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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.flink.table.errorcode;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
* error codes in flink table, and associated methods for call in corresponding scenario
* Please note that a proxy instances is created for unnamed
* class implementing this interface as static members in Class 'TableErrors'.
* <p>error codes have such elements as: code, cause, details and action.
* For example:
* SQL_001
* cause: mismatched field(s)
* details: mismatched field [b: String] and [b1: Int]
* action: re-check sql grammar
* <p>When adding new error code, please follow below steps:
* 1. check existing error codes to see if there's already some that can cover the error
* scenario that you specify.
* 2. If no existing code can meet your case, you can freely add one following
* these rules:
* I. code format is:
* [module short name] - [eight digit numbers]
* <p>module short name is module name and up to now includes SQL, CLI, PAR, CON,
* But here in this file, only SQL is used as module short name, as long as this file
* is for table/sql api module.
* <p>In the scope of table/SQL module, eight digit numbers shall have such format:
* xx - xx - xxxx
* [phase] [semantic classification] [specific error]
* <p>Take an union error as a example (SQL-00060001):
* 00 - 06 - 0001
* QC(query compile phase) union specific error
* <p>Up to now, list of the first two parts:
* phase includes:
* 00: QC - query compile
* 01: QO - query optimization
* 02: QE - query execution
* semantic classification includes:
* 00: others - non-classified parts
* 01: table - table related handling (table is the concept in table env)
* 02: view - view related handling
* 03: group
* 04: over
* 05: join
* 06: union
* 07: sort
* 08: topn
* 09: retraction
* 10: build-in func
* 11: udx
* 12: calcite - reclassified errors thrown by calcite
* <p>---------------------- !!!NOTE!!! ----------------------
* 1. When adding new error code, you shall always add it to the tail in
* the section you choose. Take the example of union, existing errors in
* this section is 3, and when you add a new one, you shall pick
* "SQL-00060004" as its error code.
* 2. When some existing error code becomes obsolete because of code changes
* or other reason, DO NOT delete it here, JUST MARK IT WITH comment such as
* "obsoleted".
* II. you need to declare a function associated with this error code that can
* be called by developer when throwing exceptions.
* function name shall bear meaning in accordance with the error code's scenario.
* All these function's implementations are similar and logic are in
* invoke() specified in proxy inst creating method in Class "ErrorFactory".
* <p>For example, assuming the exiting error codes for section union in table/sql api module
* is from SQL-00060001 to SQL-000600003, and you need to add a new one after
* figuring out that no existing code meets your requirement.
* And a new error code is added like this:
* \@ErrCode (
* codeId="SQL-00060004",
* cause="Union All: NPE exception",
* details="npe when invoking method '...', method param is...",
* action="ask developer to check code logic"
* )
* String sqlUnionNpeError();
* error code in other module shall follow the same rule and is added in their err code
* definition interface respectively.
* <p>declared functions are integral parts of error code definitions.
* They shall be called by developer in error-occurring scenario, and return type is
* String, which is used by exception as error messages.
* A typical usage is like:
* ...
* throw new InvalidParameterException(sqlNpeErrorExample());
* <p>NOTE:
* a. Each module has their error code definition interface respectively.
* And as for now, module names include:
* SQL -- table/sql api,
* CLI -- blink job launcher,
* PAR -- blink sql parser
* (common parser logic, mainly for implementing additional DDL logic
* and is used by table/sql api),
* RUN -- runtime,
* STB -- state backend,
* CON -- connector
* b. error cause shall be brief and to the point.
* error detail message shall be more detailed and precise
* error action message shall be helpful. If none, just leave it blank.
* If too much to write it here, just leave a link to [url] where you can freely
* fill in detailed help message.
* c. Associated function for call by developers can have parameters when needed.
public interface TableErrorCode {
* err code id, cause, detailed message and action.
@interface ErrCode {
String codeId();
String cause();
String details();
String action();
/* ################################### QC ################################### */
/** ----------------------------- others ----------------------------- .**/
codeId = "SQL-00000001",
cause = "No output table have been created yet. " +
"A program needs at least one output table that consumes data.",
details = "",
action = "Please create output table(s) for your program"
String sqlCompileNoSinkTblError();
codeId = "SQL-00000002",
cause = "Internal error #1 in sql compile",
details = "SinkNode required here",
action = "Normally, this happens unlikely. Please contact customer support for this."
