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Important classes of Flink Streaming API:
- :class:`StreamExecutionEnvironment`:
The context in which a streaming program is executed.
- :class:`CheckpointConfig`:
Configuration that captures all checkpointing related settings.
- :class:`CheckpointingMode`:
Defines what consistency guarantees the system gives in the presence of failures.
- :class:`CoMapFunction`:
Implements a map transformation over two connected streams.
- :class:`CoFlatMapFunction`:
Implements a flat-map transformation over two connected streams.
- :class:`DataStream`:
Represents a stream of elements of the same type. A DataStream can be transformed
into another DataStream by applying a transformation
- :class:`FlatMapFunction`:
FlatMap functions take elements and transform them, into zero, one, or more elements.
- :class:`FilterFunction`:
A filter function is a predicate applied individually to each record.
- :class:`KeySelector`:
The extractor takes an object and returns the deterministic key for that object.
- :class:`Partitioner`:
Function to implement a custom partition assignment for keys.
- :class:`ReduceFunction`:
Reduce functions combine groups of elements to a single value.
- :class:`SinkFunction`:
Interface for implementing user defined sink functionality.
- :class:`SourceFunction`:
Interface for implementing user defined source functionality.
- :class:`StateBackend`:
Defines how the state of a streaming application is stored and checkpointed.
- :class:`MapFunction`:
Map functions take elements and transform them, element wise.
- :class:`MemoryStateBackend`:
This state backend holds the working state in the memory (JVM heap) of the TaskManagers.
- :class:`FsStateBackend`:
The state backend checkpoints state as files to a file system.
- :class:`RocksDBStateBackend`:
A State Backend that stores its state in `RocksDB`.
- :class:`CustomStateBackend`:
A wrapper of customized java state backend created from the provided `StateBackendFactory`.
- :class:`PredefinedOptions`:
Configuration settings for the `RocksDBStateBackend`.
- :class:`ExternalizedCheckpointCleanup`:
Cleanup behaviour for externalized checkpoints when the job is cancelled.
- :class:`TimeCharacteristic`:
The time characteristic defines how the system determines time for time-dependent
order and operations that depend on time (such as time windows).
from pyflink.datastream.checkpoint_config import CheckpointConfig, ExternalizedCheckpointCleanup
from pyflink.datastream.checkpointing_mode import CheckpointingMode
from pyflink.datastream.data_stream import DataStream
from pyflink.datastream.functions import (MapFunction, CoMapFunction, FlatMapFunction,
CoFlatMapFunction, ReduceFunction, RuntimeContext,
KeySelector, FilterFunction, Partitioner, SourceFunction,
from pyflink.datastream.state_backend import (StateBackend, MemoryStateBackend, FsStateBackend,
RocksDBStateBackend, CustomStateBackend,
from pyflink.datastream.stream_execution_environment import StreamExecutionEnvironment
from pyflink.datastream.time_characteristic import TimeCharacteristic
from pyflink.datastream.time_domain import TimeDomain
from pyflink.datastream.functions import ProcessFunction, TimerService
__all__ = [