blob: 5465d87258d452077b67ca967deabc03bd63caab [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.flink.table.codegen.agg
import java.lang.{Long => JLong}
import org.apache.flink.table.api.scala._
import org.apache.flink.table.api.TableException
import org.apache.flink.table.api.dataview.MapView
import org.apache.flink.table.api.types.{DataType, InternalType, RowType}
import org.apache.flink.table.codegen.CodeGenUtils._
import org.apache.flink.table.codegen.agg.AggsHandlerCodeGenerator._
import org.apache.flink.table.codegen.CodeGenUtils.newName
import org.apache.flink.table.codegen.{CodeGeneratorContext, ExprCodeGenerator, GeneratedExpression}
import org.apache.flink.table.codegen.GeneratedExpression._
import org.apache.flink.table.dataformat.GenericRow
import org.apache.flink.table.expressions.Expression
import org.apache.flink.table.plan.util.DistinctInfo
import org.apache.flink.util.Preconditions
import org.apache.flink.util.Preconditions.checkArgument
* It is for code generate distinct aggregate. The distinct aggregate buffer is a MapView which
* is used to store the unique keys and the frequency of appearance. When a key is been seen the
* first time, we will trigger the inner aggregate function's accumulate() function.
* @param ctx the code gen context
* @param distinctInfo the distinct information
* @param distinctIndex the index of this distinct in all distincts
* @param innerAggCodeGens the code generator of inner aggregate
* @param filterExpressions filter argument access expression, none if no filter
* @param mergedAccOffset the mergedAcc may come from local aggregate,
* this is the first buffer offset in the row
* @param aggBufferOffset the offset in the buffers of this aggregate
* @param aggBufferSize the total size of aggregate buffers
* @param hasNamespace whether the accumulators state has namespace
* @param mergedAccOnHeap whether the merged accumulator is on heap, otherwise is on state
* @param consumeRetraction whether the distinct consumes retraction
* @param inputFieldCopy copy input field element if true (only mutable type will be copied)
* @param relBuilder the rel builder to translate expressions to calcite rex nodes
class DistinctAggCodeGen(
ctx: CodeGeneratorContext,
distinctInfo: DistinctInfo,
distinctIndex: Int,
innerAggCodeGens: Array[AggCodeGen],
filterExpressions: Array[Option[Expression]],
mergedAccOffset: Int,
aggBufferOffset: Int,
aggBufferSize: Int,
hasNamespace: Boolean,
needMerge: Boolean,
mergedAccOnHeap: Boolean,
consumeRetraction: Boolean,
inputFieldCopy: Boolean,
relBuilder: RelBuilder) extends AggCodeGen {
val MAP_VIEW: String = className[MapView[_, _]]
val MAP_ENTRY: String = className[java.util.Map.Entry[_, _]]
val ITERABLE: String = className[java.lang.Iterable[_]]
val aggCount: Int = innerAggCodeGens.length
val externalAccType: DataType = distinctInfo.accType
val keyType: DataType = distinctInfo.keyType
val keyTypeTerm: String = keyType.getTypeClass.getCanonicalName
val distinctAccTerm: String = s"distinct_view_$distinctIndex"
val distinctBackupAccTerm: String = s"distinct_backup_view_$distinctIndex"
val isValueChangedTerm: String = s"is_distinct_value_changed_$distinctIndex"
val isValueEmptyTerm: String = s"is_distinct_value_empty_$distinctIndex"
val valueGenerator: DistinctValueGenerator = createDistinctValueGenerator()
* Add the distinct accumulator to the member variable and open close methods.