String sqlCompileSinkNodeRequired();
codeId = "SQL-00000003",
cause = "There are both Distinct AggCall and Approximate Distinct AggCall \n" +
"in one sql statement, it is not supported yet.",
details = "",
action = "Please choose one of them."
String sqlDistinctConflict();
/** ----------------------------- table ----------------------------- .**/
codeId = "SQL-00010001",
cause = "Name of target table must not be null or empty.",
details = "Name of TableSink must not be null or empty.",
action = "re-check target table definition in your sql"
String sqlInvalidSinkTblName();
codeId = "SQL-00010002",
cause = "{0} Not a state table.",
details = "",
action = "This happens unlikely. Please contact customer support for this."
String sqlNotStateTableError(String name);
codeId = "SQL-00010003",
cause = "No table was registered under the name {0}",
details = "",
action = "Please confirm if the table with that name is defined already.\n" +
"Normally, this is mostly caused by typo.\n" +
"If need more help, please contact customer support."
String sqlTableNotRegistered(String tableName);
codeId = "SQL-00010004",
cause = "The table registered as {0} is not a TableSink." +
"You can only emit query results to a registered TableSink.",
details = "",
action = "This happens unlikely. Please contact customer support for this."
String sqlNotTableSinkError(String tableName);
codeId = "SQL-00010005",
cause = "Insert into: Query result and target table ''{0}'' field length not match:\n" +
"Query Result: {1}\n" +
"Target Table: {2}",
details = "",
action = "Please make sure the field count of the query result is the same with " +
"the target table"
String sqlInsertIntoMismatchedFieldLen(String sinkName, String types1, String types2);
codeId = "SQL-00010006",
cause = "Insert into: Query result and target table ''{0}'' field type(s) not match.\n" +
"Query Result diff fields: {1}\n" +
"Target Table diff fields: {2}",
details = "",
action = "Please make sure the field type(s) of the query result is the same with " +
"the target table"
String sqlInsertIntoMismatchedFieldTypes(String sinkName, String types1, String types2);
codeId = "SQL-00010007",
cause = "Could not create table ''{0}'' as source table",
details = "{1}",
action = "Please refer to details section for hint.\n" +
"If it doesn't help, please contact customer support"
String sqlRegisterTableErrorAsSource(String tableName, String cause);
codeId = "SQL-00010008",
cause = "Could not create table ''{0}'' as target table",
details = "{1}",
action = "Please refer to details section for hint.\n" +
"If it doesn't help, please contact customer support"
String sqlRegisterTableErrorAsSink(String tableName, String cause);
codeId = "SQL-00010009",
cause = "Could not create table ''{0}'' as dim table",
details = "{1}",
action = "Please refer to details section for hint.\n" +
"If it doesn't help, please contact customer support"
String sqlRegisterTableErrorAsDim(String tableName, String cause);
codeId = "SQL-00010010",
cause = "Failed to create schema for table ''{0}'':\n" +
"{1} table does not support WATERMARK and PROCTIME().",
details = "",
action = "Please double check the sql statement and remove watermark definition from " +
"table definition."
String sqlTableTypeNotSupportWaterMark(String tableName, String tableType);
codeId = "SQL-00010011",
cause = "Failed to create schema for table ''{0}'':\n" +
"{1} table do not support computed column.",
details = "",
action = "please double check the sql statement and remove computed column definition " +
"from the table definition."
String sqlTableTypeNotSupportComputedCol(String tableName, String tableType);
codeId = "SQL-00010012",
cause = "Table ''{0}'' Column ''{1}'': Unsupported column type: ''{2}''",
details = "",
action = "Please refer to the blink user manual for the currently supported column types"
String sqlUnSupportedColumnType(String tableName, String colName, String colType);
/** ----------------------------- view ----------------------------- .**/
codeId = "SQL-00020001",
cause = "Failed to register view ''{0}'' because " +
"registering view table to environment failed.",
details = "",
action = "Normally this happens unlikely. Please contact customer support for this"
String sqlRegisterViewErrorDueToViewTblRegExp(String viewName);
codeId = "SQL-00020002",
cause = "View ''{0}'' definition and input fields not match!\n" +
"Def Fields: {1}\n" +
"Input Fields: {2}",
details = "",
action = "Please re-check create view statement."
String sqlRegisterViewErrorFieldsMismatch(String viewName, String fields1, String fields2);
/** ----------------------------- group ----------------------------- .**/
codeId = "SQL-00030001",
cause = "Group Window Agg: Retraction on windowed GroupBy aggregation is not supported yet. ",
details = "",
action = "please re-check sql grammar. \n" +
"Note: Windowed GroupBy aggregation should not follow a" +
"non-windowed GroupBy aggregation."
