blob: fbd313d512452c6653d3a7b4cb6e0a952d2d3f81 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.apache.flink.table.sources
import org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptCluster
import org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode
import org.apache.calcite.rel.`type`.RelDataType
import org.apache.calcite.rel.logical.LogicalValues
import org.apache.calcite.rex.{RexLiteral, RexNode}
import org.apache.flink.table.api.{TableException, ValidationException}
import org.apache.flink.table.api.types.{DataType, DataTypes, InternalType, RowType}
import org.apache.flink.table.calcite.FlinkTypeFactory
import org.apache.flink.table.expressions.{Cast, ResolvedFieldReference}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
/** Util class for [[TableSource]]. */
object TableSourceUtil {
/** Returns true if the [[TableSource]] has a rowtime attribute. */
def hasRowtimeAttribute(tableSource: TableSource): Boolean =
/** Returns true if the [[TableSource]] has a proctime attribute. */
def hasProctimeAttribute(tableSource: TableSource): Boolean =
* Validates a TableSource.
* - checks that all fields of the schema can be resolved
* - checks that resolved fields have the correct type
* - checks that the time attributes are correctly configured.
* @param tableSource The [[TableSource]] for which the time attributes are checked.
def validateTableSource(tableSource: TableSource): Unit = {
val schema = tableSource.getTableSchema
val tableFieldNames = schema.getColumnNames
val tableFieldTypes = schema.getTypes
// get rowtime and proctime attributes
val rowtimeAttributes = getRowtimeAttributes(tableSource)
val proctimeAttribute = getProctimeAttribute(tableSource)
// validate that schema fields can be resolved to a return type field of correct type
var mappedFieldCnt = 0 {
case (DataTypes.TIMESTAMP, name: String)
if proctimeAttribute.contains(name) =>
// OK, field was mapped to proctime attribute
case (DataTypes.TIMESTAMP, name: String)
if rowtimeAttributes.contains(name) =>
// OK, field was mapped to rowtime attribute
case (t: InternalType, name) =>
// check if field is registered as time indicator
if (getProctimeAttribute(tableSource).contains(name)) {
throw new ValidationException(s"Processing time field '$name' has invalid type $t. " +
s"Processing time attributes must be of type ${DataTypes.TIMESTAMP}.")
if (getRowtimeAttributes(tableSource).contains(name)) {
throw new ValidationException(s"Rowtime field '$name' has invalid type $t. " +
s"Rowtime attributes must be of type ${DataTypes.TIMESTAMP}.")
// check that field can be resolved in input type
val (physicalName, _, tpe) = resolveInputField(name, tableSource)
// validate that mapped fields are are same type
if (tpe != t) {
throw new ValidationException(s"Type $t of table field '$name' does not " +
s"match with type $tpe of the field '$physicalName' of the TableSource return type.")
mappedFieldCnt += 1
// ensure that only one field is mapped to an atomic type
if (!tableSource.getReturnType.toInternalType.isInstanceOf[RowType]
&& mappedFieldCnt > 1) {
throw new ValidationException(
s"More than one table field matched to atomic input type ${tableSource.getReturnType}.")
// validate rowtime attributes
tableSource match {
case r: DefinedRowtimeAttributes =>
val descriptors = r.getRowtimeAttributeDescriptors
if (descriptors.size() > 1) {
throw new ValidationException(
"Currently, only a single rowtime attribute is supported. " +
s"Please remove all but one RowtimeAttributeDescriptor.")
} else if (descriptors.size() == 1) {
val descriptor = descriptors.get(0)
val rowtimeAttribute = descriptor.getAttributeName
val rowtimeIdx = schema.getColumnNames.indexOf(rowtimeAttribute)
// ensure that field exists
if (rowtimeIdx < 0) {
throw new ValidationException(s"Found a RowtimeAttributeDescriptor for field " +
s"'$rowtimeAttribute' but field '$rowtimeAttribute' does not exist in table.")
// ensure that field is of type TIMESTAMP
if (schema.getFieldType(rowtimeIdx).get() != DataTypes.TIMESTAMP) {
throw new ValidationException(s"Found a RowtimeAttributeDescriptor for field " +
s"'$rowtimeAttribute' but field '$rowtimeAttribute' is not of type TIMESTAMP.")
