blob: f57785c7050904201073cb0e664dd9c86129005e [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
<project xsi:schemaLocation=""
xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
<name>Flink : </name>
<name>The Apache Software License, Version 2.0</name>
<!-- XmxMax / forkCountITCase -->
<!-- XmxMax / forkCountUnitTest -->
<!-- Need to use a user property here because the surefire
forkCount is not exposed as a property. With this we can set
it on the "mvn" commandline in travis. -->
<!-- Number of forkCounts for ITCase and UnitTest should take into account allocated memory
to the jvm (-Xmx) and the available memory on the machine running the test -->
<flink.surefire.baseArgLine>-XX:+UseG1GC -Xms256m -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions ${surefire.module.config}</flink.surefire.baseArgLine>
<!-- Overwrite default values from parent pom.
IntelliJ IDEA is (sometimes?) using those values to choose target language level
and thus is changing back to java 1.6 on each maven re-import -->
<!-- Default scala versions, must be overwritten by build profiles, so we set something
invalid here -->
<!-- keep FlinkTestcontainersConfigurator.configureZookeeperContainer in sync -->
<!-- Project `flink-benchmarks` uses zk testing server in `curator-test` for performance
benchmark, please confirm it will not affect the benchmarks when the version is bumped. -->
<!-- Version for transitive Jackson dependencies that are not used within Flink itself.-->
Keeping the MiniKDC version fixed instead of taking hadoop version dependency
to support testing Kafka, ZK etc., modules that does not have Hadoop dependency
Starting Hadoop 3, org.apache.kerby will be used instead of MiniKDC. We may have
to revisit the impact at that time.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
<!-- This property should contain the add-opens/add-exports commands required for the tests
in the given module to pass.
It MUST be a space-separated list not containing any newlines,
of entries in the form '[-]{2}add-[opens|exports]=<module>/<package>=ALL-UNNAMED'.-->
<!-- Can be set to any value to reproduce a specific build. -->
<!-- Root dependencies for all projects -->
<!-- Logging API -->
<!-- 'javax.annotation' classes like '@Nullable' -->
<!-- test dependencies -->
<!-- tests will have log4j as the default logging framework available -->
<!-- API bridge between log4j 1 and 2 -->
<!-- this section defines the module versions that are used if nothing else is specified. -->
<!-- WARN:
DO NOT put guava,
here. It will overwrite Hadoop's guava dependency (even though we handle it
separatly in the flink-shaded-hadoop-2 dependency).
<!-- This manages the 'javax.annotation' annotations (JSR305) -->
<!-- API bridge between log4j 1 and 2 -->
<!-- Causes unnecessary dependency convergence errors; see MENFORCER-437 -->
<!-- We no longer align the avro version with the version bundled in Hadoop.
Users might need to downgrade the avro version for a particular Hadoop version. -->
<!-- For dependency convergence -->
<!-- For dependency convergence -->
<!-- For dependency convergence -->
<!-- For dependency convergence -->
<!-- re-branded javax.activation:javax.activation-api that is provided by flink-dist
(the package names are identical!) -->
<!-- re-branded javax.xml.bind:jaxb-api that is provided by flink-dist
(the package names are identical!) -->
<!-- For dependency convergence -->
<!-- Make sure we use a consistent commons-cli version throughout the project -->
<!-- commons collections needs to be pinned to this critical security fix version -->
<!--We have to bump the commons-configuration to version 1.7 because Hadoop uses per
default 1.6. This version has the problem that it depends on commons-beanutils-core and
commons-digester. Commons-digester depends on commons-beanutils. Both dependencies are
contains classes of commons-collections. Since the dependency reduced pom does not
exclude commons-beanutils from commons-configuration, sbt would pull it in again. The
solution is setting the version of commons-configuration to 1.7 which also depends on
common-beanutils. Consequently, the dependency reduced pom will also contain an
exclusion for commons-beanutils for commons-configuration. -->
<!-- Causes unnecessary dependency convergence errors; see MENFORCER-437 -->
<!-- Managed dependency required for HBase in flink-connector-hbase -->
<!-- joda time is pulled in different versions by different transitive dependencies-->
<!-- kryo used in different versions by Flink an chill -->
<!-- Netty is an optional dependency, that we currently do not make use of. -->
<!-- jline is optional for ZK console shell -->
<!-- For dependency convergence
On Java 8- this dependency is bundled with the JDK
On Java 11+ this dependency is bundled in flink-dist -->
<!-- For dependency convergence
On Java 8- this dependency is bundled with the JDK
On Java 11+ this dependency is bundled in flink-dist -->
<!-- We have to define the versions for httpcore and httpclient here such that a consistent
version is used by the shaded hadoop jars and the flink-yarn-test project because of MNG-5899.
