blob: 7c5962212929d0d0fa8fde93ccd71679ceddd131 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.flink.table.api
import org.apache.flink.annotation.{Experimental, Internal, VisibleForTesting}
import org.apache.flink.api.common.JobExecutionResult
import org.apache.flink.api.common.time.Time
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.TypeInformation
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.environment.{StreamExecutionEnvironment => JavaStreamExecEnv}
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.graph.StreamGraph
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala.{StreamExecutionEnvironment => ScalaStreamExecEnv}
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.transformations.StreamTransformation
import org.apache.flink.table.api.functions.{AggregateFunction, ScalarFunction, TableFunction}
import{BatchTableEnvironment => JavaBatchTableEnvironment, StreamTableEnvironment => JavaStreamTableEnv}
import org.apache.flink.table.api.scala.{BatchTableEnvironment => ScalaBatchTableEnvironment, StreamTableEnvironment => ScalaStreamTableEnv, _}
import org.apache.flink.table.api.types._
import org.apache.flink.table.calcite._
import org.apache.flink.table.catalog._
import org.apache.flink.table.codegen._
import org.apache.flink.table.descriptors.{ConnectorDescriptor, TableDescriptor}
import org.apache.flink.table.errorcode.TableErrors
import org.apache.flink.table.expressions.{Alias, Expression, TimeAttribute, UnresolvedFieldReference}
import org.apache.flink.table.functions.utils.UserDefinedFunctionUtils
import org.apache.flink.table.functions.utils.UserDefinedFunctionUtils._
import org.apache.flink.table.plan.cost.FlinkCostFactory
import org.apache.flink.table.plan.logical.{CatalogNode, LogicalNode, LogicalRelNode, SinkNode}
import org.apache.flink.table.plan.nodes.exec.ExecNode
import org.apache.flink.table.plan.schema._
import org.apache.flink.table.plan.stats.{FlinkStatistic, TableStats}
import org.apache.flink.table.sinks._
import org.apache.flink.table.sources.TableSource
import org.apache.flink.table.temptable.FlinkTableServiceManager
import org.apache.flink.table.typeutils.TypeUtils
import org.apache.flink.table.validate.{BuiltInFunctionCatalog, ChainedFunctionCatalog, FunctionCatalog}
import org.apache.calcite.config.Lex
import org.apache.calcite.plan.{Contexts, RelOptPlanner}
import org.apache.calcite.rel.logical.LogicalTableModify
import org.apache.calcite.schema
import org.apache.calcite.schema.SchemaPlus
import org.apache.calcite.schema.impl.AbstractTable
import org.apache.calcite.sql.parser.SqlParser
import org.apache.calcite.sql.util.ChainedSqlOperatorTable
import org.apache.calcite.sql.{SqlIdentifier, SqlInsert, SqlOperatorTable, _}
import org.apache.calcite.sql2rel.SqlToRelConverter
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils
import _root_.scala.annotation.varargs
import _root_.scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import _root_.scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import _root_.scala.collection.mutable
import _root_.scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
* The abstract base class for batch and stream TableEnvironments.
* @param config The configuration of the TableEnvironment
abstract class TableEnvironment(
private[flink] val execEnv: JavaStreamExecEnv,
val config: TableConfig) extends AutoCloseable {
protected val DEFAULT_JOB_NAME = "Flink Exec Table Job"
protected val catalogManager: CatalogManager = new CatalogManager()
private val currentSchema: SchemaPlus = catalogManager.getRootSchema
private val typeFactory: FlinkTypeFactory = new FlinkTypeFactory(new FlinkTypeSystem)
// Table API/SQL function catalog (built in, does not contain external functions)
private val functionCatalog: FunctionCatalog = BuiltInFunctionCatalog.withBuiltIns()
// Table API/SQL function catalog built in function catalog.
private[flink] lazy val chainedFunctionCatalog: FunctionCatalog =
new ChainedFunctionCatalog(Seq(functionCatalog))
// the configuration to create a Calcite planner
protected var frameworkConfig: FrameworkConfig = createFrameworkConfig
// the builder for Calcite RelNodes, Calcite's representation of a relational expression tree.
protected var relBuilder: FlinkRelBuilder = createRelBuilder
// the planner instance used to optimize queries of this TableEnvironment
private var planner: RelOptPlanner = createRelOptPlanner
// reuse flink planner
private var flinkPlanner: FlinkPlannerImpl = createFlinkPlanner
// a counter for unique attribute names
private[flink] val attrNameCntr: AtomicInteger = new AtomicInteger(0)
// a counter for unique table names
private[flink] val tableNameCntr: AtomicInteger = new AtomicInteger(0)
private[flink] val tableNamePrefix = "_TempTable_"
// sink nodes collection
private[flink] val sinkNodes = new mutable.MutableList[SinkNode]
private[flink] val transformations = new ArrayBuffer[StreamTransformation[_]]
protected var userClassloader: ClassLoader = null
// a manager for table service
private[flink] val tableServiceManager = new FlinkTableServiceManager(this)
private val closed: AtomicBoolean = new AtomicBoolean(false)
// the configuration for SqlToRelConverter
private[flink] lazy val sqlToRelConverterConfig: SqlToRelConverter.Config = {
val calciteConfig = config.getCalciteConfig
calciteConfig.getSqlToRelConverterConfig match {
case Some(c) => c
case None => getSqlToRelConverterConfig
/** Returns the table config to define the runtime behavior of the Table API. */
def getConfig: TableConfig = config
/** Returns the [[QueryConfig]] depends on the concrete type of this TableEnvironment. */
private[flink] def queryConfig: QueryConfig = this match {
case _: BatchTableEnvironment => new BatchQueryConfig
case _: StreamTableEnvironment => new StreamQueryConfig
case _ => null
* Compile the sink [[org.apache.flink.table.plan.logical.LogicalNode]] to
* [[org.apache.flink.streaming.api.transformations.StreamTransformation]].
protected def compile(): Unit = {
if (config.getSubsectionOptimization) {
// optimize rel node, and translate to node dag
val nodeDag = optimizeAndTranslateNodeDag(true, sinkNodes: _*)
// translate to transformation
val sinkTransformations = translate(nodeDag)
* Optimize the RelNode tree (or DAG), and translate the result to [[ExecNode]] tree (or DAG).
private[flink] def optimizeAndTranslateNodeDag(
dagOptimizeEnabled: Boolean, logicalNodes: LogicalNode*): Seq[ExecNode[_, _]]
* Translates a [[ExecNode]] DAG into a [[StreamTransformation]] DAG.
