blob: 7e55e66a2b70e0e847ada286d8750522d027d25a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.flink.table.plan.metadata
import org.apache.flink.table.api.TableException
import org.apache.flink.table.plan.nodes.calcite.{Expand, LogicalWindowAggregate, Rank}
import org.apache.flink.table.plan.nodes.logical.FlinkLogicalWindowAggregate
import org.apache.flink.table.plan.nodes.physical.batch._
import org.apache.flink.table.plan.util.FlinkRelMdUtil
import org.apache.calcite.plan.volcano.RelSubset
import org.apache.calcite.rel.core._
import org.apache.calcite.rel.metadata._
import org.apache.calcite.rel.{RelNode, SingleRel}
import org.apache.calcite.rex.{RexInputRef, RexLiteral}
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlKind
import org.apache.calcite.util.{BuiltInMethod, ImmutableBitSet, NumberUtil, Util}
import java.lang.Double
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.collection.mutable
* [[FlinkRelMdPopulationSize]] supplies a implementation of
* [[RelMetadataQuery#getPopulationSize]] for the standard logical algebra.
class FlinkRelMdPopulationSize private extends MetadataHandler[BuiltInMetadata.PopulationSize] {
override def getDef: MetadataDef[BuiltInMetadata.PopulationSize] =
def getPopulationSize(
rel: TableScan,
mq: RelMetadataQuery,
groupKey: ImmutableBitSet): Double = {
val unique = RelMdUtil.areColumnsDefinitelyUnique(mq, rel, groupKey)
if (unique) {
} else {
mq.getDistinctRowCount(rel, groupKey, null)
def getPopulationSize(
rel: Filter,
mq: RelMetadataQuery,
groupKey: ImmutableBitSet): Double = mq.getPopulationSize(rel.getInput, groupKey)
def getPopulationSize(
rel: Rank,
mq: RelMetadataQuery,
groupKey: ImmutableBitSet): Double = {
val rankFunColumnIndex = FlinkRelMdUtil.getRankFunColumnIndex(rel)
if (rankFunColumnIndex < 0 || !groupKey.toArray.contains(rankFunColumnIndex)) {
mq.getPopulationSize(rel.getInput, groupKey)
} else {
val rankFunNdv: Double = if (rankFunColumnIndex > 0 &&
groupKey.toArray.contains(rankFunColumnIndex)) {
} else {
val newGroupKey = groupKey.clear(rankFunColumnIndex)
val inputPopulationSize: Double = if (newGroupKey.isEmpty) {
} else {
val size = mq.getPopulationSize(rel.getInput, newGroupKey)
if (size == null) {
return null
val populationSize = inputPopulationSize * rankFunNdv
NumberUtil.min(populationSize, mq.getRowCount(rel))
def getPopulationSize(
rel: Project,
mq: RelMetadataQuery,
groupKey: ImmutableBitSet): Double = {
val baseCols = ImmutableBitSet.builder
val projCols = ImmutableBitSet.builder
val projExprs = rel.getProjects
RelMdUtil.splitCols(projExprs, groupKey, baseCols, projCols)
var population = mq.getPopulationSize(rel.getInput,
if (population == null) {
return null
// No further computation required if the projection expressions are
// all column references
if (projCols.cardinality == 0) {
return population
for (bit <- {
val subRowCount = RelMdUtil.cardOfProjExpr(mq, rel, projExprs.get(bit))
if (subRowCount == null) {
return null
// subRowCount may be less than 1.0
population *= Math.max(1.0, subRowCount)
// REVIEW zfong 6/22/06 - Broadbase did not have the call to
// numDistinctVals. This is needed; otherwise, population can be
// larger than the number of rows in the RelNode.
RelMdUtil.numDistinctVals(population, mq.getRowCount(rel))
def getPopulationSize(
rel: Calc,
mq: RelMetadataQuery,
groupKey: ImmutableBitSet): Double = {
val program = rel.getProgram
val projects =
val baseCols = ImmutableBitSet.builder
val projCols = ImmutableBitSet.builder
RelMdUtil.splitCols(projects, groupKey, baseCols, projCols)
var population = mq.getPopulationSize(rel.getInput,
if (population == null) {
return null
// No further computation required if the projection expressions are
// all column references
if (projCols.cardinality == 0) {
return population
for (bit <- {
val subRowCount = FlinkRelMdUtil.cardOfCalcExpr(mq, rel, projects.get(bit))
if (subRowCount == null) {
return null
// subRowCount may be less than 1.0
population *= Math.max(1.0, subRowCount)
// REVIEW zfong 6/22/06 - Broadbase did not have the call to
// numDistinctVals. This is needed; otherwise, population can be
// larger than the number of rows in the RelNode.