// look up extractor input fields in return type
val extractorInputFields = descriptor.getTimestampExtractor.getArgumentFields
val physicalTypes = resolveInputFields(extractorInputFields, tableSource).map(_._3)
// validate timestamp extractor
case _ => // nothing to validate
// validate proctime attribute
tableSource match {
case p: DefinedProctimeAttribute if p.getProctimeAttribute != null =>
val proctimeAttribute = p.getProctimeAttribute
val proctimeIdx = schema.getColumnNames.indexOf(proctimeAttribute)
// ensure that field exists
if (proctimeIdx < 0) {
throw new ValidationException(s"Found a ProctimeAttribute for field " +
s"'$proctimeAttribute' but field '$proctimeAttribute' does not exist in table.")
// ensure that field is of type TIMESTAMP
if (schema.getFieldType(proctimeIdx).get() != DataTypes.TIMESTAMP) {
throw new ValidationException(s"Found a ProctimeAttribute for field " +
s"'$proctimeAttribute' but field '$proctimeAttribute' is not of type TIMESTAMP.")
case _ => // nothing to validate
// ensure that proctime and rowtime attribute do not overlap
if (proctimeAttribute.isDefined && rowtimeAttributes.contains(proctimeAttribute.get)) {
throw new ValidationException(s"Field '${proctimeAttribute.get}' must not be " +
s"processing time and rowtime attribute at the same time.")
* Computes the indices that map the input type of the DataStream to the schema of the table.
* The mapping is based on the field names and fails if a table field cannot be
* mapped to a field of the input type.
* @param tableSource The table source for which the table schema is mapped to the input type.
* @param isStreamTable True if the mapping is computed for a streaming table, false otherwise.
* @param selectedFields The indexes of the table schema fields for which a mapping is
* computed. If None, a mapping for all fields is computed.
* @return An index mapping from input type to table schema.
def computeIndexMapping(
tableSource: TableSource,
isStreamTable: Boolean,
selectedFields: Option[Array[Int]]): Array[Int] = {
val inputType = tableSource.getReturnType.toInternalType
val tableSchema = tableSource.getTableSchema
// get names of selected fields
val tableFieldNames = if (selectedFields.isDefined) {
val names = tableSchema.getColumnNames
} else {
// get types of selected fields
val tableFieldTypes = if (selectedFields.isDefined) {
val types = tableSchema.getTypes
} else {
// get rowtime and proctime attributes
val rowtimeAttributes = getRowtimeAttributes(tableSource)
val proctimeAttributes = getProctimeAttribute(tableSource)
// compute mapping of selected fields and time attributes
val mapping: Array[Int] = {
case (DataTypes.TIMESTAMP, name: String)
if proctimeAttributes.contains(name) =>
if (isStreamTable) {
} else {
case (DataTypes.TIMESTAMP, name: String)
if rowtimeAttributes.contains(name) =>
if (isStreamTable) {
} else {
case (t: InternalType, name) =>
// check if field is registered as time indicator
if (getProctimeAttribute(tableSource).contains(name)) {
throw new ValidationException(s"Processing time field '$name' has invalid type $t. " +
s"Processing time attributes must be of type ${DataTypes.TIMESTAMP}.")
if (getRowtimeAttributes(tableSource).contains(name)) {
throw new ValidationException(s"Rowtime field '$name' has invalid type $t. " +
s"Rowtime attributes must be of type ${DataTypes.TIMESTAMP}.")
val (physicalName, idx, tpe) = resolveInputField(name, tableSource)
// validate that mapped fields are are same type
if (tpe != t) {
throw new ValidationException(s"Type $t of table field '$name' does not " +
s"match with type $tpe of the field '$physicalName' of the TableSource return type.")
// ensure that only one field is mapped to an atomic type
if (!inputType.isInstanceOf[RowType] && mapping.count(_ >= 0) > 1) {
throw new ValidationException(
s"More than one table field matched to atomic input type $inputType.")
* Returns the Calcite schema of a [[TableSource]].
* @param tableSource The [[TableSource]] for which the Calcite schema is generated.
* @param selectedFields The indices of all selected fields. None, if all fields are selected.
* @param streaming Flag to determine whether the schema of a stream or batch table is created.
* @param typeFactory The type factory to create the schema.
