blob: 9005c38a889d5d3847f7775d5af45b087f9f99d9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import datetime
import decimal
import pickle
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import List
import cloudpickle
from pyflink.common import Row, RowKind
from pyflink.common.time import Instant
from pyflink.datastream.window import TimeWindow, CountWindow
from pyflink.fn_execution.ResettableIO import ResettableIO
from pyflink.fn_execution.stream_slow import InputStream, OutputStream
from pyflink.table.utils import pandas_to_arrow, arrow_to_pandas
class LengthPrefixBaseCoderImpl(ABC):
LengthPrefixBaseCoder will be used in Operations and other coders will be the field coder of
def __init__(self, field_coder: 'FieldCoderImpl'):
self._field_coder = field_coder
self._data_out_stream = OutputStream()
def _write_data_to_output_stream(self, out_stream: OutputStream):
class FieldCoderImpl(ABC):
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out_stream: OutputStream):
Encodes `value` to the output stream.
:param value: The output data
:param out_stream: Output Stream
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream: InputStream, length: int = 0):
Decodes data from the input stream.
:param in_stream: Input Stream
:param length: The `length` size data of input stream will be decoded. The default value is
0 which means the coder won't take use of the length to decode the data from input stream.
:return: The decoded Data.
def encode(self, value):
out = OutputStream()
self.encode_to_stream(value, out)
return out.get()
def decode(self, encoded):
return self.decode_from_stream(InputStream(encoded), len(encoded))
class IterableCoderImpl(LengthPrefixBaseCoderImpl):
Encodes iterable data to output stream. The output mode will decide whether write a special end
message 0x00 to output stream after encoding data.
def __init__(self, field_coder: 'FieldCoderImpl', separated_with_end_message: bool):
super(IterableCoderImpl, self).__init__(field_coder)
self._separated_with_end_message = separated_with_end_message
def encode_to_stream(self, value: List, out_stream: OutputStream):
if value:
for item in value:
self._field_coder.encode_to_stream(item, self._data_out_stream)
# write end message
if self._separated_with_end_message:
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream: InputStream):
while in_stream.size() > 0:
yield self._field_coder.decode_from_stream(in_stream, in_stream.read_var_int64())
class ValueCoderImpl(LengthPrefixBaseCoderImpl):
Encodes a single data to output stream.
def __init__(self, field_coder: 'FieldCoderImpl'):
super(ValueCoderImpl, self).__init__(field_coder)
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out_stream: OutputStream):
self._field_coder.encode_to_stream(value, self._data_out_stream)
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream: InputStream):
return self._field_coder.decode_from_stream(in_stream, in_stream.read_var_int64())
class MaskUtils:
A util class used to encode mask value.
def __init__(self, field_count):
self._field_count = field_count
# the row kind uses the first 2 bits of the bitmap, the remaining bits are used for null
# mask, for more details refer to:
self._leading_complete_bytes_num = (self._field_count + ROW_KIND_BIT_SIZE) // 8
self._remaining_bits_num = (self._field_count + ROW_KIND_BIT_SIZE) % 8
self.null_mask_search_table = self.generate_null_mask_search_table()
self.null_byte_search_table = (0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01)
self.row_kind_search_table = [0x00, 0x80, 0x40, 0xC0]
def generate_null_mask_search_table():
Each bit of one byte represents if the column at the corresponding position is None or not,
e.g. 0x84 represents the first column and the sixth column are None.
null_mask = []
for b in range(256):
every_num_null_mask = [(b & 0x80) > 0, (b & 0x40) > 0, (b & 0x20) > 0, (b & 0x10) > 0,
(b & 0x08) > 0, (b & 0x04) > 0, (b & 0x02) > 0, (b & 0x01) > 0]
return tuple(null_mask)
def write_mask(self, value, row_kind_value, out_stream: OutputStream):
field_pos = 0
null_byte_search_table = self.null_byte_search_table
remaining_bits_num = self._remaining_bits_num
# first byte contains the row kind bits
b = self.row_kind_search_table[row_kind_value]
for i in range(0, 8 - ROW_KIND_BIT_SIZE):
if field_pos + i < len(value) and value[field_pos + i] is None:
b |= null_byte_search_table[i + ROW_KIND_BIT_SIZE]
field_pos += 8 - ROW_KIND_BIT_SIZE
for _ in range(1, self._leading_complete_bytes_num):
b = 0x00
for i in range(0, 8):
if value[field_pos + i] is None:
b |= null_byte_search_table[i]
field_pos += 8
if self._leading_complete_bytes_num >= 1 and remaining_bits_num:
b = 0x00
for i in range(remaining_bits_num):
if value[field_pos + i] is None:
b |= null_byte_search_table[i]
def read_mask(self, in_stream: InputStream):
mask = []
mask_search_table = self.null_mask_search_table
remaining_bits_num = self._remaining_bits_num
for _ in range(self._leading_complete_bytes_num):
b = in_stream.read_byte()
if remaining_bits_num:
b = in_stream.read_byte()
return mask
class FlattenRowCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for flatten row (List) object (without field names and row kind value is 0).