RelMdUtil.numDistinctVals(population, mq.getRowCount(rel))
def getPopulationSize(
rel: Sort,
mq: RelMetadataQuery,
groupKey: ImmutableBitSet): Double = mq.getPopulationSize(rel.getInput, groupKey)
def getPopulationSize(
rel: Exchange,
mq: RelMetadataQuery,
groupKey: ImmutableBitSet): Double = mq.getPopulationSize(rel.getInput, groupKey)
def getPopulationSize(
rel: Union,
mq: RelMetadataQuery,
groupKey: ImmutableBitSet): Double = {
var population = 0.0
for (input <- rel.getInputs) {
val subPop = mq.getPopulationSize(input, groupKey)
if (subPop == null) {
return null
population += subPop
def getPopulationSize(
rel: Join,
mq: RelMetadataQuery,
groupKey: ImmutableBitSet): Double = RelMdUtil.getJoinPopulationSize(mq, rel, groupKey)
def getPopulationSize(
rel: SemiJoin,
mq: RelMetadataQuery,
groupKey: ImmutableBitSet): Double = mq.getPopulationSize(rel.getLeft, groupKey)
def getPopulationSize(
rel: Aggregate,
mq: RelMetadataQuery,
groupKey: ImmutableBitSet): Double = {
getPopulationSizeOfAggregate(rel, mq, groupKey)
def getPopulationSize(
rel: BatchExecOverAggregate,
mq: RelMetadataQuery,
groupKey: ImmutableBitSet): Double =
getPopulationSizeOfOverWindow(rel, mq, groupKey)
def getPopulationSize(
window: Window,
mq: RelMetadataQuery,
groupKey: ImmutableBitSet): Double =
getPopulationSizeOfOverWindow(window, mq, groupKey)
private def getPopulationSizeOfOverWindow(
overWindow: SingleRel,
mq: RelMetadataQuery,
groupKey: ImmutableBitSet): Double = {
val input = overWindow.getInput
val fieldsCountOfInput = input.getRowType.getFieldCount
val groupKeyContainsAggCall = groupKey.toList.exists(_ >= fieldsCountOfInput)
// cannot estimate population size of aggCall result of OverWindowAgg
if (groupKeyContainsAggCall) {
} else {
mq.getPopulationSize(input, groupKey)
def getPopulationSize(
rel: FlinkLogicalWindowAggregate,
mq: RelMetadataQuery,
groupKey: ImmutableBitSet): Double = getPopulationSizeOfWindowAgg(rel, mq, groupKey)
def getPopulationSize(
rel: LogicalWindowAggregate,
mq: RelMetadataQuery,
groupKey: ImmutableBitSet): Double = getPopulationSizeOfWindowAgg(rel, mq, groupKey)
def getPopulationSize(
rel: BatchExecWindowAggregateBase,
mq: RelMetadataQuery,
groupKey: ImmutableBitSet): Double = {
if (rel.isFinal) {
val namedWindowStartIndex = rel.getRowType.getFieldCount - rel.getNamedProperties.size
val groupKeyFromNamedWindow = groupKey.toList.exists(_ >= namedWindowStartIndex)
if (groupKeyFromNamedWindow) {
return null
if (rel.isMerge) {
// set the bits as they correspond to local window aggregate
val localWinAggGroupKey = FlinkRelMdUtil.setChildKeysOfWinAgg(groupKey, rel)
return mq.getPopulationSize(rel.getInput, localWinAggGroupKey)
getPopulationSizeOfAggregate(rel, mq, groupKey)
private def getPopulationSizeOfWindowAgg(
windowAgg: Aggregate,
mq: RelMetadataQuery,
groupKey: ImmutableBitSet): Double = {
val (fieldCnt, namedPropertiesCnt) = windowAgg match {
case agg: FlinkLogicalWindowAggregate =>
(agg.getRowType.getFieldCount, agg.getNamedProperties.size)
case agg: LogicalWindowAggregate =>
(agg.getRowType.getFieldCount, agg.getNamedProperties.size)
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unknown node type ${windowAgg.getRelTypeName}")
val namedWindowStartIndex = fieldCnt - namedPropertiesCnt
val groupKeyFromNamedWindow = groupKey.toList.exists(_ >= namedWindowStartIndex)
if (groupKeyFromNamedWindow) {
// cannot estimate PopulationSize result when some group keys are from named windows
} else {
// regular aggregate
getPopulationSize(windowAgg.asInstanceOf[Aggregate], mq, groupKey)
def getPopulationSize(
rel: BatchExecGroupAggregateBase,
mq: RelMetadataQuery,
groupKey: ImmutableBitSet): Double = {
// for global agg which has inner local agg, it passes the parameters to input directly
if (rel.isFinal && rel.isMerge) {
return mq.getPopulationSize(rel.getInput, groupKey)
getPopulationSizeOfAggregate(rel, mq, groupKey)
private def getPopulationSizeOfAggregate(
agg: SingleRel,
mq: RelMetadataQuery,
groupKey: ImmutableBitSet): Double = {
val (childKey, aggCalls) = FlinkRelMdUtil.splitGroupKeysOnAggregate(agg, groupKey)
val popSizeOfColsInGroupKeys = mq.getPopulationSize(agg.getInput, childKey)
if (popSizeOfColsInGroupKeys == null) {
return null
val factorOfKeyInAggCall = 0.1
val popSizeOfColsInAggCalls = aggCalls.foldLeft(1D) {
(popSize, aggCall) =>
val popSizeOfAggCall = aggCall.getAggregation.getKind match {
case SqlKind.COUNT =>
val inputRowCnt = mq.getRowCount(agg.getInput)
// Assume result of count(c) of each group bucket is different, start with 0, end with
// N -1 (N is max ndv of count).
