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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import calendar
import datetime
import time
from enum import Enum
from typing import List, Union
from py4j.java_gateway import JavaClass, JavaObject
from pyflink.java_gateway import get_gateway
__all__ = ['TypeInformation', 'Types']
class TypeInformation(object):
TypeInformation is the core class of Flink's type system. FLink requires a type information
for all types that are used as input or return type of a user function. This type information
class acts as the tool to generate serializers and comparators, and to perform semantic checks
such as whether the fields that are used as join/grouping keys actually exist.
The type information also bridges between the programming languages object model and a logical
flat schema. It maps fields from the types to columns (fields) in a flat schema. Not all fields
from a type are mapped to a separate fields in the flat schema and often, entire types are
mapped to one field.. It is important to notice that the schema must hold for all instances of a
type. For that reason, elements in lists and arrays are not assigned to individual fields, but
the lists and arrays are considered to be one field in total, to account for different lengths
in the arrays.
a) Basic types are indivisible and are considered as a single field.
b) Arrays and collections are one field.
c) Tuples represents as many fields as the class has fields.
To represent this properly, each type has an arity (the number of fields it contains directly),
and a total number of fields (number of fields in the entire schema of this type, including
nested types).
def __init__(self):
self._j_typeinfo = None
def get_java_type_info(self) -> JavaObject:
def need_conversion(self):
Does this type need to conversion between Python object and internal Wrapper object.
return False
def to_internal_type(self, obj):
Converts a Python object into an internal object.
return obj
def from_internal_type(self, obj):
Converts an internal object into a native Python object.
return obj
class BasicType(Enum):
STRING = "String"
BYTE = "Byte"
BOOLEAN = "Boolean"
SHORT = "Short"
INT = "Integer"
LONG = "Long"
FLOAT = "Float"
DOUBLE = "Double"
CHAR = "Char"
BIG_INT = "BigInteger"
BIG_DEC = "BigDecimal"
INSTANT = "Instant"
class BasicTypeInfo(TypeInformation):
Type information for primitive types (int, long, double, byte, ...), String, BigInteger,
and BigDecimal.
def __init__(self, basic_type: BasicType):
self._basic_type = basic_type
super(BasicTypeInfo, self).__init__()
def get_java_type_info(self) -> JavaObject:
if not self._j_typeinfo:
JBasicTypeInfo = get_gateway()
if self._basic_type == BasicType.STRING:
self._j_typeinfo = JBasicTypeInfo.STRING_TYPE_INFO
elif self._basic_type == BasicType.BYTE:
self._j_typeinfo = JBasicTypeInfo.BYTE_TYPE_INFO
elif self._basic_type == BasicType.BOOLEAN:
self._j_typeinfo = JBasicTypeInfo.BOOLEAN_TYPE_INFO
elif self._basic_type == BasicType.SHORT:
self._j_typeinfo = JBasicTypeInfo.SHORT_TYPE_INFO
elif self._basic_type == BasicType.INT:
self._j_typeinfo = JBasicTypeInfo.INT_TYPE_INFO
elif self._basic_type == BasicType.LONG:
self._j_typeinfo = JBasicTypeInfo.LONG_TYPE_INFO
elif self._basic_type == BasicType.FLOAT:
self._j_typeinfo = JBasicTypeInfo.FLOAT_TYPE_INFO
elif self._basic_type == BasicType.DOUBLE:
self._j_typeinfo = JBasicTypeInfo.DOUBLE_TYPE_INFO
elif self._basic_type == BasicType.CHAR:
self._j_typeinfo = JBasicTypeInfo.CHAR_TYPE_INFO
elif self._basic_type == BasicType.BIG_INT:
self._j_typeinfo = JBasicTypeInfo.BIG_INT_TYPE_INFO
elif self._basic_type == BasicType.BIG_DEC:
self._j_typeinfo = JBasicTypeInfo.BIG_DEC_TYPE_INFO
elif self._basic_type == BasicType.INSTANT:
self._j_typeinfo = JBasicTypeInfo.INSTANT_TYPE_INFO
raise TypeError("Invalid BasicType %s." % self._basic_type)
return self._j_typeinfo
def __eq__(self, o) -> bool:
if isinstance(o, BasicTypeInfo):
return self._basic_type == o._basic_type
return False
def __repr__(self):
return self._basic_type.value
return BasicTypeInfo(BasicType.STRING)
return BasicTypeInfo(BasicType.BOOLEAN)
return BasicTypeInfo(BasicType.BYTE)
return BasicTypeInfo(BasicType.SHORT)
return BasicTypeInfo(BasicType.INT)
return BasicTypeInfo(BasicType.LONG)
return BasicTypeInfo(BasicType.FLOAT)
return BasicTypeInfo(BasicType.DOUBLE)
return BasicTypeInfo(BasicType.CHAR)
return BasicTypeInfo(BasicType.BIG_INT)
return BasicTypeInfo(BasicType.BIG_DEC)
return InstantTypeInfo(BasicType.INSTANT)
class InstantTypeInfo(BasicTypeInfo):
InstantTypeInfo enables users to get Instant TypeInfo.