* @param sinks The node DAG to translate.
* @return The [[StreamTransformation]] DAG that corresponds to the node DAG.
protected def translate(sinks: Seq[ExecNode[_, _]]): Seq[StreamTransformation[_]]
* Generate a [[StreamGraph]] from this table environment, this will also
* clear [[LogicalNode]]s.
* @return A [[StreamGraph]] describing the whole job.
def generateStreamGraph(): StreamGraph = generateStreamGraph(DEFAULT_JOB_NAME)
* Generate a [[StreamGraph]] from this table environment, this will also
* clear [[LogicalNode]]s.
* @return A [[StreamGraph]] describing the whole job.
def generateStreamGraph(jobName: String): StreamGraph = {
try {
if (config.getSubsectionOptimization) {
if (transformations.isEmpty) {
throw new TableException("No table sinks have been created yet. " +
"A program needs at least one sink that consumes data. ")
translateStreamGraph(transformations, Option.apply(jobName))
} finally {
* Translate a [[StreamGraph]] from Given streamingTransformations.
* @return A [[StreamGraph]] describing the given job.
protected def translateStreamGraph(
streamingTransformations: ArrayBuffer[StreamTransformation[_]],
jobName: Option[String]): StreamGraph = ???
* Returns the operator table for this environment including a custom Calcite configuration.
protected def getSqlOperatorTable: SqlOperatorTable = {
val calciteConfig = config.getCalciteConfig
calciteConfig.getSqlOperatorTable match {
case None =>
case Some(table) =>
if (calciteConfig.replacesSqlOperatorTable) {
} else {
ChainedSqlOperatorTable.of(chainedFunctionCatalog.getSqlOperatorTable, table)
* Returns the SQL parser config for this environment including a custom Calcite configuration.
protected def getSqlParserConfig: SqlParser.Config = {
val calciteConfig = config.getCalciteConfig
calciteConfig.getSqlParserConfig match {
case None =>
// we use Java lex because back ticks are easier than double quotes in programming
// and cases are preserved
case Some(sqlParserConfig) =>
* Returns the SqlToRelConverter config.
protected def getSqlToRelConverterConfig: SqlToRelConverter.Config =
def getCatalogManager: CatalogManager = {
* Registers an [[ReadableCatalog]] under a unique name in the TableEnvironment's schema.
* All tables registered in the [[ReadableCatalog]] can be accessed.
* @param name The name under which the catalog will be registered
* @param catalog The catalog to register
def registerCatalog(name: String, catalog: ReadableCatalog): Unit = {
registerCatalogInternal(name, catalog)
* Registers an [[ReadableCatalog]] under a unique name in the TableEnvironment's schema.
* All tables registered in the [[ReadableCatalog]] can be accessed.
* @param name The name under which the catalog will be registered
* @param catalog The catalog to register
def registerCatalogInternal(
name: String,
catalog: ReadableCatalog): Unit = {
catalogManager.registerCatalog(name, catalog)
* Get a registered catalog.
* @param catalogName
* @return ReadableCatalog
def getCatalog(catalogName: String): ReadableCatalog = {
* Get the default registered catalog.
* @return ReadableWritableCatalog
def getDefaultCatalog(): ReadableWritableCatalog = {
* Get the default catalog name.
def getDefaultCatalogName(): String = {
* Get the default database name.
def getDefaultDatabaseName(): String = {
* Set a default catalog.
* @param name Name of the catalog
def setDefaultCatalog(name: String): Unit = {
* Set a default catalog and database.
* @param catalogName Name of the catalog
* @param dbName Name of the database
def setDefaultDatabase(catalogName: String, dbName: String): Unit = {
catalogManager.setDefaultDatabase(catalogName, dbName)
* Set the default database. If a catalog is not specified, the database is resolved relative
* to the current default catalog.
* Note! This method does not support setting default catalog only.
* @param dbPath Name or path of the database
def setDefaultDatabase(dbPath: String*): Unit = {
if (dbPath(0) == null || dbPath.length < 1 || dbPath.length > 2 || dbPath(0).isEmpty ||
(dbPath.length == 2 && dbPath(1).isEmpty)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Invalid database path %s", dbPath))
val catalogName = if (dbPath.length == 1) getDefaultCatalogName() else dbPath(0)
val dbName = if (dbPath.length == 1) dbPath(0) else dbPath(1)
catalogManager.setDefaultDatabase(catalogName, dbName)
* Get a table catalogs.
* @param name The name of the table.
* @return The table registered either internally or externally, None otherwise.
def getTable(name: String): Option[org.apache.calcite.schema.Table] = {
* Get a table from catalogs.
* @param paths The paths of the table.
* @return The table registered either internally or externally, None otherwise.
def getTable(paths: Array[String]): Option[org.apache.calcite.schema.Table] = {
val names = catalogManager.resolveTableName(paths : _*)
val catalogName = names(0)
val dbName = names(1)
val tableName = names(2)
val catalogSchema = catalogManager.getRootSchema.getSubSchema(catalogName)
if (catalogSchema == null) {
} else {
val dbSchema = catalogSchema.getSubSchema(dbName)
if (dbSchema == null) {
} else {
* Registers a [[ScalarFunction]] under a unique name. Replaces already existing
* user-defined functions under this name.
def registerFunction(name: String, function: ScalarFunction): Unit = {
// check if class could be instantiated
// register in Table API
functionCatalog.registerFunction(name, function.getClass)
// register in SQL API
createScalarSqlFunction(name, name, function, typeFactory)
* Registers an [[AggregateFunction]] under a unique name in the TableEnvironment's catalog.
* Registered functions can be referenced in Table API and SQL queries.
* @param name The name under which the function is registered.
* @param f The AggregateFunction to register.
* @tparam T The type of the output value.
* @tparam ACC The type of aggregate accumulator.
def registerFunction[T, ACC](
name: String,
f: AggregateFunction[T, ACC])
: Unit = {
implicit val typeInfo: TypeInformation[T] = TypeExtractor
.createTypeInfo(f, classOf[AggregateFunction[T, ACC]], f.getClass, 0)
implicit val accTypeInfo: TypeInformation[ACC] = TypeExtractor
.createTypeInfo(f, classOf[AggregateFunction[T, ACC]], f.getClass, 1)
registerAggregateFunctionInternal[T, ACC](name, f)
* Registers a [[TableFunction]] under a unique name in the TableEnvironment's catalog.
* Registered functions can be referenced in Table API and SQL queries.
* @param name The name under which the function is registered.
* @param tf The TableFunction to register.
