tree: 6a99c9adfebddf745da6ede2dd5c89b877c8f02e [path history] [tgz]
  1. beam-example.yaml
  2. Dockerfile
  3. pom.xml

Flink Kubernetes Operator Beam application example


This is an end-to-end example of running Beam application using the Flink Kubernetes Operator.

It is only intended to serve as a showcase of how Beam applications can be executed on the operator and users are expected to extend the implementation and dependencies based on their production needs.

What's in this example?

  1. Word count Beam Java application in the Beam examples package
  2. DockerFile to build custom image for the application
  3. Example YAML for submitting the application using the operator

How does it work?

The word count Beam application is firstly compiled with Flink runner and package into a Flink application. Then, shaded uber jar will be package into the docker image.

In the end, we use the built docker image in our FlinkDeployment yaml file for the deployment with Flink Operator.


The following steps assume that you have the Flink Kubernetes Operator installed and running in your environment. If not, please follow the Flink Kubernetes Operator quickstart to start with.

Step 1: Build Beam example maven project

cd examples/flink-beam-example
mvn clean package

Step 2: The beam-examples-java artifact has many Beam applications. You may also use different the beam application to run by changing the mainClass of the pom file.

Step 3: Build docker image

# Uncomment when building for local minikube env:
# eval $(minikube docker-env)

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . -t flink-beam-example:latest

This step will create an image based on an official Flink base image including Beam application jar.

Step 4: Create FlinkDeployment Yaml and Submit

Edit the included beam-example.yaml so that the main class and the job.args section points to application that you wish to execute, then submit it.

kubectl apply -f beam-example.yaml