def __init__(self, field_coders: List[FieldCoderImpl]):
self._field_coders = field_coders
self._field_count = len(field_coders)
self._mask_utils = MaskUtils(self._field_count)
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out_stream: OutputStream):
if not isinstance(value, List):
raise TypeError('Expected list, got {0}'.format(type(value)))
# encode mask value
self._mask_utils.write_mask(value, 0, out_stream)
# encode every field value
for i in range(self._field_count):
item = value[i]
if item is not None:
self._field_coders[i].encode_to_stream(item, out_stream)
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream: InputStream, length: int = 0):
row_kind_and_null_mask = self._mask_utils.read_mask(in_stream)
return [None if row_kind_and_null_mask[idx + ROW_KIND_BIT_SIZE] else
for idx in range(0, self._field_count)]
def __repr__(self):
return 'FlattenRowCoderImpl[%s]' % ', '.join(str(c) for c in self._field_coders)
class RowCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for `Row` object.
def __init__(self, field_coders, field_names):
self._field_coders = field_coders
self._field_count = len(field_coders)
self._field_names = field_names
self._mask_utils = MaskUtils(self._field_count)
def encode_to_stream(self, value: Row, out_stream: OutputStream):
# encode mask value
values = value.get_fields_by_names(self._field_names)
self._mask_utils.write_mask(values, value.get_row_kind().value, out_stream)
# encode every field value
for i in range(self._field_count):
item = values[i]
if item is not None:
self._field_coders[i].encode_to_stream(item, out_stream)
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream: InputStream, length=0) -> Row:
row_kind_and_null_mask = self._mask_utils.read_mask(in_stream)
fields = [None if row_kind_and_null_mask[idx + ROW_KIND_BIT_SIZE] else
for idx in range(0, self._field_count)]
# compute the row_kind value
row_kind_value = 0
for i in range(ROW_KIND_BIT_SIZE):
row_kind_value += int(row_kind_and_null_mask[i]) * 2 ** i
row = Row(*fields)
return row
def __repr__(self):
return 'RowCoderImpl[%s, %s]' % \
(', '.join(str(c) for c in self._field_coders), self._field_names)
class ArrowCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for arrow format data.
def __init__(self, schema, row_type, timezone):
self._schema = schema
self._field_types = row_type.field_types()
self._timezone = timezone
self._resettable_io = ResettableIO()
self._batch_reader = ArrowCoderImpl._load_from_stream(self._resettable_io)
def encode_to_stream(self, cols, out_stream: OutputStream):
import pyarrow as pa
batch_writer = pa.RecordBatchStreamWriter(self._resettable_io, self._schema)
pandas_to_arrow(self._schema, self._timezone, self._field_types, cols))
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream: InputStream, length=0):
return self.decode_one_batch_from_stream(in_stream, length)
def decode_one_batch_from_stream(self, in_stream: InputStream, size: int) -> List:
# there is only one arrow batch in the underlying input stream
return arrow_to_pandas(self._timezone, self._field_types, [next(self._batch_reader)])
def _load_from_stream(stream):
import pyarrow as pa
while stream.readable():
reader = pa.ipc.open_stream(stream)
yield reader.read_next_batch()
def __repr__(self):
return 'ArrowCoderImpl[%s]' % self._schema
class OverWindowArrowCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for over window with arrow format data.
