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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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- id: hero.title
translation: Apache Flink
- id: hero.subtitle
translation: 数据流上的有状态计算
- id: hero.blurb
translation: Apache Flink 是一个框架和分布式处理引擎,用于在无边界和有边界数据流上进行有状态的计算。Flink 能在所有常见集群环境中运行,并能以内存速度和任意规模进行计算。
- id: learn-more
translation: 了解更多
- id: flink-capabilities
translation: Flink Capabilities
- id: correctness-guarentees
translation: 正确性保证
- id: correctness-guarentees.exactly-once
translation: Exactly-once 状态一致性
- id: correctness-guarentees.event-time
translation: 事件时间处理
- id: correctness-guarentees.late-data-handling
translation: 成熟的迟到数据处理
- id: layered-apis
translation: 分层 API
- id: layered-apis.sql
translation: SQL on Stream & Batch Data
- id:
translation: DataStream API & DataSet API
- id: layered-apis.process-function
translation: ProcessFunction (Time & State)
- id: operational-focus
translation: 聚焦运维
- id: operational-focus.flexible-deployment
translation: 灵活部署
- id: operational-focus.high-availability
translation: 高可用
- id: operational-focus.savepoints
translation: 保存点
- id: scalability
translation: 大规模计算
- id: scalability.scale-out
translation: 水平扩展架构
- id: scalability.large-state
translation: 支持超大状态
- id: scalability.incremental-checkpoints
translation: 增量检查点机制
- id: performance
translation: 性能卓越
- id: performance.low-latency
translation: 低延迟
- id: performance.high-throughput
translation: 高吞吐
- id:
translation: 内存计算
- id: use-cases
translation: 所有流式场景
- id: use-cases.event-driven
translation: 事件驱动应用
- id: use-cases.event-driven.description
translation: 事件驱动型应用是一类具有状态的应用,它从一个或多个事件流提取数据,并根据到来的事件触发计算、状态更新或其他外部动作。
- id:
translation: 流批分析
- id:
translation: Analytical jobs extract information and insight from raw data. Apache Flink supports traditional batch queries on bounded data sets and real-time, continuous queries from unbounded, live data streams.
- id: use-cases.pipelines-etl
translation: 数据管道 & ETL
- id: use-cases.pipelines-etl.description
translation: 提取-转换-加载(ETL)是一种在存储系统之间进行数据转换和迁移的常用方法。
- id: use-cases.learn-more
translation: 了解Flink的应用场景
- id: blog-posts
translation: 最新博客列表
- id: footer.disclaimer
translation: The contents of this website are © 2024 Apache Software Foundation under the terms of the Apache License v2. Apache Flink, Flink, and the Flink logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation in the United States and other countries.
- id: footer.flink-packages
- id: footer.apache
translation: Apache Software Foundation
- id: footer.license
translation: License
- id:
translation: Security
- id: footer.donate
translation: Donate
- id: footer.thanks
translation: Thanks
- id: footer.translation
translation: English
- id:
translation: /
- id:
translation: Flink blog
- id: footer.github
translation: Github
- id: footer.twitter
translation: Twitter
- id: blogs.recent
translation: 最新博客列表
- id:
translation: Read more blog posts