blob: 3dffbaf35ca1951b53770b423004c7d107486535 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 Fluo authors (see AUTHORS)
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Cluster user name (install command will SSH to cluster using this user)
# Leave default below if launching cluster in AWS
cluster.username = ec2-user
# Cluster base directory where install/ & tarballs/ directories are created
# Leave default below if launching cluster in AWS
cluster.base.dir = /home/ec2-user
# Hostname of proxy node that fluo-deploy will use to direct installation of cluster. Will be given
# public IP if launching in EC2. If not launching in EC2, node must have public IP that can be reached
# from your machine. Hostname can be chosen from "nodes" section below.
proxy.hostname = leader1
# If set, a SOCKS proxy will be created on the specified port when connecting to proxy using 'fluo-deploy ssh <cluster>'
#proxy.socks.port = 38585
# Specifies if SSH, Hosts, and .bashrc should be configured on cluster
configure.cluster = true
# Apache mirror to download Hadoop, Zookeeper, Accumulo
apache.mirror =
# Accumulo Instance name
accumulo.instance = instance16
# Accumluo Password
accumulo.password = secret
# Software versions
fluo.version = 1.0.0-beta-2-SNAPSHOT
hadoop.version = 2.7.0
zookeeper.version = 3.4.6
#If the Accumulo version contains SNAPSHOT, then the scripts expect it to be in cluster/tarballs/ and will not try to download from a mirror.
accumulo.version = 1.6.2
# Software md5 checksums
hadoop.md5.hash = 79a6e87b09011861309c153a856c3ca1
zookeeper.md5.hash = 971c379ba65714fd25dc5fe8f14e9ad1
#Accumulo hash is only checked if not a SNAPSHOT version.
accumulo.md5.hash = bbc6f15907330f5f292bae7ed0f02b2f
# EC2 region to connect to
region = us-east-1
# Type of AWS instance launched by default
default.instance.type = m3.large
# Type of AWS instance launched for any node running 'worker' service
# Leave default below to use same instance type set by 'default.instance.type' property
worker.instance.type = %(default.instance.type)s
# VPC to launch instances in (optional) = vpc-xxxxx
# VPC Subnet to launch instances in (optional) = subnet-xxxxxx
# Name of public key that will be loaded by Amazon on to your EC2 instances.
# You can upload and name your public key using the EC2 Management Console.
# Only the user with this key will be able to SSH to the cluster. = my_aws_key
# Tags to add instances
#instance.tags = key1:value1,key2:value2
#Size in GB of EBS root device. Set to 0 or don't set to use default. For some
#reason setting this to non zero causes some instance types to fail, so use with
#caution. See issue #59
# This section is used to configure Fluo applications which are indentified by a unique application
# name (which replaces <app> below). Each test has the following configuration settings:
# <app>.repo # Git repo containing code for test. It is cloned when the test is run.
# <app>.branch # Branch to checkout in git repo
# <app>.command.pre.init # Command in test repo to run before initializing and starting Fluo.
# # FLUO_HOME & FLUO_APP_NAME will be set in env when run. This command
# # can do things like change fluo config and copy observers
# <app> # Test script to run from test repo after Fluo is started
# Applications can be run using the following command 'fluo-deploy run -a <app>`
# Arguments can be added after <app> and will be passed to configured commands for that app.
# Any files or directories referenced by arguments must exist on leader node.
# Stress test application
# Usage: fluo-deploy run -a stress
# Notes: - Stress test can take up to one hour to complete
# - Status will be output to console
# - Logs are written to install/tests/stress/logs
# Phrasecount application
# Usage: fluo-deploy run -a phrasecount <txtDocsDir>
# Notes: - The directory <txtDocsDir> must exist on leader node
# - Cluster cannot be set up with multiple zookeepers until FLUO-521 is resolved.
# Describes nodes in cluster in the following format:
# <Hostname> = <Service1>[,<Service2>,<Service3>]
# Where:
# Hostname = Must be unique. Will be used for hostname in EC2 or should match hostname on your own cluster
# Service = Service to run on node (possible values: zookeeper, namenode, resourcemanager, accumulomaster, worker, fluo, graphite, dev)
# All services are required below except for fluo, dev, & graphite which are optional
leader1 = namenode,zookeeper,fluo,dev
leader2 = resourcemanager,zookeeper
leader3 = accumulomaster,zookeeper
monitor = graphite
worker1 = worker
worker2 = worker
worker3 = worker