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<a href="/2016/05/11/flink-1.0.3-released/">Flink 1.0.3 Released</a>
May 11, 2016 -
<p>Today, the Flink community released Flink version 1.0.3, the third bugfix release of the 1.0 series.
We recommend all users updating to this release by bumping the version of your Flink dependencies to 1.0.3 and updating the binaries on the server. You can find the binaries on the updated Downloads page.
Fixed Issues # Bug # [FLINK-3790] [streaming] Use proper hadoop config in rolling sink [FLINK-3840] Remove Testing Files in RocksDB Backend [FLINK-3835] [optimizer] Add input id to JSON plan to resolve ambiguous input names [hotfix] OptionSerializer.
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<a href="/2016/04/22/flink-1.0.2-released/">Flink 1.0.2 Released</a>
April 22, 2016 -
<p>Today, the Flink community released Flink version 1.0.2, the second bugfix release of the 1.0 series.
We recommend all users updating to this release by bumping the version of your Flink dependencies to 1.0.2 and updating the binaries on the server. You can find the binaries on the updated Downloads page.
Fixed Issues # Bug # [FLINK-3657] [dataSet] Change access of DataSetUtils.countElements() to &lsquo;public&rsquo; [FLINK-3762] [core] Enable Kryo reference tracking [FLINK-3732] [core] Fix potential null deference in ExecutionConfig#equals() [FLINK-3760] Fix StateDescriptor.
<a href="/2016/04/22/flink-1.0.2-released/">...</a>
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<a href="/2016/04/14/flink-forward-2016-call-for-submissions-is-now-open/">Flink Forward 2016 Call for Submissions Is Now Open</a>
April 14, 2016 -
<p>We are happy to announce that the call for submissions for Flink Forward 2016 is now open! The conference will take place September 12-14, 2016 in Berlin, Germany, bringing together the open source stream processing community. Most Apache Flink committers will attend the conference, making it the ideal venue to learn more about the project and its roadmap and connect with the community.
The conference welcomes submissions on everything Flink-related, including experiences with using Flink, products based on Flink, technical talks on extending Flink, as well as connecting Flink with other open source or proprietary software.
<a href="/2016/04/14/flink-forward-2016-call-for-submissions-is-now-open/">...</a>
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<a href="/2016/04/06/introducing-complex-event-processing-cep-with-apache-flink/">Introducing Complex Event Processing (CEP) with Apache Flink</a>
April 6, 2016 -
<p>With the ubiquity of sensor networks and smart devices continuously collecting more and more data, we face the challenge to analyze an ever growing stream of data in near real-time. Being able to react quickly to changing trends or to deliver up to date business intelligence can be a decisive factor for a company’s success or failure. A key problem in real time processing is the detection of event patterns in data streams.
<a href="/2016/04/06/introducing-complex-event-processing-cep-with-apache-flink/">...</a>
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<a href="/2016/04/06/flink-1.0.1-released/">Flink 1.0.1 Released</a>
April 6, 2016 -
<p>Today, the Flink community released Flink version 1.0.1, the first bugfix release of the 1.0 series.
We recommend all users updating to this release by bumping the version of your Flink dependencies to 1.0.1 and updating the binaries on the server. You can find the binaries on the updated Downloads page.
Fixed Issues # Bug [FLINK-3179] - Combiner is not injected if Reduce or GroupReduce input is explicitly partitioned [FLINK-3472] - JDBCInputFormat.
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<a href="/2016/03/08/announcing-apache-flink-1.0.0/">Announcing Apache Flink 1.0.0</a>
March 8, 2016 -
<p>The Apache Flink community is pleased to announce the availability of the 1.0.0 release. The community put significant effort into improving and extending Apache Flink since the last release, focusing on improving the experience of writing and executing data stream processing pipelines in production.
Flink version 1.0.0 marks the beginning of the 1.X.X series of releases, which will maintain backwards compatibility with 1.0.0. This means that applications written against stable APIs of Flink 1.
<a href="/2016/03/08/announcing-apache-flink-1.0.0/">...</a>
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<a href="/2016/02/11/flink-0.10.2-released/">Flink 0.10.2 Released</a>
February 11, 2016 -
<p>Today, the Flink community released Flink version 0.10.2, the second bugfix release of the 0.10 series.
We recommend all users updating to this release by bumping the version of your Flink dependencies to 0.10.2 and updating the binaries on the server.
Issues fixed # FLINK-3242: Adjust StateBackendITCase for 0.10 signatures of state backends FLINK-3236: Flink user code classloader as parent classloader from Flink core classes FLINK-2962: Cluster startup script refers to unused variable FLINK-3151: Downgrade to Netty version 4.
