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;; Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
;; or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
;; distributed with this work for additional information
;; regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
;; to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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;; limitations under the License.
(ns jepsen.flink.client
(:require [clj-http.client :as http]
[ :refer :all]
[jepsen.client :as client]
[jepsen.flink.zookeeper :as fz]
[jepsen.flink.utils :as fu]
[zookeeper :as zk])
(:import ( ByteArrayInputStream ObjectInputStream)))
(defn connect-zk-client!
(zk/connect connection-string :timeout-msec 60000))
(defn read-url
(with-open [object-input-stream (ObjectInputStream. (ByteArrayInputStream. bytes))]
(.readUTF object-input-stream)))
(defn wait-for-zk-operation
[zk-client operation path]
(let [p (promise)]
(letfn [(iter [_]
(when-let [res (operation zk-client path :watcher iter)]
(deliver p res)))
(iter nil)
(defn wait-for-path-to-exist
[zk-client path]
(info "Waiting for path" path "in ZK.")
(wait-for-zk-operation zk-client zk/exists path))
(defn get-only-application-id
(assert (= 1 (count coll)) (str "Expected 1 application id, got " coll ". "
"Failed to deploy the Flink cluster, or there are lingering Flink clusters."))
(first coll))
(defn wait-for-children-to-exist
[zk-client path]
(wait-for-zk-operation zk-client zk/children path))
(defn find-application-id
(wait-for-path-to-exist zk-client "/flink")
(wait-for-children-to-exist zk-client "/flink")
(defn watch-node-bytes
[zk-client path callback]
(when (zk/exists zk-client path :watcher (fn [_] (watch-node-bytes zk-client path callback)))
(zk/data zk-client path :watcher (fn [_] (watch-node-bytes zk-client path callback)))
(defn make-job-manager-url [test]
(let [rest-url-atom (atom nil)
zk-client (connect-zk-client! (fz/zookeeper-quorum test))
init-future (future
(let [application-id (find-application-id zk-client)
path (str "/flink/" application-id "/leader/rest_server/connection_info")
_ (->
(wait-for-path-to-exist zk-client path)
(info "Determined application id to be" application-id)
(watch-node-bytes zk-client path
(fn [bytes]
(let [url (read-url bytes)]
(info "Leading REST url changed to" url)
(reset! rest-url-atom url))))))]
{:rest-url-atom rest-url-atom
:closer (fn [] (zk/close zk-client))
:init-future init-future}))
(defn list-jobs!
(http/get (str base-url "/jobs") {:as :json})
(map :id)))
(defn job-running?
[base-url job-id]
(let [response (http/get (str base-url "/jobs/" job-id) {:as :json :throw-exceptions false})
body (:body response)
error (:errors body)]
(http/missing? response) false
(not (http/success? response)) (throw (ex-info "Could not determine if job is running" {:job-id job-id :error error}))
:else (do
(assert (:vertices body) "Job does not have vertices")
(map :status)
(every? #(= "RUNNING" %)))))))
(defn jobs-running?
"Checks if multiple jobs are running. Returns a map where the keys are job ids and the values are
booleans indicating whether the job is running or not."
[base-url job-ids]
(let [job-running-on-current-master? (partial job-running? base-url)
make-job-id-running?-pair (juxt identity job-running-on-current-master?)]
(into {} (map make-job-id-running?-pair job-ids))))
(defn- cancel-job!
"Cancels the specified job. Returns true if the job could be canceled.
Returns false if the job does not exist. Throws an exception if the HTTP status
is not successful."
[base-url job-id]
(let [response (http/patch (str base-url "/jobs/" job-id) {:as :json :throw-exceptions false})
error (-> response :body :errors)]
(http/missing? response) false
(not (http/success? response)) (throw (ex-info "Job cancellation unsuccessful" {:job-id job-id :error error}))
:else true)))
(defn- cancel-jobs!
[base-url job-ids]
(doseq [job-id job-ids] (cancel-job! base-url job-id)))
(defmacro dispatch-operation
[op & body]
(assoc ~op :type :ok :value ~@body)
(catch Exception e# (do
(warn e# "An exception occurred while running" (quote ~@body))
(assoc ~op :type :fail :error (.getMessage e#))))))
(defmacro dispatch-operation-or-fatal
"Dispatches op by evaluating body, retrying a number of times if needed.
Fails fatally if all retries are exhausted."
[op & body]
`(assoc ~op :type :ok :value (fu/retry (fn [] ~@body) :fallback (fn [e#]
(fatal e# "Required operation did not succeed" (quote ~@body))
(System/exit 1)))))
(defn- dispatch-rest-operation!
[rest-url job-ids op]
(assert job-ids)
(if-not rest-url
(assoc op :type :fail :error "Have not determined REST URL yet.")
(case (:f op)
:jobs-running? (dispatch-operation op (fu/retry
(partial jobs-running? rest-url job-ids)
:retries 3
:fallback #(throw %)))
:cancel-jobs (dispatch-operation-or-fatal op (cancel-jobs! rest-url job-ids)))))
(defrecord Client
[closer ; function that closes the ZK client
rest-url ; atom storing the current rest-url
init-future ; future that completes if rest-url is set to an initial value
job-ids ; atom storing the job-ids
client-setup?] ; Has the client already been setup? Used to avoid running setup! again if the client is re-opened.
(open! [this test _]
(info "Open client.")
(let [{:keys [rest-url-atom closer init-future]} (make-job-manager-url test)]
(assoc this :closer closer
:rest-url rest-url-atom
:init-future init-future)))
(setup! [_ _]
(info "Setup client.")
(when (compare-and-set! client-setup? false true)
(deref init-future)
(let [jobs (fu/retry (fn [] (list-jobs! @rest-url))
:fallback (fn [e]
(fatal e "Could not get running jobs.")
(System/exit 1)))
num-jobs (count jobs)]
(assert (pos? num-jobs) (str "Expected at least 1 job, was " num-jobs))
(info "Submitted jobs" jobs)
(reset! job-ids jobs))))
(invoke! [_ _ op]
(dispatch-rest-operation! @rest-url @job-ids op))
(teardown! [_ _])
(close! [_ _]
(info "Closing client.")
(defn create-client
(Client. nil nil nil (atom nil) (atom false)))