The data structure: [window data][arrow format data].
def __init__(self, arrow_coder_impl: ArrowCoderImpl):
self._arrow_coder = arrow_coder_impl
self._int_coder = IntCoderImpl()
def encode_to_stream(self, cols, out_stream: OutputStream):
self._arrow_coder.encode_to_stream(cols, out_stream)
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream: InputStream, length=0):
window_num = self._int_coder.decode_from_stream(in_stream)
length -= 4
window_boundaries_and_arrow_data = []
for _ in range(window_num):
window_size = self._int_coder.decode_from_stream(in_stream)
length -= 4
for _ in range(window_size)])
length -= 4 * window_size
self._arrow_coder.decode_one_batch_from_stream(in_stream, length))
return window_boundaries_and_arrow_data
def __repr__(self):
return 'OverWindowArrowCoderImpl[%s]' % self._arrow_coder
class TinyIntCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for tiny int value (from -128 to 127).
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out_stream: OutputStream):
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream: InputStream, length=0):
return in_stream.read_int8()
class SmallIntCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for small int value (from -32,768 to 32,767).
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out_stream: OutputStream):
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream: InputStream, length=0):
return in_stream.read_int16()
class IntCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for int value (from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647).
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out_stream: OutputStream):
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream: InputStream, length=0):
return in_stream.read_int32()
class BigIntCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for big int value (from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807).
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out_stream: OutputStream):
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream: InputStream, length=0):
return in_stream.read_int64()
class BooleanCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for a boolean value.
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out_stream: OutputStream):
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream: InputStream, length=0):
return not not in_stream.read_byte()
class FloatCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for a float value (4-byte single precision floating point number).
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out_stream: OutputStream):
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream: InputStream, length=0):
return in_stream.read_float()
class DoubleCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for a double value (8-byte double precision floating point number).
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out_stream: OutputStream):
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream: InputStream, length=0):
return in_stream.read_double()
class BinaryCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for a bytes value.
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out_stream: OutputStream):
out_stream.write_bytes(value, len(value))
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream: InputStream, length=0):
return in_stream.read_bytes()
class CharCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for a str value.
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out_stream: OutputStream):
bytes_value = value.encode("utf-8")
out_stream.write_bytes(bytes_value, len(bytes_value))
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream: InputStream, length=0):
return in_stream.read_bytes().decode("utf-8")
class DecimalCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for a decimal value (with fixed precision and scale).
def __init__(self, precision, scale):
self.context = decimal.Context(prec=precision)
self.scale_format = decimal.Decimal(10) ** -scale
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out_stream: OutputStream):
user_context = decimal.getcontext()
value = value.quantize(self.scale_format)
bytes_value = str(value).encode("utf-8")
out_stream.write_bytes(bytes_value, len(bytes_value))
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream: InputStream, length=0):
user_context = decimal.getcontext()
value = decimal.Decimal(in_stream.read_bytes().decode("utf-8")).quantize(self.scale_format)
return value
class BigDecimalCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for a big decimal value (without fixed precision and scale).
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out_stream: OutputStream):
bytes_value = str(value).encode("utf-8")
out_stream.write_bytes(bytes_value, len(bytes_value))
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream: InputStream, length=0):
return decimal.Decimal(in_stream.read_bytes().decode("utf-8"))
class DateCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for a value.
EPOCH_ORDINAL = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1).toordinal()
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out_stream: OutputStream):
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream: InputStream, length=0):
value = in_stream.read_int32()
return self.internal_to_date(value)
def date_to_internal(self, d):
return d.toordinal() - self.EPOCH_ORDINAL
def internal_to_date(self, v):
return + self.EPOCH_ORDINAL)
class TimeCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for a datetime.time value.
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out_stream: OutputStream):
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream: InputStream, length=0):
value = in_stream.read_int32()
return self.internal_to_time(value)
def time_to_internal(t):
milliseconds = (t.hour * 3600000
+ t.minute * 60000
+ t.second * 1000
+ t.microsecond // 1000)
return milliseconds
def internal_to_time(v):
seconds, milliseconds = divmod(v, 1000)
minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60)
hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60)
return datetime.time(hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds * 1000)
class TimestampCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for a datetime.datetime value.
