blob: f66985dab03e9ad1d5351de1b4a660e73c60cbed [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# cython: language_level = 3
# cython: infer_types = True
# cython: profile=True
# cython: boundscheck=False, wraparound=False, initializedcheck=False, cdivision=True
from libc.stdint cimport int32_t, int64_t
from libc.stdlib cimport free, malloc
import datetime
import decimal
import pickle
from typing import List, Union
from cloudpickle import cloudpickle
import pyarrow as pa
from pyflink.common import Row, RowKind
from pyflink.common.time import Instant
from pyflink.datastream.window import CountWindow, TimeWindow
from pyflink.fn_execution.ResettableIO import ResettableIO
from pyflink.table.utils import pandas_to_arrow, arrow_to_pandas
cdef class InternalRow:
def __cinit__(self, list values, InternalRowKind row_kind):
self.values = values
self.row_kind = row_kind
self.field_names = []
cpdef object to_row(self):
row = Row()
row._values = self.values
return row
def from_row(row: Row) -> InternalRow:
cdef InternalRow internal_row
internal_row = InternalRow(row._values, row.get_row_kind().value)
internal_row.field_names = row._fields
return internal_row
cdef bint is_retract_msg(self):
return self.row_kind == InternalRowKind.UPDATE_BEFORE or \
self.row_kind == InternalRowKind.DELETE
cdef bint is_accumulate_msg(self):
return self.row_kind == InternalRowKind.UPDATE_AFTER or \
self.row_kind == InternalRowKind.INSERT
def __eq__(self, other):
if not other:
return False
return self.values == other.values
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.values[item]
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.values)
def __repr__(self):
return "InternalRow(%s, %s)" % (self.row_kind, self.values)
cdef class MaskUtils:
A util class used to encode mask value.
def __cinit__(self, field_count):
self._mask = <bint*> malloc((field_count + ROW_KIND_BIT_SIZE) * sizeof(bint))
if self._mask == NULL:
raise MemoryError()
self._mask_byte_search_table = <unsigned char*> malloc(8 * sizeof(unsigned char))
if self._mask_byte_search_table == NULL:
raise MemoryError()
self._mask_byte_search_table[0] = 0x80
self._mask_byte_search_table[1] = 0x40
self._mask_byte_search_table[2] = 0x20
self._mask_byte_search_table[3] = 0x10
self._mask_byte_search_table[4] = 0x08
self._mask_byte_search_table[5] = 0x04
self._mask_byte_search_table[6] = 0x02
self._mask_byte_search_table[7] = 0x01
self._row_kind_byte_table = <unsigned char*> malloc(8 * sizeof(unsigned char))
if self._row_kind_byte_table == NULL:
raise MemoryError()
self._row_kind_byte_table[0] = 0x00
self._row_kind_byte_table[1] = 0x80
self._row_kind_byte_table[2] = 0x40
self._row_kind_byte_table[3] = 0xC0
def __init__(self, field_count):
self._field_count = field_count
self._leading_complete_bytes_num = (self._field_count + ROW_KIND_BIT_SIZE) // 8
self._remaining_bits_num = (self._field_count + ROW_KIND_BIT_SIZE) % 8
cdef void write_mask(self, list value, unsigned char row_kind_value,
OutputStream output_stream):
cdef size_t field_pos, index, i
cdef unsigned char*bit_map_byte_search_table
cdef unsigned char b
field_pos = 0
bit_map_byte_search_table = self._mask_byte_search_table
# first byte contains the row kind bits
b = self._row_kind_byte_table[row_kind_value]
for i in range(0, 8 - ROW_KIND_BIT_SIZE):
if field_pos + i < self._field_count and value[field_pos + i] is None:
b |= bit_map_byte_search_table[i + ROW_KIND_BIT_SIZE]
field_pos += 8 - ROW_KIND_BIT_SIZE
for _ in range(1, self._leading_complete_bytes_num):
b = 0x00
for i in range(8):
if value[field_pos + i] is None:
b |= bit_map_byte_search_table[i]
field_pos += 8
if self._leading_complete_bytes_num >= 1 and self._remaining_bits_num:
b = 0x00
for i in range(self._remaining_bits_num):
if value[field_pos + i] is None:
b |= bit_map_byte_search_table[i]
cdef bint*read_mask(self, InputStream input_stream):
cdef size_t field_pos, i
cdef unsigned char b
field_pos = 0
for _ in range(self._leading_complete_bytes_num):
b = input_stream.read_byte()
for i in range(8):
self._mask[field_pos] = (b & self._mask_byte_search_table[i]) > 0
field_pos += 1
if self._remaining_bits_num:
b = input_stream.read_byte()
for i in range(self._remaining_bits_num):