See FLINK-6836 for more details -->
<!-- log4j2 has an optional dependency on disruptor which may affect other dependencies (like hive)
pin the version here to make this behavior explicit -->
<!-- Bumped for security purposes and making it work with Jackson dependencies (2.10.1) -->
<!-- Set to false so that all required dependencies are put on the classpath,
since IntelliJ does not work against jars produced by the shade plugin
(which may bundled said classes). -->
<!-- make sure we don't have any _2.10 or _2.11 dependencies when building
for Scala 2.12 -->
<excludes combine.children="append">
<message>Scala 2.10/2.11 dependencies are not allowed for Scala 2.12 builds. This can be caused by hard-coded scala versions, where the 'scala.binary.version' property should be used instead.</message>
<!-- Bump Scala because 2.12.7 doesn't compile on Java 17. -->
<compilerArgs combine.children="append">
<!-- Bump Scala because before 2.12.18 doesn't compile on Java 21. -->
<compilerArgs combine.children="append">
<!-- A list of available stylesheets can be found here: -->
<!-- used for SNAPSHOT and regular releases -->
<!-- versions for certain build tools are enforced to match the CI setup -->
<!-- the rules below should stay in sync with Flink Release wiki documentation and the CI scripts -->
<arguments>${arguments} -Psonatype-oss-release</arguments>
We need to include this here because some of our modules have transitive dependencies
on jdbm1, which is of type "bundle". This only works if you include the
maven-bundle-plugin (see We need
the plugin in the root pom because Javadoc aggregation runs only in the root pom and
not the specific poms. Not having this here was the cause for FLINK-7702.
<!-- Globally exclude maven metadata, because it may accidentally bundle files we don't intend to -->
<!-- activate API compatibility checks -->
<!-- Enforce this license:
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
<license implementation="org.apache.rat.analysis.license.SimplePatternBasedLicense">
<licenseFamilyCategory>AL2 </licenseFamilyCategory>
<licenseFamilyName>Apache License 2.0</licenseFamilyName>
<pattern>Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one</pattern>
<licenseFamily implementation="org.apache.rat.license.SimpleLicenseFamily">
<familyName>Apache License 2.0</familyName>
<!-- Additional files like .gitignore etc.-->
<!-- External web libraries. -->
<!-- the licenses that are re-bundled -->
<!-- web dashboard config JSON files -->
<!-- web dashboard non-binary assets -->
<!-- generated contents -->
<!-- downloaded and generated web libraries. -->
<!-- antlr grammar files -->
<!-- Test Data. -->
<!-- ArchUnit violation stores -->
<!-- snapshots -->
<!-- netty test file, still Apache License 2.0 but with a different header -->
<!-- Configuration Files. -->
<!-- Administrative files in the main trunk. -->
<!-- Build files -->
<!-- Generated content -->
<!-- Tools: watchdog -->
<!-- Tools: japicmp output -->
<!-- artifacts created during release process -->
<!-- PyCharm -->
<!-- Generated code via Avro -->
<!-- flink-python -->
<!-- AWS SDK config that does not support license headers -->
<!-- The most recently published version configuration file -->
<!--surefire for unit tests and integration tests-->
<!-- enables TCP/IP communication between surefire and forked JVM-->
<forkNode implementation="org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.extensions.SurefireForkNodeFactory"/>
<systemPropertyVariables combine.children="append">
<!-- $$ ensures that surefire resolves this to the current forkNumber,
instead of maven during initialization -->
<!-- force the use of the Changelog State Backend in tests on mini-cluster
on: enable CheckpointingOptions.ENABLE_STATE_CHANGE_LOG on cluster level
random: enable it randomly, unless explicitly set
unset: don't alter the configuration
<!-- Expose as property so that test utils that spawn JVMs can pick it up. -->
<!--suppress MavenModelInspection -->
<!-- Enabled the parallel test execution feature. -->
<!-- Tests and test classes can be enabled for concurrent execution using @Execution(ExecutionMode.CONCURRENT). -->
<!-- Tests are by default executed by a single thread; parallel execution is opt-in. -->
<!-- Tests suites are by default executed by a single thread; parallel execution is opt-in. -->
<!-- automatically adjust parallelism based on available cpu/processor cores-->
<!-- This is picked up by IntelliJ -->
<!--execute all the unit tests-->
<argLine>${flink.surefire.baseArgLine} -Xmx${flink.XmxUnitTest}</argLine>
<!--execute all the integration tests-->
<!-- Exclude classes generated by Scala that surefire rejects
e.g., 'org.apache.flink.api.scala.typeutils.Foo$Bar$Foobar'. -->
<argLine>${flink.surefire.baseArgLine} -Xmx${flink.XmxITCase}</argLine>
<!-- Snakeyaml is pulled in by many modules without using it in production,
so there's no benefit in us investing time into bumping these. -->
<message>Older snakeyaml versions are not allowed due to security vulnerabilities.</message>
<message>Older jackson versions are not allowed due to security vulnerabilities.</message>
<message>Log4j 1 and Reload4J dependencies are not allowed because they conflict with Log4j 2. If the dependency absolutely requires the Log4j 1 API, use 'org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-1.2-api'.</message>
Direct dependencies on flink-rpc-akka are not allowed. Depend on flink-rpc-akka-loader instead, and use RpcSystem#load or the TestingRpcService.
Direct dependencies on flink-table-planner are not allowed.