private def addReusableDistinctAccumulator(): Unit = {
// sanity check
if (distinctInfo.excludeAcc) {
// it only works in incremental mode when the distinct acc is excluded
// the distinct mapview must works on state mode when incremental mode
val enableBackupDataView = needMerge && !mergedAccOnHeap
// add state mapview to member field
// add distinctAccTerm to member field
ctx.addReusableMember(s"private $MAP_VIEW $distinctAccTerm;")
if (enableBackupDataView) {
ctx.addReusableMember(s"private $MAP_VIEW $distinctBackupAccTerm;")
// when dataview works on state, assign the stateDataView to accTerm in open method
distinctInfo.dataViewSpec match {
case Some(spec) =>
val dataviewTerm = createDataViewTerm(spec)
ctx.addReusableOpenStatement(s"$distinctAccTerm = $dataviewTerm;")
if (enableBackupDataView) {
val dataviewBackupTerm = createDataViewBackupTerm(spec)
ctx.addReusableOpenStatement(s"$distinctBackupAccTerm = $dataviewBackupTerm;")
case None => // do nothing
override def createAccumulator(generator: ExprCodeGenerator): Seq[GeneratedExpression] = {
if (distinctInfo.excludeAcc) {
// when the distinct acc is excluded, no need to create distinct accumulator
} else {
val accTerm = newName("distinct_acc")
val code = s"$MAP_VIEW $accTerm = new $MAP_VIEW();"
Seq(GeneratedExpression(accTerm, NEVER_NULL, code, externalAccType.toInternalType))
override def setAccumulator(generator: ExprCodeGenerator): String = {
useStateDataView = true,
useBackupDataView = false)
// return empty because the access code is set in ctx's ReusableInputUnboxingExprs
override def resetAccumulator(generator: ExprCodeGenerator): String = {
if (distinctInfo.excludeAcc) {
} else {
override def getAccumulator(generator: ExprCodeGenerator): Seq[GeneratedExpression] = {
if (distinctInfo.excludeAcc) {
// when the distinct acc is excluded, the accumulator result shouldn't include distinct acc
} else {
override def accumulate(generator: ExprCodeGenerator): String = {
val keyExpr = generateKeyExpression(ctx, generator)
val key = keyExpr.resultTerm
val accumulateCode =
val valueTerm = newName("value")
val valueTypeTerm = valueGenerator.valueTypeTerm
val filterResults = {
case None => None
case Some(f) => Some(generator.generateExpression(f.toRexNode(relBuilder)).resultTerm)
val head =
|$valueTypeTerm $valueTerm = ($valueTypeTerm) $distinctAccTerm.get($key);
|if ($valueTerm == null) {
| $valueTerm = ${valueGenerator.initialValue};
val body = if (consumeRetraction) {
// input contains retraction, due to local/global, the value might be empty, and need remove
|boolean $isValueEmptyTerm = true;
|${valueGenerator.foreachAccumulate(valueTerm, accumulateCode, filterResults)}
|if ($isValueEmptyTerm) {
| $distinctAccTerm.remove($key);
|} else {
| $distinctAccTerm.put($key, $valueTerm);
} else {
// input contains only append messages, update value only when value changed
|boolean $isValueChangedTerm = false;
|${valueGenerator.foreachAccumulate(valueTerm, accumulateCode, filterResults)}
|if ($isValueChangedTerm) {
| $distinctAccTerm.put($key, $valueTerm);
if (filterResults.exists(_.isDefined)) {
val condition = filterResults.flatten.mkString(" || ")
|if ($condition) {
| $body
} else {
override def retract(generator: ExprCodeGenerator): String = {
if (!consumeRetraction) {
throw new TableException("This should never happen, please file a issue.")
val keyExpr = generateKeyExpression(ctx, generator)
val key = keyExpr.resultTerm
val retractCodes =
val valueTerm = newName("value")
val valueTypeTerm = valueGenerator.valueTypeTerm
val filterResults = {
case None => None
case Some(f) => Some(generator.generateExpression(f.toRexNode(relBuilder)).resultTerm)
val head =