* @tparam T The type of the output row.
def registerFunction[T](name: String, tf: TableFunction[T]): Unit = {
implicit val typeInfo: TypeInformation[T] =
registerTableFunctionInternal(name, tf)
* Registers a [[TableFunction]] under a unique name. Replaces already existing
* user-defined functions under this name.
private[flink] def registerTableFunctionInternal[T: TypeInformation](
name: String, function: TableFunction[T]): Unit = {
// check if class not Scala object
// check if class could be instantiated
val implicitResultType: DataType =
// we may use arguments types to infer later on.
if (UserDefinedFunctionUtils.getResultTypeIgnoreException(function) != null) {
function.getResultType(null, null)
} else {
// register in Table API
functionCatalog.registerFunction(name, function.getClass)
// register in SQL API
val sqlFunctions =
createTableSqlFunction(name, name, function, implicitResultType, typeFactory)
* Registers an [[AggregateFunction]] under a unique name. Replaces already existing
* user-defined functions under this name.
private[flink] def registerAggregateFunctionInternal[T: TypeInformation, ACC: TypeInformation](
name: String,
function: AggregateFunction[T, ACC]): Unit = {
// check if class not Scala object
// check if class could be instantiated
val resultType = getResultTypeOfAggregateFunction(function, implicitly[TypeInformation[T]])
val accType = getAccumulatorTypeOfAggregateFunction(function, implicitly[TypeInformation[ACC]])
// register in Table API
functionCatalog.registerFunction(name, function.getClass)
// register in SQL API
val sqlFunctions = createAggregateSqlFunction(
* Registers a [[Table]] under a unique name in the TableEnvironment's catalog.
* Registered tables can be referenced in SQL queries.
* @param name The name under which the table will be registered.
* @param table The table to register.
def registerTable(name: String, table: Table): Unit = {
// check that table belongs to this table environment
if (table.tableEnv != this) {
throw new TableException(
"Only tables that belong to this TableEnvironment can be registered.")
val tableTable = new RelTable(table.getRelNode)
registerTableInternal(name, tableTable, replace = false)
* Registers a [[CatalogTable]] under a unique name in the TableEnvironment's default catalog.
* Registered tables can be referenced in SQL queries.
* @param name The name under which the table will be registered.
* @param catalogTable The table to register.
def registerTable(name: String, catalogTable: CatalogTable): Unit = {
val catalog = getDefaultCatalog()
val path = new ObjectPath(getDefaultDatabaseName(), name)
catalog.createTable(path, catalogTable, false)
* Registers or replace a [[Table]] under a unique name in the TableEnvironment's catalog.
* Registered tables can be referenced in SQL queries.
* @param name The name under which the table will be registered.
* @param table The table to register.
def registerOrReplaceTable(name: String, table: Table): Unit = {
// check that table belongs to this table environment
if (table.tableEnv != this) {
throw new TableException(
"Only tables that belong to this TableEnvironment can be registered.")
val tableTable = new RelTable(table.getRelNode)
registerTableInternal(name, tableTable, replace = true)
* Registers or replace a [[CatalogTable]] under a unique name in TableEnvironment's default
* catalog. Registered tables can be referenced in SQL queries.
* @param name The name under which the table will be registered.
* @param catalogTable The table to register.
def registerOrReplaceTable(name: String, catalogTable: CatalogTable): Unit = {
val catalog = getDefaultCatalog()
val path = new ObjectPath(getDefaultDatabaseName(),name)
catalog.dropTable(path, true)
catalog.createTable(path, catalogTable, false)
* Registers a Calcite [[AbstractTable]] in the TableEnvironment's catalog.
* @param name The name under which the table will be registered.
* @param table The table to register in the catalog
* @throws TableAlreadyExistException if another table is registered under the provided name.
private[flink] def registerTableInternal(name: String, table: AbstractTable): Unit = {
new ObjectPath(catalogManager.getDefaultDatabaseName, name),
* Replaces a registered Table with another Table under the same name.
* We use this method to replace a [[org.apache.flink.table.plan.schema.DataStreamTable]]
* with a [[org.apache.calcite.schema.TranslatableTable]].
* @param name Name of the table to replace.
* @param table The table that replaces the previous table.
protected def replaceRegisteredTable(name: String, table: AbstractTable): Unit = {
new ObjectPath(catalogManager.getDefaultDatabaseName, name),
private def createFlinkTempTable(table: AbstractTable): FlinkTempTable = {
val currentMillis = System.currentTimeMillis()
return new FlinkTempTable(
new util.HashMap[String, String](),
new util.LinkedHashSet[String](),
* Registers an external [[TableSource]] in this [[TableEnvironment]]'s catalog.
* Registered tables can be referenced in SQL queries.
* @param name The name under which the [[TableSource]] is registered.
* @param tableSource The [[TableSource]] to register.
def registerTableSource(name: String, tableSource: TableSource): Unit = {
registerTableSourceInternal(name, tableSource, FlinkStatistic.UNKNOWN, false)
* Registers or replace an external [[TableSource]] in this [[TableEnvironment]]'s catalog.
* Registered tables can be referenced in SQL queries.
* @param name The name under which the [[TableSource]] is registered.
* @param tableSource The [[TableSource]] to register.
def registerOrReplaceTableSource(name: String,
tableSource: TableSource): Unit = {
registerTableSourceInternal(name, tableSource, FlinkStatistic.UNKNOWN, true)
* Registers an internal [[TableSource]] in this [[TableEnvironment]]'s catalog without
* name checking. Registered tables can be referenced in SQL queries.
* @param name The name under which the [[TableSource]] is registered.
* @param tableSource The [[TableSource]] to register.
* @param replace Whether to replace this [[TableSource]]
protected def registerTableSourceInternal(name: String,
tableSource: TableSource,
tableStats: FlinkStatistic,
replace: Boolean): Unit
* Gets the statistics of a table.
* Note: this function returns current statistics of the table directly, does not trigger
* statistics gather operation.
* @param tableName The table name under which the table is registered in [[TableEnvironment]].
* tableName must be a single name(e.g. "MyTable") associated with a table.
* @return Statistics of a table if the statistics is available, else return null.
def getTableStats(tableName: String): TableStats = {
require(tableName != null && tableName.nonEmpty, "tableName must not be null or empty.")
* Gets the statistics of a table.
* Note: this function returns current statistics of the table directly, does not trigger
* statistics gather operation.
* @param tablePath The table name under which the table is registered in [[TableEnvironment]].