def __init__(self, basic_type: BasicType):
super(InstantTypeInfo, self).__init__(basic_type)
def need_conversion(self):
return True
def to_internal_type(self, obj):
return obj.to_epoch_milli() * 1000
def from_internal_type(self, obj):
from pyflink.common.time import Instant
return Instant.of_epoch_milli(obj // 1000)
class SqlTimeTypeInfo(TypeInformation):
SqlTimeTypeInfo enables users to get Sql Time TypeInfo.
def DATE():
return DateTypeInfo()
def TIME():
return TimeTypeInfo()
return TimestampTypeInfo()
class PrimitiveArrayTypeInfo(TypeInformation):
A TypeInformation for arrays of primitive types (int, long, double, ...).
Supports the creation of dedicated efficient serializers for these types.
def __init__(self, element_type: TypeInformation):
self._element_type = element_type
super(PrimitiveArrayTypeInfo, self).__init__()
def get_java_type_info(self) -> JavaObject:
if not self._j_typeinfo:
JPrimitiveArrayTypeInfo = get_gateway() \
if self._element_type == Types.BOOLEAN():
self._j_typeinfo = JPrimitiveArrayTypeInfo.BOOLEAN_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO
elif self._element_type == Types.BYTE():
self._j_typeinfo = JPrimitiveArrayTypeInfo.BYTE_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO
elif self._element_type == Types.SHORT():
self._j_typeinfo = JPrimitiveArrayTypeInfo.SHORT_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO
elif self._element_type == Types.INT():
self._j_typeinfo = JPrimitiveArrayTypeInfo.INT_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO
elif self._element_type == Types.LONG():
self._j_typeinfo = JPrimitiveArrayTypeInfo.LONG_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO
elif self._element_type == Types.FLOAT():
self._j_typeinfo = JPrimitiveArrayTypeInfo.FLOAT_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO
elif self._element_type == Types.DOUBLE():
self._j_typeinfo = JPrimitiveArrayTypeInfo.DOUBLE_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO
elif self._element_type == Types.CHAR():
self._j_typeinfo = JPrimitiveArrayTypeInfo.CHAR_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO
raise TypeError("Invalid element type for a primitive array.")
return self._j_typeinfo
def __eq__(self, o) -> bool:
if isinstance(o, PrimitiveArrayTypeInfo):
return self._element_type == o._element_type
return False
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return "PrimitiveArrayTypeInfo<%s>" % self._element_type
class BasicArrayTypeInfo(TypeInformation):
A TypeInformation for arrays of boxed primitive types (Integer, Long, Double, ...).
Supports the creation of dedicated efficient serializers for these types.
def __init__(self, element_type: TypeInformation):
self._element_type = element_type
super(BasicArrayTypeInfo, self).__init__()
def get_java_type_info(self) -> JavaObject:
if not self._j_typeinfo:
JBasicArrayTypeInfo = get_gateway() \
if self._element_type == Types.BOOLEAN():
self._j_typeinfo = JBasicArrayTypeInfo.BOOLEAN_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO
elif self._element_type == Types.BYTE():
self._j_typeinfo = JBasicArrayTypeInfo.BYTE_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO
elif self._element_type == Types.SHORT():
self._j_typeinfo = JBasicArrayTypeInfo.SHORT_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO
elif self._element_type == Types.INT():
self._j_typeinfo = JBasicArrayTypeInfo.INT_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO
elif self._element_type == Types.LONG():
self._j_typeinfo = JBasicArrayTypeInfo.LONG_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO
elif self._element_type == Types.FLOAT():
self._j_typeinfo = JBasicArrayTypeInfo.FLOAT_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO
elif self._element_type == Types.DOUBLE():
self._j_typeinfo = JBasicArrayTypeInfo.DOUBLE_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO
elif self._element_type == Types.CHAR():
self._j_typeinfo = JBasicArrayTypeInfo.CHAR_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO
elif self._element_type == Types.STRING():
self._j_typeinfo = JBasicArrayTypeInfo.STRING_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO
raise TypeError("Invalid element type for a primitive array.")