|$valueTypeTerm $valueTerm = ($valueTypeTerm) $distinctAccTerm.get($key);
|if ($valueTerm == null) {
| $valueTerm = ${valueGenerator.initialValue};
val body =
|boolean $isValueEmptyTerm = true;
|${valueGenerator.foreachRetract(valueTerm, retractCodes, filterResults)}
|if ($isValueEmptyTerm) {
| $distinctAccTerm.remove($key);
|} else {
| $distinctAccTerm.put($key, $valueTerm);
if (filterResults.exists(_.isDefined)) {
val condition = filterResults.flatten.mkString(" || ")
|if ($condition) {
| $body
} else {
override def merge(generator: ExprCodeGenerator): String = {
// generate other MapView acc field
val otherAccExpr = generateAccumulatorAccess(
mergedAccOffset + aggBufferOffset,
useStateDataView = !mergedAccOnHeap,
useBackupDataView = true)
val keyTerm = newName(DISTINCT_KEY_TERM)
val exprGenerator = new ExprCodeGenerator(ctx, INPUT_NOT_NULL, nullCheck = true)
.bindInput(keyType.toInternalType, inputTerm = keyTerm)
val accumulateCodes =
val retractCodes = if (consumeRetraction) {
} else { =>
"throw new RuntimeException(\"This distinct aggregate do not consume" +
" retractions, " +
"but received retract message, which should never happen.\");")
val otherAccTerm = otherAccExpr.resultTerm
val otherEntries = newName("otherEntries")
val valueTypeTerm = valueGenerator.valueTypeTerm
val thisValue = "thisValue"
val otherValue = "otherValue"
|$ITERABLE<$MAP_ENTRY> $otherEntries = ($ITERABLE<$MAP_ENTRY>) $otherAccTerm.entries();
|if ($otherEntries != null) {
| for ($MAP_ENTRY entry: $otherEntries) {
| $keyTypeTerm $keyTerm = ($keyTypeTerm) entry.getKey();
| ${ctx.reuseInputUnboxingCode(Set(keyTerm))}
| $valueTypeTerm $otherValue = ($valueTypeTerm) entry.getValue();
| $valueTypeTerm $thisValue = ($valueTypeTerm) $distinctAccTerm.get($keyTerm);
| if ($thisValue == null) {
| $thisValue = ${valueGenerator.initialValue};
| }
| boolean $isValueChangedTerm = false;
| boolean $isValueEmptyTerm = false;
| ${valueGenerator.foreachMerge(thisValue, otherValue, accumulateCodes, retractCodes)}
| if ($isValueEmptyTerm) {
| $distinctAccTerm.remove($keyTerm);
| } else if ($isValueChangedTerm) { // value is not empty and is changed, do update
| $distinctAccTerm.put($keyTerm, $thisValue);
| }
| } // end foreach
|} // end otherEntries != null
override def getValue(generator: ExprCodeGenerator): GeneratedExpression = {
throw new TableException(
"Distinct shouldn't return result value, this is a bug, please file a issue.")
override def checkNeededMethods(
needAccumulate: Boolean,
needRetract: Boolean,
needMerge: Boolean,
needReset: Boolean): Unit = {
if (needMerge) {
// see merge method for more information
.foreach(_.checkNeededMethods(needAccumulate = true, needRetract = consumeRetraction))
} else {
.foreach(_.checkNeededMethods(needAccumulate, needRetract, needMerge, needReset))
private def generateKeyExpression(
ctx: CodeGeneratorContext,
generator: ExprCodeGenerator): GeneratedExpression = {
val fieldExprs =
nullableInput = false,
nullCheck = true).copyResultIfNeeded(ctx, inputFieldCopy))
// the key expression of MapView
if (fieldExprs.length > 1) {
val keyTerm = newName(DISTINCT_KEY_TERM)
val valueType = new RowType( _*)
// always create a new result row
outRow = keyTerm,
reusedOutRow = false)
} else {
val fieldExpr = fieldExprs.head
val keyTerm = newName(DISTINCT_KEY_TERM)
val bType = boxedTypeTermForType(fieldExpr.resultType)
val code =
|$bType $keyTerm = ($bType) ${fieldExpr.resultTerm};
|if (${fieldExpr.nullTerm}) {
| $keyTerm = null;
GeneratedExpression(keyTerm, fieldExpr.nullTerm, code, fieldExpr.resultType)
* This method is mainly the same as CodeGenUtils.generateFieldAccess(), the only difference is
* that this method using UpdatableRow to wrap BaseRow to handle DataViews.
