blob: 87f0e09997d4680a5f925a2360bedbe74e8bf0a9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.flink.api.common;
import org.apache.flink.annotation.Internal;
import org.apache.flink.configuration.Configuration;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
* A PlanExecutor executes a Flink program's dataflow plan. All Flink programs are translated to
* dataflow plans prior to execution.
* <p>The specific implementation (such as the org.apache.flink.client.LocalExecutor
* and org.apache.flink.client.RemoteExecutor) determines where and how to run the dataflow.
* The concrete implementations of the executors are loaded dynamically, because they depend on
* the full set of all runtime classes.</p>
* <p>PlanExecutors can be started explicitly, in which case they keep running until stopped. If
* a program is submitted to a plan executor that is not running, it will start up for that
* program, and shut down afterwards.</p>
public abstract class PlanExecutor {
private static final String LOCAL_EXECUTOR_CLASS = "org.apache.flink.client.LocalExecutor";
private static final String REMOTE_EXECUTOR_CLASS = "org.apache.flink.client.RemoteExecutor";
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Config Options
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** If true, all execution progress updates are not only logged, but also printed to System.out */
private boolean printUpdatesToSysout = true;
* Sets whether the executor should print progress results to "standard out" ({@link System#out}).
* All progress messages are logged using the configured logging framework independent of the value
* set here.
* @param printStatus True, to print progress updates to standard out, false to not do that.
public void setPrintStatusDuringExecution(boolean printStatus) {
this.printUpdatesToSysout = printStatus;
* Gets whether the executor prints progress results to "standard out" ({@link System#out}).
* @return True, if the executor prints progress messages to standard out, false if not.
public boolean isPrintingStatusDuringExecution() {
return this.printUpdatesToSysout;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Startup & Shutdown
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Starts the program executor. After the executor has been started, it will keep
* running until {@link #stop()} is called.
* @throws Exception Thrown, if the executor startup failed.
public abstract void start() throws Exception;
* Shuts down the plan executor and releases all local resources.
* <p>This method also ends all sessions created by this executor. Remote job executions
* may complete, but the session is not kept alive after that.</p>
* @throws Exception Thrown, if the proper shutdown failed.
public abstract void stop() throws Exception;
* Checks if this executor is currently running.
* @return True is the executor is running, false otherwise.
public abstract boolean isRunning();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Program Execution
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Execute the given program.
* <p>If the executor has not been started before, then this method will start the
* executor and stop it after the execution has completed. This implies that one needs
* to explicitly start the executor for all programs where multiple dataflow parts
* depend on each other. Otherwise, the previous parts will no longer
* be available, because the executor immediately shut down after the execution.</p>
* @param plan The plan of the program to execute.
* @return The execution result, containing for example the net runtime of the program, and the accumulators.
* @throws Exception Thrown, if job submission caused an exception.
public abstract JobExecutionResult executePlan(Plan plan) throws Exception;
* Gets the programs execution plan in a JSON format.
* @param plan The program to get the execution plan for.
* @return The execution plan, as a JSON string.
* @throws Exception Thrown, if the executor could not connect to the compiler.
public abstract String getOptimizerPlanAsJSON(Plan plan) throws Exception;
* Ends the job session, identified by the given JobID. Jobs can be kept around as sessions,
* if a session timeout is specified. Keeping Jobs as sessions allows users to incrementally
* add new operations to their dataflow, that refer to previous intermediate results of the
* dataflow.
* @param jobID The JobID identifying the job session.
* @throws Exception Thrown, if the message to finish the session cannot be delivered.
public abstract void endSession(JobID jobID) throws Exception;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Executor Factories
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Creates an executor that runs the plan locally in a multi-threaded environment.
* @return A local executor.
public static PlanExecutor createLocalExecutor(Configuration configuration) {
Class<? extends PlanExecutor> leClass = loadExecutorClass(LOCAL_EXECUTOR_CLASS);
try {
return leClass.getConstructor(Configuration.class).newInstance(configuration);
catch (Throwable t) {
throw new RuntimeException("An error occurred while loading the local executor ("
* Creates an executor that runs the plan on a remote environment. The remote executor is typically used
* to send the program to a cluster for execution.
* @param hostname The address of the JobManager to send the program to.
* @param port The port of the JobManager to send the program to.
* @param clientConfiguration The configuration for the client (Akka, default.parallelism).
* @param jarFiles A list of jar files that contain the user-defined function (UDF) classes and all classes used
* from within the UDFs.
* @param globalClasspaths A list of URLs that are added to the classpath of each user code classloader of the
* program. Paths must specify a protocol (e.g. file://) and be accessible on all nodes.
* @return A remote executor.
public static PlanExecutor createRemoteExecutor(String hostname, int port, Configuration clientConfiguration,
List<URL> jarFiles, List<URL> globalClasspaths) {
if (hostname == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The hostname must not be null.");
if (port <= 0 || port > 0xffff) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The port value is out of range.");
Class<? extends PlanExecutor> reClass = loadExecutorClass(REMOTE_EXECUTOR_CLASS);
List<URL> files = (jarFiles == null) ?
Collections.<URL>emptyList() : jarFiles;
List<URL> paths = (globalClasspaths == null) ?
Collections.<URL>emptyList() : globalClasspaths;
try {
PlanExecutor executor = (clientConfiguration == null) ?
reClass.getConstructor(String.class, int.class, List.class)
.newInstance(hostname, port, files) :
reClass.getConstructor(String.class, int.class, Configuration.class, List.class, List.class)
.newInstance(hostname, port, clientConfiguration, files, paths);
return executor;
catch (Throwable t) {
throw new RuntimeException("An error occurred while loading the remote executor ("
private static Class<? extends PlanExecutor> loadExecutorClass(String className) {
try {
Class<?> leClass = Class.forName(className);
return leClass.asSubclass(PlanExecutor.class);
catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not load the executor class (" + className
+ "). Do you have the 'flink-clients' project in your dependencies?");
catch (Throwable t) {
throw new RuntimeException("An error occurred while loading the executor (" + className + ").", t);