return self._j_typeinfo
def __eq__(self, o) -> bool:
if isinstance(o, BasicArrayTypeInfo):
return self._element_type == o._element_type
return False
def __repr__(self):
return "BasicArrayTypeInfo<%s>" % self._element_type
class ObjectArrayTypeInfo(TypeInformation):
A TypeInformation for arrays of non-primitive types.
def __init__(self, element_type: TypeInformation):
self._element_type = element_type
super(ObjectArrayTypeInfo, self).__init__()
def get_java_type_info(self) -> JavaObject:
if not self._j_typeinfo:
JTypes = get_gateway()
self._j_typeinfo = JTypes.OBJECT_ARRAY(self._element_type.get_java_type_info())
return self._j_typeinfo
def __eq__(self, o) -> bool:
if isinstance(o, ObjectArrayTypeInfo):
return self._element_type == o._element_type
return False
def __repr__(self):
return "ObjectArrayTypeInfo<%s>" % self._element_type
class PickledBytesTypeInfo(TypeInformation):
A PickledBytesTypeInfo indicates the data is a primitive byte array generated by pickle
def get_java_type_info(self) -> JavaObject:
if not self._j_typeinfo:
self._j_typeinfo = get_gateway()\
return self._j_typeinfo
def __eq__(self, o: object) -> bool:
return isinstance(o, PickledBytesTypeInfo)
def __repr__(self):
return "PickledByteArrayTypeInfo"
class RowTypeInfo(TypeInformation):
TypeInformation for Row.
def __init__(self, field_types: List[TypeInformation], field_names: List[str] = None):
self._field_types = field_types
self._field_names = field_names
self._need_conversion = [f.need_conversion() if isinstance(f, TypeInformation) else None
for f in self._field_types]
self._need_serialize_any_field = any(self._need_conversion)
super(RowTypeInfo, self).__init__()
def get_field_names(self) -> List[str]:
if not self._field_names:
j_field_names = self.get_java_type_info().getFieldNames()
self._field_names = [name for name in j_field_names]
return self._field_names
def get_field_index(self, field_name: str) -> int:
if self._field_names:
return self._field_names.index(field_name)
return -1
def get_field_types(self) -> List[TypeInformation]:
return self._field_types
def get_java_type_info(self) -> JavaObject:
if not self._j_typeinfo:
j_types_array = get_gateway()\
for i in range(len(self._field_types)):
field_type = self._field_types[i]
if isinstance(field_type, TypeInformation):
j_types_array[i] = field_type.get_java_type_info()
if self._field_names is None:
self._j_typeinfo = get_gateway().jvm\
j_names_array = get_gateway().new_array(get_gateway(),
for i in range(len(self._field_names)):
j_names_array[i] = self._field_names[i]
self._j_typeinfo = get_gateway().jvm\, j_names_array)
return self._j_typeinfo
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, RowTypeInfo):
return self._field_types == other._field_types
return False
def __repr__(self) -> str:
if self._field_names:
return "RowTypeInfo(%s)" % ', '.join([field_name + ': ' + str(field_type)
for field_name, field_type in
return "RowTypeInfo(%s)" % ', '.join(
[str(field_type) for field_type in self._field_types])
def need_conversion(self):
return True
def to_internal_type(self, obj):
if obj is None:
from pyflink.common import Row, RowKind
if self._need_serialize_any_field:
# Only calling to_internal_type function for fields that need conversion
if isinstance(obj, dict):
return (RowKind.INSERT.value,) + tuple(
f.to_internal_type(obj.get(n)) if c else obj.get(n)
for n, f, c in
zip(self.get_field_names(), self._field_types, self._need_conversion))
elif isinstance(obj, Row) and hasattr(obj, "_fields"):
return (obj.get_row_kind().value,) + tuple(
f.to_internal_type(obj[n]) if c else obj[n]
for n, f, c in
zip(self.get_field_names(), self._field_types, self._need_conversion))
elif isinstance(obj, Row):
return (obj.get_row_kind().value,) + tuple(