private def generateAccumulatorAccess(
ctx: CodeGeneratorContext,
inputType: InternalType,
inputTerm: String,
index: Int,
useStateDataView: Boolean,
useBackupDataView: Boolean,
nullableInput: Boolean = false,
nullCheck: Boolean = true): GeneratedExpression = {
// if input has been used before, we can reuse the code that
// has already been generated
val inputExpr = ctx.getReusableInputUnboxingExprs(inputTerm, index) match {
// input access and unboxing has already been generated
case Some(expr) => expr
// generate input access and unboxing if necessary
case None =>
val expr = if (distinctInfo.dataViewSpec.nonEmpty && useStateDataView) {
ctx.addAllReusableFields(Set(s"$BASE_ROW $CURRENT_KEY = ctx.currentKey();"))
val spec = distinctInfo.dataViewSpec.get
val dataViewTerm = if (useBackupDataView) {
} else {
val resultTerm = if (useBackupDataView) {
} else {
val code = if (hasNamespace) {
val expr = generateFieldAccess(ctx, inputType, inputTerm, index, nullCheck = true)
|// when namespace is null, the dataview is used in heap, no key and namespace set
|if ($NAMESPACE_TERM != null) {
| $dataViewTerm.setCurrentKey($CURRENT_KEY);
| $dataViewTerm.setCurrentNamespace($NAMESPACE_TERM);
| $resultTerm = $dataViewTerm;
|} else {
| ${expr.code}
| $resultTerm = ${expr.resultTerm};
} else {
|$resultTerm = $dataViewTerm;
GeneratedExpression(resultTerm, NEVER_NULL, code, externalAccType.toInternalType)
} else {
val expr = generateFieldAccess(ctx, inputType, inputTerm, index, nullCheck = true)
if (useBackupDataView) {
// this is called in the merge method
} else {
val code =
|$distinctAccTerm = ${expr.resultTerm};
GeneratedExpression(distinctAccTerm, NEVER_NULL, code, expr.resultType)
ctx.addReusableInputUnboxingExprs(inputTerm, index, expr)
// hide the generated code as it will be executed only once
GeneratedExpression(inputExpr.resultTerm, inputExpr.nullTerm, "", inputExpr.resultType)
// ---------------------------- Distinct Value Code Generator ---------------------------
* The [[DistinctValueGenerator]] is an abstraction for generating codes about the
* distinct value.
* The value of distinct state maybe long or long[] depends on the input stream
* and the number of the distinct aggregates.
* 1. when the input is not a retraction stream, and the distinct agg number <= 64,
* then long is used as the value, each bit indicate whether each condition is satisfied.
* 2. when the input is not a retraction stream, and the distinct agg number > 64,
* then long[] is used as the value, each bit indicate whether each condition is satisfied.
* 3. when the input is a retraction stream, and the distinct agg number == 1,
* then long is used as the value, the long indicates the number of elements
* satisfy the aggregate condition.
* 4. when the input is a retraction stream, and the distinct agg number > 1,
* then long[] is used as the value, each long indicate the number of elements
* * satisfy each aggregate condition.
trait DistinctValueGenerator {
/** the type of value of distinct state */
def valueTypeTerm: String
/** the default value of value of distinct state */
def initialValue: String
/** Accumulate the value of distinct state,
* and generates each accumulate codes for every aggregates. */
def foreachAccumulate(
valueTerm: String,
innerAccumulateCodes: Array[String],
filterResults: Array[Option[String]]): String
* Retract the value of distinct state,
* and generates each retract codes for every aggregates. */
def foreachRetract(
valueTerm: String,
innerRetractCodes: Array[String],
filterResults: Array[Option[String]]): String
/** Merge the value of distinct state,
* and generates accumulate/retract codes when needed. */
def foreachMerge(
thisValueTerm: String,
otherValueTerm: String,
innerAccumulateCodes: Array[String],
innerRetractCodes: Array[String]): String
/** Create a [[DistinctValueGenerator]] instance for current [[DistinctAggCodeGen]] */
private def createDistinctValueGenerator(): DistinctValueGenerator = {
if (!consumeRetraction) {
if (aggCount <= JLong.SIZE) {
new LongValueWithoutRetractionGenerator
} else {
new LongArrayValueWithoutRetractionGenerator
} else {
if (aggCount <= 1) {
new LongValueWithRetractionGenerator
} else {
new LongArrayValueWithRetractionGenerator
/** The generator used in non-retraction stream and number of aggregate <= 64 */
class LongValueWithoutRetractionGenerator extends DistinctValueGenerator {
checkArgument(aggCount <= JLong.SIZE)
override def valueTypeTerm: String = "java.lang.Long"
override def initialValue: String = "0L"
override def foreachAccumulate(
valueTerm: String,
innerAccumulateCodes: Array[String],
filterResults: Array[Option[String]]): String = {
val codes = for (index <- filterResults.indices) yield {
val existedTerm = newName("existed")
val code =
|long $existedTerm = ((long) $valueTerm) & (1L << $index);
|if ($existedTerm == 0) { // not existed
| $valueTerm = ((long) $valueTerm) | (1L << $index);
| $isValueChangedTerm = true;
| ${innerAccumulateCodes(index)}
filterResults(index) match {
case None => code
case Some(f) =>
|if ($f) {
| $code
override def foreachRetract(
valueTerm: String,
innerRetractCodes: Array[String],
filterResults: Array[Option[String]]): String = {
throw new TableException("LongValueAppendGenerator do not support retract, " +
"this method should never be called, please file a issue.")
