blob: 8439badf2c08081abbb1dc1865c1c4c305b0cc32 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
END_TO_END_DIR="`dirname \"$0\"`" # relative
END_TO_END_DIR="`( cd \"$END_TO_END_DIR\" && pwd -P)`" # absolutized and normalized
if [ -z "$END_TO_END_DIR" ] ; then
# error; for some reason, the path is not accessible
# to the script (e.g. permissions re-evaled after suid)
exit 1 # fail
if [ -z "$FLINK_DIR" ] ; then
echo "You have to export the Flink distribution directory as FLINK_DIR"
exit 1
source "${END_TO_END_DIR}/test-scripts/"
FLINK_DIR="`( cd \"$FLINK_DIR\" && pwd -P)`" # absolutized and normalized
echo "flink-end-to-end-test directory: $END_TO_END_DIR"
echo "Flink distribution directory: $FLINK_DIR"
# Template for adding a test:
# run_test "<description>" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/<script_name>"
run_test "ConnectedComponents iterations with high parallelism end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 25"
run_test "Queryable state (rocksdb) end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ rocksdb"
run_test "Queryable state (rocksdb) with TM restart end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/"
run_test "Running HA dataset end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/"
run_test "Running HA (file, async) end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ file true false"
run_test "Running HA (file, sync) end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ file false false"
run_test "Running HA (rocks, non-incremental) end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ rocks true false"
run_test "Running HA (rocks, incremental) end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ rocks true true"
run_test "Resuming Savepoint (file, async, no parallelism change) end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 2 2 file true"
run_test "Resuming Savepoint (file, sync, no parallelism change) end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 2 2 file false"
run_test "Resuming Savepoint (file, async, scale up) end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 2 4 file true"
run_test "Resuming Savepoint (file, sync, scale up) end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 2 4 file false"
run_test "Resuming Savepoint (file, async, scale down) end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 4 2 file true"
run_test "Resuming Savepoint (file, sync, scale down) end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 4 2 file false"
run_test "Resuming Savepoint (rocks, no parallelism change, heap timers) end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 2 2 rocks false heap"
run_test "Resuming Savepoint (rocks, scale up, heap timers) end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 2 4 rocks false heap"
run_test "Resuming Savepoint (rocks, scale down, heap timers) end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 4 2 rocks false heap"
run_test "Resuming Savepoint (rocks, no parallelism change, rocks timers) end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 2 2 rocks false rocks"
run_test "Resuming Savepoint (rocks, scale up, rocks timers) end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 2 4 rocks false rocks"
run_test "Resuming Savepoint (rocks, scale down, rocks timers) end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 4 2 rocks false rocks"
run_test "Resuming Externalized Checkpoint (file, async, no parallelism change) end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 2 2 file true true"
run_test "Resuming Externalized Checkpoint (file, sync, no parallelism change) end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 2 2 file false true"
run_test "Resuming Externalized Checkpoint (file, async, scale up) end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 2 4 file true true"
run_test "Resuming Externalized Checkpoint (file, sync, scale up) end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 2 4 file false true"
run_test "Resuming Externalized Checkpoint (file, async, scale down) end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 4 2 file true true"
run_test "Resuming Externalized Checkpoint (file, sync, scale down) end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 4 2 file false true"
run_test "Resuming Externalized Checkpoint (rocks, non-incremental, no parallelism change) end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 2 2 rocks true false"
run_test "Resuming Externalized Checkpoint (rocks, incremental, no parallelism change) end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 2 2 rocks true true"
run_test "Resuming Externalized Checkpoint (rocks, non-incremental, scale up) end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 2 4 rocks true false"
run_test "Resuming Externalized Checkpoint (rocks, incremental, scale up) end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 2 4 rocks true true"
run_test "Resuming Externalized Checkpoint (rocks, non-incremental, scale down) end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 4 2 rocks true false"
run_test "Resuming Externalized Checkpoint (rocks, incremental, scale down) end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 4 2 rocks true true"
run_test "Resuming Externalized Checkpoint after terminal failure (file, async) end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 2 2 file true false true"
run_test "Resuming Externalized Checkpoint after terminal failure (file, sync) end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 2 2 file false false true"
run_test "Resuming Externalized Checkpoint after terminal failure (rocks, non-incremental) end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 2 2 rocks true false true"
run_test "Resuming Externalized Checkpoint after terminal failure (rocks, incremental) end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 2 2 rocks true true true"
run_test "DataSet allround end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/"
run_test "Streaming SQL end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/"
run_test "Streaming bucketing end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/"
run_test "Stateful stream job upgrade end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 2 4"
run_test "Local recovery and sticky scheduling end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 4 3 file false false"
run_test "Local recovery and sticky scheduling end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 4 3 file false true"
run_test "Local recovery and sticky scheduling end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 4 10 rocks false false"
run_test "Local recovery and sticky scheduling end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 4 10 rocks true false"
run_test "Local recovery and sticky scheduling end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 4 10 rocks false true"
run_test "Local recovery and sticky scheduling end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 4 10 rocks true true"
run_test "Elasticsearch (v1.7.1) sink end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 1"
run_test "Elasticsearch (v2.3.5) sink end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 2"
run_test "Elasticsearch (v5.1.2) sink end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 5"
run_test "Elasticsearch (v6.3.1) sink end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 6"
run_test "Quickstarts Java nightly end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ java"
run_test "Quickstarts Scala nightly end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ scala"
run_test "Avro Confluent Schema Registry nightly end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/"
run_test "State TTL Heap backend end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ file"
run_test "State TTL RocksDb backend end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ rocks"
run_test "Running Kerberized YARN on Docker test " "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/"
run_test "SQL Client end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/"
printf "\n[PASS] All tests passed\n"
exit 0