f.to_internal_type(v) if c else v
for f, v, c in zip(self._field_types, obj, self._need_conversion))
elif isinstance(obj, (tuple, list)):
return (RowKind.INSERT.value,) + tuple(
f.to_internal_type(v) if c else v
for f, v, c in zip(self._field_types, obj, self._need_conversion))
elif hasattr(obj, "__dict__"):
d = obj.__dict__
return (RowKind.INSERT.value,) + tuple(
f.to_internal_type(d.get(n)) if c else d.get(n)
for n, f, c in
zip(self.get_field_names(), self._field_types, self._need_conversion))
raise ValueError("Unexpected tuple %r with RowTypeInfo" % obj)
if isinstance(obj, dict):
return (RowKind.INSERT.value,) + tuple(obj.get(n) for n in self.get_field_names())
elif isinstance(obj, Row) and hasattr(obj, "_fields"):
return (obj.get_row_kind().value,) + tuple(
obj[n] for n in self.get_field_names())
elif isinstance(obj, Row):
return (obj.get_row_kind().value,) + tuple(obj)
elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
return (RowKind.INSERT.value,) + tuple(obj)
elif hasattr(obj, "__dict__"):
d = obj.__dict__
return (RowKind.INSERT.value,) + tuple(d.get(n) for n in self.get_field_names())
raise ValueError("Unexpected tuple %r with RowTypeInfo" % obj)
def from_internal_type(self, obj):
if obj is None:
if isinstance(obj, (tuple, list)):
# it's already converted by pickler
return obj
if self._need_serialize_any_field:
# Only calling from_internal_type function for fields that need conversion
values = [f.from_internal_type(v) if c else v
for f, v, c in zip(self._field_types, obj, self._need_conversion)]
values = obj
return tuple(values)
class TupleTypeInfo(TypeInformation):
TypeInformation for Tuple.
def __init__(self, field_types: List[TypeInformation]):
self._field_types = field_types
self._need_conversion = [f.need_conversion() if isinstance(f, TypeInformation) else None
for f in self._field_types]
self._need_serialize_any_field = any(self._need_conversion)
super(TupleTypeInfo, self).__init__()
def get_field_types(self) -> List[TypeInformation]:
return self._field_types
def get_java_type_info(self) -> JavaObject:
if not self._j_typeinfo:
j_types_array = get_gateway().new_array(
for i in range(len(self._field_types)):
field_type = self._field_types[i]
if isinstance(field_type, TypeInformation):
j_types_array[i] = field_type.get_java_type_info()
self._j_typeinfo = get_gateway().jvm \
return self._j_typeinfo
def need_conversion(self):
return True
def to_internal_type(self, obj):
if obj is None:
from pyflink.common import Row
if self._need_serialize_any_field:
# Only calling to_internal_type function for fields that need conversion
if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple, Row)):
return tuple(
f.to_internal_type(v) if c else v
for f, v, c in zip(self._field_types, obj, self._need_conversion))
raise ValueError("Unexpected tuple %r with TupleTypeInfo" % obj)
if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple, Row)):
return tuple(obj)
raise ValueError("Unexpected tuple %r with TupleTypeInfo" % obj)
def from_internal_type(self, obj):
if obj is None or isinstance(obj, (tuple, list)):
# it's already converted by pickler
return obj
if self._need_serialize_any_field:
# Only calling from_internal_type function for fields that need conversion
values = [f.from_internal_type(v) if c else v
for f, v, c in zip(self._field_types, obj, self._need_conversion)]
values = obj
return tuple(values)
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, TupleTypeInfo):
return self._field_types == other._field_types
return False
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return "TupleTypeInfo(%s)" % ', '.join(
[str(field_type) for field_type in self._field_types])
class DateTypeInfo(TypeInformation):
TypeInformation for Date.