override def foreachMerge(
thisValueTerm: String,
otherValueTerm: String,
innerAccumulateCodes: Array[String],
innerRetractCodes: Array[String] /* retract code is not used here */ ): String = {
val codes = for (index <- innerAccumulateCodes.indices) yield {
val existedTerm = newName("existed")
|long $existedTerm = ((long) $thisValueTerm) & (1L << $index);
|if ($existedTerm == 0) { // not existed
| long otherExisted = ((long) $otherValueTerm) & (1L << $index);
| if (otherExisted != 0) { // existed in other
| $isValueChangedTerm = true;
| // do accumulate
| ${innerAccumulateCodes(index)}
| }
|$thisValueTerm = ((long) $thisValueTerm) | ((long) $otherValueTerm);
|$isValueEmptyTerm = false;
/** The generator used in non-retraction stream and number of aggregate > 64 */
class LongArrayValueWithoutRetractionGenerator extends DistinctValueGenerator {
checkArgument(aggCount > JLong.SIZE)
override def valueTypeTerm: String = "long[]"
override def initialValue: String = s"new long[${aggCount / JLong.SIZE + 1}]"
override def foreachAccumulate(
valueTerm: String,
innerAccumulateCodes: Array[String],
filterResults: Array[Option[String]]): String = {
val codes = for (index <- filterResults.indices) yield {
val existedTerm = newName("existed")
val arrayIndex = index / JLong.SIZE
val bitIndex = index % JLong.SIZE
val code =
|long $existedTerm = $valueTerm[$arrayIndex] & (1L << $bitIndex);
|if ($existedTerm == 0) { // not existed
| $isValueChangedTerm = true;
| $valueTerm[$arrayIndex] = $valueTerm[$arrayIndex] | (1L << $bitIndex);
| ${innerAccumulateCodes(index)}
filterResults(index) match {
case None => code
case Some(f) =>
|if ($f) {
| $code
override def foreachRetract(
valueTerm: String,
innerRetractCodes: Array[String],
filterResults: Array[Option[String]]): String = {
throw new TableException("LongArrayValueAppendGenerator do not support retract, " +
"this method should never be called, please file a issue.")
override def foreachMerge(
thisValueTerm: String,
otherValueTerm: String,
innerAccumulateCodes: Array[String],
innerRetractCodes: Array[String]): String = {
val codes = for (index <- innerAccumulateCodes.indices) yield {
val existedTerm = newName("thisExisted")
val arrayIndex = index / JLong.SIZE
val bitIndex = index % JLong.SIZE
|long $existedTerm = $thisValueTerm[$arrayIndex] & (1L << $bitIndex);
|if ($existedTerm == 0) { // not existed
| long otherExisted = $otherValueTerm[$arrayIndex] & (1L << $bitIndex);
| if (otherExisted != 0) { // existed in other
| $isValueChangedTerm = true;
| // do accumulate
| ${innerAccumulateCodes(index)}
| }
val setValueCodes = for (index <- 0 until (aggCount / JLong.SIZE + 1)) yield {
s"$thisValueTerm[$index] |= $otherValueTerm[$index];"
|$isValueEmptyTerm = false;
/** The generator used in retraction stream and only one aggregate */
class LongValueWithRetractionGenerator extends DistinctValueGenerator {
checkArgument(aggCount == 1)
override def valueTypeTerm: String = "java.lang.Long"
override def initialValue: String = "0L"
override def foreachAccumulate(
countTerm: String,
innerAccumulateCodes: Array[String],
filterResults: Array[Option[String]]): String = {
foreachAction(isAccumulate = true, countTerm, innerAccumulateCodes, filterResults)
override def foreachRetract(
countTerm: String,
innerRetractCodes: Array[String],
filterResults: Array[Option[String]]): String = {
foreachAction(isAccumulate = false, countTerm, innerRetractCodes, filterResults)
private def foreachAction(
isAccumulate: Boolean,
countTerm: String,
innerCodes: Array[String],
filterResults: Array[Option[String]]): String = {
val code = if (isAccumulate) {
|$countTerm += 1;
