blob: 80f507a1f0230b378d30620543df9db42d8b8acc [file] [log] [blame]
<table class="table table-bordered">
<th class="text-left" style="width: 20%">Key</th>
<th class="text-left" style="width: 15%">Default</th>
<th class="text-left" style="width: 10%">Type</th>
<th class="text-left" style="width: 55%">Description</th>
<td style="word-wrap: break-word;">false</td>
<td>Whether to enable the JVM direct memory limit of the JobManager process (-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize). The limit will be set to the value of '' option. </td>
<td style="word-wrap: break-word;">(none)</td>
<td>Total Flink Memory size for the JobManager. This includes all the memory that a JobManager consumes, except for JVM Metaspace and JVM Overhead. It consists of JVM Heap Memory and Off-heap Memory. See also 'jobmanager.memory.process.size' for total process memory size configuration.</td>
<td style="word-wrap: break-word;">(none)</td>
<td>JVM Heap Memory size for JobManager. The minimum recommended JVM Heap size is 128.000mb (134217728 bytes).</td>
<td style="word-wrap: break-word;">256 mb</td>
<td>JVM Metaspace Size for the JobManager.</td>
<td style="word-wrap: break-word;">0.1</td>
<td>Fraction of Total Process Memory to be reserved for JVM Overhead. This is off-heap memory reserved for JVM overhead, such as thread stack space, compile cache, etc. This includes native memory but not direct memory, and will not be counted when Flink calculates JVM max direct memory size parameter. The size of JVM Overhead is derived to make up the configured fraction of the Total Process Memory. If the derived size is less or greater than the configured min or max size, the min or max size will be used. The exact size of JVM Overhead can be explicitly specified by setting the min and max size to the same value.</td>
<td style="word-wrap: break-word;">1 gb</td>
<td>Max JVM Overhead size for the JobManager. This is off-heap memory reserved for JVM overhead, such as thread stack space, compile cache, etc. This includes native memory but not direct memory, and will not be counted when Flink calculates JVM max direct memory size parameter. The size of JVM Overhead is derived to make up the configured fraction of the Total Process Memory. If the derived size is less or greater than the configured min or max size, the min or max size will be used. The exact size of JVM Overhead can be explicitly specified by setting the min and max size to the same value.</td>
<td style="word-wrap: break-word;">192 mb</td>
<td>Min JVM Overhead size for the JobManager. This is off-heap memory reserved for JVM overhead, such as thread stack space, compile cache, etc. This includes native memory but not direct memory, and will not be counted when Flink calculates JVM max direct memory size parameter. The size of JVM Overhead is derived to make up the configured fraction of the Total Process Memory. If the derived size is less or greater than the configured min or max size, the min or max size will be used. The exact size of JVM Overhead can be explicitly specified by setting the min and max size to the same value.</td>
<td style="word-wrap: break-word;">128 mb</td>
<td>Off-heap Memory size for JobManager. This option covers all off-heap memory usage including direct and native memory allocation. The JVM direct memory limit of the JobManager process (-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize) will be set to this value if the limit is enabled by 'jobmanager.memory.enable-jvm-direct-memory-limit'. </td>
<td style="word-wrap: break-word;">(none)</td>
<td>Total Process Memory size for the JobManager. This includes all the memory that a JobManager JVM process consumes, consisting of Total Flink Memory, JVM Metaspace, and JVM Overhead. In containerized setups, this should be set to the container memory. See also 'jobmanager.memory.flink.size' for Total Flink Memory size configuration.</td>
<td style="word-wrap: break-word;">(none)</td>
<td>Total Flink Memory size for the TaskExecutors. This includes all the memory that a TaskExecutor consumes, except for JVM Metaspace and JVM Overhead. It consists of Framework Heap Memory, Task Heap Memory, Task Off-Heap Memory, Managed Memory, and Network Memory. See also 'taskmanager.memory.process.size' for total process memory size configuration.</td>
<td style="word-wrap: break-word;">128 mb</td>
<td>Framework Heap Memory size for TaskExecutors. This is the size of JVM heap memory reserved for TaskExecutor framework, which will not be allocated to task slots.</td>
<td style="word-wrap: break-word;">128 mb</td>
<td>Framework Off-Heap Memory size for TaskExecutors. This is the size of off-heap memory (JVM direct memory and native memory) reserved for TaskExecutor framework, which will not be allocated to task slots. The configured value will be fully counted when Flink calculates the JVM max direct memory size parameter.</td>
<td style="word-wrap: break-word;">256 mb</td>
<td>JVM Metaspace Size for the TaskExecutors.</td>
<td style="word-wrap: break-word;">0.1</td>
