blob: 78aca20546237489e866605ee3b7c3db486d5f71 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
echo "Running nose2 tests..."
cd lib
nose2 -v -B
echo "SUCCESS: All nose2 tests completed."
echo "Running Ansible-lint..."
cd ..
ansible-lint -x no-changed-when,risky-file-permissions,unnamed-task,var-naming,fqcn[action],fqcn[action-core],name[missing],name[casing],name[play],yaml[line-length],no-free-form,jinja[spacing],yaml[truthy] ansible/ --exclude ansible/roles/azure/files/cloud-init*.yml
echo "SUCCESS: Ansible-lint completed."
echo "Running flake8 to check Python code..."
echo "SUCCESS: flake8 completed."
echo "Checking for files which have no newline at end of file..."
git ls-files | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 -L1 -n1 "$(dirname "$0")/checkMissingEOF"
echo "SUCCESS: All files have newline at the end."
echo "All tests passed!"