def __init__(self):
super(DateTypeInfo, self).__init__()
EPOCH_ORDINAL = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1).toordinal()
def need_conversion(self):
return True
def to_internal_type(self, d):
if d is not None:
return d.toordinal() - self.EPOCH_ORDINAL
def from_internal_type(self, v):
if v is not None:
return + self.EPOCH_ORDINAL)
def get_java_type_info(self) -> JavaObject:
if not self._j_typeinfo:
self._j_typeinfo = get_gateway().jvm\
return self._j_typeinfo
def __eq__(self, o: object) -> bool:
return isinstance(o, DateTypeInfo)
def __repr__(self):
return "DateTypeInfo"
class TimeTypeInfo(TypeInformation):
TypeInformation for Time.
EPOCH_ORDINAL = calendar.timegm(time.localtime(0)) * 10 ** 6
def need_conversion(self):
return True
def to_internal_type(self, t):
if t is not None:
if t.tzinfo is not None:
offset = t.utcoffset()
offset = offset if offset else datetime.timedelta()
offset_microseconds =\
(offset.days * 86400 + offset.seconds) * 10 ** 6 + offset.microseconds
offset_microseconds = self.EPOCH_ORDINAL
minutes = t.hour * 60 + t.minute
seconds = minutes * 60 + t.second
return seconds * 10 ** 6 + t.microsecond - offset_microseconds
def from_internal_type(self, t):
if t is not None:
seconds, microseconds = divmod(t + self.EPOCH_ORDINAL, 10 ** 6)
minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60)
hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60)
return datetime.time(hours, minutes, seconds, microseconds)
def get_java_type_info(self) -> JavaObject:
if not self._j_typeinfo:
self._j_typeinfo = get_gateway().jvm\
return self._j_typeinfo
def __eq__(self, o: object) -> bool:
return isinstance(o, TimeTypeInfo)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return "TimeTypeInfo"
class TimestampTypeInfo(TypeInformation):
TypeInformation for Timestamp.
def need_conversion(self):
return True
def to_internal_type(self, dt):
if dt is not None:
seconds = (calendar.timegm(dt.utctimetuple()) if dt.tzinfo
else time.mktime(dt.timetuple()))
return int(seconds) * 10 ** 6 + dt.microsecond
def from_internal_type(self, ts):
if ts is not None:
return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts // 10 ** 6).replace(microsecond=ts % 10 ** 6)
def get_java_type_info(self) -> JavaObject:
if not self._j_typeinfo:
self._j_typeinfo = get_gateway().jvm\
return self._j_typeinfo
def __eq__(self, o: object) -> bool:
return isinstance(o, TimestampTypeInfo)
def __repr__(self):
return "TimestampTypeInfo"
class ListTypeInfo(TypeInformation):
A TypeInformation for the list types.
def __init__(self, element_type: TypeInformation):
self.elem_type = element_type
super(ListTypeInfo, self).__init__()
def get_java_type_info(self) -> JavaObject:
if not self._j_typeinfo:
self._j_typeinfo = get_gateway().jvm\
return self._j_typeinfo
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, ListTypeInfo):
return self.elem_type == other.elem_type
return False
def __repr__(self):
return "ListTypeInfo<%s>" % self.elem_type
class MapTypeInfo(TypeInformation):
def __init__(self, key_type_info: TypeInformation, value_type_info: TypeInformation):
self._key_type_info = key_type_info
self._value_type_info = value_type_info
super(MapTypeInfo, self).__init__()
def get_java_type_info(self) -> JavaObject:
if not self._j_typeinfo:
self._j_typeinfo = get_gateway().jvm\
return self._j_typeinfo
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, MapTypeInfo):
return self._key_type_info == other._key_type_info and \
self._value_type_info == other._value_type_info
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return 'MapTypeInfo<{}, {}>'.format(self._key_type_info, self._value_type_info)
class LocalTimeTypeInfo(TypeInformation):
class TimeType(Enum):
def __init__(self, time_type: TimeType):
super(LocalTimeTypeInfo, self).__init__()
self._time_type = time_type
def get_java_type_info(self) -> JavaObject:
if self._j_typeinfo is None:
jvm = get_gateway().jvm
if self._time_type == LocalTimeTypeInfo.TimeType.LOCAL_DATE:
