blob: d9ecc3ac6ea53835f2a24221963dd54a85c6f52f [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import ast
from pyflink.common.types import RowKind
from pyflink.java_gateway import get_gateway
from pyflink.table.types import DataType, LocalZonedTimestampType, Row, RowType, \
TimeType, DateType, ArrayType, MapType, TimestampType, FloatType, RawType
from pyflink.util.java_utils import to_jarray
import datetime
import pickle
def pandas_to_arrow(schema, timezone, field_types, series):
import pyarrow as pa
import pandas as pd
def create_array(s, t):
return pa.Array.from_pandas(s, mask=s.isnull(), type=t)
except pa.ArrowException as e:
error_msg = "Exception thrown when converting pandas.Series (%s) to " \
"pyarrow.Array (%s)."
raise RuntimeError(error_msg % (s.dtype, t), e)
arrays = []
for i in range(len(schema)):
s = series[i]
field_type = field_types[i]
schema_type = schema.types[i]
if type(s) == pd.DataFrame:
array_names = [(create_array(s[s.columns[j]], field.type),
for j, field in enumerate(schema_type)]
struct_arrays, struct_names = zip(*array_names)
arrays.append(pa.StructArray.from_arrays(struct_arrays, struct_names))
tz_convert_to_internal(s, field_type, timezone), schema_type))
return pa.RecordBatch.from_arrays(arrays, schema)
def arrow_to_pandas(timezone, field_types, batches):
def arrow_column_to_pandas(arrow_column, t: DataType):
if type(t) == RowType:
import pandas as pd
series = [column.to_pandas(date_as_object=True).rename(
for column, field in zip(arrow_column.flatten(), arrow_column.type)]
return pd.concat(series, axis=1)
return arrow_column.to_pandas(date_as_object=True)
import pyarrow as pa
table = pa.Table.from_batches(batches)
return [tz_convert_from_internal(arrow_column_to_pandas(c, t), t, timezone)
for c, t in zip(table.itercolumns(), field_types)]
def tz_convert_from_internal(s, t: DataType, local_tz):
Converts the timestamp series from internal according to the specified local timezone.
Returns the same series if the series is not a timestamp series. Otherwise,
returns a converted series.
if type(t) == LocalZonedTimestampType:
return s.dt.tz_localize(local_tz)
return s
def tz_convert_to_internal(s, t: DataType, local_tz):
Converts the timestamp series to internal according to the specified local timezone.
if type(t) == LocalZonedTimestampType:
from pandas.api.types import is_datetime64_dtype, is_datetime64tz_dtype
if is_datetime64_dtype(s.dtype):
return s.dt.tz_localize(None)
elif is_datetime64tz_dtype(s.dtype):
return s.dt.tz_convert(local_tz).dt.tz_localize(None)
return s
def to_expression_jarray(exprs):
Convert python list of Expression to java array of Expression.
gateway = get_gateway()
return to_jarray(gateway.jvm.Expression, [expr._j_expr for expr in exprs])
def pickled_bytes_to_python_converter(data, field_type: DataType):
if isinstance(field_type, RowType):
row_kind = RowKind(int.from_bytes(data[0], byteorder='big', signed=False))
data = zip(list(data[1:]), field_type.field_types())
fields = []
for d, d_type in data:
fields.append(pickled_bytes_to_python_converter(d, d_type))
result_row = Row(fields)
return result_row
data = pickle.loads(data)
if isinstance(field_type, TimeType):
seconds, microseconds = divmod(data, 10 ** 6)
minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60)
hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60)
return datetime.time(hours, minutes, seconds, microseconds)
elif isinstance(field_type, DateType):
return field_type.from_sql_type(data)
elif isinstance(field_type, TimestampType):
return field_type.from_sql_type(int(data.timestamp() * 10**6))
elif isinstance(field_type, MapType):
key_type = field_type.key_type
value_type = field_type.value_type
zip_kv = zip(data[0], data[1])
return dict((pickled_bytes_to_python_converter(k, key_type),
pickled_bytes_to_python_converter(v, value_type))
for k, v in zip_kv)
elif isinstance(field_type, FloatType):
return field_type.from_sql_type(ast.literal_eval(data))
elif isinstance(field_type, ArrayType):
element_type = field_type.element_type
elements = []
for element_bytes in data:
elements.append(pickled_bytes_to_python_converter(element_bytes, element_type))
return elements
elif isinstance(field_type, RawType):
return field_type.from_sql_type(data)
return field_type.from_sql_type(data)