self._mask[field_pos] = (b & self._mask_byte_search_table[i]) > 0
field_pos += 1
return self._mask
def __dealloc__(self):
if self._mask != NULL:
if self._mask_byte_search_table != NULL:
if self._row_kind_byte_table != NULL:
cdef class LengthPrefixBaseCoderImpl:
LengthPrefixBaseCoderImpl will be used in Operations and other coders will be the field coder of
def __init__(self, field_coder: FieldCoderImpl):
self._field_coder = field_coder
self._data_out_stream = OutputStream()
cpdef encode_to_stream(self, value, LengthPrefixOutputStream output_stream):
cpdef decode_from_stream(self, LengthPrefixInputStream input_stream):
cdef void _write_data_to_output_stream(self, LengthPrefixOutputStream output_stream):
cdef OutputStream data_out_stream
data_out_stream = self._data_out_stream
output_stream.write(data_out_stream.buffer, data_out_stream.pos)
data_out_stream.pos = 0
cdef class FieldCoderImpl:
cpdef encode_to_stream(self, value, OutputStream out_stream):
Encodes `value` to the output stream.
:param value: The output data
:param out_stream: Output Stream
cpdef decode_from_stream(self, InputStream in_stream, size_t size):
Decodes data from the input stream.
:param in_stream: Input Stream
:param size: The size data of input stream will be decoded. If the size is set 0, it means
the coder won't take use of the length to decode the data from input stream.
:return: The decoded object.
cpdef bytes encode(self, value):
Encodes `value` to a bytes
:param value: The output data
:return: The encoded data.
cdef OutputStream out_stream
out_stream = OutputStream()
self.encode_to_stream(value, out_stream)
return out_stream.buffer[0:out_stream.pos]
cpdef decode(self, encoded):
Decodes an object from the bytes
:param encoded: The bytes
:return: The decoded object.
cdef InputStream input_stream
input_stream = InputStream()
input_stream._input_data = <char*> encoded
return self.decode_from_stream(input_stream, len(encoded))
cdef class InputStreamWrapper:
def __cinit__(self, value_coder: ValueCoderImpl, input_stream: LengthPrefixInputStream):
self._value_coder = value_coder
self._input_stream = input_stream
cpdef bint has_next(self):
return self._input_stream.available()
cpdef next(self):
return self._value_coder.decode_from_stream(self._input_stream)
cdef class IterableCoderImpl(LengthPrefixBaseCoderImpl):
Encodes iterable data to output stream. The output mode will decide whether write a special end
message 0x00 to output stream after encoding data.
def __cinit__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._end_message = <char*> malloc(1)
if self._end_message == NULL:
raise MemoryError()
self._end_message[0] = 0x00
def __init__(self, field_coder: FieldCoderImpl, separated_with_end_message: bool):
super(IterableCoderImpl, self).__init__(field_coder)
self._separated_with_end_message = separated_with_end_message
cpdef encode_to_stream(self, value, LengthPrefixOutputStream output_stream):
if value:
for item in value:
self._field_coder.encode_to_stream(item, self._data_out_stream)
# write end message
if self._separated_with_end_message:
output_stream.write(self._end_message, 1)
cpdef decode_from_stream(self, LengthPrefixInputStream input_stream):
return InputStreamWrapper(ValueCoderImpl(self._field_coder), input_stream)
def __dealloc__(self):
if self._end_message != NULL:
cdef class ValueCoderImpl(LengthPrefixBaseCoderImpl):
Encodes a single data to output stream.
def __init__(self, field_coder: FieldCoderImpl):
super(ValueCoderImpl, self).__init__(field_coder)
cpdef encode_to_stream(self, value, LengthPrefixOutputStream output_stream):
self._field_coder.encode_to_stream(value, self._data_out_stream)
cpdef decode_from_stream(self, LengthPrefixInputStream input_stream):
cdef char*input_data
cdef char*temp
cdef size_t size
cdef long long addr
cdef InputStream data_input_stream
# set input_data pointer to the input data
size =
# create InputStream
data_input_stream = InputStream()
data_input_stream._input_data = input_data
return self._field_coder.decode_from_stream(data_input_stream, size)
cdef class FlattenRowCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for flatten row (List) object (without field names and row kind value is 0).