* tablePath can be a single name(e.g. Array("MyTable")) associated with a
* table , or can be a nest names (e.g. Array("MyCatalog", "MyDb", "MyTable"))
* associated with a table registered as member of a [[ReadableCatalog]].
* @return Statistics of a table if the statistics is available, else return null.
def getTableStats(tablePath: Array[String]): TableStats = {
val tableOpt = getTable(tablePath)
if (tableOpt.isEmpty) {
throw new TableException(s"Table '${tablePath.mkString(".")}' was not found.")
val table = tableOpt.get
val tableName = tablePath.last
val stats = if (tablePath.length == 1) {
table match {
case t: FlinkTable =>
// call statistic instead of getStatistics of FlinkTable to fetch the original statistics.
val statistics = t.getStatistic
if (statistics == null) {
} else {
// Only source table extends FlinkTable now
case sourceSinkTable: TableSourceSinkTable[_] if sourceSinkTable.isSourceTable =>
val statistics = sourceSinkTable.tableSourceTable.get.getStatistic
if (statistics == null) {
} else {
case _ => None
} else {
// table in catalogs
val path = catalogManager.resolveTableName(tablePath.toList)
val catalog = getCatalog(path(0))
Option(catalog.getTable(new ObjectPath(path(1), path(2))).getTableStats)
* Alters the statistics of a table.
* @param tablePath The table name under which the table is registered in [[TableEnvironment]].
* tablePath can be a single name(e.g. Array("MyTable")) associated with a
* table , or can be a nest names (e.g. Array("MyCatalog", "MyDb", "MyTable"))
* associated with a table registered as member of a [[ReadableCatalog]].
* @param tableStats The [[TableStats]] to update.
def alterTableStats(tablePath: Array[String], tableStats: TableStats): Unit = {
alterTableStats(tablePath, Option(tableStats))
* Alters the statistics of a table.
* @param tableName The table name under which the table is registered in [[TableEnvironment]].
* tableName must be a single name(e.g. "MyTable") associated with a table.
* @param tableStats The [[TableStats]] to update.
def alterTableStats(tableName: String, tableStats: Option[TableStats]): Unit = {
require(tableName != null && tableName.nonEmpty, "tableName must not be null or empty.")
alterTableStats(Array(tableName), tableStats)
* Alters the statistics of a table.
* @param tablePath The table name under which the table is registered in [[TableEnvironment]].
* tablePath can be a single name(e.g. Array("MyTable")) associated with a
* table , or can be a nest names (e.g. Array("MyCatalog", "MyDb", "MyTable"))
* associated with a table registered as member of a [[ReadableCatalog]].
* @param tableStats The [[TableStats]] to update.
def alterTableStats(tablePath: Array[String], tableStats: Option[TableStats]): Unit = {
val tableOpt = getTable(tablePath)
if (tableOpt.isEmpty) {
throw new TableException(s"Table '${tablePath.mkString(".")}' was not found.")
val table = tableOpt.get
val tableName = tablePath.last
if (tablePath.length == 1) {
// table in calcite root schema
val statistic = table match {
// call statistic instead of getStatistics of TableSourceTable
// to fetch the original statistics.
case t: TableSourceSinkTable[_] if t.isSourceTable => t.tableSourceTable.get.statistic
case t: FlinkTable => t.getStatistic
case _ => throw new TableException(
s"alter TableStats operation is not supported for ${table.getClass}.")
val oldStatistic = if (statistic == null) FlinkStatistic.UNKNOWN else statistic
val newStatistic = FlinkStatistic.builder.statistic(oldStatistic).
val newTable = table.asInstanceOf[FlinkTable].copy(newStatistic)
replaceRegisteredTable(tableName, newTable)
} else {
// table in catalogs
val path = catalogManager.resolveTableName(tablePath.toList)
val catalog = getCatalog(path(0))
// TODO: [BLINK-18570617] re-enable alter catalog table stats in TableEnvironment
// catalog match {
// case c: ReadableWritableCatalog =>
// c.alterTableStats(tableName, tableStats, ignoreIfNotExists = false)
// case _ => throw new TableException(
// s"alterTableStats operation is not supported for ${catalog.getClass}.")
// }
throw new TableException(
s"catalogs haven't supportted alterTableStats operation yet.")
* Alter skew info to a table, optimizer will try to choose better plan on skewed data.
* 1. pick the skewed values to join separately
* 2. prefer to choose add local-combine aggregate before global aggregate which group by
* skewed data
* TODO: Add skewInfo on a specified set of columns later. Now only support to specify skewInfo
* on a singleKey, it is not enough to determines whether a specified set of columns from a
* specified relational expression is skew or not.
* @param tableName table name to alter.
* @param skewInfo statistics of skewedColNames and skewedColValues.
def alterSkewInfo(
tableName: String,
skewInfo: util.Map[String, util.List[AnyRef]]): Unit = {
require(tableName != null && tableName.nonEmpty, "tableName must not be null or empty.")
alterSkewInfo(Array(tableName), skewInfo)
private def alterSkewInfo(
tablePath: Array[String],
skewInfo: util.Map[String, util.List[AnyRef]]): Unit = {
val tableOpt = getTable(tablePath)
if (tableOpt.isEmpty) {
throw new TableException(s"Table '${tablePath.mkString(".")}' was not found.")
val table = tableOpt.get
val tableName = tablePath.last
if (tablePath.length == 1) {
// table in calcite root schema
val statistic = table match {
// call statistic instead of getStatistics of TableSourceTable
// to fetch the original statistics.
case t: TableSourceSinkTable[_] if t.isSourceTable => t.tableSourceTable.get.statistic
case t: FlinkTable => t.getStatistic
case _ => throw new TableException(
s"alter SkewInfo operation is not supported for ${table.getClass}.")
val oldStatistic = if (statistic == null) FlinkStatistic.UNKNOWN else statistic
val newStatistic = FlinkStatistic.builder.statistic(oldStatistic).skewInfo(skewInfo).build()
val newTable = table.asInstanceOf[FlinkTable].copy(newStatistic)
replaceRegisteredTable(tableName, newTable)
} else {
throw new TableException("alterSkewInfo operation is not supported for external catalog.")
* Registers an external [[TableSink]] with given field names and types in this
* [[TableEnvironment]]'s catalog.
* Registered sink tables can be referenced in SQL DML statements.
* @param name The name under which the [[TableSink]] is registered.
* @param fieldNames The field names to register with the [[TableSink]].
* @param fieldTypes The field types to register with the [[TableSink]].