* @return The Calcite schema for the selected fields of the given [[TableSource]].
def getRelDataType(
tableSource: TableSource,
selectedFields: Option[Array[Int]],
streaming: Boolean,
typeFactory: FlinkTypeFactory): RelDataType = {
val fieldNames = tableSource.getTableSchema.getFieldNames
var fieldTypes = tableSource.getTableSchema.getFieldTypes
var fieldNullables = tableSource.getTableSchema.getFieldNullables
if (streaming) {
// adjust the type of time attributes for streaming tables
val rowtimeAttributes = getRowtimeAttributes(tableSource)
val proctimeAttributes = getProctimeAttribute(tableSource)
// patch rowtime fields with time indicator type
rowtimeAttributes.foreach { rowtimeField =>
val idx = fieldNames.indexOf(rowtimeField)
fieldTypes = fieldTypes.patch(idx, Seq(DataTypes.ROWTIME_INDICATOR), 1)
fieldNullables = fieldNullables.patch(idx, Seq(false), 1)
// patch proctime field with time indicator type
proctimeAttributes.foreach { proctimeField =>
val idx = fieldNames.indexOf(proctimeField)
fieldTypes = fieldTypes.patch(idx, Seq(DataTypes.PROCTIME_INDICATOR), 1)
fieldNullables = fieldNullables.patch(idx, Seq(false), 1)
val (selectedFieldNames, selectedFieldTypes, selectedFieldNullables) =
if (selectedFields.isDefined) {
// filter field names and types by selected fields
} else {
(fieldNames, fieldTypes, fieldNullables)
typeFactory.buildRelDataType(selectedFieldNames, selectedFieldTypes, selectedFieldNullables)
* Returns the [[RowtimeAttributeDescriptor]] of a [[TableSource]].
* @param tableSource The [[TableSource]] for which the [[RowtimeAttributeDescriptor]] is
* returned.
* @param selectedFields The fields which are selected from the [[TableSource]].
* If None, all fields are selected.
* @return The [[RowtimeAttributeDescriptor]] of the [[TableSource]].
def getRowtimeAttributeDescriptor(
tableSource: TableSource,
selectedFields: Option[Array[Int]]): Option[RowtimeAttributeDescriptor] = {
tableSource match {
case r: DefinedRowtimeAttributes =>
val descriptors = r.getRowtimeAttributeDescriptors
if (descriptors.size() == 0) {
} else if (descriptors.size > 1) {
throw new ValidationException("Table with has more than a single rowtime attribute..")
} else {
// exactly one rowtime attribute descriptor
if (selectedFields.isEmpty) {
// all fields are selected.
} else {
val descriptor = descriptors.get(0)
// look up index of row time attribute in schema
val fieldIdx = tableSource.getTableSchema.getColumnNames.indexOf(
// is field among selected fields?
if (selectedFields.get.contains(fieldIdx)) {
} else {
case _ => None
* Obtains the [[RexNode]] expression to extract the rowtime timestamp for a [[TableSource]].
* @param tableSource The [[TableSource]] for which the expression is extracted.
* @param selectedFields The selected fields of the [[TableSource]].
* If None, all fields are selected.
* @param cluster The [[RelOptCluster]] of the current optimization process.
* @param relBuilder The [[RelBuilder]] to build the [[RexNode]].
* @param resultType The result type of the timestamp expression.
* @return The [[RexNode]] expression to extract the timestamp of the table source.
def getRowtimeExtractionExpression(
tableSource: TableSource,
selectedFields: Option[Array[Int]],
cluster: RelOptCluster,
relBuilder: RelBuilder,
resultType: InternalType): Option[RexNode] = {
val typeFactory = cluster.getTypeFactory.asInstanceOf[FlinkTypeFactory]
* Creates a RelNode with a schema that corresponds on the given fields
* Fields for which no information is available, will have default values.
def createSchemaRelNode(fields: Array[(String, Int, InternalType)]): RelNode = {
val maxIdx =
val idxMap: Map[Int, (String, InternalType)] = Map( => f._2 -> (f._1, f._3)): _*)
val (physicalFields, physicalTypes) = (0 to maxIdx)
.map(i => idxMap.getOrElse(i, ("", DataTypes.BYTE))).unzip
val physicalSchema: RelDataType = typeFactory.buildRelDataType(
val rowtimeDesc = getRowtimeAttributeDescriptor(tableSource, selectedFields) { r =>
val tsExtractor = r.getTimestampExtractor
val fieldAccesses = if (tsExtractor.getArgumentFields.nonEmpty) {
val resolvedFields = resolveInputFields(tsExtractor.getArgumentFields, tableSource)
// push an empty values node with the physical schema on the relbuilder
// get extraction expression => ResolvedFieldReference(f._1, f._3))
} else {
new Array[ResolvedFieldReference](0)
val expression = tsExtractor.getExpression(fieldAccesses)
// add cast to requested type and convert expression to RexNode
val rexExpression = Cast(expression, resultType).toRexNode(relBuilder)
* Returns the indexes of the physical fields that required to compute the given logical fields.