self._j_typeinfo = \
elif self._time_type == LocalTimeTypeInfo.TimeType.LOCAL_TIME:
self._j_typeinfo = \
elif self._time_type == LocalTimeTypeInfo.TimeType.LOCAL_DATE_TIME:
self._j_typeinfo = \
raise TypeError('Unsupported TimeType: {}'.format(
return self._j_typeinfo
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.__class__ == other.__class__ and self._time_type == other._time_type
def __repr__(self):
return 'LocalTimeTypeInfo<{}>'.format(
class ExternalTypeInfo(TypeInformation):
def __init__(self, type_info: TypeInformation):
super(ExternalTypeInfo, self).__init__()
self._type_info = type_info
def get_java_type_info(self) -> JavaObject:
if not self._j_typeinfo:
gateway = get_gateway()
TypeInfoDataTypeConverter = \
JExternalTypeInfo = \
j_data_type = TypeInfoDataTypeConverter.toDataType(self._type_info.get_java_type_info())
self._j_typeinfo = JExternalTypeInfo.of(j_data_type)
return self._j_typeinfo
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.__class__ == other.__class__ and self._type_info == other._type_info
def __repr__(self):
return 'ExternalTypeInfo<{}>'.format(self._type_info)
class Types(object):
This class gives access to the type information of the most common types for which Flink has
built-in serializers and comparators.
def STRING() -> TypeInformation:
Returns type information for string. Supports a None value.
return BasicTypeInfo.STRING_TYPE_INFO()
def BYTE() -> TypeInformation:
Returns type information for byte. Does not support a None value.
return BasicTypeInfo.BYTE_TYPE_INFO()
def BOOLEAN() -> TypeInformation:
Returns type information for bool. Does not support a None value.
return BasicTypeInfo.BOOLEAN_TYPE_INFO()
def SHORT() -> TypeInformation:
Returns type information for short. Does not support a None value.
return BasicTypeInfo.SHORT_TYPE_INFO()
def INT() -> TypeInformation:
Returns type information for int. Does not support a None value.
return BasicTypeInfo.INT_TYPE_INFO()
def LONG() -> TypeInformation:
Returns type information for long. Does not support a None value.
return BasicTypeInfo.LONG_TYPE_INFO()
def FLOAT() -> TypeInformation:
Returns type information for float. Does not support a None value.
return BasicTypeInfo.FLOAT_TYPE_INFO()
def DOUBLE() -> TypeInformation:
Returns type information for double. Does not support a None value.
return BasicTypeInfo.DOUBLE_TYPE_INFO()
def CHAR() -> TypeInformation:
Returns type information for char. Does not support a None value.
return BasicTypeInfo.CHAR_TYPE_INFO()
def BIG_INT() -> TypeInformation:
Returns type information for BigInteger. Supports a None value.
return BasicTypeInfo.BIG_INT_TYPE_INFO()
def BIG_DEC() -> TypeInformation:
Returns type information for BigDecimal. Supports a None value.
return BasicTypeInfo.BIG_DEC_TYPE_INFO()
def INSTANT() -> TypeInformation:
Returns type information for Instant. Supports a None value.
return BasicTypeInfo.INSTANT_TYPE_INFO()
def SQL_DATE() -> TypeInformation:
Returns type information for Date. Supports a None value.
return SqlTimeTypeInfo.DATE()
def SQL_TIME() -> TypeInformation:
Returns type information for Time. Supports a None value.
return SqlTimeTypeInfo.TIME()
def SQL_TIMESTAMP() -> TypeInformation:
Returns type information for Timestamp. Supports a None value.
return SqlTimeTypeInfo.TIMESTAMP()
def PICKLED_BYTE_ARRAY() -> TypeInformation:
Returns type information which uses pickle for serialization/deserialization.
return PickledBytesTypeInfo()
def ROW(field_types: List[TypeInformation]):
Returns type information for Row with fields of the given types. A row itself must not be
:param field_types: the types of the row fields, e.g., Types.String(), Types.INT()
return RowTypeInfo(field_types)
def ROW_NAMED(field_names: List[str], field_types: List[TypeInformation]):
Returns type information for Row with fields of the given types and with given names. A row
must not be null.
:param field_names: array of field names.