def __init__(self, field_coders: List[FieldCoderImpl]):
self._field_coders = field_coders # type: List[FieldCoderImpl]
self._field_count = len(self._field_coders)
self._mask_utils = MaskUtils(self._field_count)
self._reuse_flatten_row = [None for i in range(self._field_count)]
cpdef encode_to_stream(self, value, OutputStream out_stream):
cdef list list_value, field_coders
cdef size_t i
cdef FieldCoderImpl field_coder
list_value = <list> value
# encode mask value
self._mask_utils.write_mask(list_value, 0, out_stream)
# encode every field value
field_coders = self._field_coders
for i in range(self._field_count):
item = list_value[i]
if item is not None:
field_coder = <FieldCoderImpl> field_coders[i]
field_coder.encode_to_stream(item, out_stream)
cpdef decode_from_stream(self, InputStream in_stream, size_t size):
cdef bint*mask
cdef size_t i
cdef list flatten_row, field_coders
cdef FieldCoderImpl field_coder
# read mask
mask = self._mask_utils.read_mask(in_stream)
# skip ROW_KIND_BIT_SIZE to data mask
(<bint**> &mask)[0] += ROW_KIND_BIT_SIZE
# decode field data
flatten_row = self._reuse_flatten_row
field_coders = self._field_coders
for i in range(self._field_count):
if mask[i]:
flatten_row[i] = None
field_coder = <FieldCoderImpl> field_coders[i]
flatten_row[i] = field_coder.decode_from_stream(in_stream, 0)
return flatten_row
def __repr__(self):
return 'FlattenRowCoderImpl[%s]' % ', '.join(str(c) for c in self._field_coders)
cdef class RowCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for `Row` or `InternalRow` object.
def __init__(self, field_coders: List[FieldCoderImpl], field_names: List[str]):
self._field_coders = field_coders # type: List[FieldCoderImpl]
self._field_count = len(self._field_coders)
self._field_names = field_names # type: List[str]
self._mask_utils = MaskUtils(self._field_count)
cpdef encode_to_stream(self, value: Union[Row, InternalRow], OutputStream out_stream):
cdef list list_values
cdef size_t i
cdef unsigned char row_kind_value
cdef FieldCoderImpl field_coder
if isinstance(value, InternalRow):
# the type is InternalRow
list_values = <list> value.values
row_kind_value = <unsigned char> value.row_kind
# the type is Row
list_values = <list> value._values
row_kind_value = <unsigned char> value.get_row_kind().value
# encode mask value
self._mask_utils.write_mask(list_values, row_kind_value, out_stream)
# encode every field value
for i in range(self._field_count):
item = list_values[i]
if item is not None:
field_coder = <FieldCoderImpl> self._field_coders[i]
field_coder.encode_to_stream(item, out_stream)
cpdef decode_from_stream(self, InputStream in_stream, size_t size):
cdef bint*mask
cdef unsigned char row_kind_value = 0
cdef size_t i
cdef FieldCoderImpl field_coder
cdef list field_values
mask = self._mask_utils.read_mask(in_stream)
field_values = []
for i in range(self._field_count):
if mask[i + ROW_KIND_BIT_SIZE]:
field_coder = <FieldCoderImpl> self._field_coders[i]
field_values.append(field_coder.decode_from_stream(in_stream, 0))
row = Row()
row._values = field_values
for i in range(ROW_KIND_BIT_SIZE):
row_kind_value += mask[i] * 2 ** i
return row
def __repr__(self):
return 'RowCoderImpl[%s, %s]' % \
(', '.join(str(c) for c in self._field_coders), self._field_names)
cdef class ArrowCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for arrow format data.
def __init__(self, schema, row_type, timezone):
self._schema = schema
self._field_types = row_type.field_types()
self._timezone = timezone
self._resettable_io = ResettableIO()
self._batch_reader = self._load_from_stream(self._resettable_io)
cpdef encode_to_stream(self, cols, OutputStream out_stream):
batch_writer = pa.RecordBatchStreamWriter(self._resettable_io, self._schema)
pandas_to_arrow(self._schema, self._timezone, self._field_types, cols))
cpdef decode_from_stream(self, InputStream in_stream, size_t size):
return self.decode_one_batch_from_stream(in_stream, size)
cdef list decode_one_batch_from_stream(self, InputStream in_stream, size_t size):
# there is only one arrow batch in the underlying input stream
return arrow_to_pandas(self._timezone, self._field_types, [next(self._batch_reader)])
def _load_from_stream(self, stream):
while stream.readable():
reader = pa.ipc.open_stream(stream)
yield reader.read_next_batch()
def __repr__(self):
return 'ArrowCoderImpl[%s]' % self._schema
cdef class OverWindowArrowCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for over window with arrow format data.
