blob: 071f4fb533f2619145ad4fe8d4a40d20ff7877df [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.flink.table.expressions
import org.apache.calcite.avatica.util.DateTimeUtils.{MILLIS_PER_DAY, MILLIS_PER_HOUR, MILLIS_PER_MINUTE, MILLIS_PER_SECOND}
import org.apache.flink.table.api._
import org.apache.flink.table.api.types.{DataTypes, DecimalType, InternalType}
import org.apache.flink.table.expressions.ExpressionUtils.{toMilliInterval, toMonthInterval}
import org.apache.flink.table.expressions.TimeIntervalUnit.TimeIntervalUnit
import org.apache.flink.table.expressions.TimePointUnit.TimePointUnit
import org.apache.flink.table.expressions.TrimMode.TrimMode
import _root_.scala.language.implicitConversions
import _root_.scala.util.parsing.combinator.{JavaTokenParsers, PackratParsers}
* Parser for expressions inside a String. This parses exactly the same expressions that
* would be accepted by the Scala Expression DSL.
* See [[org.apache.flink.table.api.scala.ImplicitExpressionConversions]] and
* [[org.apache.flink.table.api.scala.ImplicitExpressionOperations]] for the constructs
* available in the Scala Expression DSL. This parser must be kept in sync with the Scala DSL
* lazy valined in the above files.
object ExpressionParser extends JavaTokenParsers with PackratParsers {
case class Keyword(key: String)
// Convert the keyword into an case insensitive Parser
// The pattern ensures that the keyword is not matched as a prefix, i.e.,
// the keyword is not followed by a Java identifier character.
implicit def keyword2Parser(kw: Keyword): Parser[String] = {
("""(?i)\Q""" + kw.key + """\E(?![_$\p{javaJavaIdentifierPart}])""").r
// Keyword
lazy val AS: Keyword = Keyword("as")
lazy val CAST: Keyword = Keyword("cast")
lazy val ASC: Keyword = Keyword("asc")
lazy val DESC: Keyword = Keyword("desc")
lazy val NULL: Keyword = Keyword("Null")
lazy val IF: Keyword = Keyword("?")
lazy val TO_DATE: Keyword = Keyword("toDate")
lazy val TO_TIME: Keyword = Keyword("toTime")
lazy val TO_TIMESTAMP: Keyword = Keyword("toTimestamp")
lazy val TRIM: Keyword = Keyword("trim")
lazy val EXTRACT: Keyword = Keyword("extract")
lazy val TIMESTAMP_DIFF: Keyword = Keyword("timestampDiff")
lazy val FLOOR: Keyword = Keyword("floor")
lazy val CEIL: Keyword = Keyword("ceil")
lazy val LOG: Keyword = Keyword("log")
lazy val YEARS: Keyword = Keyword("years")
lazy val YEAR: Keyword = Keyword("year")
lazy val QUARTERS: Keyword = Keyword("quarters")
lazy val QUARTER: Keyword = Keyword("quarter")
lazy val MONTHS: Keyword = Keyword("months")
lazy val MONTH: Keyword = Keyword("month")
lazy val WEEKS: Keyword = Keyword("weeks")
lazy val WEEK: Keyword = Keyword("week")
lazy val DAYS: Keyword = Keyword("days")
lazy val DAY: Keyword = Keyword("day")
lazy val HOURS: Keyword = Keyword("hours")
lazy val HOUR: Keyword = Keyword("hour")
lazy val MINUTES: Keyword = Keyword("minutes")
lazy val MINUTE: Keyword = Keyword("minute")
lazy val SECONDS: Keyword = Keyword("seconds")
lazy val SECOND: Keyword = Keyword("second")
lazy val MILLIS: Keyword = Keyword("millis")
lazy val MILLI: Keyword = Keyword("milli")
lazy val ROWS: Keyword = Keyword("rows")
lazy val STAR: Keyword = Keyword("*")
lazy val GET: Keyword = Keyword("get")
lazy val FLATTEN: Keyword = Keyword("flatten")