def __init__(self, precision):
self.precision = precision
def is_compact(self):
return self.precision <= 3
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out_stream: OutputStream):
milliseconds, nanoseconds = self.timestamp_to_internal(value)
if self.is_compact():
assert nanoseconds == 0
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream: InputStream, length=0):
if self.is_compact():
milliseconds = in_stream.read_int64()
nanoseconds = 0
milliseconds = in_stream.read_int64()
nanoseconds = in_stream.read_int32()
return self.internal_to_timestamp(milliseconds, nanoseconds)
def timestamp_to_internal(timestamp):
seconds = int(timestamp.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp())
microseconds_of_second = timestamp.microsecond
milliseconds = seconds * 1000 + microseconds_of_second // 1000
nanoseconds = microseconds_of_second % 1000 * 1000
return milliseconds, nanoseconds
def internal_to_timestamp(self, milliseconds, nanoseconds):
second, microsecond = (milliseconds // 1000,
milliseconds % 1000 * 1000 + nanoseconds // 1000)
return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(second).replace(microsecond=microsecond)
class LocalZonedTimestampCoderImpl(TimestampCoderImpl):
A coder for a datetime.datetime with time zone value.
def __init__(self, precision, timezone):
super(LocalZonedTimestampCoderImpl, self).__init__(precision)
self.timezone = timezone
def internal_to_timestamp(self, milliseconds, nanoseconds):
return self.timezone.localize(
super(LocalZonedTimestampCoderImpl, self).internal_to_timestamp(
milliseconds, nanoseconds))
class InstantCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for Instant.
def __init__(self):
self._null_seconds = -9223372036854775808
self._null_nanos = -2147483648
def encode_to_stream(self, value: Instant, out_stream: OutputStream):
if value is None:
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream: InputStream, length: int = 0):
seconds = in_stream.read_int64()
nanos = in_stream.read_int32()
if seconds == self._null_seconds and nanos == self._null_nanos:
return None
return Instant(seconds, nanos)
class CloudPickleCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder used with cloudpickle for all kinds of python object.
def __init__(self):
self.field_coder = BinaryCoderImpl()
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out_stream: OutputStream):
coded_data = cloudpickle.dumps(value)
self.field_coder.encode_to_stream(coded_data, out_stream)
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream: InputStream, length=0):
return self._decode_one_value_from_stream(in_stream)
def _decode_one_value_from_stream(self, in_stream: InputStream):
real_data = self.field_coder.decode_from_stream(in_stream)
value = cloudpickle.loads(real_data)
return value
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return 'CloudPickleCoderImpl[%s]' % str(self.field_coder)
class PickleCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder used with pickle for all kinds of python object.
def __init__(self):
self.field_coder = BinaryCoderImpl()
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out_stream: OutputStream):
coded_data = pickle.dumps(value)
self.field_coder.encode_to_stream(coded_data, out_stream)
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream: InputStream, length=0):
real_data = self.field_coder.decode_from_stream(in_stream)
value = pickle.loads(real_data)
return value
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return 'PickleCoderImpl[%s]' % str(self.field_coder)
class TupleCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for a tuple value.
def __init__(self, field_coders):
self._field_coders = field_coders
self._field_count = len(field_coders)
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out_stream: OutputStream):
field_coders = self._field_coders
for i in range(self._field_count):
field_coders[i].encode_to_stream(value[i], out_stream)
def decode_from_stream(self, stream: InputStream, length=0):
decoded_list = [field_coder.decode_from_stream(stream)
for field_coder in self._field_coders]
return (*decoded_list,)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return 'TupleCoderImpl[%s]' % ', '.join(str(c) for c in self._field_coders)
class GenericArrayCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for object array value (the element of array could be any kind of Python object).
def __init__(self, elem_coder: FieldCoderImpl):
self._elem_coder = elem_coder
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out_stream: OutputStream):
for elem in value:
if elem is None:
self._elem_coder.encode_to_stream(elem, out_stream)
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream: InputStream, length=0):
size = in_stream.read_int32()
elements = [self._elem_coder.decode_from_stream(in_stream)
if in_stream.read_byte() else None for _ in range(size)]
return elements
def __repr__(self):
return 'GenericArrayCoderImpl[%s]' % repr(self._elem_coder)
class PrimitiveArrayCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for primitive array value (the element of array won't be null).