* @param tableSink The [[TableSink]] to register.
def registerTableSink(
name: String,
fieldNames: Array[String],
fieldTypes: Array[DataType],
tableSink: TableSink[_]): Unit = {
registerTableSinkInternal(name, fieldNames, fieldTypes, tableSink, false)
* Registers or replace an external [[TableSink]] with given field names and types in this
* [[TableEnvironment]]'s catalog.
* Registered sink tables can be referenced in SQL DML statements.
* @param name The name under which the [[TableSink]] is registered.
* @param fieldNames The field names to register with the [[TableSink]].
* @param fieldTypes The field types to register with the [[TableSink]].
* @param tableSink The [[TableSink]] to register.
def registerOrReplaceTableSink(
name: String,
fieldNames: Array[String],
fieldTypes: Array[DataType],
tableSink: TableSink[_]): Unit = {
registerTableSinkInternal(name, fieldNames, fieldTypes, tableSink, true)
* Registers or replace an external [[TableSink]] with given field names and types in this
* [[TableEnvironment]]'s catalog.
* Registered sink tables can be referenced in SQL DML statements.
* @param name The name under which the [[TableSink]] is registered.
* @param fieldNames The field names to register with the [[TableSink]].
* @param fieldTypes The field types to register with the [[TableSink]].
* @param tableSink The [[TableSink]] to register.
* @param replace Whether replace this [[TableSink]].
protected def registerTableSinkInternal(
name: String,
fieldNames: Array[String],
fieldTypes: Array[DataType],
tableSink: TableSink[_],
replace: Boolean): Unit
* Registers an external [[TableSink]] with already configured field names and field types in
* this [[TableEnvironment]]'s catalog.
* Registered sink tables can be referenced in SQL DML statements.
* @param name The name under which the [[TableSink]] is registered.
* @param configuredSink The configured [[TableSink]] to register.
def registerTableSink(name: String, configuredSink: TableSink[_]): Unit = {
registerTableSinkInternal(name, configuredSink, false)
* Registers or replace an external [[TableSink]] with already configured field names and
* field types in this [[TableEnvironment]]'s catalog.
* Registered sink tables can be referenced in SQL DML statements.
* @param name The name under which the [[TableSink]] is registered.
* @param configuredSink The configured [[TableSink]] to register.
def registerOrReplaceTableSink(name: String, configuredSink: TableSink[_]): Unit = {
registerTableSinkInternal(name, configuredSink, true)
* Registers an external [[TableSink]] with already configured field names and field types in
* this [[TableEnvironment]]'s catalog.
* Registered sink tables can be referenced in SQL DML statements.
* @param name The name under which the [[TableSink]] is registered.
* @param configuredSink The configured [[TableSink]] to register.
protected def registerTableSinkInternal(name: String,
configuredSink: TableSink[_],
replace: Boolean): Unit
private[flink] def getStateTableNameForWrite(name: String): String = {
private[flink] def collect[T](
table: Table,
sink: CollectTableSink[T],
jobName: Option[String]): Seq[T] = {
throw new TableException(s"collect is not supported.")
* Scans a registered table and returns the resulting [[Table]].
* A table to scan must be registered in the catalog. It can be either directly
* registered as DataStream, DataSet, or Table or as member of an [[ReadableCatalog]].
* Examples:
* - Scanning a directly registered table
* {{{
* val tab: Table = tableEnv.scan("tableName")
* }}}
* - Scanning a table from a registered catalog
* {{{
* val tab: Table = tableEnv.scan("catalogName", "dbName", "tableName")
* }}}
* @param tablePath The path of the table to scan.
* @throws TableException if no table is found using the given table path.
* @return The resulting [[Table]].
def scan(tablePath: String*): Table = {
scanInternal(catalogManager.resolveTableName(tablePath.toArray : _*)) match {
case Some(table) => table
case None => throw new TableException(s"Table '${tablePath.mkString(".")}' was not found.")
private[flink] def scanInternal(tablePath: Array[String]): Option[Table] = {
val tableOpt = getTable(tablePath)
if (tableOpt.nonEmpty) {
Some(new Table(this, CatalogNode(tablePath, tableOpt.get.getRowType(typeFactory))))
} else {
* Creates a table source and/or table sink from a descriptor.
* Descriptors allow for declaring the communication to external systems in an
* implementation-agnostic way. The classpath is scanned for suitable table factories that match
* the desired configuration.
* The following example shows how to read from a connector using a JSON format and
* registering a table source as "MyTable":
* {{{
* tableEnv
* .connect(
* new ExternalSystemXYZ()
* .version("0.11"))
* .withFormat(
* new Json()
* .jsonSchema("{...}")
* .failOnMissingField(false))
* .withSchema(
* new Schema()
* .field("user-name", "VARCHAR").from("u_name")
* .field("count", "DECIMAL")
* .registerSource("MyTable")
* }}}
* @param connectorDescriptor connector descriptor describing the external system
def connect(connectorDescriptor: ConnectorDescriptor): TableDescriptor
private def getSchema(schemaPath: Array[String]): SchemaPlus = {
var schema = currentSchema
for (schemaName <- schemaPath) {
schema = schema.getSubSchema(schemaName)
if (schema == null) {
return schema
* Gets the names of all catalogs registered in this environment.
* @return A list of the names of all registered catalogs.
def listCatalogs(): Array[String] = {
* Gets the names of all databases registered in the default catalog.
* @return A list of the names of all registered databases.
def listDatabases(): Array[String] = {
* Gets the names of all tables registered in the default database.
* @return A list of the names of all registered tables.
def listTables(): Array[String] = {
.map(op => op.getObjectName)
* Gets the names of all functions registered in this environment.
def listUserDefinedFunctions(): Array[String] = { => e.getName).toArray
* Returns the AST of the specified Table API and SQL queries and the execution plan to compute
* the result of the given [[Table]].
* @param table The table for which the AST and execution plan will be returned.
def explain(table: Table): String
* Explain the whole plan only when subsection optimization is supported, and returns the AST
* of the specified Table API and SQL queries and the execution plan.
* @param extended Flag to include detailed optimizer estimates.
def explain(extended: Boolean = false): String
* Evaluates a SQL query on registered tables and retrieves the result as a [[Table]].
* All tables referenced by the query must be registered in the TableEnvironment.
* A [[Table]] is automatically registered when its [[toString]] method is called, for example
* when it is embedded into a String.
* Hence, SQL queries can directly reference a [[Table]] as follows:
* {{{
* val table: Table = ...
* // the table is not registered to the table environment
* tEnv.sqlQuery(s"SELECT * FROM $table")
* }}}
* @param query The SQL query to evaluate.