:param field_types: array of field types.
return RowTypeInfo(field_types, field_names)
def TUPLE(field_types: List[TypeInformation]):
Returns type information for Tuple with fields of the given types. A Tuple itself must not
be null.
:param field_types: array of field types.
return TupleTypeInfo(field_types)
def PRIMITIVE_ARRAY(element_type: TypeInformation):
Returns type information for arrays of primitive type (such as byte[]). The array must not
be null.
:param element_type: element type of the array (e.g. Types.BOOLEAN(), Types.INT(),
return PrimitiveArrayTypeInfo(element_type)
def BASIC_ARRAY(element_type: TypeInformation) -> TypeInformation:
Returns type information for arrays of boxed primitive type (such as Integer[]).
:param element_type: element type of the array (e.g. Types.BOOLEAN(), Types.INT(),
return BasicArrayTypeInfo(element_type)
def OBJECT_ARRAY(element_type: TypeInformation) -> TypeInformation:
Returns type information for arrays of non-primitive types. The array itself must not be
None. None values for elements are supported.
:param element_type: element type of the array
return ObjectArrayTypeInfo(element_type)
def MAP(key_type_info: TypeInformation, value_type_info: TypeInformation) -> TypeInformation:
Special TypeInformation used by MapStateDescriptor
:param key_type_info: Element type of key (e.g. Types.BOOLEAN(), Types.INT(),
:param value_type_info: Element type of value (e.g. Types.BOOLEAN(), Types.INT(),
return MapTypeInfo(key_type_info, value_type_info)
def LIST(element_type_info: TypeInformation) -> TypeInformation:
A TypeInformation for the list type.
:param element_type_info: The type of the elements in the list
return ListTypeInfo(element_type_info)
def _from_java_type(j_type_info: JavaObject) -> TypeInformation:
gateway = get_gateway()
JBasicTypeInfo =
if _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JBasicTypeInfo.STRING_TYPE_INFO):
return Types.STRING()
elif _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JBasicTypeInfo.BOOLEAN_TYPE_INFO):
return Types.BOOLEAN()
elif _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JBasicTypeInfo.BYTE_TYPE_INFO):
return Types.BYTE()
elif _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JBasicTypeInfo.SHORT_TYPE_INFO):
return Types.SHORT()
elif _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JBasicTypeInfo.INT_TYPE_INFO):
return Types.INT()
elif _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JBasicTypeInfo.LONG_TYPE_INFO):
return Types.LONG()
elif _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JBasicTypeInfo.FLOAT_TYPE_INFO):
return Types.FLOAT()
elif _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JBasicTypeInfo.DOUBLE_TYPE_INFO):
return Types.DOUBLE()
elif _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JBasicTypeInfo.CHAR_TYPE_INFO):
return Types.CHAR()
elif _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JBasicTypeInfo.BIG_INT_TYPE_INFO):
return Types.BIG_INT()
elif _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JBasicTypeInfo.BIG_DEC_TYPE_INFO):
return Types.BIG_DEC()
elif _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JBasicTypeInfo.INSTANT_TYPE_INFO):
return Types.INSTANT()
JSqlTimeTypeInfo =
if _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JSqlTimeTypeInfo.DATE):
return Types.SQL_DATE()
elif _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JSqlTimeTypeInfo.TIME):
return Types.SQL_TIME()
elif _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JSqlTimeTypeInfo.TIMESTAMP):
return Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP()
JPrimitiveArrayTypeInfo = \
if _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JPrimitiveArrayTypeInfo.BOOLEAN_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO):
elif _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JPrimitiveArrayTypeInfo.BYTE_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO):
return Types.PRIMITIVE_ARRAY(Types.BYTE())
elif _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JPrimitiveArrayTypeInfo.SHORT_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO):
return Types.PRIMITIVE_ARRAY(Types.SHORT())
elif _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JPrimitiveArrayTypeInfo.INT_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO):
return Types.PRIMITIVE_ARRAY(Types.INT())
elif _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JPrimitiveArrayTypeInfo.LONG_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO):
return Types.PRIMITIVE_ARRAY(Types.LONG())
elif _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JPrimitiveArrayTypeInfo.FLOAT_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO):
