blob: 900433b4ce7b2dee880b0bb799afdfb82277c03c [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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# Fluo YARN properties
# NOTE - All properties that have a default are set with it. Uncomment
# a property if you want to use a value different than the default.
# Properties that have no default are uncommented and must be set by
# the user.
## General properties
## ------------------
## Zookeeper connection string specifying host and chroot where Fluo YARN launcher stores data.
## A chroot directory suffix (with max depth of 1) must be specified but doesn't need to be named '/fluo-yarn'.
fluo.yarn.zookeepers={{ zookeeper_connect }}/fluo-yarn
## YARN resource manager hostname. Should match 'yarn.resourcemanager.hostname' property in Hadoop's yarn-site.xml
fluo.yarn.resource.manager={{ groups['resourcemanager'][0] }}
## HDFS root path. Should be prefixed with 'fs.defaultFS' property in Hadoop's core-site.xml
fluo.yarn.dfs.root={{ hdfs_root }}/
## Oracle properties
## -----------------
## Number of oracle yarn instances
## Max memory of Oracle yarn containers (in MB)
## Number of Oracle virtual cores
## Worker properties
## -----------------
## Number of Worker instances
fluo.yarn.worker.instances={{ groups['workers']|length }}
## Max memory of worker YARN containers (in MB). If YARN is killing worker processes consider
## increasing (which defaults to 200 and is set in yarn-site.xml).
## The config determines the gap between the YARN memory limit set
## below and the java -Xmx setting. For example, if max memory is 1024 and twill reserved memory
## is 200, the java -Xmx setting will be 1024-200 = 824 MB.
fluo.yarn.worker.max.memory.mb={{ fluo_worker_mem_mb }}
## Number of worker virtual cores