The data structure: [window data][arrow format data].
def __init__(self, arrow_coder_impl: ArrowCoderImpl):
self._arrow_coder = arrow_coder_impl
self._int_coder = IntCoderImpl()
cpdef encode_to_stream(self, cols, OutputStream out_stream):
self._arrow_coder.encode_to_stream(cols, out_stream)
cpdef decode_from_stream(self, InputStream in_stream, size_t size):
cdef int32_t window_num, window_size
cdef list window_boundaries_and_arrow_data
window_num = self._int_coder.decode_from_stream(in_stream, 0)
size -= 4
window_boundaries_and_arrow_data = []
for _ in range(window_num):
window_size = self._int_coder.decode_from_stream(in_stream, 0)
size -= 4
[self._int_coder.decode_from_stream(in_stream, 0)
for _ in range(window_size)])
size -= 4 * window_size
self._arrow_coder.decode_one_batch_from_stream(in_stream, size))
return window_boundaries_and_arrow_data
def __repr__(self):
return 'OverWindowArrowCoderImpl[%s]' % self._arrow_coder
cdef class TinyIntCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for tiny int value (from -128 to 127).
cpdef encode_to_stream(self, value, OutputStream out_stream):
cpdef decode_from_stream(self, InputStream in_stream, size_t size):
return in_stream.read_int8()
cdef class SmallIntCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for small int value (from -32,768 to 32,767).
cpdef encode_to_stream(self, value, OutputStream out_stream):
cpdef decode_from_stream(self, InputStream in_stream, size_t size):
return in_stream.read_int16()
cdef class IntCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for int value (from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647).
cpdef encode_to_stream(self, value, OutputStream out_stream):
cpdef decode_from_stream(self, InputStream in_stream, size_t size):
return in_stream.read_int32()
cdef class BigIntCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for big int value (from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807).
cpdef encode_to_stream(self, value, OutputStream out_stream):
cpdef decode_from_stream(self, InputStream in_stream, size_t size):
return in_stream.read_int64()
cdef class BooleanCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for a boolean value.
cpdef encode_to_stream(self, value, OutputStream out_stream):
cpdef decode_from_stream(self, InputStream in_stream, size_t size):
return not not in_stream.read_byte()
cdef class FloatCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for a float value (4-byte single precision floating point number).
cpdef encode_to_stream(self, value, OutputStream out_stream):
cpdef decode_from_stream(self, InputStream in_stream, size_t size):
return in_stream.read_float()
cdef class DoubleCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for a double value (8-byte double precision floating point number).
cpdef encode_to_stream(self, value, OutputStream out_stream):
cpdef decode_from_stream(self, InputStream in_stream, size_t size):
return in_stream.read_double()
cdef class BinaryCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for a bytes value.
cpdef encode_to_stream(self, value, OutputStream out_stream):
out_stream.write_bytes(value, len(value))
cpdef decode_from_stream(self, InputStream in_stream, size_t size):
return in_stream.read_bytes()
cdef class CharCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for a str value.
cpdef encode_to_stream(self, value, OutputStream out_stream):
cdef bytes value_bytes = value.encode('utf-8')
out_stream.write_bytes(value_bytes, len(value_bytes))
cpdef decode_from_stream(self, InputStream in_stream, size_t size):
return in_stream.read_bytes().decode("utf-8")
cdef class BigDecimalCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for a big decimal value (without fixed precision and scale).
def __init__(self):
self._value_coder = CharCoderImpl()
cpdef encode_to_stream(self, value, OutputStream out_stream):
self._value_coder.encode_to_stream(str(value), out_stream)
cpdef decode_from_stream(self, InputStream input_stream, size_t size):
return decimal.Decimal(self._value_coder.decode_from_stream(input_stream, 0))
cdef class DecimalCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for a decimal value (with fixed precision and scale).