// 0 + 1 + ... + (N - 1) <= rowCount => N ~= Sqrt(2 * rowCnt)
if (inputRowCnt != null) {
Math.sqrt(2D * inputRowCnt)
} else {
return null
case _ =>
val argList = aggCall.getArgList
if (argList.isEmpty) {
return null
val approximatePopSize = mq.getPopulationSize(
if (approximatePopSize != null) {
approximatePopSize * factorOfKeyInAggCall
} else {
return null
popSize * Math.max(popSizeOfAggCall, 1D)
NumberUtil.min(popSizeOfColsInGroupKeys * popSizeOfColsInAggCalls, mq.getRowCount(agg.getInput))
def getPopulationSize(
rel: Values,
mq: RelMetadataQuery,
groupKey: ImmutableBitSet): Double = {
// assume half the rows are duplicates
// PopulationSize should not be less than 1.0
Math.max(rel.estimateRowCount(mq) / 2, 1.0)
def getPopulationSize(
rel: BatchExecValues,
mq: RelMetadataQuery,
groupKey: ImmutableBitSet): Double = {
// assume half the rows are duplicates
// PopulationSize should not be less than 1.0
Math.max(rel.estimateRowCount(mq) / 2, 1.0)
def getPopulationSize(
rel: Expand,
mq: RelMetadataQuery,
groupKey: ImmutableBitSet): Double = {
if (groupKey.toList.contains(rel.expandIdIndex)) {
// populationSize of expand = populationSize of project1 + populationSize of project2 + ...
// + populationSize of projectN-1
val groupKeyIgnoreExpandId = groupKey.filter(_ != rel.expandIdIndex)
var populationSize = 0D
rel.projects foreach { project =>
val groupKeyOfCurrentProject = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[Int]()
groupKeyIgnoreExpandId.foreach { key =>
project.get(key) match {
case literal: RexLiteral if literal.isNull => // do nothing
case inputRef: RexInputRef => groupKeyOfCurrentProject += inputRef.getIndex
case e => throw new TableException(s"Unknown expression ${e.toString}!")
val populationSizeOfCurrentProject =
ImmutableBitSet.of(groupKeyOfCurrentProject.toArray: _*))
if (populationSizeOfCurrentProject == null) {
return null
populationSize += populationSizeOfCurrentProject
} else {
mq.getPopulationSize(rel.getInput, groupKey)
* Catch-all implementation for
* [[BuiltInMetadata.PopulationSize#getPopulationSize(ImmutableBitSet)]],
* invoked using reflection.
* @see org.apache.calcite.rel.metadata.RelMetadataQuery#getPopulationSize(RelNode,
* ImmutableBitSet)
def getPopulationSize(
rel: RelNode,
mq: RelMetadataQuery,
groupKey: ImmutableBitSet): Double = {
// if the keys are unique, return the row count; otherwise, we have
// no further information on which to return any legitimate value
// REVIEW zfong 4/11/06 - Broadbase code returns the product of each
// unique key, which would result in the population being larger
// than the total rows in the relnode
val uniq = RelMdUtil.areColumnsDefinitelyUnique(mq, rel, groupKey)
if (uniq) {
} else {
def getPopulationSize(
subset: RelSubset,
mq: RelMetadataQuery,
groupKey: ImmutableBitSet): Double =
mq.getPopulationSize(Util.first(subset.getBest, subset.getOriginal), groupKey)
object FlinkRelMdPopulationSize {
private val INSTANCE = new FlinkRelMdPopulationSize
val SOURCE: RelMetadataProvider = ReflectiveRelMetadataProvider.reflectiveSource(