lazy val OVER: Keyword = Keyword("over")
lazy val DISTINCT: Keyword = Keyword("distinct")
lazy val CURRENT_ROW: Keyword = Keyword("current_row")
lazy val CURRENT_RANGE: Keyword = Keyword("current_range")
lazy val UNBOUNDED_ROW: Keyword = Keyword("unbounded_row")
lazy val UNBOUNDED_RANGE: Keyword = Keyword("unbounded_range")
lazy val ROWTIME: Keyword = Keyword("rowtime")
lazy val PROCTIME: Keyword = Keyword("proctime")
lazy val TRUE: Keyword = Keyword("true")
lazy val FALSE: Keyword = Keyword("false")
lazy val PRIMITIVE_ARRAY: Keyword = Keyword("PRIMITIVE_ARRAY")
lazy val OBJECT_ARRAY: Keyword = Keyword("OBJECT_ARRAY")
lazy val MAP: Keyword = Keyword("MAP")
lazy val BYTE: Keyword = Keyword("BYTE")
lazy val SHORT: Keyword = Keyword("SHORT")
lazy val INTERVAL_MONTHS: Keyword = Keyword("INTERVAL_MONTHS")
lazy val INTERVAL_MILLIS: Keyword = Keyword("INTERVAL_MILLIS")
lazy val INT: Keyword = Keyword("INT")
lazy val LONG: Keyword = Keyword("LONG")
lazy val FLOAT: Keyword = Keyword("FLOAT")
lazy val DOUBLE: Keyword = Keyword("DOUBLE")
lazy val BOOLEAN: Keyword = Keyword("BOOLEAN")
lazy val STRING: Keyword = Keyword("STRING")
lazy val SQL_DATE: Keyword = Keyword("SQL_DATE")
lazy val SQL_TIMESTAMP: Keyword = Keyword("SQL_TIMESTAMP")
lazy val SQL_TIME: Keyword = Keyword("SQL_TIME")
lazy val DECIMAL: Keyword = Keyword("DECIMAL")
def functionIdent: ExpressionParser.Parser[String] = super.ident
// symbols
lazy val timeIntervalUnit: PackratParser[Expression] = TimeIntervalUnit.values map {
case unit: TimeIntervalUnit => literal(unit.toString) ^^^ unit.toExpr
} reduceLeft(_ | _)
lazy val timePointUnit: PackratParser[Expression] = TimePointUnit.values map {
case unit: TimePointUnit => literal(unit.toString) ^^^ unit.toExpr
} reduceLeft(_ | _)
lazy val trimMode: PackratParser[Expression] = TrimMode.values map {
case mode: TrimMode => literal(mode.toString) ^^^ mode.toExpr
} reduceLeft(_ | _)
lazy val currentRange: PackratParser[Expression] = CURRENT_RANGE ^^ {
_ => CurrentRange()
lazy val currentRow: PackratParser[Expression] = CURRENT_ROW ^^ {
_ => CurrentRow()
lazy val unboundedRange: PackratParser[Expression] = UNBOUNDED_RANGE ^^ {
_ => UnboundedRange()
lazy val unboundedRow: PackratParser[Expression] = UNBOUNDED_ROW ^^ {
_ => UnboundedRow()
lazy val overConstant: PackratParser[Expression] =
currentRange | currentRow | unboundedRange | unboundedRow
// data types
lazy val dataType: PackratParser[InternalType] =
PRIMITIVE_ARRAY ~ "(" ~> dataType <~ ")" ^^ { ct => DataTypes.createPrimitiveArrayType(ct) } |
OBJECT_ARRAY ~ "(" ~> dataType <~ ")" ^^ { ct => DataTypes.createArrayType(ct) } |
MAP ~ "(" ~> dataType ~ "," ~ dataType <~ ")" ^^ {
mt => DataTypes.createMapType(mt._1._1, mt._2)} |
BYTE ^^ { e => DataTypes.BYTE } |
SHORT ^^ { e => DataTypes.SHORT } |
INT ^^ { e => DataTypes.INT } |
LONG ^^ { e => DataTypes.LONG } |
FLOAT ^^ { e => DataTypes.FLOAT } |
DOUBLE ^^ { e => DataTypes.DOUBLE } |
BOOLEAN ^^ { { e => DataTypes.BOOLEAN } } |
STRING ^^ { e => DataTypes.STRING } |
SQL_DATE ^^ { e => DataTypes.DATE } |
SQL_TIMESTAMP ^^ { e => DataTypes.TIMESTAMP } |
SQL_TIME ^^ { e => DataTypes.TIME } |
DECIMAL ^^ { e => DecimalType.of(38, 0) } // same as calcite default
// literals
// same as floatingPointNumber but we do not allow trailing dot "12.d" or "2."
