blob: bd56d14eb5a310723de0de1f1bc9602041411b2b [file] [log] [blame]
package phrasecount;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.Connector;
import org.apache.accumulo.minicluster.MiniAccumuloCluster;
import org.apache.accumulo.minicluster.MiniAccumuloConfig;
import org.apache.fluo.api.client.FluoAdmin.InitOpts;
import org.apache.fluo.api.client.FluoClient;
import org.apache.fluo.api.client.FluoFactory;
import org.apache.fluo.api.client.LoaderExecutor;
import org.apache.fluo.api.config.FluoConfiguration;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder;
import phrasecount.pojos.Counts;
import phrasecount.pojos.Document;
import phrasecount.query.PhraseCountTable;
import static phrasecount.Constants.DOC_CONTENT_COL;
import static phrasecount.Constants.DOC_REF_COUNT_COL;
import static phrasecount.Constants.TYPEL;
// TODO make this an integration test
public class PhraseCounterTest {
public static TemporaryFolder folder = new TemporaryFolder();
public static MiniAccumuloCluster cluster;
private static FluoConfiguration props;
private static MiniFluo miniFluo;
private static final PasswordToken password = new PasswordToken("secret");
private static AtomicInteger tableCounter = new AtomicInteger(1);
private PhraseCountTable pcTable;
public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception {
MiniAccumuloConfig cfg = new MiniAccumuloConfig(folder.newFolder("miniAccumulo"),
new String(password.getPassword()));
cluster = new MiniAccumuloCluster(cfg);
public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception {
public void setUpFluo() throws Exception {
// configure Fluo to use mini instance. Could avoid all of this code and let MiniFluo create a
// MiniAccumulo instance. However we need access to the MiniAccumulo instance inorder to create
// the export/query table.
props = new FluoConfiguration();
props.setInstanceZookeepers(cluster.getZooKeepers() + "/fluo");
props.setAccumuloTable("data" + tableCounter.getAndIncrement());
// create the export/query table
String queryTable = "pcq" + tableCounter.getAndIncrement();
Connector conn = cluster.getConnector("root", "secret");
pcTable = new PhraseCountTable(conn, queryTable);
// configure phrase count observers
Application.configure(props, new Application.Options(13, 13, cluster.getInstanceName(),
cluster.getZooKeepers(), "root", "secret", queryTable));
.initialize(new InitOpts().setClearTable(true).setClearZookeeper(true));
miniFluo = FluoFactory.newMiniFluo(props);
public void tearDownFluo() throws Exception {
private void loadDocument(FluoClient fluoClient, String uri, String content) {
try (LoaderExecutor le = fluoClient.newLoaderExecutor()) {
Document doc = new Document(uri, content);
le.execute(new DocumentLoader(doc));
public void test1() throws Exception {
try (FluoClient fluoClient = FluoFactory.newClient(props)) {
loadDocument(fluoClient, "/foo1", "This is only a test. Do not panic. This is only a test.");
Assert.assertEquals(new Counts(1, 2), pcTable.getPhraseCounts("is only a test"));
Assert.assertEquals(new Counts(1, 1), pcTable.getPhraseCounts("test do not panic"));
// add new document w/ different content and overlapping phrase.. should change some counts
loadDocument(fluoClient, "/foo2", "This is only a test");
Assert.assertEquals(new Counts(2, 3), pcTable.getPhraseCounts("is only a test"));
Assert.assertEquals(new Counts(1, 1), pcTable.getPhraseCounts("test do not panic"));
// add new document w/ same content, should not change any counts
loadDocument(fluoClient, "/foo3", "This is only a test");
Assert.assertEquals(new Counts(2, 3), pcTable.getPhraseCounts("is only a test"));
Assert.assertEquals(new Counts(1, 1), pcTable.getPhraseCounts("test do not panic"));
// change the content of /foo1, should change counts
loadDocument(fluoClient, "/foo1", "The test is over, for now.");
