blob: 269b413bce7379a2ab8fb59ff5947c5f3115241f [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import TypeVar, Generic, List, Dict, Any, Optional, Tuple, Union
from import Vector
import jsonpickle
T = TypeVar('T')
V = TypeVar('V')
class WithParams(Generic[T], ABC):
Interface for classes that take parameters. It provides APIs to set and get parameters.
def set(self, param: 'Param[V]', value: V) -> 'WithParams[T]':
Sets the value of the parameter.
:param param: The parameter.
:param value: The parameter value.
:return: The WithParams instance itself.
if not self._is_compatible_type(param, value):
raise TypeError(
f"Parameter {}'s type {param.type} is incompatible with the type of "
if not param.validator.validate(value):
if value is None:
raise ValueError(f'Parameter {}\'s value should not be None.')
raise ValueError(f'Parameter {} is given an invalid value {value}.')
self.get_param_map()[param] = value
return self
def get_param(self, name: str) -> Optional['Param[V]']:
Gets the parameter by its name.
:param name: The parameter name.
:return: The parameter.
for item in self.get_param_map():
if == name:
return item
return None
def get(self, param: 'Param[V]') -> V:
Gets the value of the parameter.
:param param: The parameter.
:return: The parameter value.
value = self.get_param_map().get(param)
if value is None and not param.validator.validate(None):
raise ValueError(f'Parameter {}\'s value should not be None')
return value
def get_param_map(self) -> Dict['Param[Any]', Any]:
Returns a map which maps parameter definition to parameter value.
def _is_compatible_type(param: 'Param[V]', value: V) -> bool:
if value is not None and param.type != type(value):
if type(value).__name__ == 'DenseVector' or type(value).__name__ == 'SparseVector':
return issubclass(type(value), param.type)
return False
if isinstance(value, list):
for item in value:
if param.type_name != f'list[{type(item).__name__}]':
return False
return True
return True
class ParamValidator(Generic[T], ABC):
An interface to validate that a parameter value is valid.
def validate(self, value: T) -> bool:
Validates whether the parameter value is valid.
:param value: The parameter value.
:return: A boolean indicating whether the parameter value is valid.
class ParamValidators(object):
Factory methods for common validation functions on numerical values.
def always_true() -> ParamValidator[T]:
class AlwaysTrue(ParamValidator[T]):
Always return true.
def validate(self, value: T) -> bool:
return True
return AlwaysTrue()
def gt(lower_bound: float) -> ParamValidator[T]:
class GT(ParamValidator[T]):
Checks if the parameter value is greater than lower_bound.
def validate(self, value: T) -> bool:
return value is not None and value > lower_bound # type: ignore
return GT()
def gt_eq(lower_bound: float) -> ParamValidator[T]:
class GtEq(ParamValidator[T]):
Checks if the parameter value is greater than or equal to lower_bound.
def validate(self, value: T) -> bool:
return value is not None and value >= lower_bound # type: ignore
return GtEq()
def lt(upper_bound: float) -> ParamValidator[T]:
class LT(ParamValidator[T]):
Checks if the parameter value is less than upper_bound.
def validate(self, value: T) -> bool:
return value is not None and value < upper_bound # type: ignore
return LT()
def lt_eq(upper_bound: float) -> ParamValidator[T]:
Checks if the parameter value is less than or equal to upper_bound.
class LtEq(ParamValidator[T]):
def validate(self, value: T) -> bool:
return value is not None and value <= upper_bound # type: ignore
return LtEq()
def in_range(lower_bound: float, upper_bound: float, lower_inclusive: bool = True,
upper_inclusive: bool = True) -> ParamValidator[T]:
Checks if the parameter value is in the range from lower_bound to upper_bound.
class InRange(ParamValidator[T]):
def validate(self, value: T) -> bool:
return (value is not None
and lower_bound <= value <= upper_bound # type: ignore
and (lower_inclusive or value != lower_bound)
and (upper_inclusive or value != upper_bound))
return InRange()
def in_array(allowed: Union[Tuple[T], List[T]]) -> ParamValidator[T]:
Checks if the parameter value is in the array of allowed values.
class InArray(ParamValidator[T]):
def validate(self, value: T) -> bool:
return value is not None and value in allowed
return InArray()
def not_null() -> ParamValidator[T]:
Checks if the parameter value is not None.
class NotNull(ParamValidator[T]):
def validate(self, value: T) -> bool:
return value is not None
return NotNull()
def non_empty_array() -> ParamValidator[Tuple[T]]:
Checks if the parameter value is not empty array.