<a href="/2016/02/11/flink-0.10.2-released/">...</a>
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<a href="/2015/12/18/flink-2015-a-year-in-review-and-a-lookout-to-2016/">Flink 2015: A year in review, and a lookout to 2016</a>
December 18, 2015 -
<p>With 2015 ending, we thought that this would be good time to reflect on the amazing work done by the Flink community over this past year, and how much this community has grown.
Overall, we have seen Flink grow in terms of functionality from an engine to one of the most complete open-source stream processing frameworks available. The community grew from a relatively small and geographically focused team, to a truly global, and one of the largest big data communities in the the Apache Software Foundation.
<a href="/2015/12/18/flink-2015-a-year-in-review-and-a-lookout-to-2016/">...</a>
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<a href="/2015/12/11/storm-compatibility-in-apache-flink-how-to-run-existing-storm-topologies-on-flink/">Storm Compatibility in Apache Flink: How to run existing Storm topologies on Flink</a>
December 11, 2015 -
<p>Apache Storm was one of the first distributed and scalable stream processing systems available in the open source space offering (near) real-time tuple-by-tuple processing semantics. Initially released by the developers at Backtype in 2011 under the Eclipse open-source license, it became popular very quickly. Only shortly afterwards, Twitter acquired Backtype. Since then, Storm has been growing in popularity, is used in production at many big companies, and is the de-facto industry standard for big data stream processing.
<a href="/2015/12/11/storm-compatibility-in-apache-flink-how-to-run-existing-storm-topologies-on-flink/">...</a>
<a href="/2015/12/11/storm-compatibility-in-apache-flink-how-to-run-existing-storm-topologies-on-flink/">Continue reading »</a>
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<a href="/2015/12/04/introducing-stream-windows-in-apache-flink/">Introducing Stream Windows in Apache Flink</a>
December 4, 2015 -
<p>The data analysis space is witnessing an evolution from batch to stream processing for many use cases. Although batch can be handled as a special case of stream processing, analyzing never-ending streaming data often requires a shift in the mindset and comes with its own terminology (for example, “windowing” and “at-least-once”/”exactly-once” processing). This shift and the new terminology can be quite confusing for people being new to the space of stream processing.
<a href="/2015/12/04/introducing-stream-windows-in-apache-flink/">...</a>
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<a href="">Apache Flink CDC 3.1.0 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink Kubernetes Operator 1.8.0 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Announcing the Release of Apache Flink 1.19</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.18.1 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.16.3 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.17.2 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink Kubernetes Operator 1.7.0 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink Kubernetes Operator 1.6.1 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Announcing the Release of Apache Flink 1.18</a>
<a href="">Stateful Functions 3.3.0 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink Kubernetes Operator 1.6.0 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Announcing three new Apache Flink connectors, the new connector versioning strategy and externalization</a>
<a href="">SIGMOD Systems Award for Apache Flink</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.16.2 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.17.1 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink Kubernetes Operator 1.5.0 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Howto test a batch source with the new Source framework</a>
<a href="">Howto migrate a real-life batch pipeline from the DataSet API to the DataStream API</a>
<a href="">Howto create a batch source with the new Source framework</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink ML 2.2.0 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Announcing the Release of Apache Flink 1.17</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.15.4 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink Kubernetes Operator 1.4.0 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.16.1 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Delegation Token Framework: Obtain, Distribute and Use Temporary Credentials Automatically</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink Table Store 0.3.0 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink Kubernetes Operator 1.3.1 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink Kubernetes Operator 1.3.0 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Optimising the throughput of async sinks using a custom RateLimitingStrategy</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.15.3 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Announcing the Release of Apache Flink 1.16</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink Table Store 0.2.1 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink Kubernetes Operator 1.2.0 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.14.6 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Regarding Akka&#39;s licensing change</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink Table Store 0.2.0 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.15.2 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink Kubernetes Operator 1.1.0 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink ML 2.1.0 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">FLIP-147: Support Checkpoints After Tasks Finished - Part One</a>
<a href="">FLIP-147: Support Checkpoints After Tasks Finished - Part Two</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.15.1 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.14.5 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Adaptive Batch Scheduler: Automatically Decide Parallelism of Flink Batch Jobs</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink Kubernetes Operator 1.0.0 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Improving speed and stability of checkpointing with generic log-based incremental checkpoints</a>
<a href="">Getting into Low-Latency Gears with Apache Flink - Part Two</a>
