", 24),
"i2.2xlarge": EC2Type("hvm", 2),
"i2.4xlarge": EC2Type("hvm", 4),
"i2.8xlarge": EC2Type("hvm", 8),
"i2.xlarge": EC2Type("hvm"),
"i3.large": EC2Type("hvm", 1, True),
"i3.xlarge": EC2Type("hvm", 1, True),
"i3.2xlarge": EC2Type("hvm", 1, True),
"i3.4xlarge": EC2Type("hvm", 2, True),
"m1.large": EC2Type("pvm", 2),
"m1.medium": EC2Type("pvm"),
"m1.small": EC2Type("pvm"),
"m1.xlarge": EC2Type("pvm", 4),
"m2.2xlarge": EC2Type("pvm", 1),
"m2.4xlarge": EC2Type("pvm", 2),
"m2.xlarge": EC2Type("pvm"),
"m3.2xlarge": EC2Type("hvm", 2),
"m3.large": EC2Type("hvm"),
"m3.medium": EC2Type("hvm"),
"m3.xlarge": EC2Type("hvm", 2),
"m5d.large": EC2Type("hvm", 1, True),
"m5d.xlarge": EC2Type("hvm", 1, True),
"m5d.2xlarge": EC2Type("hvm", 1, True),
"m5d.4xlarge": EC2Type("hvm", 2, True),
"m5d.12xlarge": EC2Type("hvm", 2, True),
"m5d.24xlarge": EC2Type("hvm", 4, True),
"r3.2xlarge": EC2Type("hvm", 1),
"r3.4xlarge": EC2Type("hvm", 1),
"r3.8xlarge": EC2Type("hvm", 2),
"r3.large": EC2Type("hvm", 1),
"r3.xlarge": EC2Type("hvm", 1),
"d2.xlarge": EC2Type("hvm", 3),
"d2.2xlarge": EC2Type("hvm", 6),
"d2.4xlarge": EC2Type("hvm", 12),
"d2.8xlarge": EC2Type("hvm", 24)
def verify_type(instance_type):
if instance_type not in instance_types:
print("ERROR - EC2 instance type '%s' is currently not supported!" % instance_type)
print("This is probably due to the instance type being EBS-only.")
print("Below is a list of supported instance types:")
for key in instance_types:
def get_arch(instance_type):
return instance_types.get(instance_type).arch
def get_ephemeral_devices(instance_type):
devices = []
ec2_type = instance_types.get(instance_type)
start = 0
if instance_type.startswith("m5d"):
start = 1
for i in range(start, ec2_type.ephemeral + start):
if ec2_type.has_nvme:
devices.append('/dev/nvme' + str(i) + 'n1')
devices.append('/dev/xvd' + chr(ord('b') + i))
return devices
def get_block_device_map(instance_type):
bdm = [{'DeviceName': '/dev/sda1',
'Ebs': {'DeleteOnTermination': True}}]
ec2_type = instance_types.get(instance_type)
if not ec2_type.has_nvme :
for i in range(0, ec2_type.ephemeral):
device = {'DeviceName': '/dev/xvd' + chr(ord('b') + i),
'VirtualName': 'ephemeral' + str(i)}
return bdm
def parse_args(hosts_dir, input_args=None):
parser = OptionParser(
usage="muchos [options] <action>\n\n"
+ "where <action> can be:\n"
+ " launch Launch cluster in EC2\n"
+ " status Check status of EC2 cluster\n"
+ " setup Set up cluster\n"
+ " sync Sync ansible directory on cluster proxy node\n"
+ " config Print configuration for that cluster. Requires '-p'. Use '-p all' for all config.\n"
+ " ssh SSH to cluster proxy node\n"
+ " kill Kills processes on cluster started by Muchos\n"
+ " wipe Wipes cluster data and kills processes\n"
+ " terminate Terminate EC2 cluster\n"
+ " cancel_shutdown Cancels automatic shutdown of EC2 cluster",
parser.add_option("-c", "--cluster", dest="cluster", help="Specifies cluster")
parser.add_option("-p", "--property", dest="property", help="Specifies property to print (if using 'config' action)"
". Set to 'all' to print every property")
parser.add_option("-h", "--help", action="help", help="Show this help message and exit")
if input_args:
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args(input_args)
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) == 0:
print("ERROR - You must specify on action")
action = args[0]
if action == 'launch' and not opts.cluster:
print("ERROR - You must specify a cluster if using launch command")
clusters = [f for f in os.listdir(hosts_dir) if isfile(join(hosts_dir, f))]
if not opts.cluster:
if len(clusters) == 0:
print("ERROR - No clusters found in conf/hosts or specified by --cluster option")
elif len(clusters) == 1:
opts.cluster = clusters[0]
print("ERROR - Multiple clusters {0} found in conf/hosts/. " \
"Please pick one using --cluster option".format(clusters))
if action == 'config' and not
print("ERROR - For config action, you must set -p to a property or 'all'")
return opts, action, args[1:]