String sqlGroupWindowAggTranslateRetractNotSupported();
codeId = "SQL-00030002",
cause = "Group Window Agg: Time attribute could not be found.",
details = "",
action = "Time attribute could not be found. This is a bug.\n" +
"please contact customer support for this"
String sqlGroupWindowAggTranslateTimeAttrNotFound();
codeId = "SQL-00030003",
cause = "{0} aggregate function does not support type: ''{1}''.",
details = "",
action = "Please re-check the data type."
String sqlAggFunctionDataTypeNotSupported(String function, String dataType);
/** ----------------------------- over ----------------------------- .**/
codeId = "SQL-00040001",
cause = "Over Agg: Unsupported use of OVER windows. {0}",
details = "",
action = "please re-check the over window statement"
String sqlOverAggInvalidUseOfOverWindow(String subCase);
codeId = "SQL-00040002",
cause = "Over Agg: The window rank function without order by.",
details = "",
action = "please re-check the over window statement"
String sqlOverRankWithoutOrderByInvalid();
/** ----------------------------- join ----------------------------- .**/
codeId = "SQL-00050001",
cause = "Joins should have at least one equality condition.\n" +
details = "",
action = "please re-check the join statement and make sure there's " +
"equality condition for join."
String sqlJoinEqualConditionNotFound(String more);
codeId = "SQL-00050002",
cause = "Join[type: {0}] requires an equality condition on table's key field.",
details = "",
action = "please re-check the join statement and make sure there's " +
"equality condition on table's key field."
String sqlJoinRequireEqCondOnKey(String type);
codeId = "SQL-00050003",
cause = "Dimension table require to define an primary key or unique key or index.",
details = "",
action = "please re-check your dim table definition and make sure there's " +
"primary or unique key or index defined."
String sqlDimTableRequiresIndex();
codeId = "SQL-00050004",
cause = "Join: Equality join predicate on incompatible types. " +
details = "",
action = "please re-check the join statement."
String sqlJoinEqualJoinOnIncompatibleTypes(String more);
codeId = "SQL-00050005",
cause = "Join[type: {0}] only support LEFT JOIN or INNER JOIN, but was {1}",
details = "",
action = "please re-check your join statement."
String sqlJoinTypeNotSupported(String type, String joinType);
codeId = "SQL-00050006",
cause = "Stream to table join only support Row type returned dimension table, " +
"but was {0}",
details = "",
action = "please modify your dim table definition accordingly."
String sqlStreamToTblJoinDimTypeNotSupported(String type);
codeId = "SQL-00050007",
cause = "{0}",
details = "",
action = "please modify your temporal table definition accordingly."
String sqlJoinTemporalTableError(String more);
codeId = "SQL-00050008",
cause = "Join Internal Error: {0}",
details = "",
action = "Normally, this happens unlikely. please contact customer support for this"
String sqlJoinInternalError(String moreInfo);
codeId = "SQL-00050009",
cause = "Window Join: Windowed stream join does not support updates.",
details = "",
action = "please re-check window join statement according to description above"
String sqlWindowJoinUpdateNotSupported();
codeId = "SQL-00050010",
cause = "Window Join: RowTime inner join between stream and stream is not supported yet.",
details = "",
action = "please re-check window join statement according to description above"
String sqlWindowJoinRowTimeInnerJoinBetweenStreamNotSupported();
codeId = "SQL-00050011",
cause = "Window Join: {0} between stream and stream is not supported yet.",
details = "",
action = "please re-check window join statement according to description above"
String sqlWindowJoinBetweenStreamNotSupported(String joinType);
codeId = "SQL-00050012",
cause = "Join Dimension table requires an equality condition on ALL of table's " +
"primary key(s) or unique key(s) or index field(s).",
details = "",
action = "please re-check the join statement and make sure there's equality condition on table's index field."
