blob: fa53acc755ec783808ee41d76a588a86c9ac898d [file] [log] [blame]
-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template ../query_templates_qualified/query14b.tpl
with cross_items as
(select i_item_sk ss_item_sk
from item,
(select iss.i_brand_id brand_id
,iss.i_class_id class_id
,iss.i_category_id category_id
from store_sales
,item iss
,date_dim d1
where ss_item_sk = iss.i_item_sk
and ss_sold_date_sk = d1.d_date_sk
and d1.d_year between 1999 AND 1999 + 2
select ics.i_brand_id
from catalog_sales
,item ics
,date_dim d2
where cs_item_sk = ics.i_item_sk
and cs_sold_date_sk = d2.d_date_sk
and d2.d_year between 1999 AND 1999 + 2
select iws.i_brand_id
from web_sales
,item iws
,date_dim d3
where ws_item_sk = iws.i_item_sk
and ws_sold_date_sk = d3.d_date_sk
and d3.d_year between 1999 AND 1999 + 2) x
where i_brand_id = brand_id
and i_class_id = class_id
and i_category_id = category_id
avg_sales as
(select avg(quantity*list_price) average_sales
from (select ss_quantity quantity
,ss_list_price list_price
from store_sales
where ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
and d_year between 1999 and 1999 + 2
union all
select cs_quantity quantity
,cs_list_price list_price
from catalog_sales
where cs_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
and d_year between 1999 and 1999 + 2
union all
select ws_quantity quantity
,ws_list_price list_price
from web_sales
where ws_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
and d_year between 1999 and 1999 + 2) x)
select ty_channel
,this_year.i_brand_id ty_brand
,this_year.i_class_id ty_class
,this_year.i_category_id ty_category
,this_year.sales ty_sales
,this_year.number_sales ty_number_sales
, ly_channel
,last_year.i_brand_id ly_brand
,last_year.i_class_id ly_class
,last_year.i_category_id ly_category
,last_year.sales ly_sales
,last_year.number_sales ly_number_sales
(select 'store' channel, i_brand_id,i_class_id,i_category_id
,sum(ss_quantity*ss_list_price) sales, count(*) number_sales
from store_sales
where ss_item_sk in (select ss_item_sk from cross_items)
and ss_item_sk = i_item_sk
and ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
and d_week_seq = (select d_week_seq
from date_dim
where d_year = 1999 + 1
and d_moy = 12
and d_dom = 11)
group by i_brand_id,i_class_id,i_category_id
having sum(ss_quantity*ss_list_price) > (select average_sales from avg_sales)) this_year,
(select 'store' channel, i_brand_id,i_class_id
,i_category_id, sum(ss_quantity*ss_list_price) sales, count(*) number_sales
from store_sales
where ss_item_sk in (select ss_item_sk from cross_items)
and ss_item_sk = i_item_sk
and ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
and d_week_seq = (select d_week_seq
from date_dim
where d_year = 1999
and d_moy = 12
and d_dom = 11)
group by i_brand_id,i_class_id,i_category_id
having sum(ss_quantity*ss_list_price) > (select average_sales from avg_sales)) last_year
where this_year.i_brand_id= last_year.i_brand_id
and this_year.i_class_id = last_year.i_class_id
and this_year.i_category_id = last_year.i_category_id
order by, this_year.i_brand_id, this_year.i_class_id, this_year.i_category_id
limit 100
-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template ../query_templates_qualified/query14b.tpl