* @param tableSource The [[TableSource]] for which the physical indexes are computed.
* @param logicalFieldIndexes The indexes of the accessed logical fields for which the physical
* indexes are computed.
* @return The indexes of the physical fields are accessed to forward and compute the logical
* fields.
def getPhysicalIndexes(
tableSource: TableSource,
logicalFieldIndexes: Array[Int]): Array[Int] = {
// get the mapping from logical to physical positions.
// stream / batch distinction not important here
val fieldMapping = computeIndexMapping(tableSource, isStreamTable = true, None)
// resolve logical indexes to physical indexes
// resolve time indicator markers to physical indexes
.flatMap {
// proctime field do not access a physical field
// rowtime field is computed.
// get names of fields which are accessed by the expression to compute the rowtime field.
val rowtimeAttributeDescriptor = getRowtimeAttributeDescriptor(tableSource, None)
val accessedFields = if (rowtimeAttributeDescriptor.isDefined) {
} else {
throw new TableException("Computed field mapping includes a rowtime marker but the " +
"TableSource does not provide a RowtimeAttributeDescriptor. " +
"This is a bug and should be reported.")
// resolve field names to physical fields
resolveInputFields(accessedFields, tableSource).map(_._2)
case idx =>
/** Returns a list with all rowtime attribute names of the [[TableSource]]. */
private def getRowtimeAttributes(tableSource: TableSource): Array[String] = {
tableSource match {
case r: DefinedRowtimeAttributes =>
case _ =>
/** Returns the proctime attribute of the [[TableSource]] if it is defined. */
private def getProctimeAttribute(tableSource: TableSource): Option[String] = {
tableSource match {
case p: DefinedProctimeAttribute if p.getProctimeAttribute != null =>
case _ =>
* Identifies for a field name of the logical schema, the corresponding physical field in the
* return type of a [[TableSource]].
* @param fieldName The logical field to look up.
* @param tableSource The table source in which to look for the field.
* @return The name, index, and type information of the physical field.
private def resolveInputField(
fieldName: String,
tableSource: TableSource): (String, Int, InternalType) = {
val returnType = tableSource.getReturnType
/** Look up a field by name in a type information */
def lookupField(fieldName: String, failMsg: String): (String, Int, InternalType) = {
returnType.toInternalType match {
case c: RowType =>
// get and check field index
val idx = c.getFieldIndex(fieldName)
if (idx < 0) {
throw new ValidationException(failMsg)
// return field name, index, and field type
(fieldName, idx, c.getInternalTypeAt(idx).toInternalType)
case t: InternalType =>
// no composite type, we return the full atomic type as field
(fieldName, 0, t)
tableSource match {
case d: DefinedFieldMapping if d.getFieldMapping != null =>
// resolve field name in field mapping
val resolvedFieldName = d.getFieldMapping.get(fieldName)
if (resolvedFieldName == null) {
throw new ValidationException(
s"Field '$fieldName' could not be resolved by the field mapping.")
// look up resolved field in return type
s"Table field '$fieldName' was resolved to TableSource return type field " +
s"'$resolvedFieldName', but field '$resolvedFieldName' was not found in the return " +
s"type $returnType of the TableSource. " +
s"Please verify the field mapping of the TableSource.")
case _ =>
// look up field in return type
s"Table field '$fieldName' was not found in the return type $returnType of the " +
* Identifies the physical fields in the return type [[DataType]] of a [[TableSource]]
* for a list of field names of the [[TableSource]]'s [[org.apache.flink.table.api.TableSchema]].
* @param fieldNames The field names to look up.
* @param tableSource The table source in which to look for the field.
* @return The name, index, and type information of the physical field.
private def resolveInputFields(
fieldNames: Array[String],
tableSource: TableSource): Array[(String, Int, InternalType)] = {, tableSource))