class NonEmptyArray(ParamValidator[Tuple[T]]):
def validate(self, value: Tuple[T]) -> bool:
return value is not None and len(value) > 0
return NonEmptyArray()
def is_sub_set(allowed: Union[Tuple[T], List[T]]) -> ParamValidator[List[T]]:
Checks if every element in the array-typed parameter value is in the array of allowed
class IsSubSet(ParamValidator[List[T]]):
def validate(self, value: List[T]) -> bool:
if value is None:
return False
for t in value:
if t not in allowed:
return False
return True
return IsSubSet()
class Param(Generic[T]):
Definition of a parameter, including name, description, default value and the validator.
def __init__(self, name: str, type_type: type, type_name: str, description: str,
default_value: T, validator: ParamValidator[T]): = name
self.type = type_type
self.type_name = type_name
self.description = description
self.default_value = default_value
self.validator = validator
if default_value is not None and not validator.validate(default_value):
raise ValueError(f"Parameter {name} is given an invalid value {default_value}")
def json_encode(self, value: T) -> str:
Encodes the given object into a json-formatted string.
:param value: An object of class type T.
:return: A json-formatted string.
return str(jsonpickle.encode(value, keys=True))
def json_decode(self, json: str) -> T:
Decodes the given string into an object of class type T.
:param json: A json-formatted string.
:return: An object of class type T.
return jsonpickle.decode(json, keys=True)
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, Param) and ==
def __hash__(self):
return hash(
def __str__(self):
class BooleanParam(Param[bool]):
Class for the boolean parameter.
def __init__(self, name: str, description: str, default_value: Optional[bool],
validator: ParamValidator[bool] = ParamValidators.always_true()):
super(BooleanParam, self).__init__(name, bool, "bool", description, default_value,
class IntParam(Param[int]):
Class for the int parameter.
def __init__(self, name: str, description: str, default_value: Optional[int],
validator: ParamValidator[int] = ParamValidators.always_true()):
super(IntParam, self).__init__(name, int, "int", description, default_value, validator)
class FloatParam(Param[float]):
Class for the float parameter.
def __init__(self, name: str, description: str, default_value: Optional[float],
validator: ParamValidator[float] = ParamValidators.always_true()):
super(FloatParam, self).__init__(name, float, "float", description, default_value,
class StringParam(Param[str]):
Class for the string parameter.
def __init__(self, name: str, description: str, default_value: Optional[str],
validator: ParamValidator[str] = ParamValidators.always_true()):
super(StringParam, self).__init__(name, str, "str", description, default_value, validator)
class IntArrayParam(Param[Tuple[int, ...]]):
Class for the int array parameter.
def __init__(self, name: str, description: str, default_value: Optional[Tuple[int, ...]],
validator: ParamValidator[Tuple[int, ...]] = ParamValidators.always_true()):
super(IntArrayParam, self).__init__(name, tuple, "Tuple[int]", description, default_value,
class FloatArrayParam(Param[Tuple[float, ...]]):
Class for the float array parameter.
def __init__(self, name: str, description: str, default_value: Optional[Tuple[float, ...]],
validator: ParamValidator[Tuple[float, ...]] = ParamValidators.always_true()):
super(FloatArrayParam, self).__init__(name, tuple, "Tuple[float]", description,
default_value, validator)
class FloatArrayArrayParam(Param[Tuple[Tuple[float, ...]]]):
Class for the array of float array parameter.
def __init__(self, name: str,
description: str,
default_value: Optional[Tuple[Tuple[float, ...]]],
validator: ParamValidator[
Tuple[Tuple[float, ...]]] = ParamValidators.always_true()):
super(FloatArrayArrayParam, self).__init__(name, tuple, "Tuple[Tuple[float]]", description,
default_value, validator)
class StringArrayParam(Param[Tuple[str, ...]]):
Class for the string array parameter.
def __init__(self, name: str, description: str, default_value: Optional[Tuple[str, ...]],
validator: ParamValidator[Tuple[str, ...]] = ParamValidators.always_true()):
super(StringArrayParam, self).__init__(name, tuple, "Tuple[str]", description,
default_value, validator)
class VectorParam(Param[Vector]):
Class for the vector parameter.
def __init__(self, name: str, description: str, default_value: Optional[Vector],
validator: ParamValidator[Vector] = ParamValidators.always_true()):
super(VectorParam, self).__init__(name, Vector, "str", description, default_value,