lazy val floatingPointNumberFlink: Parser[String] =
lazy val numberLiteral: PackratParser[Expression] =
(wholeNumber <~ ("l" | "L")) ^^ { n => Literal(n.toLong) } |
(decimalNumber <~ ("p" | "P")) ^^ { n => Literal(BigDecimal(n)) } |
(floatingPointNumberFlink | decimalNumber) ^^ {
n =>
if (n.matches("""-?\d+""")) {
} else if (n.endsWith("f") || n.endsWith("F")) {
} else {
// string with single quotes such as 'It''s me.'
lazy val singleQuoteStringLiteral: Parser[Expression] = "'(?:''|[^'])*'".r ^^ {
str =>
val escaped = str.substring(1, str.length - 1).replace("''", "'")
// string with double quotes such as "I ""like"" dogs."
lazy val doubleQuoteStringLiteral: PackratParser[Expression] = "\"(?:\"\"|[^\"])*\"".r ^^ {
str =>
val escaped = str.substring(1, str.length - 1).replace("\"\"", "\"")
lazy val boolLiteral: PackratParser[Expression] = (TRUE | FALSE) ^^ {
str => Literal(str.toBoolean)
lazy val nullLiteral: PackratParser[Expression] = NULL ~ "(" ~> dataType <~ ")" ^^ {
dt => Null(dt)
lazy val literalExpr: PackratParser[Expression] =
numberLiteral | doubleQuoteStringLiteral | singleQuoteStringLiteral | boolLiteral
lazy val fieldReference: PackratParser[NamedExpression] = (STAR | ident) ^^ {
sym => UnresolvedFieldReference(sym)
lazy val atom: PackratParser[Expression] =
( "(" ~> expression <~ ")" ) | (fieldReference ||| literalExpr)
lazy val over: PackratParser[Expression] = composite ~ OVER ~ fieldReference ^^ {
case agg ~ _ ~ windowRef => UnresolvedOverCall(agg, windowRef)
// suffix operators
lazy val suffixAsc : PackratParser[Expression] =
composite <~ "." ~ ASC ~ opt("()") ^^ { e => Asc(e) }
lazy val suffixDesc : PackratParser[Expression] =
composite <~ "." ~ DESC ~ opt("()") ^^ { e => Desc(e) }
lazy val suffixCast: PackratParser[Expression] =
composite ~ "." ~ CAST ~ "(" ~ dataType ~ ")" ^^ {
case e ~ _ ~ _ ~ _ ~ dt ~ _ => Cast(e, dt)
lazy val suffixTrim: PackratParser[Expression] =
composite ~ "." ~ TRIM ~ "(" ~ trimMode ~ "," ~ expression ~ ")" ^^ {
case operand ~ _ ~ _ ~ _ ~ mode ~ _ ~ trimCharacter ~ _ => Trim(mode, trimCharacter, operand)
lazy val suffixTrimWithoutArgs: PackratParser[Expression] =
composite <~ "." ~ TRIM ~ opt("()") ^^ {
e => Trim(TrimMode.BOTH, TrimConstants.TRIM_DEFAULT_CHAR, e)
lazy val suffixIf: PackratParser[Expression] =
composite ~ "." ~ IF ~ "(" ~ expression ~ "," ~ expression ~ ")" ^^ {
case condition ~ _ ~ _ ~ _ ~ ifTrue ~ _ ~ ifFalse ~ _ => If(condition, ifTrue, ifFalse)
lazy val suffixExtract: PackratParser[Expression] =
composite ~ "." ~ EXTRACT ~ "(" ~ timeIntervalUnit ~ ")" ^^ {
