tree: 92a948531fffd6a7a5200c6c02d297b6b4fb2396 [path history] [tgz]
  1. statefun-ridesharing-example-functions/
  2. statefun-ridesharing-example-simulator/
  3. statefun-ridesharing-protocol/
  4. docker-compose.yml
  5. Dockerfile.functions
  6. pom.xml

The Ridesharing Example

The Ridesharing example is a more complicated Stateful Functions example consisting of 4 different functions, each corresponding to a real-world entity in a ridesharing scenario: FnDriver, FnGeoCell, FnPassenger, and FnRide.

The whole example also includes a simulator program, which simulates real-world drivers and passengers sending events to the Stateful Functions application. Driver simulations will be sending their location updates to the application, while passenger simulations will be sending ride requests.

Running the example

To run the example:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

This starts both the simulator program and Stateful Functions ridesharing example application.

After all the components have fully started, you can take a look at the web UI of the Flink Jobmanager to see the application running, at localhost:8081.

Then, you need to issue a request to the simulator program to start the simulation:

curl -X POST localhost:5656/api/start