blob: 1a133c53482555de60f8d0da0b034fee3aa5c24b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package org.apache.flink.statefun.examples.ridesharing;
option java_package = "org.apache.flink.statefun.examples.ridesharing.generated";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option go_package = "main";
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// External messages
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// the messages that corresponds to the FROM_PASSENGER_INGRESS
message InboundPassengerMessage {
// A message sent by the physical driver to the ridesharing statefun job, indicating that the user
// would like to be picked up from start_geo_cell and dropped off at end_geo_cell
message RequestRide {
int32 start_geo_cell = 2;
int32 end_geo_cell = 3;
string passenger_id = 1;
oneof message {
RequestRide request_ride = 2;
// the messages that corresponds to the TO_PASSENGER_EGRESS
message OutboundPassengerMessage {
// A message that is sent to the passenger, when there is a driver that
// is ready to pick them up.
message DriverHasBeenFound {
string driver_id = 2;
int32 driver_geo_cell = 3;
// A message that is sent to the passenger when the system couldn't find in reasonable time
// a driver to pickup the passenger.
message RideFailed {
string ride_id = 2;
// A notification that is sent to the passenger indicating that the ride has started.
message RideStarted {
string driver_id = 2;
// A notification that is sent to the passenger indicating that the ride has end.
message RideEnded {
string passenger_id = 1;
oneof message {
DriverHasBeenFound driver_found = 2;
RideFailed ride_failed = 3;
RideStarted ride_started = 4;
RideEnded ride_ended = 5;
// the messages that corresponds to the FROM_DRIVER_INGRESS
message InboundDriverMessage {
// A message the driver sends once they pickup the passenger
message RideStarted {
// A message the driver sends when they drop off the passenger.
message RideEnded {
string ride_id = 2;
// A periodic location update message
message LocationUpdate {
int32 current_geo_cell = 2;
string driver_id = 1;
oneof message {
RideStarted ride_started = 2;
RideEnded ride_ended = 3;
LocationUpdate location_update = 4;
// the messages that corresponds to the TO_DRIVER_EGRESS
message OutboundDriverMessage {
// A message that is sent to the physical driver to indicate that
// a pickup is needed.
// a pickup is needed.
message PickupPassenger {
string ride_id = 2;
int32 start_geo_location = 3;
int32 end_geo_location = 4;
string driver_id = 1;
oneof message {
PickupPassenger pickup_passenger = 2;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Internal messages
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
message DriverJoinsRide {
string driver_id = 1;
string passenger_id = 2;
int32 driver_location = 3;
message PassengerJoinsRide {
string passenger_id = 1;
int32 start_geo_cell = 2;
int32 end_geo_cell = 3;
message RideStarted {
string driver_id = 1;
int32 driver_geo_cell = 2;
message RideFailed {
string ride_id = 1;
message RideEnded {
message JoinCell {
message LeaveCell {
message GetDriver {
message DriverInCell {
string driver_id = 1;
message PickupPassenger {
string driver_id = 1;
string passenger_id = 2;
int32 passenger_start_cell = 3;
int32 passenger_end_cell = 4;
message DriverRejectsPickup {
string driver_id = 1;
string ride_id = 2;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Internal States
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
message GeoCellState {
repeated string driver_id = 1;