case operand ~ _ ~ _ ~ _ ~ unit ~ _ => Extract(unit, operand)
lazy val suffixFloor: PackratParser[Expression] =
composite ~ "." ~ FLOOR ~ "(" ~ timeIntervalUnit ~ ")" ^^ {
case operand ~ _ ~ _ ~ _ ~ unit ~ _ => TemporalFloor(unit, operand)
lazy val suffixCeil: PackratParser[Expression] =
composite ~ "." ~ CEIL ~ "(" ~ timeIntervalUnit ~ ")" ^^ {
case operand ~ _ ~ _ ~ _ ~ unit ~ _ => TemporalCeil(unit, operand)
// required because op.log(base) changes order of a parameters
lazy val suffixLog: PackratParser[Expression] =
composite ~ "." ~ LOG ~ "(" ~ expression ~ ")" ^^ {
case operand ~ _ ~ _ ~ _ ~ base ~ _ => Log(base, operand)
lazy val suffixFunctionCall: PackratParser[Expression] =
composite ~ "." ~ functionIdent ~ "(" ~ repsep(expression, ",") ~ ")" ^^ {
case operand ~ _ ~ name ~ _ ~ args ~ _ => Call(name.toUpperCase, operand :: args)
lazy val suffixFunctionCallOneArg: PackratParser[Expression] =
composite ~ "." ~ functionIdent ^^ {
case operand ~ _ ~ name => Call(name.toUpperCase, Seq(operand))
lazy val suffixToDate: PackratParser[Expression] =
composite <~ "." ~ TO_DATE ~ opt("()") ^^ { e => Cast(e, DataTypes.DATE) }
lazy val suffixToTimestamp: PackratParser[Expression] =
composite <~ "." ~ TO_TIMESTAMP ~ opt("()") ^^ { e => Cast(e, DataTypes.TIMESTAMP) }
lazy val suffixToTime: PackratParser[Expression] =
composite <~ "." ~ TO_TIME ~ opt("()") ^^ { e => Cast(e, DataTypes.TIME) }
lazy val suffixTimeInterval : PackratParser[Expression] =
case expr ~ _ ~ (YEARS.key | YEAR.key) => toMonthInterval(expr, 12)
case expr ~ _ ~ (QUARTERS.key | QUARTER.key) => toMonthInterval(expr, 3)
case expr ~ _ ~ (MONTHS.key | MONTH.key) => toMonthInterval(expr, 1)
case expr ~ _ ~ (WEEKS.key | WEEKS.key) => toMilliInterval(expr, 7 * MILLIS_PER_DAY)
case expr ~ _ ~ (DAYS.key | DAY.key) => toMilliInterval(expr, MILLIS_PER_DAY)
case expr ~ _ ~ (HOURS.key | HOUR.key) => toMilliInterval(expr, MILLIS_PER_HOUR)
case expr ~ _ ~ (MINUTES.key | MINUTE.key) => toMilliInterval(expr, MILLIS_PER_MINUTE)
case expr ~ _ ~ (SECONDS.key | SECOND.key) => toMilliInterval(expr, MILLIS_PER_SECOND)
case expr ~ _ ~ (MILLIS.key | MILLI.key)=> toMilliInterval(expr, 1)
lazy val suffixRowInterval : PackratParser[Expression] =
composite <~ "." ~ ROWS ^^ { e => ExpressionUtils.toRowInterval(e) }
lazy val suffixGet: PackratParser[Expression] =
composite ~ "." ~ GET ~ "(" ~ literalExpr ~ ")" ^^ {
case e ~ _ ~ _ ~ _ ~ index ~ _ =>
GetCompositeField(e, index.asInstanceOf[Literal].value)
lazy val suffixFlattening: PackratParser[Expression] =
composite <~ "." ~ FLATTEN ~ opt("()") ^^ { e => Flattening(e) }