return Types.PRIMITIVE_ARRAY(Types.FLOAT())
elif _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JPrimitiveArrayTypeInfo.DOUBLE_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO):
return Types.PRIMITIVE_ARRAY(Types.DOUBLE())
elif _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JPrimitiveArrayTypeInfo.CHAR_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO):
return Types.PRIMITIVE_ARRAY(Types.CHAR())
JBasicArrayTypeInfo =
if _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JBasicArrayTypeInfo.BOOLEAN_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO):
return Types.BASIC_ARRAY(Types.BOOLEAN())
elif _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JBasicArrayTypeInfo.BYTE_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO):
return Types.BASIC_ARRAY(Types.BYTE())
elif _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JBasicArrayTypeInfo.SHORT_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO):
return Types.BASIC_ARRAY(Types.SHORT())
elif _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JBasicArrayTypeInfo.INT_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO):
return Types.BASIC_ARRAY(Types.INT())
elif _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JBasicArrayTypeInfo.LONG_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO):
return Types.BASIC_ARRAY(Types.LONG())
elif _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JBasicArrayTypeInfo.FLOAT_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO):
return Types.BASIC_ARRAY(Types.FLOAT())
elif _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JBasicArrayTypeInfo.DOUBLE_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO):
return Types.BASIC_ARRAY(Types.DOUBLE())
elif _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JBasicArrayTypeInfo.CHAR_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO):
return Types.BASIC_ARRAY(Types.CHAR())
elif _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JBasicArrayTypeInfo.STRING_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO):
return Types.BASIC_ARRAY(Types.STRING())
JObjectArrayTypeInfo =
if _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JObjectArrayTypeInfo):
return Types.OBJECT_ARRAY(_from_java_type(j_type_info.getComponentInfo()))
JPickledBytesTypeInfo = gateway.jvm \
if _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JPickledBytesTypeInfo):
JRowTypeInfo =
if _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JRowTypeInfo):
j_row_field_names = j_type_info.getFieldNames()
j_row_field_types = j_type_info.getFieldTypes()
row_field_types = [_from_java_type(j_row_field_type) for j_row_field_type in
row_field_names = [field_name for field_name in j_row_field_names]
return Types.ROW_NAMED(row_field_names, row_field_types)
JTupleTypeInfo =
if _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JTupleTypeInfo):
j_field_types = []
for i in range(j_type_info.getArity()):
field_types = [_from_java_type(j_field_type) for j_field_type in j_field_types]
return TupleTypeInfo(field_types)
JMapTypeInfo = get_gateway()
if _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JMapTypeInfo):
j_key_type_info = j_type_info.getKeyTypeInfo()
j_value_type_info = j_type_info.getValueTypeInfo()
return MapTypeInfo(_from_java_type(j_key_type_info), _from_java_type(j_value_type_info))
JListTypeInfo = get_gateway()
if _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JListTypeInfo):
j_element_type_info = j_type_info.getElementTypeInfo()
return ListTypeInfo(_from_java_type(j_element_type_info))
JLocalTimeTypeInfo =
if _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JLocalTimeTypeInfo):
if j_type_info.equals(JLocalTimeTypeInfo.LOCAL_DATE):
time_type = LocalTimeTypeInfo.TimeType.LOCAL_DATE
elif j_type_info.equals(JLocalTimeTypeInfo.LOCAL_TIME):
time_type = LocalTimeTypeInfo.TimeType.LOCAL_TIME
elif j_type_info.equals(JLocalTimeTypeInfo.LOCAL_DATE_TIME):
time_type = LocalTimeTypeInfo.TimeType.LOCAL_DATE_TIME
raise TypeError("Unsupported LocalTimeTypeInfo: %s." % j_type_info.toString())
return LocalTimeTypeInfo(time_type)
JExternalTypeInfo =
if _is_instance_of(j_type_info, JExternalTypeInfo):
TypeInfoDataTypeConverter = \
return ExternalTypeInfo(_from_java_type(
raise TypeError("The java type info: %s is not supported in PyFlink currently." % j_type_info)
def _is_instance_of(java_object: JavaObject, java_type: Union[JavaObject, JavaClass]) -> bool:
if isinstance(java_type, JavaObject):
return java_object.equals(java_type)
elif isinstance(java_type, JavaClass):
return java_object.getClass().isAssignableFrom(java_type._java_lang_class)
return False