* @return The result of the query as Table
def sqlQuery(query: String): Table = {
// parse the sql query
val parsed = flinkPlanner.parse(query)
if (null != parsed && parsed.getKind.belongsTo(SqlKind.QUERY)) {
// validate the sql query
val validated = flinkPlanner.validate(parsed)
// transform to a relational tree
val relational = flinkPlanner.rel(validated)
new Table(this, LogicalRelNode(relational.project()))
} else {
throw new TableException(
"Unsupported SQL query! sqlQuery() only accepts SQL queries of type " +
* Returns specific FlinkCostFactory of TableEnvironment's subclass.
protected def getFlinkCostFactory: FlinkCostFactory
* Evaluates a SQL statement such as INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE; or a DDL statement;
* NOTE: Currently only SQL INSERT statements are supported.
* All tables referenced by the query must be registered in the TableEnvironment.
* A [[Table]] is automatically registered when its [[toString]] method is called, for example
* when it is embedded into a String.
* Hence, SQL queries can directly reference a [[Table]] as follows:
* {{{
* // register the table sink into which the result is inserted.
* tEnv.registerTableSink("sinkTable", fieldNames, fieldsTypes, tableSink)
* val sourceTable: Table = ...
* // sourceTable is not registered to the table environment
* tEnv.sqlUpdate(s"INSERT INTO sinkTable SELECT * FROM $sourceTable")
* }}}
* @param stmt The SQL statement to evaluate.
def sqlUpdate(stmt: String): Unit = {
// parse the sql query
val parsed = flinkPlanner.parse(stmt)
parsed match {
case insert: SqlInsert =>
if (insert.getTargetTable.isInstanceOf[SqlIdentifier] &&
insert.getTargetTable.asInstanceOf[SqlIdentifier].toString.equals("console") &&
getTable("console").isEmpty) {
val source = flinkPlanner.validate(insert.getSource)
val queryResult = new Table(this, LogicalRelNode(flinkPlanner.rel(source).rel))
val schema = queryResult.getSchema
val printTableSink = new PrintTableSink(getConfig.getTimeZone).configure(
schema.getColumnNames, schema.getTypes.asInstanceOf[Array[DataType]])
writeToSink(queryResult, printTableSink, "console")
// validate the insert sql
val validated = flinkPlanner.validate(insert)
// transform to a relational tree
val relational:LogicalTableModify = flinkPlanner.rel(validated).rel
// get query result as Table
val queryResult = new Table(this, LogicalRelNode(relational.getInput(0)))
// get name of sink table
val targetTable = relational.getTable
// set emit configs
val emit = insert.getEmit
if (emit != null && this.isInstanceOf[StreamTableEnvironment]) {
if (emit.getBeforeDelayValue >= 0) {
if (emit.getAfterDelayValue >= 0) {
// insert query result into sink table
StringUtils.join(targetTable.getQualifiedName, ","))
case _ =>
throw new TableException(
"Unsupported SQL query! sqlUpdate() only accepts SQL statements of type INSERT.")
* Evaluates a SQL statement such as INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE; or a DDL statement;
* NOTE: Currently only SQL INSERT statements are supported.
* All tables referenced by the query must be registered in the TableEnvironment.
* A [[Table]] is automatically registered when its [[toString]] method is called, for example
* when it is embedded into a String.
* Hence, SQL queries can directly reference a [[Table]] as follows:
* {{{
* // register the table sink into which the result is inserted.
* tEnv.registerTableSink("sinkTable", fieldNames, fieldsTypes, tableSink)
* val sourceTable: Table = ...
* // sourceTable is not registered to the table environment
* tEnv.sqlUpdate(s"INSERT INTO sinkTable SELECT * FROM $sourceTable")
* }}}
* @param stmt The SQL statement to evaluate.
* @param config The [[QueryConfig]] to use.
def sqlUpdate(stmt: String, config: QueryConfig): Unit = {
* Writes a [[Table]] to a [[TableSink]].
* @param table The [[Table]] to write.
* @param sink The [[TableSink]] to write the [[Table]] to.
* @tparam T The data type that the [[TableSink]] expects.
private[table] def writeToSink[T](
table: Table,
sink: TableSink[T],
sinkName: String = null): Unit
* Triggers the program execution.
def execute(): JobExecutionResult = execute(DEFAULT_JOB_NAME)
* Triggers the program execution with jobName.
def execute(jobName: String): JobExecutionResult
* Writes the [[Table]] to a [[TableSink]] that was registered under the specified name.
* @param table The table to write to the TableSink.
* @param sinkTableName The name of the registered TableSink.
private[flink] def insertInto(table: Table, sinkTableName: String): Unit = {
// check that sink table exists
if (null == sinkTableName || sinkTableName.isEmpty) {
throw new TableException(TableErrors.INST.sqlInvalidSinkTblName())
if (!catalogManager.getDefaultCatalog()
.tableExists(new ObjectPath(catalogManager.getDefaultDatabaseName, sinkTableName))) {
throw new TableException(TableErrors.INST.sqlTableNotRegistered(sinkTableName))
val targetTable = getTable(sinkTableName).get
insertInto(table, targetTable, sinkTableName)
private def insertInto(
sourceTable: Table,
targetTable: schema.Table,
targetTableName: String) = {
val tableSink = targetTable match {
case s: CatalogCalciteTable => s.tableSink
case s: TableSinkTable[_] => s.tableSink
case s: TableSourceSinkTable[_] if s.tableSinkTable.isDefined =>
case _ =>
throw new TableException(TableErrors.INST.sqlNotTableSinkError(targetTableName))
// validate schema of source table and table sink
val srcFieldTypes = sourceTable.getSchema.getTypes
val sinkFieldTypes =
val srcFieldNames = sourceTable.getSchema.getColumnNames
val sinkFieldNames = tableSink.getFieldNames
val srcNameTypes =
val sinkNameTypes =
def typeMatch(t1: InternalType, t2: InternalType): Boolean = {
t1 == t2 ||
(t1.isInstanceOf[DateType] && t2.isInstanceOf[DateType]) ||
(t1.isInstanceOf[TimestampType] && t2.isInstanceOf[TimestampType])
if (srcFieldTypes.length != sinkFieldTypes.length) {
// format table and table sink schema strings
val srcSchema = srcNameTypes
.map { case (n, t) => s"$n: ${TypeUtils.getExternalClassForType(t)}" }
.mkString("[", ", ", "]")
val sinkSchema = sinkNameTypes
.map { case (n, t) => s"$n: ${TypeUtils.getExternalClassForType(t)}" }
.mkString("[", ", ", "]")
throw new ValidationException(
targetTableName, srcSchema, sinkSchema))
} else if (
.exists {
case (_: GenericType[_], _: GenericType[_]) => false
case (srcF, snkF) => !typeMatch(srcF, snkF)
) {
val diffNameTypes =
.filter {
case ((_, srcType), (_, sinkType)) => !typeMatch(srcType, sinkType)
val srcDiffMsg = diffNameTypes
.map { case (n, t) => s"$n: ${TypeUtils.getExternalClassForType(t)}" }
.mkString("[", ", ", "]")
val sinkDiffMsg = diffNameTypes
.map { case (n, t) => s"$n: ${TypeUtils.getExternalClassForType(t)}" }
.mkString("[", ", ", "]")
throw new ValidationException(
targetTableName, srcDiffMsg, sinkDiffMsg))
// emit the table to the configured table sink
writeToSink(sourceTable, tableSink, targetTableName)
* Registers a Calcite [[AbstractTable]] in the TableEnvironment's catalog.