lazy val suffixDistinct: PackratParser[Expression] =
composite <~ "." ~ DISTINCT ~ opt("()") ^^ { e => DistinctAgg(e) }
lazy val suffixAs: PackratParser[Expression] =
composite ~ "." ~ AS ~ "(" ~ rep1sep(fieldReference, ",") ~ ")" ^^ {
case e ~ _ ~ _ ~ _ ~ target ~ _ => Alias(e,,
lazy val suffixed: PackratParser[Expression] =
// expressions that need to be resolved early
suffixFlattening |
// expressions that need special expression conversion
suffixAs | suffixTimeInterval | suffixRowInterval | suffixToTimestamp | suffixToTime |
suffixToDate |
// expression for log
suffixLog |
// expression for ordering
suffixAsc | suffixDesc |
// expressions that take enumerations
suffixCast | suffixTrim | suffixTrimWithoutArgs | suffixExtract | suffixFloor | suffixCeil |
// expressions that take literals
suffixGet |
// expression with special identifier
suffixIf |
// expression with distinct suffix modifier
suffixDistinct |
// function call must always be at the end
suffixFunctionCall | suffixFunctionCallOneArg
// prefix operators
lazy val prefixCast: PackratParser[Expression] =
CAST ~ "(" ~ expression ~ "," ~ dataType ~ ")" ^^ {
case _ ~ _ ~ e ~ _ ~ dt ~ _ => Cast(e, dt)
lazy val prefixIf: PackratParser[Expression] =
IF ~ "(" ~ expression ~ "," ~ expression ~ "," ~ expression ~ ")" ^^ {
case _ ~ _ ~ condition ~ _ ~ ifTrue ~ _ ~ ifFalse ~ _ => If(condition, ifTrue, ifFalse)
lazy val prefixFunctionCall: PackratParser[Expression] =
functionIdent ~ "(" ~ repsep(expression, ",") ~ ")" ^^ {
case name ~ _ ~ args ~ _ => Call(name.toUpperCase, args)
lazy val prefixFunctionCallOneArg: PackratParser[Expression] =
functionIdent ~ "(" ~ expression ~ ")" ^^ {
case name ~ _ ~ arg ~ _ => Call(name.toUpperCase, Seq(arg))
lazy val prefixTrim: PackratParser[Expression] =
TRIM ~ "(" ~ trimMode ~ "," ~ expression ~ "," ~ expression ~ ")" ^^ {
case _ ~ _ ~ mode ~ _ ~ trimCharacter ~ _ ~ operand ~ _ => Trim(mode, trimCharacter, operand)
lazy val prefixTrimWithoutArgs: PackratParser[Expression] = TRIM ~ "(" ~ expression ~ ")" ^^ {
case _ ~ _ ~ operand ~ _ => Trim(TrimMode.BOTH, TrimConstants.TRIM_DEFAULT_CHAR, operand)
lazy val prefixExtract: PackratParser[Expression] =
EXTRACT ~ "(" ~ expression ~ "," ~ timeIntervalUnit ~ ")" ^^ {
case _ ~ _ ~ operand ~ _ ~ unit ~ _ => Extract(unit, operand)
lazy val prefixTimestampDiff: PackratParser[Expression] =
TIMESTAMP_DIFF ~ "(" ~ timePointUnit ~ "," ~ expression ~ "," ~ expression ~ ")" ^^ {
case _ ~ _ ~ unit ~ _ ~ operand1 ~ _ ~ operand2 ~ _ => TimestampDiff(unit, operand1, operand2)