Assert.assertEquals(new Counts(1, 1), pcTable.getPhraseCounts("the test is over"));
Assert.assertEquals(new Counts(1, 1), pcTable.getPhraseCounts("is only a test"));
Assert.assertEquals(new Counts(0, 0), pcTable.getPhraseCounts("test do not panic"));
// change content of foo2, should not change anything
loadDocument(fluoClient, "/foo2", "The test is over, for now.");
Assert.assertEquals(new Counts(1, 1), pcTable.getPhraseCounts("the test is over"));
Assert.assertEquals(new Counts(1, 1), pcTable.getPhraseCounts("is only a test"));
Assert.assertEquals(new Counts(0, 0), pcTable.getPhraseCounts("test do not panic"));
String oldHash = new Document("/foo3", "This is only a test").getHash();
try(TypedSnapshot tsnap = TYPEL.wrap(fluoClient.newSnapshot())){
Assert.assertNotNull(tsnap.get().row("doc:" + oldHash).col(DOC_CONTENT_COL).toString());
Assert.assertEquals(1, tsnap.get().row("doc:" + oldHash).col(DOC_REF_COUNT_COL).toInteger(0));
// dereference document that foo3 was referencing
loadDocument(fluoClient, "/foo3", "The test is over, for now.");
Assert.assertEquals(new Counts(1, 1), pcTable.getPhraseCounts("the test is over"));
Assert.assertEquals(new Counts(0, 0), pcTable.getPhraseCounts("is only a test"));
Assert.assertEquals(new Counts(0, 0), pcTable.getPhraseCounts("test do not panic"));
try(TypedSnapshot tsnap = TYPEL.wrap(fluoClient.newSnapshot())){
Assert.assertNull(tsnap.get().row("doc:" + oldHash).col(DOC_CONTENT_COL).toString());
Assert.assertNull(tsnap.get().row("doc:" + oldHash).col(DOC_REF_COUNT_COL).toInteger());
public void testHighCardinality() throws Exception {
try (FluoClient fluoClient = FluoFactory.newClient(props)) {
Random rand = new Random();
loadDocsWithRandomWords(fluoClient, rand, "This is only a test", 0, 100);
Assert.assertEquals(new Counts(100, 100), pcTable.getPhraseCounts("this is only a"));
Assert.assertEquals(new Counts(100, 100), pcTable.getPhraseCounts("is only a test"));
loadDocsWithRandomWords(fluoClient, rand, "This is not a test", 0, 2);
Assert.assertEquals(new Counts(2, 2), pcTable.getPhraseCounts("this is not a"));
Assert.assertEquals(new Counts(2, 2), pcTable.getPhraseCounts("is not a test"));
Assert.assertEquals(new Counts(98, 98), pcTable.getPhraseCounts("this is only a"));
Assert.assertEquals(new Counts(98, 98), pcTable.getPhraseCounts("is only a test"));
loadDocsWithRandomWords(fluoClient, rand, "This is not a test", 2, 100);
Assert.assertEquals(new Counts(100, 100), pcTable.getPhraseCounts("this is not a"));
Assert.assertEquals(new Counts(100, 100), pcTable.getPhraseCounts("is not a test"));
Assert.assertEquals(new Counts(0, 0), pcTable.getPhraseCounts("this is only a"));
Assert.assertEquals(new Counts(0, 0), pcTable.getPhraseCounts("is only a test"));
loadDocsWithRandomWords(fluoClient, rand, "This is only a test", 0, 50);
Assert.assertEquals(new Counts(50, 50), pcTable.getPhraseCounts("this is not a"));
Assert.assertEquals(new Counts(50, 50), pcTable.getPhraseCounts("is not a test"));
Assert.assertEquals(new Counts(50, 50), pcTable.getPhraseCounts("this is only a"));
Assert.assertEquals(new Counts(50, 50), pcTable.getPhraseCounts("is only a test"));
void loadDocsWithRandomWords(FluoClient fluoClient, Random rand, String phrase, int start,
int end) {
try (LoaderExecutor le = fluoClient.newLoaderExecutor()) {
// load many documents that share the same phrase
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
String uri = "/foo" + i;
StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder(phrase);
// add a bunch of random words
for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) {
content.append(' ');
content.append(Integer.toString(rand.nextInt(10000), 36));
Document doc = new Document(uri, content.toString());
le.execute(new DocumentLoader(doc));