def __init__(self, precision, scale):
self._context = decimal.Context(prec=precision)
self._scale_format = decimal.Decimal(10) ** -scale
self._value_coder = CharCoderImpl()
cpdef encode_to_stream(self, value, OutputStream out_stream):
user_context = decimal.getcontext()
self._value_coder.encode_to_stream(str(value.quantize(self._scale_format)), out_stream)
cpdef decode_from_stream(self, InputStream in_stream, size_t size):
user_context = decimal.getcontext()
result = decimal.Decimal(self._value_coder.decode_from_stream(in_stream, 0)) \
return result
cdef class DateCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for a value.
def __init__(self):
self._EPOCH_ORDINAL = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1).toordinal()
cpdef encode_to_stream(self, value, OutputStream out_stream):
out_stream.write_int32(value.toordinal() - self._EPOCH_ORDINAL)
cpdef decode_from_stream(self, InputStream in_stream, size_t size):
return + self._EPOCH_ORDINAL)
cdef class TimeCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for a datetime.time value.
cpdef encode_to_stream(self, value, OutputStream out_stream):
cdef int32_t hour, minute, seconds, microsecond, milliseconds
hour = value.hour
minute = value.minute
seconds = value.second
microsecond = value.microsecond
milliseconds = hour * 3600000 + minute * 60000 + seconds * 1000 + microsecond // 1000
cpdef decode_from_stream(self, InputStream in_stream, size_t size):
cdef int32_t value, seconds, milliseconds, minutes, hours
value = in_stream.read_int32()
seconds = value // 1000
milliseconds = value % 1000
minutes = seconds // 60
seconds %= 60
hours = minutes // 60
minutes %= 60
return datetime.time(hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds * 1000)
cdef class TimestampCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for a datetime.datetime value.
def __init__(self, precision):
self._is_compact = precision <= 3
cpdef encode_to_stream(self, value, OutputStream out_stream):
cdef int32_t microseconds_of_second, nanoseconds
cdef int64_t timestamp_seconds, timestamp_milliseconds
timestamp_seconds = <int64_t> (value.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp())
microseconds_of_second = value.microsecond
timestamp_milliseconds = timestamp_seconds * 1000 + microseconds_of_second // 1000
nanoseconds = microseconds_of_second % 1000 * 1000
if self._is_compact:
cpdef decode_from_stream(self, InputStream in_stream, size_t size):
return self._decode_timestamp_data_from_stream(in_stream)
cdef _decode_timestamp_data_from_stream(self, InputStream in_stream):
cdef int64_t milliseconds
cdef int32_t nanoseconds, seconds, microseconds
if self._is_compact:
milliseconds = in_stream.read_int64()
nanoseconds = 0
milliseconds = in_stream.read_int64()
nanoseconds = in_stream.read_int32()
seconds = milliseconds // 1000
microseconds = milliseconds % 1000 * 1000 + nanoseconds // 1000
return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(seconds).replace(microsecond=microseconds)
cdef class LocalZonedTimestampCoderImpl(TimestampCoderImpl):
A coder for a datetime.datetime with time zone value.
def __init__(self, precision, timezone):
super(LocalZonedTimestampCoderImpl, self).__init__(precision)
self._timezone = timezone
cpdef decode_from_stream(self, InputStream in_stream, size_t size):
return self._timezone.localize(self._decode_timestamp_data_from_stream(in_stream))
cdef class InstantCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for Instant.
def __init__(self):
self._null_seconds = -9223372036854775808
self._null_nanos = -2147483648
cpdef encode_to_stream(self, value, OutputStream out_stream):
if value is None:
cpdef decode_from_stream(self, InputStream in_stream, size_t size):
cdef int64_t seconds
cdef int32_t nanos
seconds = in_stream.read_int64()
nanos = in_stream.read_int32()
if seconds == self._null_seconds and nanos == self._null_nanos:
return None
return Instant(seconds, nanos)
cdef class CloudPickleCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder used with cloudpickle for all kinds of python object.
cpdef encode_to_stream(self, value, OutputStream out_stream):
cdef bytes pickled_bytes
pickled_bytes = cloudpickle.dumps(value)
out_stream.write_bytes(pickled_bytes, len(pickled_bytes))
cpdef decode_from_stream(self, InputStream in_stream, size_t size):
cdef bytes pickled_bytes
pickled_bytes = in_stream.read_bytes()
return cloudpickle.loads(pickled_bytes)
cdef class PickleCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder used with pickle for all kinds of python object.