<a href="">Getting into Low-Latency Gears with Apache Flink - Part One</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink Table Store 0.1.0 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Exploring the thread mode in PyFlink</a>
<a href="">Improvements to Flink operations: Snapshots Ownership and Savepoint Formats</a>
<a href="">Announcing the Release of Apache Flink 1.15</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink Kubernetes Operator 0.1.0 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">The Generic Asynchronous Base Sink</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.14.4 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Scala Free in One Fifteen</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.13.6 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Stateful Functions 3.2.0 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Pravega Flink Connector 101</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.14.3 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink ML 2.0.0 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">How We Improved Scheduler Performance for Large-scale Jobs - Part One</a>
<a href="">How We Improved Scheduler Performance for Large-scale Jobs - Part Two</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink StateFun Log4j emergency release</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink Log4j emergency releases</a>
<a href="">Advise on Apache Log4j Zero Day (CVE-2021-44228)</a>
<a href="">Flink Backward - The Apache Flink Retrospective</a>
<a href="">Sort-Based Blocking Shuffle Implementation in Flink - Part One</a>
<a href="">Sort-Based Blocking Shuffle Implementation in Flink - Part Two</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.13.3 Released</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.14.0 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Implementing a Custom Source Connector for Table API and SQL - Part One </a>
<a href="">Implementing a custom source connector for Table API and SQL - Part Two </a>
<a href="">Stateful Functions 3.1.0 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Help us stabilize Apache Flink 1.14.0 RC0</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.11.4 Released</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.12.5 Released</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.13.2 Released</a>
<a href="">How to identify the source of backpressure?</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.13.1 Released</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.12.4 Released</a>
<a href="">Scaling Flink automatically with Reactive Mode</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.13.0 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.12.3 Released</a>
<a href="">Stateful Functions 3.0.0: Remote Functions Front and Center</a>
<a href="">A Rundown of Batch Execution Mode in the DataStream API</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.12.2 Released</a>
<a href="">How to natively deploy Flink on Kubernetes with High-Availability (HA)</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.10.3 Released</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.12.1 Released</a>
<a href="">Using RocksDB State Backend in Apache Flink: When and How</a>
<a href="">Exploring fine-grained recovery of bounded data sets on Flink</a>
<a href="">What&#39;s New in the Pulsar Flink Connector 2.7.0</a>
<a href="">Stateful Functions 2.2.2 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.11.3 Released</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.12.0 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Improvements in task scheduling for batch workloads in Apache Flink 1.12</a>
<a href="">Stateful Functions 2.2.1 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">From Aligned to Unaligned Checkpoints - Part 1: Checkpoints, Alignment, and Backpressure</a>
<a href="">Stateful Functions Internals: Behind the scenes of Stateful Serverless</a>
<a href="">Stateful Functions 2.2.0 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.11.2 Released</a>
<a href="">Flink Community Update - August&#39;20</a>
<a href="">Memory Management improvements for Flink’s JobManager in Apache Flink 1.11</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.10.2 Released</a>
<a href="">The State of Flink on Docker</a>
<a href="">Monitoring and Controlling Networks of IoT Devices with Flink Stateful Functions</a>
<a href="">Accelerating your workload with GPU and other external resources</a>
<a href="">PyFlink: The integration of Pandas into PyFlink</a>
<a href="">Advanced Flink Application Patterns Vol.3: Custom Window Processing</a>
<a href="">Flink Community Update - July&#39;20</a>
<a href="">Flink SQL Demo: Building an End-to-End Streaming Application</a>
<a href="">Sharing is caring - Catalogs in Flink SQL</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.11.1 Released</a>
<a href="">Application Deployment in Flink: Current State and the new Application Mode</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.11.0 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Flink on Zeppelin Notebooks for Interactive Data Analysis - Part 2</a>
<a href="">Flink on Zeppelin Notebooks for Interactive Data Analysis - Part 1</a>
<a href="">Flink Community Update - June&#39;20</a>
<a href="">Stateful Functions 2.1.0 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.10.1 Released</a>
<a href="">Flink Community Update - May&#39;20</a>
<a href="">Applying to Google Season of Docs 2020</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.9.3 Released</a>
<a href="">Memory Management Improvements with Apache Flink 1.10</a>
<a href="">Flink Serialization Tuning Vol. 1: Choosing your Serializer — if you can</a>
<a href="">PyFlink: Introducing Python Support for UDFs in Flink&#39;s Table API</a>
<a href="">Stateful Functions 2.0 - An Event-driven Database on Apache Flink</a>
<a href="">Flink Community Update - April&#39;20</a>
<a href="">Flink as Unified Engine for Modern Data Warehousing: Production-Ready Hive Integration</a>
<a href="">Advanced Flink Application Patterns Vol.2: Dynamic Updates of Application Logic</a>
<a href="">Apache Beam: How Beam Runs on Top of Flink</a>
<a href="">No Java Required: Configuring Sources and Sinks in SQL</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.10.0 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">A Guide for Unit Testing in Apache Flink</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.9.2 Released</a>
