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package org.apache.flink.api.scala.completeness
import java.lang.reflect.Method
import org.apache.flink.util.TestLogger
import org.junit.Assert._
import org.junit.Test
import scala.language.existentials
* Test base for checking whether the Scala API is up to feature parity with the Java API.
* Right now is very simple, it is only checked whether a method with the same name exists.
* When adding excluded methods to the lists you should give a good reason in a comment.
* Note: This is inspired by the JavaAPICompletenessChecker from Spark.
abstract class ScalaAPICompletenessTestBase extends TestLogger {
* Determines whether a method is excluded by name.
protected def isExcludedByName(method: Method): Boolean
* Utility to be called during the test.
protected def checkMethods(
javaClassName: String,
scalaClassName: String,
javaClass: Class[_],
scalaClass: Class[_]) {
val javaMethods = javaClass.getMethods
.map(m => m.getName).toSet
val scalaMethods = scalaClass.getMethods
.map(m => m.getName).toSet
val missingMethods = javaMethods -- scalaMethods
for (javaMethod <- missingMethods) {
// check if the method simply follows different getter / setter conventions in Scala / Java
// for example Java: getFoo() should match Scala: foo()
if (!containsScalaGetterLike(javaMethod, scalaMethods)) {
fail(s"Method $javaMethod from $javaClass is missing from $scalaClassName.")
protected def containsScalaGetterLike(javaMethod: String, scalaMethods: Set[String]): Boolean = {
if (javaMethod.startsWith("get") && javaMethod.length >= 4) {
val scalaMethodName = Character.toLowerCase(javaMethod.charAt(3)) + javaMethod.substring(4)
} else {
* Tests to be performed to ensure API completeness.
protected def testCompleteness(): Unit