You should depend on either Table API modules or flink-table-planner-loader.
<!-- disabled by default as it interacts badly with shade-plugin -->
<!-- This section contains the core configuration that is applied to every jar that we create.-->
<filters combine.children="append">
<!-- Globally exclude from our JAR files. -->
<!-- Do not copy the signatures in the META-INF folder.
Otherwise, this might cause SecurityExceptions when using the JAR. -->
<!-- META-INF/maven can contain 2 things:
- For archetypes, it contains an archetype-metadata.xml.
- For other jars, it contains the pom for all dependencies under the respective <groupId>/<artifactId>/ directory.
We want to exclude the poms because they may be under an incompatible license,
however the archetype metadata is required and we need to keep that around.
This pattern excludes directories under META-INF/maven.
('?*/**' does not work because '**' also matches zero directories;
everything that matches '?*' also matches '?*/**')
The initial '**' allows the pattern to also work for multi-release jars that may contain such entries under
<transformers combine.children="append">
<!-- The service transformer is needed to merge META-INF/services files -->
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ServicesResourceTransformer"/>
<!-- The ApacheNoticeResourceTransformer collects and aggregates NOTICE files -->
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ApacheNoticeResourceTransformer">
<projectName>Apache Flink</projectName>
<!-- Filters MUST be appended; merging filters does not work properly, see MSHADE-305 -->
<filters combine.children="append">
<!-- drop entries into META-INF and NOTICE files for the dummy artifact -->
<!-- io.netty:netty brings its own LICENSE.txt which we don't need -->
<!-- Unfortunately, the next line is necessary for now to force the execution
of the Shade plugin upon all sub modules. This will generate effective poms,
i.e. poms which do not contain properties which are derived from this root pom.
In particular, the Scala version properties are defined in the root pom and without
shading, the root pom would have to be Scala suffixed and thereby all other modules.
<!-- generate configuration docs -->
<!-- The semantics of this option are reversed, see MCOMPILER-209. -->
<!-- Prevents recompilation due to missing package-info.class, see MCOMPILER-205 -->
<!-- Note: match version with docs/flinkDev/ -->
<!-- \# refers to the static imports -->
<removeUnusedImports />
<!-- Suppress the error that is accepted by JDK 8 but not by JDK 11. -->
<ignoredUsedUndeclaredDependencies combine.children="append">
<!-- allow using transitive Flink dependencies for brevity -->
<!-- False positive since we use hamcrest-all -->
<ignoredUnusedDeclaredDependencies combine.children="append">
<!-- build dependency, required for shading; does not contain any classes -->
<!-- compile dependencies; defined in root pom for brevity -->
<!-- logging dependencies; defined in root pom for brevity
some modules may not use any logging, but that's not a problem
implementations are loaded via reflection and are always detected as unused -->
<!-- log4j1 -->
<!-- log4j2 -->
<!-- test dependencies; defined in root pom for brevity -->
<!-- Pin the version of the maven shade plugin -->
<!-- Pin the version of the maven remote resource plugin -->
<!-- Inherited from Apache parent, but not actually used. Disable to reduce noise. -->
<!-- set scala maven plugin version -->
<!-- Configuration for the binary compatibility checker -->
<!-- The following line is un-commented by tools/releasing/
as part of the release process -->
<!-- MARKER: start exclusions; these will be wiped by tools/releasing/ -->
<!-- Mark these 2 methods to @Internal. Tracked under FLINK-34130, should be removed in 2.0 -->
<!-- FLIP-344: Remove parameter in RichFunction#open in 2.0 -->
<!-- FLINK-34085 Deprecated string config should be removed in 2.0 -->
<!-- FLINK-35886: WatermarksWithIdleness constructor was marked as deprecated -->
<!-- FLINK-35812 move tuple interfaces into flink-core-api, should be removed in 2.0 -->
<!-- FLINK-36225 Remove deprecated methods marked in FLIP-382 -->
<!-- The following exclusions are due to classes being relocated from the flink-streaming-java
module to the flink-runtime module. -->
<!-- FLINK-33712 deprecated the RuntimeContext#getExecutionConfig; this will be removed in Flink 2.0. -->
<!-- FLINK-3992 Do not implement deprecated Key interface in flink 2.0 -->
<!-- FLINK-36366 Remove deprecate API in flink-core -->
<!-- FLINK-5336 Remove IOReadableWritable from Path in flink-2.0. -->
<!-- The following exclusions are due to the flink-hadoop-compatibility_${scala.binary.version} module has renamed to flink-hadoop-compatibility. -->
<!-- The following exclusions are due to classes being relocated from the flink-java
module to the flink-core module. -->
<!-- FLINK-36327 Remove dependency about flink-scala and flink-streaming-scala in table module in flink-2.0 -->
<!-- FLINK-36245 Remove Sink.InitContext in flink-2.0. -->
<!-- FLINK-36245 move SourceFunction to legacy package in flink-2.0. -->
<!-- MARKER: end exclusions -->
<!-- Don't break build on newly added maven modules -->
<!-- run via "mvn org.owasp:dependency-check-maven:aggregate" -->