<a href="">State Unlocked: Interacting with State in Apache Flink</a>
<a href="">Advanced Flink Application Patterns Vol.1: Case Study of a Fraud Detection System</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.8.3 Released</a>
<a href="">How to query Pulsar Streams using Apache Flink</a>
<a href="">Running Apache Flink on Kubernetes with KUDO</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.9.1 Released</a>
<a href="">The State Processor API: How to Read, write and modify the state of Flink applications</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.8.2 Released</a>
<a href="">Flink Community Update - September&#39;19</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.9.0 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Flink Network Stack Vol. 2: Monitoring, Metrics, and that Backpressure Thing</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.8.1 Released</a>
<a href="">A Practical Guide to Broadcast State in Apache Flink</a>
<a href="">A Deep-Dive into Flink&#39;s Network Stack</a>
<a href="">State TTL in Flink 1.8.0: How to Automatically Cleanup Application State in Apache Flink</a>
<a href="">Flux capacitor, huh? Temporal Tables and Joins in Streaming SQL</a>
<a href="">When Flink &amp; Pulsar Come Together</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink&#39;s Application to Season of Docs</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.8.0 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Flink and Prometheus: Cloud-native monitoring of streaming applications</a>
<a href="">What to expect from Flink Forward San Francisco 2019</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.6.4 Released</a>
<a href="">Monitoring Apache Flink Applications 101</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.7.2 Released</a>
<a href="">Batch as a Special Case of Streaming and Alibaba&#39;s contribution of Blink</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.5.6 Released</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.6.3 Released</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.7.1 Released</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.7.0 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.5.5 Released</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.6.2 Released</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.5.4 Released</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.6.1 Released</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.5.3 Released</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.6.0 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.5.2 Released</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.5.1 Released</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.5.0 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.3.3 Released</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.4.2 Released</a>
<a href="">An Overview of End-to-End Exactly-Once Processing in Apache Flink (with Apache Kafka, too!)</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.4.1 Released</a>
<a href="">Managing Large State in Apache Flink: An Intro to Incremental Checkpointing</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink in 2017: Year in Review</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.4.0 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Looking Ahead to Apache Flink 1.4.0 and 1.5.0</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.3.2 Released</a>
<a href="">A Deep Dive into Rescalable State in Apache Flink</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.3.1 Released</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.3.0 Release Announcement</a>
<a href="">Introducing Docker Images for Apache Flink</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.2.1 Released</a>
<a href="">Continuous Queries on Dynamic Tables</a>
<a href="">From Streams to Tables and Back Again: An Update on Flink&#39;s Table &amp; SQL API</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.1.5 Released</a>
<a href="">Announcing Apache Flink 1.2.0</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.1.4 Released</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink in 2016: Year in Review</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.1.3 Released</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 1.1.2 Released</a>
<a href="">Flink Forward 2016: Announcing Schedule, Keynotes, and Panel Discussion</a>
<a href="">Announcing Apache Flink 1.1.0</a>
<a href="">Flink 1.1.1 Released</a>
<a href="">Stream Processing for Everyone with SQL and Apache Flink</a>
<a href="">Flink 1.0.3 Released</a>
<a href="">Flink 1.0.2 Released</a>
<a href="">Flink Forward 2016 Call for Submissions Is Now Open</a>
<a href="">Introducing Complex Event Processing (CEP) with Apache Flink</a>
<a href="">Flink 1.0.1 Released</a>
<a href="">Announcing Apache Flink 1.0.0</a>
<a href="">Flink 0.10.2 Released</a>
<a href="">Flink 2015: A year in review, and a lookout to 2016</a>
<a href="">Storm Compatibility in Apache Flink: How to run existing Storm topologies on Flink</a>
<a href="">Introducing Stream Windows in Apache Flink</a>
<a href="">Flink 0.10.1 released</a>
<a href="">Announcing Apache Flink 0.10.0</a>
<a href="">Off-heap Memory in Apache Flink and the curious JIT compiler</a>
<a href="">Announcing Flink Forward 2015</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 0.9.1 available</a>
<a href="">Introducing Gelly: Graph Processing with Apache Flink</a>
<a href="">Announcing Apache Flink 0.9.0</a>
<a href="">April 2015 in the Flink community</a>
<a href="">Juggling with Bits and Bytes</a>
<a href="">Announcing Flink 0.9.0-milestone1 preview release</a>
<a href="">March 2015 in the Flink community</a>
<a href="">Peeking into Apache Flink&#39;s Engine Room</a>
<a href="">February 2015 in the Flink community</a>
<a href="">Introducing Flink Streaming</a>
<a href="">January 2015 in the Flink community</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 0.8.0 available</a>
<a href="">December 2014 in the Flink community</a>
<a href="">Hadoop Compatibility in Flink</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 0.7.0 available</a>
<a href="">Upcoming Events</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 0.6.1 available</a>
<a href="">Apache Flink 0.6 available</a>
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