lazy val prefixFloor: PackratParser[Expression] =
FLOOR ~ "(" ~ expression ~ "," ~ timeIntervalUnit ~ ")" ^^ {
case _ ~ _ ~ operand ~ _ ~ unit ~ _ => TemporalFloor(unit, operand)
lazy val prefixCeil: PackratParser[Expression] =
CEIL ~ "(" ~ expression ~ "," ~ timeIntervalUnit ~ ")" ^^ {
case _ ~ _ ~ operand ~ _ ~ unit ~ _ => TemporalCeil(unit, operand)
lazy val prefixGet: PackratParser[Expression] =
GET ~ "(" ~ composite ~ "," ~ literalExpr ~ ")" ^^ {
case _ ~ _ ~ e ~ _ ~ index ~ _ =>
GetCompositeField(e, index.asInstanceOf[Literal].value)
lazy val prefixFlattening: PackratParser[Expression] =
FLATTEN ~ "(" ~> composite <~ ")" ^^ { e => Flattening(e) }
lazy val prefixToDate: PackratParser[Expression] =
TO_DATE ~ "(" ~> expression <~ ")" ^^ { e => Cast(e, DataTypes.DATE) }
lazy val prefixToTimestamp: PackratParser[Expression] =
TO_TIMESTAMP ~ "(" ~> expression <~ ")" ^^ { e => Cast(e, DataTypes.TIMESTAMP) }
lazy val prefixToTime: PackratParser[Expression] =
TO_TIME ~ "(" ~> expression <~ ")" ^^ { e => Cast(e, DataTypes.TIME) }
lazy val prefixDistinct: PackratParser[Expression] =
functionIdent ~ "." ~ DISTINCT ~ "(" ~ repsep(expression, ",") ~ ")" ^^ {
case name ~ _ ~ _ ~ _ ~ args ~ _ => DistinctAgg(Call(name.toUpperCase, args))
lazy val prefixAs: PackratParser[Expression] =
AS ~ "(" ~ expression ~ "," ~ rep1sep(fieldReference, ",") ~ ")" ^^ {
case _ ~ _ ~ e ~ _ ~ target ~ _ => Alias(e,,
lazy val prefixed: PackratParser[Expression] =
// expressions that need to be resolved early
prefixFlattening |
// expressions that need special expression conversion
prefixAs| prefixToTimestamp | prefixToTime | prefixToDate |
// expressions that take enumerations
prefixCast | prefixTrim | prefixTrimWithoutArgs | prefixExtract | prefixFloor | prefixCeil |
prefixTimestampDiff |
// expressions that take literals
prefixGet |
// expression with special identifier
prefixIf |
// expression with prefix distinct
prefixDistinct |
// function call must always be at the end
prefixFunctionCall | prefixFunctionCallOneArg
// suffix/prefix composite
lazy val composite: PackratParser[Expression] = over | nullLiteral | suffixed | prefixed | atom |
failure("Composite expression expected.")
// unary ops
lazy val unaryNot: PackratParser[Expression] = "!" ~> composite ^^ { e => Not(e) }
lazy val unaryMinus: PackratParser[Expression] = "-" ~> composite ^^ { e => UnaryMinus(e) }
lazy val unaryPlus: PackratParser[Expression] = "+" ~> composite ^^ { e => e }
lazy val unary: PackratParser[Expression] = composite | unaryNot | unaryMinus | unaryPlus |
failure("Unary expression expected.")