|if ($countTerm == 1) { // cnt is 0 before
| ${innerCodes.head}
} else {
|$countTerm -= 1;
|if ($countTerm == 0) { // cnt is +1 before
| ${innerCodes.head}
filterResults.head match {
case None =>
|$isValueEmptyTerm = $countTerm == 0L;
case Some(f) =>
|if ($f) {
| $code
|$isValueEmptyTerm = $countTerm == 0L;
override def foreachMerge(
thisCountTerm: String,
otherCountTerm: String,
innerAccumulateCodes: Array[String],
innerRetractCodes: Array[String]): String = {
val mergedCntTerm = newName("mergedCnt")
|long $mergedCntTerm = $thisCountTerm + $otherCountTerm;
|if ($mergedCntTerm == 0) {
| $isValueEmptyTerm = true;
| if ($thisCountTerm > 0) {
| // origin is > 0, and retract to 0, do retract
| ${innerRetractCodes.mkString("\n")}
| }
|} else if ($mergedCntTerm < 0) {
| if ($thisCountTerm > 0) {
| // origin is > 0, and retract to < 0, do retract
| ${innerRetractCodes.mkString("\n")}
| }
|} else if ($mergedCntTerm > 0) {
| if ($thisCountTerm <= 0) {
| // origin is <= 0, and accumulate to > 0, do accumulate
| ${innerAccumulateCodes.mkString("\n")}
| }
|$thisCountTerm = $mergedCntTerm;
|$isValueChangedTerm = true;
/** The generator used in retraction stream and number of aggregate > 1 */
class LongArrayValueWithRetractionGenerator extends DistinctValueGenerator {
checkArgument(aggCount > 1)
override def valueTypeTerm: String = "long[]"
override def initialValue: String = s"new long[$aggCount]"
override def foreachAccumulate(
valueTerm: String,
innerAccumulateCodes: Array[String],
filterResults: Array[Option[String]]): String = {
foreachAction(isAccumulate = true, valueTerm, innerAccumulateCodes, filterResults)
override def foreachRetract(
valueTerm: String,
innerRetractCodes: Array[String],
filterResults: Array[Option[String]]): String = {
foreachAction(isAccumulate = false, valueTerm, innerRetractCodes, filterResults)
private def foreachAction(
isAccumulate: Boolean,
valueTerm: String,
innerCodes: Array[String],
filterResults: Array[Option[String]]): String = {
val codes = for (index <- filterResults.indices) yield {
val countTerm = newName("count")
val code = if (isAccumulate) {
|long $countTerm = $valueTerm[$index] + 1;
|$valueTerm[$index] = $countTerm;
|if ($countTerm == 1) { // cnt is 0 before
| ${innerCodes(index)}
} else {
|long $countTerm = $valueTerm[$index] - 1;
|$valueTerm[$index] = $countTerm;
|if ($countTerm == 0) { // cnt is +1 before
| ${innerCodes(index)}
filterResults(index) match {
case None => code
case Some(f) =>
|if ($f) {
| $code
val isEmptyCode =
|for (long cnt : $valueTerm) {
| if (cnt != 0) {
| $isValueEmptyTerm = false;
| break;
| }
override def foreachMerge(
thisValueTerm: String,
otherValueTerm: String,
innerAccumulateCodes: Array[String],
innerRetractCodes: Array[String]): String = {
val codes = for (index <- innerAccumulateCodes.indices) yield {
val thisCountTerm = newName("thisCnt")
val mergedCntTerm = newName("mergedCnt")
|long $thisCountTerm = $thisValueTerm[$index];
|long $mergedCntTerm = $thisCountTerm + $otherValueTerm[$index];
|if ($mergedCntTerm == 0) {
| if ($thisCountTerm > 0) {
| // origin is > 0, and retract to 0, do retract
| ${innerRetractCodes(index)}
| }
|} else if ($mergedCntTerm < 0) {
| if ($thisCountTerm > 0) {
| // origin is > 0, and retract to < 0, do retract
| ${innerRetractCodes(index)}
| }
|} else if ($mergedCntTerm > 0) {
| if ($thisCountTerm <= 0) {
| // origin is <= 0, and accumulate to > 0, do accumulate
| ${innerAccumulateCodes(index)}
| }
|$thisValueTerm[$index] = $mergedCntTerm;
val isEmptyCode =
|for (long cnt : $thisValueTerm) {
| if (cnt != 0) {
| $isValueEmptyTerm = false;
| break;
| }
|$isValueChangedTerm = true;