* @param name The name under which the table will be registered.
* @param table The table to register in the catalog.
* @param replace Whether to replace the registered table.
* @throws TableException if another table is registered under the provided name.
protected def registerTableInternal(name: String,
table: AbstractTable,
replace: Boolean): Unit = {
if (replace) {
.dropTable(new ObjectPath(catalogManager.getDefaultDatabaseName, name), true)
new ObjectPath(catalogManager.getDefaultDatabaseName, name),
* Checks if the chosen table name is valid.
* @param name The table name to check.
protected def checkValidTableName(name: String): Unit = {}
* Close the table environment. This method will clean up the internal state and background
* services. Users should invoke this method if possible to avoid resource leak.
def close(): Unit = {
if (closed.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
/** Returns a unique temporary attribute name. */
private[flink] def createUniqueAttributeName(prefix: String): String = {
prefix + attrNameCntr.getAndIncrement()
/** Returns a unique temporary attribute name. */
private[flink] def createUniqueAttributeName(): String = {
"TMP_" + attrNameCntr.getAndIncrement()
/** Returns a unique table name according to the internal naming pattern. */
private[flink] def createUniqueTableName(): String = {
var res = tableNamePrefix + tableNameCntr.getAndIncrement()
while (getTable(res).nonEmpty) {
res = tableNamePrefix + tableNameCntr.getAndIncrement()
/** Returns the [[FlinkRelBuilder]] of this TableEnvironment. */
private[flink] def getRelBuilder: FlinkRelBuilder = {
/** Returns the Calcite [[org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptPlanner]] of this TableEnvironment. */
private[flink] def getPlanner: RelOptPlanner = {
/** Returns the [[FlinkTypeFactory]] of this TableEnvironment. */
private[flink] def getTypeFactory: FlinkTypeFactory = {
/** Returns the chained [[FunctionCatalog]]. */
private[flink] def getFunctionCatalog: FunctionCatalog = {
private def createFrameworkConfig: FrameworkConfig = {
// set the executor to evaluate constant expressions
.executor(new ExpressionReducer(config))
.context(FlinkChainContext.chain(Contexts.of(config), Contexts.of(chainedFunctionCatalog)))
/** Returns the Calcite [[FrameworkConfig]] of this TableEnvironment. */
private[flink] def getFrameworkConfig: FrameworkConfig = {
protected def createRelBuilder: FlinkRelBuilder = {
frameworkConfig, config, getTypeFactory, catalogManager = catalogManager)
private def createRelOptPlanner: RelOptPlanner = {
private def createFlinkPlanner: FlinkPlannerImpl = {
new FlinkPlannerImpl(
* Reference input fields by name:
* All fields in the schema definition are referenced by name
* (and possibly renamed using an alias (as). In this mode, fields can be reordered and
* projected out. Moreover, we can define proctime and rowtime attributes at arbitrary
* positions using arbitrary names (except those that exist in the result schema). This mode
* can be used for any input type, including POJOs.
* Reference input fields by position:
* In this mode, fields are simply renamed. Event-time attributes can
* replace the field on their position in the input data (if it is of correct type) or be
* appended at the end. Proctime attributes must be appended at the end. This mode can only be
* used if the input type has a defined field order (tuple, case class, Row) and no of fields
* references a field of the input type.
protected def isReferenceByPosition(ct: RowType, fields: Array[Expression]): Boolean = {
val inputNames = ct.getFieldNames
// Use the by-position mode if no of the fields exists in the input.
// This prevents confusing cases like ('f2, 'f0, 'myName) for a Tuple3 where fields are renamed
// by position but the user might assume reordering instead of renaming.
fields.forall {
case UnresolvedFieldReference(name) => !inputNames.contains(name)
case Alias(_, _, _) => false
case _ => true
* Returns field names and field positions for a given [[TypeInformation]].
* @param inputType The DataType extract the field names and positions from.
* @return A tuple of two arrays holding the field names and corresponding field positions.
protected[flink] def getFieldInfo(inputType: DataType):
(Array[String], Array[Int]) = {
(TableEnvironment.getFieldNames(inputType), TableEnvironment.getFieldIndices(inputType))
* Returns field names and field positions for a given [[TypeInformation]] and [[Array]] of
* [[Expression]]. It does not handle time attributes but considers them in indices.
* @param inputType The [[DataType]] against which the [[Expression]]s are evaluated.
* @param exprs The expressions that define the field names.
* @return A tuple of two arrays holding the field names and corresponding field positions.
protected[flink] def getFieldInfo[A](
inputType: DataType,
exprs: Array[Expression])
: (Array[String], Array[Int]) = {
def referenceByName(name: String, ct: RowType): Option[Int] = {
val inputIdx = ct.getFieldIndex(name)
if (inputIdx < 0) {
throw new TableException(s"$name is not a field of type $ct. " +
s"Expected: ${ct.getFieldNames.mkString(", ")}. " +
s"Make sure there is no field in physical data type referred " +
s"if you want to refer field by position.")
} else {
val indexedNames: Array[(Int, String)] = inputType.toInternalType match {
case t: RowType =>
val isRefByPos = isReferenceByPosition(t, exprs)
exprs.zipWithIndex flatMap {
case (UnresolvedFieldReference(name: String), idx) =>
if (isRefByPos) {
Some((idx, name))
} else {
referenceByName(name, t).map((_, name))
case (Alias(UnresolvedFieldReference(origName), name: String, _), _) =>
if (isRefByPos) {
throw new TableException(
s"Alias '$name' is not allowed if other fields are referenced by position.")