def __init__(self, elem_coder: FieldCoderImpl):
self._elem_coder = elem_coder
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out_stream: OutputStream):
for elem in value:
self._elem_coder.encode_to_stream(elem, out_stream)
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream: InputStream, length=0):
size = in_stream.read_int32()
elements = [self._elem_coder.decode_from_stream(in_stream) for _ in range(size)]
return elements
def __repr__(self):
return 'PrimitiveArrayCoderImpl[%s]' % repr(self._elem_coder)
class MapCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for map value (dict with same type key and same type value).
def __init__(self, key_coder: FieldCoderImpl, value_coder: FieldCoderImpl):
self._key_coder = key_coder
self._value_coder = value_coder
def encode_to_stream(self, map_value, out_stream: OutputStream):
for key in map_value:
self._key_coder.encode_to_stream(key, out_stream)
value = map_value[key]
if value is None:
self._value_coder.encode_to_stream(map_value[key], out_stream)
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream: InputStream, length=0):
size = in_stream.read_int32()
map_value = {}
for _ in range(size):
key = self._key_coder.decode_from_stream(in_stream)
is_null = in_stream.read_byte()
if is_null:
map_value[key] = None
value = self._value_coder.decode_from_stream(in_stream)
map_value[key] = value
return map_value
def __repr__(self):
return 'MapCoderImpl[%s]' % ' : '.join([repr(self._key_coder), repr(self._value_coder)])
class TimeWindowCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for TimeWindow.
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out_stream: OutputStream):
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream: InputStream, length=0):
start = in_stream.read_int64()
end = in_stream.read_int64()
return TimeWindow(start, end)
class CountWindowCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for CountWindow.
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out_stream: OutputStream):
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream: InputStream, length=0):
return CountWindow(in_stream.read_int64())
class DataViewFilterCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for data view filter.
def __init__(self, udf_data_view_specs):
self._udf_data_view_specs = udf_data_view_specs
self._pickle_coder = PickleCoderImpl()
def encode_to_stream(self, value, out_stream: OutputStream):
self._pickle_coder.encode_to_stream(self._filter_data_views(value), out_stream)
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream: InputStream, length=0):
return self._pickle_coder.decode_from_stream(in_stream)
def _filter_data_views(self, row):
i = 0
for specs in self._udf_data_view_specs:
for spec in specs:
row[i][spec.field_index] = None
i += 1
return row
class LocalDateCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
def _encode_to_stream(value:, out_stream: OutputStream):
if value is None:
def _decode_from_stream(in_stream: InputStream):
year = in_stream.read_int32()
if year == 0xFFFFFFFF:
return None
month = in_stream.read_int8()
day = in_stream.read_int8()
return, month, day)
def encode_to_stream(self, value:, out_stream: OutputStream):
self._encode_to_stream(value, out_stream)
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream: InputStream, length: int = 0):
return self._decode_from_stream(in_stream)
class LocalTimeCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
def _encode_to_stream(value: datetime.time, out_stream: OutputStream):
if value is None:
out_stream.write_int32(value.microsecond * 1000)
def _decode_from_stream(in_stream: InputStream):
hour = in_stream.read_int8()
if hour == 0xFF:
return None
minute = in_stream.read_int8()
second = in_stream.read_int8()
nano = in_stream.read_int32()
return datetime.time(hour, minute, second, nano // 1000)
def encode_to_stream(self, value: datetime.time, out_stream: OutputStream):
self._encode_to_stream(value, out_stream)
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream: InputStream, length: int = 0):
return self._decode_from_stream(in_stream)
class LocalDateTimeCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
def encode_to_stream(self, value: datetime.datetime, out_stream: OutputStream):
if value is None:
LocalDateCoderImpl._encode_to_stream(None, out_stream)
LocalTimeCoderImpl._encode_to_stream(None, out_stream)
LocalDateCoderImpl._encode_to_stream(, out_stream)
LocalTimeCoderImpl._encode_to_stream(value.time(), out_stream)
def decode_from_stream(self, in_stream: InputStream, length: int = 0):
date = LocalDateCoderImpl._decode_from_stream(in_stream)
time = LocalTimeCoderImpl._decode_from_stream(in_stream)
if date is None or time is None:
return None
return datetime.datetime(date.year, date.month,, time.hour, time.minute,
time.second, time.microsecond)