cpdef encode_to_stream(self, value, OutputStream out_stream):
cdef bytes pickled_bytes
pickled_bytes = pickle.dumps(value)
out_stream.write_bytes(pickled_bytes, len(pickled_bytes))
cpdef decode_from_stream(self, InputStream in_stream, size_t size):
cdef bytes pickled_bytes
pickled_bytes = in_stream.read_bytes()
return pickle.loads(pickled_bytes)
cdef class GenericArrayCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for basic array value (the element of array could be null).
def __init__(self, elem_coder: FieldCoderImpl):
self._elem_coder = elem_coder
cpdef encode_to_stream(self, value, OutputStream out_stream):
cdef int32_t length, i
cdef list list_value = value
length = len(value)
for i in range(length):
item = list_value[i]
if item is None:
self._elem_coder.encode_to_stream(item, out_stream)
cpdef decode_from_stream(self, InputStream in_stream, size_t size):
cdef int32_t length
length = in_stream.read_int32()
return [self._elem_coder.decode_from_stream(in_stream, 0) if in_stream.read_byte()
else None for _ in range(length)]
cdef class PrimitiveArrayCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for primitive array value (the element of array won't be null).
def __init__(self, elem_coder: FieldCoderImpl):
self._elem_coder = elem_coder
cpdef encode_to_stream(self, value, OutputStream output_stream):
cdef int32_t length, i
cdef list list_value = value
length = len(value)
for i in range(length):
self._elem_coder.encode_to_stream(list_value[i], output_stream)
cpdef decode_from_stream(self, InputStream input_stream, size_t size):
cdef int32_t length
length = input_stream.read_int32()
return [self._elem_coder.decode_from_stream(input_stream, 0) for _ in range(length)]
cdef class MapCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for map value (dict with same type key and same type value).
def __init__(self, key_coder: FieldCoderImpl, value_coder: FieldCoderImpl):
self._key_coder = key_coder
self._value_coder = value_coder
cpdef encode_to_stream(self, value, OutputStream out_stream):
cdef int32_t length
length = len(value)
items = value.items()
for k, v in items:
self._key_coder.encode_to_stream(k, out_stream)
if v is None:
self._value_coder.encode_to_stream(v, out_stream)
cpdef decode_from_stream(self, InputStream in_stream, size_t size):
cdef int32_t length
cdef dict map_value
length = in_stream.read_int32()
map_value = {}
for _ in range(length):
key = self._key_coder.decode_from_stream(in_stream, 0)
if in_stream.read_byte():
map_value[key] = None
map_value[key] = self._value_coder.decode_from_stream(in_stream, 0)
return map_value
cdef class TupleCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for a tuple value.
def __init__(self, field_coders):
self._field_coders = field_coders
self._field_count = len(field_coders)
cpdef encode_to_stream(self, value, OutputStream out_stream):
cdef tuple tuple_value = value
for i in range(self._field_count):
self._field_coders[i].encode_to_stream(tuple_value[i], out_stream)
cpdef decode_from_stream(self, InputStream in_stream, size_t size):
cdef int32_t i
cdef list decoded_list
decoded_list = [self._field_coders[i].decode_from_stream(in_stream, 0)
for i in range(self._field_count)]
return tuple(decoded_list)
cdef class TimeWindowCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for TimeWindow.
cpdef encode_to_stream(self, value, OutputStream out_stream):
cpdef decode_from_stream(self, InputStream in_stream, size_t size):
cdef int64_t start, end
start = in_stream.read_int64()
end = in_stream.read_int64()
return TimeWindow(start, end)
cdef class CountWindowCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for CountWindow.
cpdef encode_to_stream(self, value, OutputStream out_stream):
cpdef decode_from_stream(self, InputStream in_stream, size_t size):
return CountWindow(in_stream.read_int64())
cdef class DataViewFilterCoderImpl(FieldCoderImpl):
A coder for CountWindow.
def __init__(self, udf_data_view_specs):
self._udf_data_view_specs = udf_data_view_specs
self._pickle_coder = PickleCoderImpl()
cpdef encode_to_stream(self, value, OutputStream out_stream):
self._pickle_coder.encode_to_stream(self._filter_data_views(value), out_stream)
cpdef decode_from_stream(self, InputStream in_stream, size_t size):
return self._pickle_coder.decode_from_stream(in_stream, size)
def _filter_data_views(self, row):
i = 0
for specs in self._udf_data_view_specs:
for spec in specs:
row[i][spec.field_index] = None
i += 1
return row