} else {
referenceByName(origName, t).map((_, name))
case (_: TimeAttribute, _) =>
case _ => throw new TableException(
"Field reference expression or alias on field expression expected.")
case _: InternalType => // atomic or other custom type information
var referenced = false
exprs flatMap {
case _: TimeAttribute =>
case UnresolvedFieldReference(_) if referenced =>
// only accept the first field for an atomic type
throw new TableException("Only the first field can reference an atomic type.")
case UnresolvedFieldReference(name: String) =>
referenced = true
// first field reference is mapped to atomic type
Some((0, name))
case _ => throw new TableException(
"Field reference expression expected.")
val (fieldIndexes, fieldNames) = indexedNames.unzip
if (fieldNames.contains("*")) {
throw new TableException("Field name can not be '*'.")
(fieldNames, fieldIndexes)
def setUserClassLoader(userClassLoader: ClassLoader): Unit = {
this.userClassloader = userClassLoader
* Object to instantiate a [[TableEnvironment]] depending on the batch or stream execution
* environment.
object TableEnvironment {
* The key for external catalog
val DEFAULT_SCHEMA: String = "hive"
* Returns a [[BatchTableEnvironment]] for a Java [[JavaStreamExecEnv]].
* @param executionEnvironment The Java batch ExecutionEnvironment.
def getBatchTableEnvironment(
executionEnvironment: JavaStreamExecEnv): JavaBatchTableEnvironment = {
new JavaBatchTableEnvironment(executionEnvironment, new TableConfig())
* Returns a [[BatchTableEnvironment]] for a Java [[JavaStreamExecEnv]] and a given
* [[TableConfig]].
* @param executionEnvironment The Java batch ExecutionEnvironment.
* @param tableConfig The TableConfig for the new TableEnvironment.
def getBatchTableEnvironment(
executionEnvironment: JavaStreamExecEnv,
tableConfig: TableConfig): JavaBatchTableEnvironment = {
new JavaBatchTableEnvironment(executionEnvironment, tableConfig)
* Returns a [[ScalaBatchTableEnvironment]] for a Scala stream [[ScalaStreamExecEnv]].
* @param executionEnvironment The Scala StreamExecutionEnvironment.
def getBatchTableEnvironment(
executionEnvironment: ScalaStreamExecEnv): ScalaBatchTableEnvironment = {
new ScalaBatchTableEnvironment(executionEnvironment, new TableConfig())
* Returns a [[ScalaBatchTableEnvironment]] for a Scala stream [[ScalaStreamExecEnv]].
* @param executionEnvironment The Scala StreamExecutionEnvironment.
* @param tableConfig The TableConfig for the new TableEnvironment.
def getBatchTableEnvironment(
executionEnvironment: ScalaStreamExecEnv,
tableConfig: TableConfig): ScalaBatchTableEnvironment = {
new ScalaBatchTableEnvironment(executionEnvironment, tableConfig)
* Returns a [[JavaStreamTableEnv]] for a Java [[JavaStreamExecEnv]].
* @param executionEnvironment The Java StreamExecutionEnvironment.
def getTableEnvironment(executionEnvironment: JavaStreamExecEnv): JavaStreamTableEnv = {
new JavaStreamTableEnv(executionEnvironment, new TableConfig())
* Returns a [[JavaStreamTableEnv]] for a Java [[JavaStreamExecEnv]] and a given [[TableConfig]].
* @param executionEnvironment The Java StreamExecutionEnvironment.
* @param tableConfig The TableConfig for the new TableEnvironment.
def getTableEnvironment(
executionEnvironment: JavaStreamExecEnv,
tableConfig: TableConfig): JavaStreamTableEnv = {
new JavaStreamTableEnv(executionEnvironment, tableConfig)
* Returns a [[ScalaStreamTableEnv]] for a Scala stream [[ScalaStreamExecEnv]].
* @param executionEnvironment The Scala StreamExecutionEnvironment.
def getTableEnvironment(executionEnvironment: ScalaStreamExecEnv): ScalaStreamTableEnv = {
new ScalaStreamTableEnv(executionEnvironment, new TableConfig())
* Returns a [[ScalaStreamTableEnv]] for a Scala stream [[ScalaStreamExecEnv]].
* @param executionEnvironment The Scala StreamExecutionEnvironment.
* @param tableConfig The TableConfig for the new TableEnvironment.
def getTableEnvironment(
executionEnvironment: ScalaStreamExecEnv,
tableConfig: TableConfig): ScalaStreamTableEnv = {
new ScalaStreamTableEnv(executionEnvironment, tableConfig)
* Validate if class represented by the typeInfo is static and globally accessible
* @param t type to check
* @throws TableException if type does not meet these criteria
def validateType(t: DataType): Unit = {
val clazz = TypeUtils.getExternalClassForType(t)
if ((clazz.isMemberClass && !Modifier.isStatic(clazz.getModifiers)) ||
!Modifier.isPublic(clazz.getModifiers) ||
clazz.getCanonicalName == null) {
throw new TableException(s"Class '$clazz' described in type information '$t' must be " +
s"static and globally accessible.")
* Return rowType of tableSink. [[UpsertStreamTableSink]] and [[RetractStreamTableSink]] should
* return recordType, others return outputType.
* @param tableSink
* @tparam A
* @return
def getRowTypeForTableSink[A](tableSink: TableSink[A]): DataType = {
tableSink match {
case u: UpsertStreamTableSink[A] => u.getRecordType
case r: RetractStreamTableSink[A] => r.getRecordType
case _ => tableSink.getOutputType
* Returns field names for a given [[TypeInformation]].
* @param inputType The DataType extract the field names.
* @return An array holding the field names
def getFieldNames(inputType: DataType): Array[String] = {
val fieldNames: Array[String] = inputType.toInternalType match {
case t: RowType => t.getFieldNames
case _: InternalType => Array("f0")
if (fieldNames.contains("*")) {
throw new TableException("Field name can not be '*'.")
* Returns field indexes for a given [[TypeInformation]].
* @param inputType The DataType extract the field positions from.
* @return An array holding the field positions
def getFieldIndices(inputType: DataType): Array[Int] = {
* Returns field types for a given [[TypeInformation]].
* @param inputType The DataType to extract field types from.
* @return An array holding the field types.
def getFieldTypes(inputType: DataType): Array[InternalType] = {
inputType.toInternalType match {
case ct: RowType =>
0.until(ct.getArity).map(i => ct.getInternalTypeAt(i).toInternalType).toArray
case t: InternalType => Array(t)