blob: 8268ca92269fbc5a44da848b6579efe980c9f1a4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.flink.metrics;
import java.util.Map;
* A MetricGroup is a named container for {@link Metric Metrics} and further metric subgroups.
* <p>Instances of this class can be used to register new metrics with Flink and to create a nested
* hierarchy based on the group names.
* <p>A MetricGroup is uniquely identified by it's place in the hierarchy and name.
public interface MetricGroup {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Metrics
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Creates and registers a new {@link org.apache.flink.metrics.Counter} with Flink.
* @param name name of the counter
* @return the created counter
default Counter counter(int name) {
return counter(String.valueOf(name));
* Creates and registers a new {@link org.apache.flink.metrics.Counter} with Flink.
* @param name name of the counter
* @return the created counter
Counter counter(String name);
* Registers a {@link org.apache.flink.metrics.Counter} with Flink.
* @param name name of the counter
* @param counter counter to register
* @param <C> counter type
* @return the given counter
default <C extends Counter> C counter(int name, C counter) {
return counter(String.valueOf(name), counter);
* Registers a {@link org.apache.flink.metrics.Counter} with Flink.
* @param name name of the counter
* @param counter counter to register
* @param <C> counter type
* @return the given counter
<C extends Counter> C counter(String name, C counter);
* Registers a new {@link org.apache.flink.metrics.Gauge} with Flink.
* @param name name of the gauge
* @param gauge gauge to register
* @param <T> return type of the gauge
* @return the given gauge
default <T, G extends Gauge<T>> G gauge(int name, G gauge) {
return gauge(String.valueOf(name), gauge);
* Registers a new {@link org.apache.flink.metrics.Gauge} with Flink.
* @param name name of the gauge
* @param gauge gauge to register
* @param <T> return type of the gauge
* @return the given gauge
<T, G extends Gauge<T>> G gauge(String name, G gauge);
* Registers a new {@link Histogram} with Flink.
* @param name name of the histogram
* @param histogram histogram to register
* @param <H> histogram type
* @return the registered histogram
<H extends Histogram> H histogram(String name, H histogram);
* Registers a new {@link Histogram} with Flink.
* @param name name of the histogram
* @param histogram histogram to register
* @param <H> histogram type
* @return the registered histogram
default <H extends Histogram> H histogram(int name, H histogram) {
return histogram(String.valueOf(name), histogram);
* Registers a new {@link Meter} with Flink.
* @param name name of the meter
* @param meter meter to register
* @param <M> meter type
* @return the registered meter
<M extends Meter> M meter(String name, M meter);
* Registers a new {@link Meter} with Flink.
* @param name name of the meter
* @param meter meter to register
* @param <M> meter type
* @return the registered meter
default <M extends Meter> M meter(int name, M meter) {
return meter(String.valueOf(name), meter);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Groups
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Creates a new MetricGroup and adds it to this groups sub-groups.
* @param name name of the group
* @return the created group
default MetricGroup addGroup(int name) {
return addGroup(String.valueOf(name));
* Creates a new MetricGroup and adds it to this groups sub-groups.
* @param name name of the group
* @return the created group
MetricGroup addGroup(String name);
* Creates a new key-value MetricGroup pair. The key group is added to this groups sub-groups,
* while the value group is added to the key group's sub-groups. This method returns the value
* group.
* <p>The only difference between calling this method and {@code
* group.addGroup(key).addGroup(value)} is that {@link #getAllVariables()} of the value group
* return an additional {@code "<key>"="value"} pair.
* @param key name of the first group
* @param value name of the second group
* @return the second created group
MetricGroup addGroup(String key, String value);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Scope
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Gets the scope as an array of the scope components, for example {@code ["host-7",
* "taskmanager-2", "window_word_count", "my-mapper"]}.
* @see #getMetricIdentifier(String)
* @see #getMetricIdentifier(String, CharacterFilter)
String[] getScopeComponents();
* Returns a map of all variables and their associated value, for example {@code
* {"<host>"="host-7", "<tm_id>"="taskmanager-2"}}.
* @return map of all variables and their associated value
Map<String, String> getAllVariables();
* Returns the fully qualified metric name, for example {@code
* ""}.
* @param metricName metric name
* @return fully qualified metric name
String getMetricIdentifier(String metricName);
* Returns the fully qualified metric name, for example {@code
* ""}.
* @param metricName metric name
* @param filter character filter which is applied to the scope components if not null.
* @return fully qualified metric name
String getMetricIdentifier(String metricName, CharacterFilter filter);