String sqlDimJoinRequireEqCondOnIndex();
/** ----------------------------- union ----------------------------- .**/
codeId = "SQL-00060001",
cause = "Union All: Cannot union streams of different type length.\n" +
"First: {0}\n" +
"Mismatch: {1}\n",
details = "",
action = "please re-check union all statement according to the description above"
String sqlUnionAllFieldsCntMismatch(String firstFields, String mismatchFields);
codeId = "SQL-00060002",
cause = "Union All: Cannot union streams of different type(s).\n" +
"First different type(s): {0}\n" +
"Mismatch different type(s): {1}\n",
details = "",
action = "please re-check union all statement according to the description above"
String sqlUnionAllFieldsTypeMismatch(String firstDiff, String mismatchDiff);
/** ----------------------------- sort ----------------------------- .**/
codeId = "SQL-00070001",
cause = "Sort: Primary sort order of a streaming table must be ascending on time.",
details = "",
action = "please re-check sort statement according to the description above"
String sqlSortOrderError();
codeId = "SQL-00070002",
cause = "Sort: Streaming tables do not support sort with offset and fetch.",
details = "",
action = "please re-check sql grammar"
String sqlSortOffsetAndFetchNotSupported();
codeId = "SQL-00070003",
cause = "Sort: Streaming tables do not support sort with offset.",
details = "",
action = "please re-check sort statement according to the description above"
String sqlSortOffsetNotSupported();
codeId = "SQL-00070004",
cause = "Sort: Streaming tables do not support sort with fetch.",
details = "",
action = "please re-check sort statement according to the description above"
String sqlSortFetchNotSupported();
codeId = "SQL-00070005",
cause = "Sort: Internal Error",
details = "",
action = "Normally, this happens unlikely. please contact customer support for this"
String sqlSortInternalError();
/** ----------------------------- topn ----------------------------- .**/
/** ----------------------------- retraction ----------------------------- .**/
/** ----------------------------- build-in func ----------------------------- .**/
codeId = "SQL-00100001",
cause = "{1} param error: {0}",
details = "",
action = "Please re-check param type(s) of the mentioned operator"
String sqlCodeGenOperatorParamError(String cause, String opName);
codeId = "SQL-00100002",
cause = "Unsupported call: {0}",
details = "",
action = "This indicates that there's build-in function usage in sql statement that is, " +
"however, unsupported now.\n" +
"In some scenarios, this is caused by TYPO errors.\n" +
"In other cases, If you think this function should be supported, " +
"you can create an issue and start a discussion for it."
String sqlCodeGenUnsupportedCall(String opName);
codeId = "SQL-00100003",
cause = "Unsupported call: {0}",
details = "",
action = "This call is unsupported now.\n" +
"In some cases, if you were sure the function name is correct, " +
"this is often caused by unmatched parameter(s)\n" +
"In other cases, If you think this function should be supported, " +
"you can create an issue and start a discussion for it."
String sqlCodeGenUnsupportedScalaFunc(String func);
codeId = "SQL-00100004",
cause = "Expect an array or a map.",
details = "",
action = "This indicates that Array or Map is expected " +
"but not present in your sql statement."
String sqlCodeGenItemOperatorError();
/** ----------------------------- udx ----------------------------- .**/
codeId = "SQL-00110001",
cause = "creating user defined function fails, functionName = {0}, className = {1}\n" +
details = "",
action = "Normally, this is caused by not uploading and/or referring\n" +
"jar file containing udf definitions. Please double check your job resource"
String sqlCreateUserDefinedFuncError(String funcName, String clsName, String moreInfo);
codeId = "SQL-00110002",
cause = "registering user defined function failed, functionName = {0}, className = {1}\n" +
details = "",
action = "Normally, this is caused by not implementing\n" +
"udf correctly. Please double check your udf code"
String sqlRegisterUserDefinedFuncError(String funcName, String clsName, String moreInfo);
codeId = "SQL-00111000",
cause = "Can't start python process and connect to it.\n",
details = "{0}",
action = "Normally, this is caused by not uploading and/or referring\n" +
"python zip file containing udf definitions. Please double check your job resource"
String sqlPythonProcessError(String errMessage);
codeId = "SQL-00111001",
cause = "Can't create socket and connect to python process.\n",
details = "{0}",
action = "Normally, this is caused by python process which was killed."
String sqlPythonCreateSocketError(String errMessage);
codeId = "SQL-00111002",
cause = "Can't connect to Python process now for UDF {0} {1}\n",
details = "{2}",
action = "Normally, it was caused by an exception or the socket or python process" +
"was closed."
String sqlPythonUDFSocketIOError(String funName, String pyModule, String pyErr);
codeId = "SQL-00111003",
cause = "Error was raised in python UDF {0} {1}: \n" ,
details = "{2}",
action = "Normally, it was caused by python UDF error, " +
"please double check your python code"
String sqlPythonUDFRunTimeError(String funName, String pyModule, String pyErr);
/** ----------------------------- calcite ----------------------------- .**/
codeId = "SQL-00120001",
cause = "{0}",
details = "",
action = "Please see descriptions above. " +
"If it doesn't help, please contact customer support for this."