<td>Fraction of Total Process Memory to be reserved for JVM Overhead. This is off-heap memory reserved for JVM overhead, such as thread stack space, compile cache, etc. This includes native memory but not direct memory, and will not be counted when Flink calculates JVM max direct memory size parameter. The size of JVM Overhead is derived to make up the configured fraction of the Total Process Memory. If the derived size is less/greater than the configured min/max size, the min/max size will be used. The exact size of JVM Overhead can be explicitly specified by setting the min/max size to the same value.</td>
<td style="word-wrap: break-word;">1 gb</td>
<td>Max JVM Overhead size for the TaskExecutors. This is off-heap memory reserved for JVM overhead, such as thread stack space, compile cache, etc. This includes native memory but not direct memory, and will not be counted when Flink calculates JVM max direct memory size parameter. The size of JVM Overhead is derived to make up the configured fraction of the Total Process Memory. If the derived size is less/greater than the configured min/max size, the min/max size will be used. The exact size of JVM Overhead can be explicitly specified by setting the min/max size to the same value.</td>
<td style="word-wrap: break-word;">192 mb</td>
<td>Min JVM Overhead size for the TaskExecutors. This is off-heap memory reserved for JVM overhead, such as thread stack space, compile cache, etc. This includes native memory but not direct memory, and will not be counted when Flink calculates JVM max direct memory size parameter. The size of JVM Overhead is derived to make up the configured fraction of the Total Process Memory. If the derived size is less/greater than the configured min/max size, the min/max size will be used. The exact size of JVM Overhead can be explicitly specified by setting the min/max size to the same value.</td>
<td style="word-wrap: break-word;">DATAPROC:70,PYTHON:30</td>
<td>Managed memory weights for different kinds of consumers. A slot’s managed memory is shared by all kinds of consumers it contains, proportionally to the kinds’ weights and regardless of the number of consumers from each kind. Currently supported kinds of consumers are DATAPROC (for RocksDB state backend in streaming and built-in algorithms in batch) and PYTHON (for Python processes).</td>
<td style="word-wrap: break-word;">0.4</td>
<td>Fraction of Total Flink Memory to be used as Managed Memory, if Managed Memory size is not explicitly specified.</td>
<td style="word-wrap: break-word;">(none)</td>
<td>Managed Memory size for TaskExecutors. This is the size of off-heap memory managed by the memory manager, reserved for sorting, hash tables, caching of intermediate results and RocksDB state backend. Memory consumers can either allocate memory from the memory manager in the form of MemorySegments, or reserve bytes from the memory manager and keep their memory usage within that boundary. If unspecified, it will be derived to make up the configured fraction of the Total Flink Memory.</td>
<td style="word-wrap: break-word;">0.1</td>
<td>Fraction of Total Flink Memory to be used as Network Memory. Network Memory is off-heap memory reserved for ShuffleEnvironment (e.g., network buffers). Network Memory size is derived to make up the configured fraction of the Total Flink Memory. If the derived size is less/greater than the configured min/max size, the min/max size will be used. The exact size of Network Memory can be explicitly specified by setting the min/max size to the same value.</td>
<td style="word-wrap: break-word;">1 gb</td>
<td>Max Network Memory size for TaskExecutors. Network Memory is off-heap memory reserved for ShuffleEnvironment (e.g., network buffers). Network Memory size is derived to make up the configured fraction of the Total Flink Memory. If the derived size is less/greater than the configured min/max size, the min/max size will be used. The exact size of Network Memory can be explicitly specified by setting the min/max to the same value.</td>
<td style="word-wrap: break-word;">64 mb</td>
<td>Min Network Memory size for TaskExecutors. Network Memory is off-heap memory reserved for ShuffleEnvironment (e.g., network buffers). Network Memory size is derived to make up the configured fraction of the Total Flink Memory. If the derived size is less/greater than the configured min/max size, the min/max size will be used. The exact size of Network Memory can be explicitly specified by setting the min/max to the same value.</td>
<td style="word-wrap: break-word;">(none)</td>
<td>Total Process Memory size for the TaskExecutors. This includes all the memory that a TaskExecutor consumes, consisting of Total Flink Memory, JVM Metaspace, and JVM Overhead. On containerized setups, this should be set to the container memory. See also 'taskmanager.memory.flink.size' for total Flink memory size configuration.</td>
<td style="word-wrap: break-word;">(none)</td>
<td>Task Heap Memory size for TaskExecutors. This is the size of JVM heap memory reserved for tasks. If not specified, it will be derived as Total Flink Memory minus Framework Heap Memory, Framework Off-Heap Memory, Task Off-Heap Memory, Managed Memory and Network Memory.</td>
<td style="word-wrap: break-word;">0 bytes</td>
<td>Task Off-Heap Memory size for TaskExecutors. This is the size of off heap memory (JVM direct memory and native memory) reserved for tasks. The configured value will be fully counted when Flink calculates the JVM max direct memory size parameter.</td>