// arithmetic
lazy val product: PackratParser[Expression] = unary * (
"*" ^^^ { (a:Expression, b:Expression) => Mul(a,b) } |
"/" ^^^ { (a:Expression, b:Expression) => Div(a,b) } |
"%" ^^^ { (a:Expression, b:Expression) => Mod(a,b) } ) |
failure("Product expected.")
lazy val term: PackratParser[Expression] = product * (
"+" ^^^ { (a:Expression, b:Expression) => Plus(a,b) } |
"-" ^^^ { (a:Expression, b:Expression) => Minus(a,b) } ) |
failure("Term expected.")
// comparison
lazy val equalTo: PackratParser[Expression] = term ~ ("===" | "==" | "=") ~ term ^^ {
case l ~ _ ~ r => EqualTo(l, r)
lazy val notEqualTo: PackratParser[Expression] = term ~ ("!==" | "!=" | "<>") ~ term ^^ {
case l ~ _ ~ r => NotEqualTo(l, r)
lazy val greaterThan: PackratParser[Expression] = term ~ ">" ~ term ^^ {
case l ~ _ ~ r => GreaterThan(l, r)
lazy val greaterThanOrEqual: PackratParser[Expression] = term ~ ">=" ~ term ^^ {
case l ~ _ ~ r => GreaterThanOrEqual(l, r)
lazy val lessThan: PackratParser[Expression] = term ~ "<" ~ term ^^ {
case l ~ _ ~ r => LessThan(l, r)
lazy val lessThanOrEqual: PackratParser[Expression] = term ~ "<=" ~ term ^^ {
case l ~ _ ~ r => LessThanOrEqual(l, r)
lazy val comparison: PackratParser[Expression] =
equalTo | notEqualTo |
greaterThan | greaterThanOrEqual |
lessThan | lessThanOrEqual | term |
failure("Comparison expected.")
// logic
lazy val logic: PackratParser[Expression] = comparison * (
"&&" ^^^ { (a:Expression, b:Expression) => And(a,b) } |
"||" ^^^ { (a:Expression, b:Expression) => Or(a,b) } ) |
failure("Logic expected.")
// time indicators
lazy val timeIndicator: PackratParser[Expression] = proctime | rowtime
lazy val proctime: PackratParser[Expression] =
(aliasMapping | "(" ~> aliasMapping <~ ")" | fieldReference) ~ "." ~ PROCTIME ^^ {
case f ~ _ ~ _ => ProctimeAttribute(f)
lazy val rowtime: PackratParser[Expression] =
(aliasMapping | "(" ~> aliasMapping <~ ")" | fieldReference) ~ "." ~ ROWTIME ^^ {
case f ~ _ ~ _ => RowtimeAttribute(f)
// alias
lazy val alias: PackratParser[Expression] = logic ~ AS ~ fieldReference ^^ {
case e ~ _ ~ name => Alias(e,
} | logic ~ AS ~ "(" ~ rep1sep(fieldReference, ",") ~ ")" ^^ {
case e ~ _ ~ _ ~ names ~ _ => Alias(e,,
} | logic
lazy val aliasMapping: PackratParser[Expression] = fieldReference ~ AS ~ fieldReference ^^ {
case e ~ _ ~ name => Alias(e,
lazy val expression: PackratParser[Expression] = timeIndicator | overConstant | alias |
failure("Invalid expression.")
lazy val expressionList: Parser[List[Expression]] = rep1sep(expression, ",")
def parseExpressionList(expression: String): List[Expression] = {
parseAll(expressionList, expression) match {
case Success(lst, _) => lst
case NoSuccess(msg, next) =>
throwError(msg, next)
def parseExpression(exprString: String): Expression = {
parseAll(expression, exprString) match {
case Success(lst, _) => lst
case NoSuccess(msg, next) =>
throwError(msg, next)
private def throwError(msg: String, next: Input): Nothing = {
val improvedMsg = msg.replace("string matching regex `\\z'", "End of expression")
throw ExpressionParserException(
s"""Could not parse expression at column ${next.pos.column}: $improvedMsg