String sqlUnclassifiedExpByCalcite(String cause);
codeId = "SQL-00120002",
cause = "{0}",
details = "",
action = "Might use undefined column(s) in sql statement? Please double-check relevant " +
"table definitions"
String sqlColumnNotFoundByCalcite(String cause);
codeId = "SQL-00120003",
cause = "{0}",
details = "",
action = "Might refer undefined table(s) in sql statement? " +
"Please make sure table(s) in question are already defined."
String sqlTableNotFoundByCalcite(String cause);
codeId = "SQL-00120004",
cause = "{0}",
details = "",
action = "It indicates that there's unidentified item in your sql statement. " +
"Might be TYPO, might be other stuff that's not defined or supported. \n" +
"Anyway, please double-check sql statement following hints given above"
String sqlObjNotFoundByCalcite(String cause);
codeId = "SQL-00120005",
cause = "{0}",
details = "",
action = "It indicates there exists unknown identifier in sql statement. " +
"Might be TYPO, or undefined item, or unsupported semantic. \n" +
"Anyway, please double-check sql statement following hints given above"
String sqlUnknownIdentifierByCalcite(String cause);
codeId = "SQL-00120006",
cause = "{0}",
details = "",
action = "Please re-check your sql statement as well as function definition and " +
"make sure argument number are the same in actual call and definition"
String sqlArgNumberInvalidByCalcite(String cause);
codeId = "SQL-00120007",
cause = "{0}",
details = "",
action = "Please re-check your sql statement as well as function definition and " +
"make sure argument type(s) are the same in actual call and definition"
String sqlArgTypeInvalidByCalcite(String cause);
codeId = "SQL-00120008",
cause = "{0}",
details = "",
action = "Please re-check your sql statement as well as function definition and " +
"make sure function parameters are the same in actual call and definition"
String sqlFuncSignatureNoMatchByCalcite(String cause);
codeId = "SQL-00120009",
cause = "{0}",
details = "",
action = "Please re-check sql statement according to the description above"
String sqlExprNotGroundedByCalcite(String cause);
codeId = "SQL-00120010",
cause = "{0}",
details = "",
action = "It indicates your sql statement contains no query expression. \n" +
"A valid sql for Blink Job must contains query expression."
String sqlNonQueryExprByCalcite(String cause);
codeId = "SQL-00120011",
cause = "{0}",
details = "",
action = "It indicates null is used in places that doesn't allow it to appear in " +
"your sql statement"
String sqlIllegalUseOfNullByCalcite(String cause);
codeId = "SQL-00120012",
cause = "{0}",
details = "",
action = "Might indicates unsupported dataType is present in your table definition. " +
"Please note that it might also be caused by TYPO."
String sqlUnknownDataTypeByCalcite(String cause);
/* ################################### QO ################################### */
/** ----------------------------- others ----------------------------- .**/
codeId = "SQL-01000001",
cause = "Sql optimization: Cannot generate a valid execution plan for the given" +
" query: \n {0} \n",
details = "{1}",
action = "Please check the documentation for the set of currently supported SQL features"
String sqlVolcanoOptimizeError(String query, String moreInfo);
codeId = "SQL-01000002",
cause = "Sql optimization: Cannot generate a valid execution plan for the given" +
" query: \n {0} \n This exception indicates that the query uses an unsupported SQL feature.",
details = "{1}",
action = "Please check the documentation for the set of currently supported SQL features"
String sqlVolcanoOptimizeUnsupportedSQLFeature(String query, String moreInfo);
codeId = "SQL-01000003",
cause = "sql optimization: Assertion error",
details = "{0}",
action = "please contact customer support for this"
String sqlVolcanoOptimizeAssertionExp(String moreInfo);
/* ################################### QE ################################### */
/** ----------------------------- others ----------------------------- .**/
/** ----------------------------- table ----------------------------- .**/
/** ----------------------------- view ----------------------------- .**/
/** ----------------------------- group ----------------------------- .**/
codeId = "SQL-02030001",
cause = "{0} aggregate execution does not support type: ''{1}''.",
details = "",
action = "Please re-check the data type."
String sqlAggExecDataTypeNotSupported(String function, String dataType);